Trump 2024!

But, but Independents! And this is the same poll that had Biden +10 right before the 2020 election.

the instant Dems go back to backing the working class, the working class will go back to supporting Dems, and Dems will hold both the house and senate again most terms, as they once did. (which would be the case now and the last 7 yrs if the DNC and their corporate media propagandists hadn't screwed over Bernie in favor of Hilary and Joe, thus screwed over the working class for the investment class, as they have since Bill Clinton).

the reason Dems don't win elections big now, even against criminal pathological liars who try to overthrow the govt, is because they aren't trying to.

the goal of the DNC and it's corporate media isn't to have the Dems win elections.

it's to make sure the DNC heads their tickets with economic conservatives just like the GOP does, so the billionaires and corps always win regardless of which party does, and the working class and consumers always lose regardless of which party wins.

if money is allowed to buy govt, or political parties, 100% chance it will.

100% CHANCE.

it's not personal. just business.
the instant Dems go back to backing the working class, the working class will go back to supporting Dems, and Dems will hold both the house and senate again most terms, as they once did. (which would be the case now and the last 7 yrs if the DNC and their corporate media propagandists hadn't screwed over Bernie in favor of Hilary and Joe, thus screwed over the working class for the investment class, as they have since Bill Clinton).

the reason Dems don't win elections big now, even against criminal pathological liars who try to overthrow the govt, is because they aren't trying to.

the goal of the DNC and it's corporate media isn't to have the Dems win elections.

it's to make sure the DNC heads their tickets with economic conservatives just like the GOP does, so the billionaires and corps always win regardless of which party does, and the working class and consumers always lose regardless of which party wins.

if money is allowed to buy govt, or political parties, 100% chance it will.

100% CHANCE.

it's not personal. just business.
Larger font size. Bolding.

Well Done Good Job GIF by Apple TV+
As much as I despise all the BUTTRUMP posts, I'm starting to think that if he tones down his divisive rhetoric, even to just Desantis levels, he will be the nominee in 2024. The tax evasion/fraudulent valuations (case(s)) in NY appear to be toast. DA clearly has zero appetite for filing them. Obstruction as set forth in the equivocal Mueller report is about to be time barred, leaving only GA election shit left standing.

Trump's obviously awful. Only the most loyal adherents can forget his meltdown during the summer of love and the early stages of Covid, which are nothing compared to perpetuating The Big Lie. In the same vein only the most loyal adherents would support Biden and/or Harris at this point. As bad as Biden is, and as old as he is, he's still preferable to Harris who is simply an unmitigated disaster.

So, for the first time, and recognizing the difficulty and obstacles inherent to running as a third party candidate, is it possible that we could have a viable third party/independent candidate in 2024? Unlike any time in history (I think), we have individuals that have the wealth to fund it themselves (Ross Perot obviously, but even he didn't have the money of some folks today (even adjusted). I believe he and Wallace have done the best as a third). My understanding is that there are no campaign loan caps, only reporting requirements. I know Marv and other posters I think a lot of, Sope I believe, value gov experience. I don't. I like the idea of an outsider. Might 2024 be the year? One would think seeing Trump vs. Harris/Warren/Pete/AOC would inspire one with the means to think that this might be a rare station in time to pull a Trump 2.0 but as a true third party candidate. Thoughts? And as much as I'd love to see a libertarian win, Jo doesn't have the juice or the "It" factor to ever do much. Plus Clemson Taters are arguably as insufferable as OSU fans. That alone is disqualifying.

*advance apologies for the screwed up parentheticals. Too many drinks today. The parentheticals read like a bad David Foster Wallace paragraph
He is indicted for 91 different crimes. He has convicted himself in Georgia of crimes that require a jail sentence. He is going to prison.
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My wish is that, prior to Friday, DJT flees to a country which has no extradition treaty with the USA.
That or negotiate an exchange, DJT for US citizens held in Russia.
I don't think Trump wants guys like Christie asking him, on stage, "What exactly did you mean when you posted, 'If you come for me, then I'm coming for you.' "
Yeah. It's a different ballgame than in 2015/2016. Trump's got quite the history/record/rap sheet to defend now. Christie would absolutely destroy Trump on the debate stage. No wonder Trump's afraid to show up.
the instant Dems go back to backing the working class, the working class will go back to supporting Dems, and Dems will hold both the house and senate again most terms, as they once did. (which would be the case now and the last 7 yrs if the DNC and their corporate media propagandists hadn't screwed over Bernie in favor of Hilary and Joe, thus screwed over the working class for the investment class, as they have since Bill Clinton).

the reason Dems don't win elections big now, even against criminal pathological liars who try to overthrow the govt, is because they aren't trying to.

the goal of the DNC and it's corporate media isn't to have the Dems win elections.

it's to make sure the DNC heads their tickets with economic conservatives just like the GOP does, so the billionaires and corps always win regardless of which party does, and the working class and consumers always lose regardless of which party wins.

if money is allowed to buy govt, or political parties, 100% chance it will.

