Zakaria: The presidential election isn’t playing out how I thought it would

Confused Joe Biden GIF by Luis Ricardo
I don't think either one of them could. I seriously doubt there will be any traditional debates. If there are any at all they will be in some alternate format where they're given prepared questions and the a set amount of time to parrot back prepared remarks. They can't let these guy wing it in an actual debate. Although if they did it would be Must See Comedy.
I think if we end up with these two geriatrics as our choices, God himself is going to come down here the day before election and kick us all in the c u n t.
Part of me is actually curious to see what a Harris presidency would look like. Maybe she would surprise us all. Would be a great story. I don't think she has any political principles, not a true believer progressive imo. She locked up a lot of pot heads in California, I do like that.

Wouldn't it be cool if she rose to the occasion and ended up being an excellent president? I love a great underdog story.
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Part of me is actually curious to see what a Harris presidency would look like. Maybe she would surprise us all. Would be a great story. I don't think she has any political principles, not a true believer progressive imo. She locked up a lot of pot heads in California, I do like that.

Wouldn't it be cool if she rose to the occasion and ended up being an excellent president? I love a great underdog story.
Pass that bong....!
What in the hell does that mean? Trump needs the biggest turnout possible. It's not difficult. He's the only Republican that can juice turnout like this. The old GeorgeW/McCain/Romney strategy of pinning all your hopes on the black people not showing up is not a winning strategy anymore. They're easily going to harvest 90M votes for Biden. We already know this.
No Trump needs smaller turnout (like in 2016) because the GOP (at least the MAGA wing) is a distinct minority. So the higher the turnout the less likely Trump is to win...

That's the philosophy behind all of the "voter integrity" measures the GOP champions. It's all intended to make it harder to vote,in the hopes that people that they believe are likely Dem voters will not go thru all the hoops to vote. Otherwise,why in the world would a state like GA make it "illegal" to give water to someone standing in line to vote?

Because it effects urban voters in crowded precincts where the lines are long and delays are a given. GA is mainly rural, except in Atlanta and environs. So why would GOP legislators in a rural state have an issue with people standing in line to vote being given a water?

Because the goal is for long lines and delays to be an impediment, and the hope is people will get tired of standing in line and just leave. I mean you can't honestly believe that giving someone a bottle of water is a form of bribery/ or attempt to influence who someone will vote for? You're not that dumb...

If Trump wasn't running,Dem turnout would probably be lower.There certainly wouldn't be as many anti-Trump Republicans or members of the anti-Trump Dem/Independent coalition turning out.After 2016 the people who were apathetic and either stayed home or voted 3rd party learned their lesson, and as a result Biden obliterated Clinton's 2016 numbers. Despite all the bellyacing about the lousy choice, the 2024 turnout numbers will likely be higher than even 2024. Trump inspires MAGA to vote for him and motivates the rest of us to vote against him...
Part of me is actually curious to see what a Harris presidency would look like. Maybe she would surprise us all. Would be a great story. I don't think she has any political principles, not a true believer progressive imo. She locked up a lot of pot heads in California, I do like that.

Wouldn't it be cool if she rose to the occasion and ended up being an excellent president? I love a great underdog story.
Election 2020 Lol GIF by Joe Biden
Part of me is actually curious to see what a Harris presidency would look like. Maybe she would surprise us all. Would be a great story. I don't think she has any political principles, not a true believer progressive imo. She locked up a lot of pot heads in California, I do like that.

Wouldn't it be cool if she rose to the occasion and ended up being an excellent president? I love a great underdog story.
Hunter for VP?
Biden won’t debate. Trump will do rallies and lie during and about them.

The attack ads will flow. Nobody minds will change.

Biden’s only hope is that Republicans (non trumpers) don’t pull the lever for him.

What are the rules to replace Biden at the convention? He’s going downhill and it won’t be better two or three months from now.

Trump will probably win but he might not have the house and senate with him. Veto parade and gridlock. I could hope for bipartisan legislation but I’m done being naive nearing 50.
He once held rallies in NV, OH, NC, and FL all in the same day. I bet Biden couldn't have done that 20 years ago.
Omg that is so awesome. Did they all have good ramps for him? Hopefully they had someone on standby to hold his water for him.

Did he travel using those revolutionary War airports?
Omg that is so awesome
It’s a problem for Biden and Dems. Chalk it to amphetamines or whatever. Candidates that aren’t vigorous lose. 2020 Biden was a mirage because of COVID. This is a real problem Hick. Biden is going to be an extreme net negative to Dems this year.

