Do you think it's fair to say there is an internal battle brewing within the Far Right? There is the neo-Nazi,Fascist wing which actually reveres Hitler and detests Jews, people like Fuentes and his ilk...
But then there are the Evangelicals/Fundamentalist Christians who don't really like Jews but adopt a rabid pro-Israel stance based on biblical prophecy. The Holy Land, Revelations, the onset of Jesus's kingdom on Earth. They basically need the Jews, and more specifically the Zionists to be the placeholder and help usher in the End of Time.
Listen closely to what they actually say and read between the lines. I get the sense they tolerate Jews (at least those who are right wing), but ultimately that not believing in Jesus thingy will be a barrier too large to overcome when the Jews outlive their usefulness... Heck the church I was raised in didn't even consider Catholics as fellow Christians, so you can imagine how they viewed Jews on an individual level. But boy did they love them some Israel...