The Debt Ceiling

what does someone's openness or prudishness regarding sex have to do with the reality that bringing down the US's grossly inflated drug prices should be a number one priority of govt, not the insanity of keeping them grossly overly inflated by law.
I’m sure she has a vested interest in Viagra and vaginal creams being cheaper
For the moment. So? What's your point?

All we hear about is that social security benefits will have to be cut in 2033 by 25% or so.
What's my point? That your claim that Medicare and SS are causing the deficit is false.

Pretty easy to figure out.
I listed two things. You dismissed out of hand. The Department of Education can go. I’m for unwinding almost everything federally and returning those “responsibilities” to the states. Hard line to accomplish over a 25 year time period.

Or we can kick the can
It's easier to whine about it that to make the hard choices.
Well, she's not as accomplished politically as Boebert, but seems more accomplished on the scale of inappropriateness*:

*Yes, this was just an excuse to post a salacious Onlyfans story.

Come on, Brad.

This isn't the same thing at all, and I'll tell you why.

I mean, you have to pay to see this chicks stuff, while Boebs was out in the open for all to see.

For this to be the same, we need a video... I nominate one of you high priced lawyers as tribute 😄
Every Democrat joined the 5 Republicans to stop the process

Probably because there was little in the way of compromise. If McCarthy wants dem votes, he will likely need to make concessions. As is, it was probably a one-sided Conservative wish list (which is what the majority usually does if they don't need votes from the other side to get it passed) so of course it is going to only be the majority party voting for it..
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Probably because there was little in the way of compromise. If McCarthy wants dem votes, he will likely need to make concessions. As is, it was probably a one-sided Conservative wish list (which is what the majority usually does if they don't need votes from the other side to get it passed) so of course it is going to only be the majority party voting for it..
It was a vote to proceed. Not a vote on passage. They could then vote on amendments.
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We should privatize social security

Should we completely though? Or do we need a true hybrid public/private approach?

I can’t wrap my head around how we wouldn’t, in an entirely privatized SS world, not end up creating SS all over again (albeit at a smaller scale) for all those who blow their wad before retirement. And “personal responsibility and accountability” works for individuals but not for the masses. It’s why we have social safety nets. Like SS.

So, I’ll bite. How do we avoid the above problem in a privatized SS model?
Should we completely though? Or do we need a true hybrid public/private approach?

I can’t wrap my head around how we wouldn’t, in an entirely privatized SS world, not end up creating SS all over again (albeit at a smaller scale) for all those who blow their wad before retirement. And “personal responsibility and accountability” works for individuals but not for the masses. It’s why we have social safety nets. Like SS.

So, I’ll bite. How do we avoid the above problem in a privatized SS model?
We don’t avoid that problem. We’ve artificially propped up so many things. Was SS ever meant to be what it has become? What was the age you could “collect” when it was first implemented? What was the life expectancy then? What are those numbers now?
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Saying you’re sorry is a sign of weakness. The apology was because I thought he had used the hickory acct
So, that’s why hickory is still around.

Makes Sense Never Have I Ever GIF by NETFLIX
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We don’t avoid that problem. We’ve artificially propped up so many things. Was SS ever meant to be what it has become? What was the age you could “collect” when it was first implemented? What was the life expectancy then? What are those numbers now?
I actually think SS (the pure retirement functionality) is exactly what it was intended to be.

Is it time for means testing? Raising retirement ages? Both have their own problems.

A hybrid approach would just be funding….American companies? Maybe mixed in with US treasuries at ratios not dissimilar from a traditional 401k plan? I’m not saying this couldn’t work. I’m just saying that failing to maintain a social safety net like SS will just lead to us creating universal basic income for old people and pretending like that isn’t the same thing.
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I actually think SS (the pure retirement functionality) is exactly what it was intended to be.

Is it time for means testing? Raising retirement ages? Both have their own problems.

