Trump 2024!

Yeah but it's a bad look for the self-described tough guy who repeatedly accused Biden in 2020 of hiding in his basement.

He's scared to do a debate (Christie would rip him to shreds and he knows it) or a real interview. He'll only do softball stuff with worshipers like Tucker Carlson.

Trump is a cowardly bully. Taking softball questions from a crowd of Trumpsters (sycophants like you) isn’t brave. Your hero is a loser and he will lose in the general if the diehard Trumpsters stick with him against all the far more qualified candidates in the primary. I know you’re going down with the ship with him, but hopefully other Trumpsters are a lot smarter, logical, and practical.
Trump is a cowardly bully. Taking softball questions from a crowd of Trumpsters (sycophants like you) isn’t brave. Your hero is a loser and he will lose in the general if the diehard Trumpsters stick with him against all the far more qualified candidates in the primary. I know you’re going down with the ship with him, but hopefully other Trumpsters are a lot smarter, logical, and practical.
We're all sticking together. Trump is the nominee. Have fun voting for Biden.

We're all sticking together. Trump is the nominee. Have fun voting for Biden.

shocking that they trust their lord and savior King Trump.

donald trump GIF
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We're all sticking together. Trump is the nominee. Have fun voting for Biden.

You post these thinking it’s some kind of own. Really it’s just a self own. Do you understand how ignorant and cult like this looks to most of us? They trust Trump more than they trust their own family? That is so so sick. Trump worship. Trump cult. Ignorance is bliss. Pathetic.
You embarrass yourself. I’ve never seen a man worship another man like you do.
I wonder if part of trump’s support is a product of disdain for Biden and current Dems. The mask up, vaccinate, everything is racist, tranny support backlash by a significant portion of voters who just want the anti candidate who the Dems hate most. That if Dems hadn’t been this way, and just been moderates, trump wouldn’t still have so much support. It’s hard to understand how he can poll so well - assuming they are relatively accurate. He has to just be a spite vote for many
I wonder if part of trump’s support is a product of disdain for Biden and current Dems. The mask up, vaccinate, everything is racist, tranny support backlash by a significant portion of voters who just want the anti candidate who the Dems hate most. That if Dems hadn’t been this way, and just been moderates, trump wouldn’t still have so much support. It’s hard to understand how he can poll so well - assuming they are relatively accurate. He has to just be a spite vote for many
I think there’s a lot to that, but a spite nomination of Trump just leads to another four years with a Democrat as President. They need to drop the emotional attachment and use logic to get behind a Republican that can win. Most of us agree on the major issues, but some are getting too wrapped up in upsetting liberals.
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We're all sticking together. Trump is the nominee. Have fun voting for Biden.

I echo the sentiment that this reeks of cult behavior, but what should be overly concerning is just how far people you're hitching your wagon to/agree with have gone. People are trusting Trump over their families and religious leaders?

Unless you're an atheist, this really should give you pause. There is something fundamentally wrong with anyone who calls themselves 'Christian' while genuflecting at the MAGA alter. There are even some Evangelicals who are claiming Jesus' message is too weak or liberal. Literally quoting Jesus from the Bible in a service is now triggering some of the MAGA crowd.

Talk about false idols. Talk about idiots. Nothing about Trump is holy, saintly or even Christian. Maybe Trump will quote something from 'Two Corinthians' to own that lib Jesus and you and your heretic MAGA friends can spike that football too.
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I wonder if part of trump’s support is a product of disdain for Biden and current Dems. The mask up, vaccinate, everything is racist, tranny support backlash by a significant portion of voters who just want the anti candidate who the Dems hate most. That if Dems hadn’t been this way, and just been moderates, trump wouldn’t still have so much support. It’s hard to understand how he can poll so well - assuming they are relatively accurate. He has to just be a spite vote for many
The RINOS have much more to do with it than Biden or the Dems. As I've said many times Democrat politicians do what their voters want them to do. Republicans politicians almost never do. Hence the rise of Trump.
The RINOS have much more to do with it than Biden or the Dems. As I've said many times Democrat politicians do what their voters want them to do. Republicans politicians almost never do. Hence the rise of Trump.
Would you rather have a rino or a Dem?
Perhaps, but I don't blame him. He has absolutely nothing to gain from standing on that stage when he's got 60-70% support as it is.
Trump can still put his foot up his own butt when he talks to Tucker Carlson. He did that a couple times regarding his reasons for keeping the documents, during his recent interview with Sean Hannity.
I wonder if part of trump’s support is a product of disdain for Biden and current Dems. The mask up, vaccinate, everything is racist, tranny support backlash by a significant portion of voters who just want the anti candidate who the Dems hate most. That if Dems hadn’t been this way, and just been moderates, trump wouldn’t still have so much support. It’s hard to understand how he can poll so well - assuming they are relatively accurate. He has to just be a spite vote for many

Wasn't Trump for masks and vaccines?
Oh and re: the part about voting for Biden.

Trump is going to get his ass kicked again in the general election - if he makes it that far.
I'm an independent. I'd vote for Christie over Biden, and I'd give two or three of the other Pubs a close look if they got the nomination. If it's Trump/Biden? Biden absolutely gets my vote. There's no way in hell I'd vote for an anti-democratic, un-American felon for president of my country.
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I'm an independent. I'd vote for Christie over Biden, and I'd give two or three of the other Pubs a close look if they got the nomination. If it's Trump/Biden? Biden absolutely gets my vote. There's no way in hell I'd vote for an anti-democratic, un-American felon for president of my country.
I think there are a fair number of people like you. Coupled with motivating Democrats to get out and vote against Trump, I honestly don’t see how he wins the general.

Personally, I wasn’t excited about voting for Biden, but if it’s between him and Trump I will absolutely vote for him again.
I'll vote republican regardless since there are no viable 3rd party candidates ever. But I'd rather not see a Trump vs Biden again. Tired of guys running for office that should have put their retirement papers in.

I say it's time to break the gender barrier and give me Kristi Noem.😍

I do like DeSantis though.
I guess we can officially cross her off the VP list. Tulsi, Kari, and Vance remain.

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I wonder if part of trump’s support is a product of disdain for Biden and current Dems. The mask up, vaccinate, everything is racist, tranny support backlash by a significant portion of voters who just want the anti candidate who the Dems hate most. That if Dems hadn’t been this way, and just been moderates, trump wouldn’t still have so much support. It’s hard to understand how he can poll so well - assuming they are relatively accurate. He has to just be a spite vote for many
It's mostly just laughing at those who think Mittens could drive a boat. Even he has decided that retirement is better that his chances. He's now sippin butter milk with his 12 wives. (proves again what an idiot he is).

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