I don’t like it either. He should step down at the convention if that’s even possible. Set an example. Trump would get slaughtered by any non whacko Dem.
It’s a problem for Biden and Dems. Chalk it to amphetamines or whatever. Candidates that aren’t vigorous lose. 2020 Biden was a mirage because of COVID. This is a real problem Hick. Biden is going to be an extreme net negative to Dems this year.

I don’t like it either. He should step down at the convention if that’s even possible. Set an example. Trump would get slaughtered by any non whacko Dem.
True. Biden should step aside but even at his age, he shouldn't lose to someone like trump who is almost as old.

I think many states have already locked their ballots in but could be wrong.
Biden won’t debate. Trump will do rallies and lie during and about them.

The attack ads will flow. Nobody minds will change.

Biden’s only hope is that Republicans (non trumpers) don’t pull the lever for him.

What are the rules to replace Biden at the convention? He’s going downhill and it won’t be better two or three months from now.

Trump will probably win but he might not have the house and senate with him. Veto parade and gridlock. I could hope for bipartisan legislation but I’m done being naive nearing 50.
Your logic is sound but I still don’t think Trump wins. His biggest obstacle is himself. He’s a cartoonishly bad person and now he feels like he’s been wronged. Wait until people start asking him what he’s going to do if he wins.

Hell, he already said the constitution should be bypassed in the event that an election is fraudulent and I think he genuinely believes 2020 was stolen from him. It’s hard to imagine what kind of crap he’d try if he’s elected.

To be clear, I don’t think he’d succeed in any of it. He’d be a lot like he was last time.

It’s really sad that it’s a toss up as to whether he or Joe would be worse for the country going forward.
VDH grandstanding for Trump is, in and of itself, disqualifying for him. He’s better than that and should direct his ire in both directions lest he be relegated to being nothing more than a more eloquent Olbermann.
don’t mistake disdain for Biden as grandstanding for trump.
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These days in the bloodsport of politics, and considering the parties involved, it just simply is.
I think there’s a group who dislike Biden and progressives and at this point don’t much care who wins. Rfk Jr. Trump. Flip a coin. I don’t care. Just want Biden Harris and progressives gone. Centrist Dem at the convention. Works for me
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I think there’s a group who dislike Biden and progressives and at this point don’t much care who wins. Rfk Jr. Trump. Flip a coin. I don’t care. Just want Biden Harris and progressives gone. Centrist Dem at the convention. Works for me
My response in the goat poll is where I’m at. Dems need to focus on keeping the house and sneaking a couple senate seats.

I’m already tired of this.
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My response in the goat poll is where I’m at. Dems need to focus on keeping the house and sneaking a couple senate seats.

I’m already tired of this.
What would you rather have. Shapiro announced at the Dem convention or xabi alonso announced at United in June
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Encomia. Nadir. Wow. Stick that right up your book club @larsIU @BradStevens
"Add the old disturbing narrative of a naked Vice President Joe Biden exiting his pool in front of female secret service agents, the showering with his pre-teen daughter, the Frank Biden and Hunter naked selfies, and there seems something eerie among the Biden family."

I hadn't heard that one before. Yikes. What a despicable bastard.
"Add the old disturbing narrative of a naked Vice President Joe Biden exiting his pool in front of female secret service agents, the showering with his pre-teen daughter, the Frank Biden and Hunter naked selfies, and there seems something eerie among the Biden family."

I hadn't heard that one before. Yikes. What a despicable bastard.
Well old Jerry Seinfeld showed up to give the duke commencement. Mistake. They’re gettin him real bad now. I guess that shoshanna was only 17 when Jerry started dating her. Some real funny old Howard stern comments about it around that time
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VDH grandstanding for Trump is, in and of itself, disqualifying for him. He’s better than that and should direct his ire in both directions lest he be relegated to being nothing more than a more eloquent Olbermann.
VDH was in the tank for DeSantis during the primary. He doesn't love Trump but he knows Biden and the far left are completely insane.
Your logic is sound but I still don’t think Trump wins. His biggest obstacle is himself. He’s a cartoonishly bad person and now he feels like he’s been wronged. Wait until people start asking him what he’s going to do if he wins.

Hell, he already said the constitution should be bypassed in the event that an election is fraudulent and I think he genuinely believes 2020 was stolen from him. It’s hard to imagine what kind of crap he’d try if he’s elected.

To be clear, I don’t think he’d succeed in any of it. He’d be a lot like he was last time.

It’s really sad that it’s a toss up as to whether he or Joe would be worse for the country going forward.
The next several inflation readings will swing the election in my opinion. If it continues at a 4-5% clip, Biden is in trouble. The more inflation drags on, the more it becomes an issue as people struggle dealing with it. Plus, the narrative of inflation being tamed will be lost.

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