A hybrid approach would just be funding….American companies? Maybe mixed in with US treasuries at ratios not dissimilar from a traditional 401k plan? I’m not saying this couldn’t work. I’m just saying that failing to maintain a social safety net like SS will just lead to us creating universal basic income for old people and pretending like that isn’t the same thing.
I’m completely on board with a safety net for the physically and mentally disabled. I think we’ve had this discussion before and you will disagree but who qualifies has to be narrowed substantially. I think a lot of what occurs is a mindset. If I thought I would have to provide financially for my parents once they were no longer capable of working….I would live differently than I do now.

At this point…I’m not even sure I care. A certain subset of the population is taking care of people they’ve never met. And the percentages are going the wrong way.
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We don’t avoid that problem. We’ve artificially propped up so many things. Was SS ever meant to be what it has become? What was the age you could “collect” when it was first implemented? What was the life expectancy then? What are those numbers now?
Liberals get an inch. Then you feel comfortable with an inch and you become entitled to an inch. Take it away, NAHHHH.
Then then push for one more, you start to see the gain.... then they ant two inches.. then 6". 18" isn't enough.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I just yesterday, walked past the Holocaust tribute in Boston, brings me to tears EVERY TIME. There were 300+ people on a tour just walking THROUGH IT, paying ZERO attention to the serial #'s etched on the glasses that raised 40' above them, left, right, front and back, for the next 75 feet all etched in 1/4" font. MILLIONS of people reduced to a #. Everyone one of those #'s being a person. They gave no shit... It was a tour...

I cried again.
But pay no attention that todays democrats need to continue to build this type of general acceptance. One 1/4" # at a time. etched in glass.
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I actually think SS (the pure retirement functionality) is exactly what it was intended to be.

Is it time for means testing? Raising retirement ages? Both have their own problems.

A hybrid approach would just be funding….American companies? Maybe mixed in with US treasuries at ratios not dissimilar from a traditional 401k plan? I’m not saying this couldn’t work. I’m just saying that failing to maintain a social safety net like SS will just lead to us creating universal basic income for old people and pretending like that isn’t the same thing.
Something has to give. The debt levels aren’t sustainable. They’ll continue to kick the can until they can’t. If they make it to the 2050s, I think you will start to see cuts to SS as the baby boomers die off and demographics shift. It would be a lot easier to make cuts when a smaller percentage of the population is old folks.
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Something has to give. The debt levels aren’t sustainable. They’ll continue to kick the can until they can’t. If they make it to the 2050s, I think you will start to see cuts to SS as the baby boomers die off and demographics shift. It would be a lot easier to make cuts when a smaller percentage of the population is old folks.

What it amounts to is we can't afford to be giving tax cuts for the wealthy because there isn't a lot that can be cut from the budget.
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What it amounts to is we can't afford to be giving tax cuts for the wealthy because there isn't a lot that can be cut from the budget.
It wouldn’t make much of a difference. You have to significantly raise taxes on the middle class to make up the difference. I do hope Democrats raise taxes the next time they control all 3 branches of government and not increase spending. It would be the first fiscally responsible congress since the 90s.
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I’m completely on board with a safety net for the physically and mentally disabled. I think we’ve had this discussion before and you will disagree but who qualifies has to be narrowed substantially. I think a lot of what occurs is a mindset. If I thought I would have to provide financially for my parents once they were no longer capable of working….I would live differently than I do now.

At this point…I’m not even sure I care. A certain subset of the population is taking care of people they’ve never met. And the percentages are going the wrong way.
Something has to give. The debt levels aren’t sustainable. They’ll continue to kick the can until they can’t. If they make it to the 2050s, I think you will start to see cuts to SS as the baby boomers die off and demographics shift. It would be a lot easier to make cuts when a smaller percentage of the population is old folks.

Only that bad things happen to good people too. We live in a country where medical debt can wipe you out. What happens to the poor working schmuck whose wife gets cancer and dies slowly over a period of years?

Where’s the line? We could means test but way too many rich people bitch about not getting what they paid in. Just another line.

