Trump 2024!

And there it is. This people are disgusting POS. 2024 is a must win or the country is gone.

That Rich Baris guy is a real clown. Why do you keep linking his nonsensical tweets? I know you didn't bother to read the opinion piece, but you'd be a lot more credible (you don't have any now) if you posted that and what you think about it rather than a Trumpster Twitter Twit's feeble tweet about it.
That Rich Baris guy is a real clown. Why do you keep linking his nonsensical tweets? I know you didn't bother to read the opinion piece, but you'd be a lot more credible (you don't have any now) if you posted that and what you think about it rather than a Trumpster Twitter Twit's feeble tweet about it.
I read the opinion piece. The people retweeting it didn’t. It says nothing about assassinating Trump. It does ask what a new Trump presidency would look like with an impotent justice system, the rally cries of his followers, and him being emboldened to correct the fictitious injustices bestowed upon him.

I feel bad about where we are as a society when these echo chambers can legally exist and end up creating militant ideologues (on both sides of the aisle) where people are willingly duped and everyone seems to be OK with it.
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I read the opinion piece. The people retweeting it didn’t. It says nothing about assassinating Trump. It does ask what a new Trump presidency would look like with an impotent justice system, the rally cries of his followers, and him being emboldened to correct the fictitious injustices bestowed upon him.

I feel bad about where we are as a society when these echo chambers can legally exist and end up creating militant ideologues (on both sides of the aisle) where people are willingly duped and everyone seems to be OK with it.
Yes. Here it is:

Heard today that 72 percent of those that favor Trump right now will stick with him even if he's convicted of the felonies he's charged with. How do we deal with such stupid slavish devotion?
I gotta say. Not in a million years did I envision Trump polling this well. Biden really is a disaster.

A Trump 2024 victory would cap off one of the most interesting political journey's in American political history. I'm not rooting for it, but I sure 'aint rooting against it.

A comeuppance for those that have wielded the power of government against him is due. And I can't say it wouldn't be delicious to watch Trump dole out justice.
At least Youngkin was smart enough not to run and appears to be taking shots at DeSanctus.

Quarter Zip just poached the Wizards and Capitals from DC.

Nice! More of these sports teams need to start relocating out of these failing cities. I'm pumped for the bears to go to Arlington Heights.
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I love how you use "sabotage" as a synonym for "prevent him from trying to do something monumentally stupid."
Congress wouldn't have time to cover all those bases. But if they're going to try, the next thing on the list should be preventing a unilateral invocation of the Insurrection Act. Follow that with preventing him from forming a government with unconfirmed "acting" officials.
And so it begins. They know they can't beat him so they moved to phase 2...sabotage his 2nd administration.

Trumpsters on this board claim that Trump has never threatened to leave NATO and that he wouldn't do it. Of course, he has. I've heard it directly from an active-duty flag officer who attended a meeting with the JCS when Trump said he planned to do it but would wait until after the election. It's stupid, but stupid is what Trump does. Of course, we need some protection from the possible stupid moves Trump would make in a second administration.

Trumpsters, you still have time to wise up, dump Trump, vote Haley, and win the general election.

She is looking really strong in New Hampshire.

The problem is she has no shot in Iowa.

It would require DeSantis and Christie to drop out pre-South Carolina to give her a punchers chance at SC and the nomination.

Ironically enough. South Carolinians don’t hold her in all that high of a regard. You don’t hear much about her record as SC Gov. because there isn’t much of one.
Ironically enough. South Carolinians don’t hold her in all that high of a regard. You don’t hear much about her record as SC Gov. because there isn’t much of one.

She took down the flag. She won't be forgiven for that, even if no one says it out loud.
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You poor white devil! It's a sorry mixed-up world when Trumpsters think a Louis Farrakhan endorsement of Trump is a good thing. Think about why he might endorse Trump. Sorry, I know that asking you to think is a dumb thing to ask.

I'm giving this Trumpster Twitter Twit a huge benefit of the doubt that Farrakhan actually endorsed Trump, by the way. Doesn't really matter if he's wrong if the Trumpster minions think it's true. ;)

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