Steve Schmidt explains how the Republican Party became the party of American fascists

When the GOP starts threatening trannies with loss of employment unless they take mandated shots to cure their "disease", I'll consider them fascist.
They’re already threatening genital checks for kids before they play sports.

Jim Jordan will examine your 8 year old daughter.
As someone who has been a member of every main political party (with the exception of the Prohibition Party) I like to think of myself as being an independent thinker :).

Where I differ from Steve Schmidt is I don't throw either party or people under the bus upon leaving them behind. Thus Schmidt earns the honor of being called a hack in my book.
Which points did Steve Schmidt make that you disagree with?
They want asylum. They’re not trying to climb over a wall that doesn’t work. What’s wrong with that?
The problem is all the countries they are passing through to seek asylum here. The US isn't the only place in the world they can go. Not all of them are asylum seekers either.
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Two Trump White House Directors of Communications came out today said Trump sexually harassed them.

Must be another conspiracy theory or false flag.
Ok? Were you somehow under the impression that I’m a fan of Trump?

What’s that got to do with republicans becoming the party of fascists?

You’re as worthless as Hickory. Just useless nonsense.
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As much as I have disagreed with Aloha over the 20-something years I've been here, it's clear that we have those with policy disagreements, and we have others who are completely untethered with reality (Democrats are cannibals, there is a global cabal controlling the global economy, lizard people....(!)

Steve Schmidt was the campaign manager for John McCain. As much as I disagreed policy-wise with McCain, I respected him. The Republican Party has become the party of the mentally ill. They have no policies to offer anyone to improve their lives. They're down to book banning, trans people (whom I'm sure none of them have ever met), humiliating LEGAL immigrants...etc., etc., etc. Steve Schmidt describes why this fascist ideology may destroy our country and make a mockery of the founding fathers.

“make a mockery of the founding fathers”. Is this a serious statement?

How does Gen Z feal about the founding fathers? Why is that?
“make a mockery of the founding fathers”. Is this a serious statement?

How does Gen Z feal about the founding fathers? Why is that?
How do they feel about them?

I don't know how they feel but they should appreciate their sacrifices and ability to compromise to create America. They risked certain death if they failed to build something that could grow through posterity and provide possibilities to more people than any other country on earth.
How do they feel about them?

I don't know how they feel but they should appreciate their sacrifices and ability to compromise to create America. They risked certain death if they failed to build something that could grow through posterity and provide possibilities to more people than any other country on earth.
Recent survey #1 response:

“He was a slave owner”

Most respondents didn’t know anything else.

Smelling their own farts
Which points did Steve Schmidt make that you disagree with?
Schmidt struck one of my pet peeves.

In the course of political dialogue I find labeling the other party as being "facist" or "communistic" to almost always be misleading. In this case, Schmidt is no exception by my definition of fascism. For example, Hitler courted big businesses for his cause and didn't fight with them as Schmidt points out with DeDantis and Disney.

Because these labels are used so loosely the definitions have become so broad as to be meaningless.

Also as my post indicates, I am not a fan of Schmidt's.
Schmidt struck one of my pet peeves.

In the course of political dialogue I find labeling the other party as being "facist" or "communistic" to almost always be misleading. In this case, Schmidt is no exception by my definition of fascism. For example, Hitler courted big businesses for his cause and didn't fight with them as Schmidt points out with DeDantis and Disney.

Because these labels are used so loosely the definitions have become so broad as to be meaningless.

Also as my post indicates, I am not a fan of Schmidt's.
The greatest human tyranny is almost always disguised as moral virtue and the left has that in spades.

The fact the left uses the word fascism to describe the right is ironic and ridiculous. Pick up a history book.
Ok? Were you somehow under the impression that I’m a fan of Trump?

What’s that got to do with republicans becoming the part of fascists?

You’re as worthless as Hickory. Just useless nonsense.
Hey, he's still mourning. So grief-stricken he can barely type.
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What exactly is considered sexual harassment? It seems the definition is whatever the accuser defines it to be. Their timing is impeccable too.

This is what I could find.

Uh oh..... Zeke may have a case here......
The greatest human tyranny is almost always disguised as moral virtue and the left has that in spades.

The fact the left uses the word fascism to describe the right is ironic and ridiculous. Pick up a history book.
You have the old Vid in a shallow grave, don't you?
The greatest human tyranny is almost always disguised as moral virtue and the left has that in spades.

The fact the left uses the word fascism to describe the right is ironic and ridiculous. Pick up a history book.

There was a time when politicians from both parties sought to find common moral principles.

These days they find ways to accuse each other having no virtue.
Recent survey #1 response:

“He was a slave owner”

Most respondents didn’t know anything else.

Smelling their own farts

when assessing character, or agenda, one needn't go any further than that.

one can't both own slaves and have high character, or own slaves and have any respect for freedom, other than one's own personal freedom furthered at the expense of taking others' freedom from them.
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when assessing character, or agenda, one needn't go any further than that.

one can't both own slaves and have high character, or own slaves and have any respect for freedom, other than one's own personal freedom furthered at the expense of taking others' freedom from them.
So have you ALWAYS had Electric Vehicles and ALWAYS fought against burning carbon based fuels?

