Some are suggesting the timing is convenient given Elon Musk vowed to make Twitter a free-speech haven after his $44 billion takeover.
Under the loving auspices of the Homeland Security Dept. Headed by one of the foremost proponents of the 'Biden laptop is Russian disinformation' gang. What could go wrong?
Also don't like the looks of the international "Declaration for the Future of the Internet", also touted by the demented old fool.
conservatives have financially devastated the working class,
moved our manufacturing base offshore, killing millions of good jobs, tax bases, and making us totally owned by China.
put people in jail and prison for pot, who have never hurt anyone or themselves, and thus driven the people to alcohol and other 10,000 times more dangerous drugs.
kept us paying beyond absurd sums for needed drugs.
killed medicare for all, making healthcare twice as expensive, and keeping 10s of millions uninsured,
kept higher education overly expensive, with huge downsides to the citizenry, business, and healthcare.
killed off anti trust, thus allowing destructive consolidation/monopolization which kills jobs, wages, and is the primary reason for current inflation.
hurt corporate expansion and advancement by allowing the use of trillions in fed money to be used for stock buy backs instead of mandating it be put into, thus growing, the businesses.
killed off all meaningful gun regulation.
lied us into 20 plus yrs of unnecessary war costing us trillions a yr that could have gone to far more useful things.
are now trying to dismantle our democracy.
turned our media into nothing but propaganda machines.
killed all privacy by allowing corps to spy on us non stop.
made whistle blowing against govt wrongdoing a crime with beyond absurd punishment for doing what's right and needed.
given us the unpatriotic Patriot Act,
and you're worried about some stupid board?
idiocracy at work.
but then that's the goal of the corporate media and the sock puppets on social media, isn't it.
keep everyone fixated on the unimportant, and away from concentrating on what IS important.