Trump 2024!

I can see it going that way, but somehow I’m getting this gut feeling that Haley is going to take this. Except for the very hardcore Trump-only folks, all of the other “Trumpsters” just roll with Trump to piss in the soup of elitists. Bring on the viable candidate who can best Trump and will cream Biden and we have a winner. They’ll move over to Haley.

Nobody really wants Trump. They just want his excellent middle finger to the progressive crap unloaded on the world.

The Flying V always gets it right. His time is not now. But four years in the VP slot? Maybe an independent run in Ohio for congress?

Then it will be all systems go.
Totally disqualified himself with that nonsense. He's playing to the nuts, and we have too many of them. At least too many that haven't yet realized that they're nuts.
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I can see it going that way, but somehow I’m getting this gut feeling that Haley is going to take this. Except for the very hardcore Trump-only folks, all of the other “Trumpsters” just roll with Trump to piss in the soup of elitists. Bring on the viable candidate who can best Trump and will cream Biden and we have a winner. They’ll move over to Haley.

Nobody really wants Trump. They just want his excellent middle finger to the progressive crap unloaded on the world.
I don't disagree at all with your point about why people vote for Trump, although I think they're also pleased with his policies - especially about the border.

However, I think you overestimate the support for Haley. Who knows - it could be a horse race, but I just don't see it at this point. I personally like Haley, but she's got the dreaded Neo-Con label that's hard to shake.
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Dbm. Do you agree with what The Flying V says in the video below in regards to bird brain being a Trojan Horse for the deep state?

I find it to be a little far fetched, but who knows.
I really like him, but his foreign policy would lead to world chaos. It's chaotic enough now with Biden in charge. It could get worse if someone like V gets in there and starts to withdraw from the world.

You notice Trump isn't talking like that. His supporters are, but he's not.
I really like him, but his foreign policy would lead to world chaos. It's chaotic enough now with Biden in charge. It could get worse if someone like V gets in there and starts to withdraw from the world.

You notice Trump isn't talking like that. His supporters are, but he's not.
He’s essentially Ron Paul but meaner and more brash. You’d have a hard time drawing any significant policy distinctions between the two.

Foreign Policy is always where Libertarians lose would be jaded Republican converts.
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Yeah, totally believable he doesn't brush his teeth....

This is why you dupes get taken in all the time. Living on tik toc makes you stupid.
Not nearly as stupid as watching Fox News. Or 2,000 Mules.
And the only people who believe it are dupes like you and UncleMark.
And the only people who believe it are dupes like you and UncleMark.
Bless your ignorant heart. Once again, someone who actually knows and worked for him. But Danc to the rescue , he KNOWS better. Spoiler alert: a lot of people know it. A lot of people who work for him know it. Hard to hear these things about your hero, I know. But maybe just keep scrolling when it comes to things you don’t know about instead of constantly making yourself look like a naive apologist.
Dbm. Do you agree with what The Flying V says in the video below in regards to bird brain being a Trojan Horse for the deep state?

I find it to be a little far fetched, but who knows.
You’re using Trump’s ridiculously stupid nickname for Haley. You can’t think for yourself? Also, deserves a ban because you’re violating recently stated rules. I don’t care if you are or not.
I love the differences.

Obama was great at this stuff. Polished. Sounded serious, but understood the bigger picture of appearing to gloat. One of the best at "professional presentation".

Trump's like a Mike Leach / Bob Knight press conference. The riffing and "nonstandard" talking head presentation cracks me up.

The resumption of the weekly/daily press conferences w Trump and whichever smokeshow he gets to battle the shitlib reporters, after 4 years of the nonsense we've had lately, will be great.
So you understand Mike Leach and Bob Knight were coaches, not the President of the US? It’s just a little embarrassing that people like you think it’s funny to elect a corrupt, lowlife idiot because you like listening to him be a fifth grade bully and make the US a laughing stock for four years. You don’t care about our country , you just want to stick it to “shitlibs.” And that’s embarrassing in itself.
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Agreed. Trump is real and he doesn't try to hide behind a fake facade. What you see is what you get, and it's why he's so popular. Meanwhile. 'Scranton Joe' and Obama care SO much for the common man that they build mansions to stay away from the unwashed masses.

Of course he's a narcissist and publicity hound. That describes 90% of DC politicians. But, again, he's not really a politician, so he doesn't know how to hide it and doesn't care.

I'm just disappointed I didn't get any Trump 'Mug Shot' digital trading cards for Christmas. He’s popular because people are stupid and immoral.
Wait. Trump is real??? The guy that told thousands of lies in office is real?
Didn't hear that. I doubt anyone is choosing between him and Haley. If anything, he'll make Trump stronger, since he'll likely throw in with Trump now.
His 2% will make a HUGE difference.

The Flying V always gets it right. His time is not now. But four years in the VP slot? Maybe an independent run in Ohio for congress?