IF the above is false, then in 150 yrs, all of your precious little self made sculptures of yourself are coming down sista! Any paper that you've ever written will be burned. Corn dolls will be made with the sole purpose of sticking needles in to hurt you, in the past, to make some political points, to anyone stupid enough to listen.
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These days they find ways to accuse each other having no virtue.

which isn't rocket science, as neither side has any virtue.

some members within the parties might, but the parties themselves and many to most who serve them do not.

of course it's not personal, it's just business.

except for the part that's personal too.
when assessing character, or agenda, one needn't go any further than that.

one can't both own slaves and have high character, or own slaves and have any respect for freedom, other than one's own personal freedom furthered at the expense of taking others' freedom from them.
One shouldn't compare the 18th century to the 21st.

One needs to understand the context of the time and understand what needed to be done to insure individual freedom in the future.

What do you think would have happened when the British abolished slavery if America was still under the kings rule?
One shouldn't compare the 18th century to the 21st.

One needs to understand the context of the time and understand what needed to be done to insure individual freedom in the future.

What do you think would have happened when the British abolished slavery if America was still under the kings rule?

right and wrong are the same throughout time.

it isn't that the founding father slave owners didn't know slavery was absolutely wrong and morally totally bankrupt..

they just didn't care.

modern conservatives didn't invent "it's all about me".
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right and wrong are the same throughout time.

it isn't that the founding father slave owners didn't know slavery was wrong and morally corrupt.

they didn't care.
The alternative was no United States. John Adams and other New England delegates were abolitionists. Even Thomas Jefferson wrestled with the decision. Don't think they didn't care. It was a cost vs benefit decision.
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The alternative was no United States. John Adams and other New England delegates were abolitionists. Even Thomas Jefferson wrestled with the decision. Don't think they didn't care. It was a cost vs benefit decision.

a cost to "them" and benefit to "me", decision.

and Jefferson tapped out after about 1 second.

having other qualities doesn't exclude anyone from being a total piece of sht as a human.

monsters throughout time have also possessed some qualities.

"it's all about me" existed long before Reagan and today's conservatives adopted it as their overwhelming guiding philosophy on everything, all the time..
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a cost to them and benefit to me, decision.

and Jefferson tapped out after about 1 second.

having other qualities doesn't exclude anyone from being a total piece of sht as a human.

monsters throughout time have also possessed some qualities.
They were looking forward to future generations. They were fighting for posterity.

Your understanding is clouded by your judgment. There is slavery happening right now but you don't care about that.

I'm sure you have a better solution with 250 years of hindsight. So what would you have done?
when assessing character, or agenda, one needn't go any further than that.

one can't both own slaves and have high character, or own slaves and have any respect for freedom, other than one's own personal freedom furthered at the expense of taking others' freedom from them.
It’s too bad “i’vegotwinners” wasn’t around 300 years ago to set everyone straight with your perfect moral authority on the rules of society.

You definitely would have done everything exactly right as you are the second coming.

There is literally zero chance you could have been part of anything wrong throughout human history actually. You would have shown them whose boss no doubt.

You would have single handedly changed the course of history.
They were looking forward to future generations. They were fighting for posterity.

Your understanding is clouded by your judgment. There is slavery happening right now but you don't care about that.

I'm sure you have a better solution with 250 years of hindsight. So what would you have done?

no, my judgement is guided by my understanding.

and what i would have done is not have slaves in the first place.

and if i inherited them, i would have immediately freed them.

the founding fathers didn't just put up with slavery on the part of others, because they were forced into doing so in pursuit of a greater good.

they were slaveholders themselves.

they pursued "freedom" for thee and thine only, and power for thee and thine only, not "freedom" for all.
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no, my judgement is guided by my understanding.

and what i would have done is not have slaves in the first place.

and if i inherited them, i would have immediately freed them.

the founding fathers didn't just put up with slavery on the part of others, because they were forced into doing so in pursuit of a greater good.

they were slaveholders themselves.

they pursued "freedom" for thee and thine only, and power for thee and thine only, not "freedom" for all.
So you've read the letters written by their own hand?

How would you have gotten rid of slavery? It was the Dutch who brought them here in the mid 1600's. So with a pen you would abolish a 100 year old institution at the time? Only some of them were slaveholders.

Did you know Lincoln wanted to relocate them to Haiti or resettle them in Liberia? He thought they were inferior in intellect.

If you were in charge the revolution would have been lost in Boston or when the British took New York.
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It’s too bad “i’vegotwinners” wasn’t around 300 years ago to set everyone straight with your perfect moral authority on the rules of society.

You definitely would have done everything exactly right as you are the second coming.

There is literally zero chance you could have been part of anything wrong throughout human history actually. You would have shown them whose boss no doubt.

You would have single handedly changed the course of history.

had i the ability to, i absolutely would have tried to change some things.