Maybe a return to multi generational homes? Genie’s probably out of the bottle on that one. I talked the other day about an economic shock causing change in America. This might be it.

Truth be told SS and Medicare are two of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind. I hope we can continue them forever. They’ll have to change of course. But they remain public policies both sides hold in great regard. No easy feat these days.
Should we completely though? Or do we need a true hybrid public/private approach?

I can’t wrap my head around how we wouldn’t, in an entirely privatized SS world, not end up creating SS all over again (albeit at a smaller scale) for all those who blow their wad before retirement. And “personal responsibility and accountability” works for individuals but not for the masses. It’s why we have social safety nets. Like SS.

So, I’ll bite. How do we avoid the above problem in a privatized SS model?
Allow all Americans to have Thrift Savings Plan accounts. People would grow wealth that they can't use until they're at retirement age and they'd be able to pass it on when they die.

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The biggest issue with trying to cut out SS is that it was funded from people's pay checks. Seems like there should be huge refunds if govt tries to say it is no more.

If TSP is a replacement, then people's contributions into SS should be moved over I would think.
I think we need to start cutting in all 12 appropriations bills. Start by going back to 2022 levels on all. The next year you go to 2021 levels…..etc. We have to make a concerted effort. We should privatize social security and I think we are going have to sell federal assets. We didn’t get here overnight and we aren’t getting out overnight…but we need to start doing the work.

Should we completely though? Or do we need a true hybrid public/private approach?

I can’t wrap my head around how we wouldn’t, in an entirely privatized SS world, not end up creating SS all over again (albeit at a smaller scale) for all those who blow their wad before retirement. And “personal responsibility and accountability” works for individuals but not for the masses. It’s why we have social safety nets. Like SS.

So, I’ll bite. How do we avoid the above problem in a privatized SS model?

Spartans always wants whatever most benefits Wall St the most.

those pushing privatizing SS don't give a sht about SS, it's viability, or those masses who will need it, they just want the mega influx of massive amounts of capital into the market, (just as they got from the massive Fed printing that only circulated within the market and never touched the real economy), to significantly artificially drive up the market even more.

that said, privatization is generally a disaster, and generally done to hugely financially benefit the one driving it, at everyone else's expense.

it's not personal. just business.
Spartans always wants whatever most benefits Wall St the most.

those pushing privatizing SS don't give a sht about SS, it's viability, or those masses who will need it, they just want the mega influx of massive amounts of capital into the market, (just as they got from the massive Fed printing that only circulated within the market and never touched the real economy), to significantly artificially drive up the market even more.

that said, privatization is generally a disaster, and generally done to hugely financially benefit the one driving it, at everyone else's expense.

it's not personal. just business.
I think Spartan wants some personal accountability. But there will always be people who won't be accountable or get screwed over by life.

To be sure, throwing more money (trillions) into the markets would probably just overheat them and prices would be inflated. Who knows.

I tend to think we should leave SS alone or, as Aloha noted, use a TSP model of some sort with a Fed backup.
I think Spartan wants some personal accountability. But there will always be people who won't be accountable or get screwed over by life.

To be sure, throwing more money (trillions) into the markets would probably just overheat them and prices would be inflated. Who knows.

I tend to think we should leave SS alone or, as Aloha noted, use a TSP model of some sort with a Fed backup.
The answer to SS solvency is easy:

Big Brain Crypto GIF by OKX

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Spartans always wants whatever most benefits Wall St the most.

those pushing privatizing SS don't give a sht about SS, it's viability, or those masses who will need it, they just want the mega influx of massive amounts of capital into the market, (just as they got from the massive Fed printing that only circulated within the market and never touched the real economy), to significantly artificially drive up the market even more.

that said, privatization is generally a disaster, and generally done to hugely financially benefit the one driving it, at everyone else's expense.

it's not personal. just business.
Murt wanted me to ask. What do you think about Bitcoin?
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