Trump 2024!

Farrakhan was praising Trump for not taking Jewish money. David Duke did the same. This must be getting confusing for some of you guys.

From 2017:

Trump “is the only member who has stood in front of the Jewish community and said 'I don’t want your money,'” Farrakhan said in a sermon he delivered this week. “Any time a man can say to those who control the politics of America, ‘I don’t want your money,’ that means you can’t control me. And they can’t afford to give up control of the presidents of the United States.”

Adam Kinzinger tweeted about his "odor" and it's taken off from there.
It’s just another of those things that it seems everyone has known but no one dared mention it. The Apprentice guy has been talking about it for years.
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Trump smells was trending on Twitter the other day.
Still is ..

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Yep. Trump looks like an unfit clown pretending to be President compared to Obama who I didn't vote for either time he ran. I bet you didn't vote for McCain or Romney and spent all 8 years of Obama's Presidency complaining about Obama.
Nope. I f***'ed up twice and admit it. Merry Christmas.

I love the differences.

Obama was great at this stuff. Polished. Sounded serious, but understood the bigger picture of appearing to gloat. One of the best at "professional presentation".

Trump's like a Mike Leach / Bob Knight press conference. The riffing and "nonstandard" talking head presentation cracks me up.

The resumption of the weekly/daily press conferences w Trump and whichever smokeshow he gets to battle the shitlib reporters, after 4 years of the nonsense we've had lately, will be great.
I love the differences.

Obama was great at this stuff. Polished. Sounded serious, but understood the bigger picture of appearing to gloat. One of the best at "professional presentation".

Trump's like a Mike Leach / Bob Knight press conference. The riffing and "nonstandard" talking head presentation cracks me up.

The resumption of the weekly/daily press conferences w Trump and whichever smokeshow he gets to battle the shitlib reporters, after 4 years of the nonsense we've had lately, will be great.
Agreed. Trump is real and he doesn't try to hide behind a fake facade. What you see is what you get, and it's why he's so popular. Meanwhile. 'Scranton Joe' and Obama care SO much for the common man that they build mansions to stay away from the unwashed masses.

Of course he's a narcissist and publicity hound. That describes 90% of DC politicians. But, again, he's not really a politician, so he doesn't know how to hide it and doesn't care.

I'm just disappointed I didn't get any Trump 'Mug Shot' digital trading cards for Christmas.
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As much as I despise all the BUTTRUMP posts, I'm starting to think that if he tones down his divisive rhetoric, even to just Desantis levels, he will be the nominee in 2024. The tax evasion/fraudulent valuations (case(s)) in NY appear to be toast. DA clearly has zero appetite for filing them. Obstruction as set forth in the equivocal Mueller report is about to be time barred, leaving only GA election shit left standing.

Trump's obviously awful. Only the most loyal adherents can forget his meltdown during the summer of love and the early stages of Covid, which are nothing compared to perpetuating The Big Lie. In the same vein only the most loyal adherents would support Biden and/or Harris at this point. As bad as Biden is, and as old as he is, he's still preferable to Harris who is simply an unmitigated disaster.

So, for the first time, and recognizing the difficulty and obstacles inherent to running as a third party candidate, is it possible that we could have a viable third party/independent candidate in 2024? Unlike any time in history (I think), we have individuals that have the wealth to fund it themselves (Ross Perot obviously, but even he didn't have the money of some folks today (even adjusted). I believe he and Wallace have done the best as a third). My understanding is that there are no campaign loan caps, only reporting requirements. I know Marv and other posters I think a lot of, Sope I believe, value gov experience. I don't. I like the idea of an outsider. Might 2024 be the year? One would think seeing Trump vs. Harris/Warren/Pete/AOC would inspire one with the means to think that this might be a rare station in time to pull a Trump 2.0 but as a true third party candidate. Thoughts? And as much as I'd love to see a libertarian win, Jo doesn't have the juice or the "It" factor to ever do much. Plus Clemson Taters are arguably as insufferable as OSU fans. That alone is disqualifying.

*advance apologies for the screwed up parentheticals. Too many drinks today. The parentheticals read like a bad David Foster Wallace paragraph
Trump 2024!

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Haley has momentum. She's now shooting for second in Iowa and for first in New Hampshire. Every challenger other than Haley now has little to no chance and need to trot off the field so we can dump Trump for Haley. They can continue campaigning against Trump (especially Christie, who's unafraid) and on Haley's behalf. Ramaswamy can just slither off the field and go fvck himself (yes, I've grown to seriously dislike that guy).

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Haley has momentum. She's now shooting for second in Iowa and for first in New Hampshire. Every challenger other than Haley now has little to no chance and need to trot off the field so we can dump Trump for Haley. They can continue campaigning against Trump (especially Christie, who's unafraid) and on Haley's behalf. Ramaswamy can just slither off the field and go fvck himself (yes, I've grown to seriously dislike that guy).

swamy's out. he stopped advertising. it's basically just haley now.
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Didn't hear that. I doubt anyone is choosing between him and Haley. If anything, he'll make Trump stronger, since he'll likely throw in with Trump now.
i guess the fed trials will be a pretty big factor going forward. he might be toast in georgia but i don't think it'll matter to his election and even if he's convicted how the hell do they throw him in jail in atlanta. i mean come on. the guy is 80 with zero priors. that city has endless violent crims in the system. there aren't 80 year olds on 60 days in unless they murdered someone
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i guess the fed trials will be a pretty big factor going forward. he might be toast in georgia but i don't think it'll matter to his election and even if he's convicted how the hell do they throw him in jail in atlanta. i mean come on. the guy is 80 with zero priors. that city has endless violent crims in the system. there aren't 80 year olds on 60 days in unless they murdered someone
He'd be out pending appeal. I doubt he ever actually spends time in jail even if convicted of all 91 felonies. Some fines, house arrest maybe, probation for the rest of his life, community service would be fun to watch . . .
Haley has momentum. She's now shooting for second in Iowa and for first in New Hampshire. Every challenger other than Haley now has little to no chance and need to trot off the field so we can dump Trump for Haley. They can continue campaigning against Trump (especially Christie, who's unafraid) and on Haley's behalf. Ramaswamy can just slither off the field and go fvck himself (yes, I've grown to seriously dislike that guy).

The Flying V always gets it right. His time is not now. But four years in the VP slot? Maybe an independent run in Ohio for congress?

Then it will be all systems go.
Didn't hear that. I doubt anyone is choosing between him and Haley. If anything, he'll make Trump stronger, since he'll likely throw in with Trump now.
I can see it going that way, but somehow I’m getting this gut feeling that Haley is going to take this. Except for the very hardcore Trump-only folks, all of the other “Trumpsters” just roll with Trump to piss in the soup of elitists. Bring on the viable candidate who can best Trump and will cream Biden and we have a winner. They’ll move over to Haley.

Nobody really wants Trump. They just want his excellent middle finger to the progressive crap unloaded on the world.

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