"single handedly", hardly.

slave owners and the founding fathers were the 1% of their day.

they were not Joe Colonist.
If you were in charge the revolution would have been lost in Boston or when the British took New York.

you have no idea if that's true or not.

or exactly what effect it would have on our lives today, even if independence from England didn't come exactly when it did, as it did.

reality is, Canadians today enjoy more freedom than US citizens.

that said, the intense defense of slavery and slave owners by the board's conservatives is duly noted.

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you have no idea if that's true or not.

or exactly what effect it would have on our lives today, even if independence from England didn't come exactly when it did, as it did.

reality is, Canadians today enjoy more freedom than US citizens.

that said, the intense defense of slavery by the board's conservatives is noted.
Do you know what the circumstances were when the British showed up in New York. Without Virginia there was no chance, without slavery there was no Virginia. This isn't me just making things up, this is what revolutionary war historians have written.

How in the world do Canadians have more freedom?

Im not defending slavery. Where is that even coming from? You appear to have a jr high understanding of America in 1776. Abolishing slavery at that time was not feasible.
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Do you know what the circumstances were when the British showed up in New York. Without Virginia there was no chance, without slavery there was no Virginia. This isn't me just making things up, this is what revolutionary war historians have written.

How in the world do Canadians have more freedom?

Im not defending slavery. Where is that even coming from? You appear to have a jr high understanding of America in 1776. Abolishing slavery at that time was not feasible.
You can't just change history and think everything would be the same. Not defending slavery at all but a lot of people were little more than slaves when they came here as well . I wonder if all of the reparations people grasp the fact they would not exist today if history were changed?
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you have no idea if that's true or not.

or exactly what effect it would have on our lives today, even if independence from England didn't come exactly when it did, as it did.

reality is, Canadians today enjoy more freedom than US citizens.

that said, the intense defense of slavery and slave owners by the board's conservatives is duly noted.

I just want to go on record and say I am a board conservative!
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In the recent Ken Burns documentary on Ben Franklin there is a good recap of the slavery discussion at the Constitutional Convention. Franklin actually favored language condemning slavery be written into the Constitution. He was directly involved with the Philadelphia abolishonist movement. He was finally convinced that there would be no southern support, no Constitution, and no union at all if he did not back down.

He later remarked about what an imperfect compromise it was, what an imperfect document resulted, though he praised the wisdom of the amendment process. In essence, he thought it a way to correct errors unrecognized by the flawed compromisers of the past.
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In the recent Ken Burns documentary on Ben Franklin here is a good recap of the slavery discussion at the Constitutional Convention. Franklin actually favored language condemning slavery be written into the Constitution. He was finally convinced that there would be no southern support, no Constitution, and no union at all if he did not back down. He remarked about what an imperfect compromise it was, what an imperfect document resulted, though he praised the wisdom of the amendment process. In essence, he thought it a way to correct errors unrecognized by the flawed compromisers of the past.

and yet Franklin kept all his slaves to his death.

same for most of the rest of the slave holding founding father 1%.

pay attention not to what they say, but to what they do.
In the recent Ken Burns documentary on Ben Franklin there is a good recap of the slavery discussion at the Constitutional Convention. Franklin actually favored language condemning slavery be written into the Constitution. He was directly involved with the Philadelphia abolishonist movement. He was finally convinced that there would be no southern support, no Constitution, and no union at all if he did not back down.

He later remarked about what an imperfect compromise it was, what an imperfect document resulted, though he praised the wisdom of the amendment process. In essence, he thought it a way to correct errors unrecognized by the flawed compromisers of the past.
ivegotnowinners would have showed ol Ben who was boss and single-handedly altered the coarse of human history
In the recent Ken Burns documentary on Ben Franklin there is a good recap of the slavery discussion at the Constitutional Convention. Franklin actually favored language condemning slavery be written into the Constitution. He was directly involved with the Philadelphia abolishonist movement. He was finally convinced that there would be no southern support, no Constitution, and no union at all if he did not back down.

He later remarked about what an imperfect compromise it was, what an imperfect document resulted, though he praised the wisdom of the amendment process. In essence, he thought it a way to correct errors unrecognized by the flawed compromisers of the past.
Why do you care? You weren’t even born. We have had a black President and Vice President.
and yet he kept all his slaves to his death.
That's not true. While he kept two male slaves as personal assistants even in his travels in Europe, after one escaped, he decided not to pursue him. Then he freed the other. When Franklin returned from London in 1762, he became an abolitionist and began making attacks on American slavery. In 1774, he founded the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. He held no slaves in the last several decades of his life.
Why do you care? You weren’t even born. We have had a black President and Vice President.
It is important to know history.

We don't win the Revolutionary War without Franklin's persistent efforts to get the French directly involved.
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It is important to know history.

We don't win the Revolutionary War without Franklin's persistent efforts to get the French directly involved.
Ivegotnowinners and the modern left think human history started the day they were born. They are flawless and if you scripted utopia to their exact specs, they would have ten new complaints logged on day 2. Get with the program. Comply

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