Then it will be all systems go.
Haha. Sure thing. A smarmy used car salesman who likely believes little of what he’s saying. Christie had him pegged.
So you understand Mike Leach and Bob Knight were coaches, not the President of the US? It’s just a little embarrassing that people like you think it’s funny to elect a corrupt, lowlife idiot because you like listening to him be a fifth grade bully and make the US a laughing stock for four years. You don’t care about our country , you just want to stick it to “shitlibs.” And that’s embarrassing in itself.
Winston Churchill was very similar. Also likely the best PM the Brits have ever had. But keep voting based on personality.
The only person that says that is Trump and his loyal Trumpsters. She has no record at all of being a warmonger. That’s dumb.
Unless she was going to declare a war on North Carolina, reading prepared statements at the UN, doesn’t offer a whole lot in the way of opportunity to be a warmonger.

It is well known that Trump grew tired of McMaster, Haley, Bolton and Mattis continually wanting to poke the Middle East with a stick and that’s why he replaced them. Plus her rhetoric this campaign especially wrt to the Ukraine boondoggle has been abysmal, childlike foreign policy analysis.

Hey Aloha? Did you know that 10/7 is Putin’s birthday?

Live look at Nikki Haley trying to piece together every conflict in the world as some coordinated grand attack on America.

Unless she was going to declare a war on North Carolina, reading prepared statements at the UN, doesn’t offer a whole lot in the way of opportunity to be a warmonger.

It is well known that Trump grew tired of McMaster, Haley, Bolton and Mattis continually wanting to poke the Middle East with a stick and that’s why he replaced them. Plus her rhetoric this campaign especially wrt to the Ukraine boondoggle has been abysmal, childlike foreign policy analysis.

Hey Aloha? Did you know that 10/7 is Putin’s birthday?

Live look at Nikki Haley trying to piece together every conflict in the world as some coordinated grand attack on America.

I’m pretty sure Haley, Mattis, and Bolton resigned for various reasons. Trump didn’t “get rid of them.” I’ll be generous on their reasons. I’m not sure about McMaster. He seemed in over his head, anyway.
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Unless she was going to declare a war on North Carolina, reading prepared statements at the UN, doesn’t offer a whole lot in the way of opportunity to be a warmonger.

It is well known that Trump grew tired of McMaster, Haley, Bolton and Mattis continually wanting to poke the Middle East with a stick and that’s why he replaced them. Plus her rhetoric this campaign especially wrt to the Ukraine boondoggle has been abysmal, childlike foreign policy analysis.

Hey Aloha? Did you know that 10/7 is Putin’s birthday?

Live look at Nikki Haley trying to piece together every conflict in the world as some coordinated grand attack on America.

No. You’ve bought into what Trump and his closest sycophants said was said. She’s not a warmonger and never has been. Supporting Ukraine in their conflict with the invading Russians is the right thing to do.
I’m pretty sure Haley, Mattis, and Bolton resigned for various reasons. Trump didn’t “get rid of them.” I’ll be generous on their reasons. I’m not sure about McMaster. He seemed in over his head, anyway.
McMaster over his head? Where do these notions come from?
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Not nearly as stupid as watching Fox News. Or 2,000 Mules.
Keep going - at this rate you and the other dupes on this board will be the only ones who don't believe 2,000 mules - a movie, by the way, you've never been able to refute.
Bless your ignorant heart. Once again, someone who actually knows and worked for him. But Danc to the rescue , he KNOWS better. Spoiler alert: a lot of people know it. A lot of people who work for him know it. Hard to hear these things about your hero, I know. But maybe just keep scrolling when it comes to things you don’t know about instead of constantly making yourself look like a naive apologist.
Oh, is that why people are fawning all over him - including the Clintons - to get close to take their picture with him? Because he has such BO?

You'd believe anything - even that Biden got 81 million votes.
Nikki thinks that classic Beach Boys song is sung “Bomb, bomb, bomb…. bomb, bomb Iran”.

No one’s had the heart to tell her those aren’t the lyrics.
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They should be.

I don't know about you, but I don't particularly care for doing nothing when Iran-backed shitheads are bombing the hell out of our troops.
An act of war on another nation state. Wonderful!

This time one with twice the population size and four times the area as Iraq.

Should be fun!
An act of war on another nation state. Wonderful!

This time one with twice the population size and four times the area as Iraq.

Should be fun!
Yes, when they attack us, that's an act of war on us - a nation state.

By the way, Iraq fought Iran to a standstill. Let's not act like they're some sort of super power.
Saddam had them on the ropes. That's why we were secretly supporting him.
He had the upper hand, but it was basically a draw. I don't think it was a big secret we supported him versus Iran.

He was just considered another strong man we could count on to keep the crazies at bay until he got too big for his britches and fvcked with our oil supply in Kuwait.
John McCain called. He wants his joke back.

(You would have been in middle school, I think.)
McCain, Haley, birds of a feather baby!

Maybe we can expect some milquetoast economic policy and total ceding of the culture to progressives from Haley as well.
Oh, is that why people are fawning all over him - including the Clintons - to get close to take their picture with him? Because he has such BO?

You'd believe anything - even that Biden got 81 million votes.
Dude, you just make yourself look stupid when you allude to voter fraud as the reason Biden won.
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