100% CHANCE.

it's not personal. just business.
the instant Dems go back to backing the working class, the working class will go back to supporting Dems, and Dems will hold both the house and senate again most terms, as they once did. (which would be the case now and the last 7 yrs if the DNC and their corporate media propagandists hadn't screwed over Bernie in favor of Hilary and Joe, thus screwed over the working class for the investment class, as they have since Bill Clinton).

the reason Dems don't win elections big now, even against criminal pathological liars who try to overthrow the govt, is because they aren't trying to.

the goal of the DNC and it's corporate media isn't to have the Dems win elections.

it's to make sure the DNC heads their tickets with economic conservatives just like the GOP does, so the billionaires and corps always win regardless of which party does, and the working class and consumers always lose regardless of which party wins.

if money is allowed to buy govt, or political parties, 100% chance it will.

100% CHANCE.

it's not personal. just business.
I was bummed the DNC railroaded Bernie off the ballot. Would have loved to have seen him vs Trump in 2016. Bring on the non-traditionalist, non-nepotistic underdogs.

Actually give the RNC credit by letting the 2016 primary just play out. Daughter's classmate's dad was a former head of the Dallas GOP. Just crushed them that Trump was winning the candidacy, and there was nothing they could reallydo about it. Kid's mom blew a gasket and went never-Trumper. :D
I wonder if the two of them will get around to discussing Tucker's texts discovered during the Dominion lawsuit.

"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights," he wrote in a text sent on 4 January 2021. "I truly can't wait."

"I hate him passionately," he added.

"That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump."

Trump’s team wants to cancel the primary so that Trump can use Republican donor’s money to pay his legal bills.

This has nothing to do with defeating Biden. It has nothing to do with uniting the party.
Trump being Fiscally conservative, yet AGAIN ! WIN WIN WIN.
How can you find fault in this? On the big stage now, we need France to pay for our medical coverage. I mean they are only a country, because WE allowed that. (France is but one example).
Trump being Fiscally conservative, yet AGAIN ! WIN WIN WIN.
How can you find fault in this? On the big stage now, we need France to pay for our medical coverage. I mean they are only a country, because WE allowed that. (France is but one example).

The GOP voter base is moving toward being more blue collar. Having career DC insiders begging them to help a billionaire politician pay his attorneys (who are multimillionaires) seems just a little tone deaf.

The GOP voter base is moving toward being more blue collar. Having career DC insiders begging them to help a billionaire politician pay his attorneys (who are multimillionaires) seems just a little tone deaf.
I don't know how anyone supports this anymore. You can think the guy isn't getting a fair shake and also believe that he isn't the person that any of us who actually want to see some changes implemented should want as the standard bearer in 2024.

He shouldn't be the candidate. Running him again is a self own.

This is where I am. Politics is about winning elections, Trump isn't.
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This is where I am. Politics is about winning elections, Trump isn't.
Take heed, Pubs. The article Crazy linked is from a conservative outlet. Trump can't win.

Hypothetical head-to-head polling at this juncture doesn't mean much if anything, but favorability ratings are highly predictive of outcomes. Trump is badly underwater, and with significantly lower favorability ratings than Biden, among important swing voters including independents, suburban voters and undecided voters.

"People dislike Biden, the economy, and the current state of the country, and Trump is still losing with a nearly negligible pool of persuadable voters who also like Biden more than Trump."

"What is there left for Trump to do that could turn the race around? Any of the other GOP candidates, including the F-tier ones that will never break single digits in the primary, could beat Biden in a debate. The juxtaposition of any of the younger candidates next to Biden, who will be 81 and looks and speaks worse than his age, would probably be enough on its own to win the election.

"But Trump has no such advantages. He is 77, already a mediocre debater at best, and evidently aware of that fact given how afraid he is to take part in the GOP primary debates. On top of that, Trump already had the opportunity to expose Biden’s age and cognitive decline in debates three years ago. He failed, then lost the election.

"Trump’s 2024 campaign is nothing more than a kamikaze run at the Republican Party, destroying its chances of winning back the White House, winning and holding Congress, and allowing a new generation of leadership to fight the Democratic Party’s agenda. He has offered no plan to win a general election, and he never will because such a plan does not exist in reality."

Watch the debate Wednesday night and start considering an alternative to loser Trump.
You're celebrating Trump's cowardice? Bizarro.

"The public knows who I am and what a successful presidency I had." He's one for two there. We definitely know who he is. With respect to the "successful presidency" claim, he was so successful that he managed to pull off the very rare feat of losing an election as an incumbent president.
Perhaps, but I don't blame him. He has absolutely nothing to gain from standing on that stage when he's got 60-70% support as it is.
It’s a pretty simple calculation for anyone, if you aren’t blinded by hate! It’s simple looking at the numbers.
If you’re the cardinals, 4 games up with one to play before the big dance…… you set on the nest, in a hot tub, with scotch and palm leaf fans being waved upon you by females who seem to have some piece of Holstein DNA in their lineage. Simple math.
Perhaps, but I don't blame him. He has absolutely nothing to gain from standing on that stage when he's got 60-70% support as it is.
Yeah but it's a bad look for the self-described tough guy who repeatedly accused Biden in 2020 of hiding in his basement.

He's scared to do a debate (Christie would rip him to shreds and he knows it) or a real interview. He'll only do softball stuff with worshipers like Tucker Carlson.