POTUS says "open the economy back up on Easter"...

It is behind a week or two. Several states, including Indiana, are now at the stage that Washington (where I live) was at 2 weeks ago. And we've been pretty cautious the last two weeks to slow it. Not wishing it on anyone, but unfortunately just give it time. Your population densities yield a slower growth, but the growth is gaining. Indiana case count went from 265>365>477 in the last 60 hours or so.

I think Cuomo is talking that it needs to move through a particular area first to build a group with immunity and testing. Right now that doesn't really exist in the midwest.

I think that is a fair point. But I also believe the COVID-19 virus gained a foothold in places like NYC before mitigation became a way of life. Even Mayor De Blasio was going to a pubic gym after the Trump Administration released the Coronavirus Guidlines.

You could be right. I guess we'll see if the mitigation guidlines have an effect.
I think that is a fair point. But I also believe the COVID-19 virus gained a foothold in places like NYC before mitigation became a way of life. Even Mayor De Blasio was going to a pubic gym after the Trump Administration released the Coronavirus Guidlines.

You could be right. I guess we'll see if the mitigation guidlines have an effect.

There is also a wide range of mitigation methods. On the other, the warm weather theory may actual prove somewhat true, but that would mean it comes back in the fall anyways.
I think that is a fair point. But I also believe the COVID-19 virus gained a foothold in places like NYC before mitigation became a way of life. Even Mayor De Blasio was going to a pubic gym after the Trump Administration released the Coronavirus Guidlines.

You could be right. I guess we'll see if the mitigation guidlines have an effect.

It would be cool if elected officials set better examples.
Ummm . . y'all . . . I don't want to panic anybody, but . . .

. . . Waffle House is closing some - 418, not all - of its stores. It's gotta be bad in those places for that to happen . . .
Not surprising since Waffle Houses are some of the most unclean places I've ever been in. lol

This is a sad fact and one that should foreshadow a lot of closings due to the virus and what I am guessing is revenue and profit driven. Hard to keep the doors open if there is no profit.
Trump says governors have to be nice to him if they want help . This is obviously going to hit harder in blue states with big cities, public transport, etc. Many of the red states have rural areas who social distance as a way of life. He wants these Democratic governors to bend the knee to him to get lifesaving equipment. As usual, reprehensible.

This is truly horrible. Ask not what your country can do for you - especially if you didn't vote for me or you're a member of the opposing political party.

My only hope is that people start gravitating to true leadership - namely the governors who are doing what needs to be done - and the grown ups in the White House start minimizing his exposure and influence.
Something to think about: If deaths are expected to peak in three weeks realize that those people who are going to die are not sick yet.
Something to think about: If deaths are expected to peak in three weeks realize that those people who are going to die are not sick yet.
Good post, 82.

Plus "peak" does not mean that the epidemic is over . . . there will be infections and deaths after the peak.

Take care of you and yours . . . .
Does it not seem that for the economy to really get going again, we need the fear of Coronavirus in the rear view mirror? There is a cost to opening back up, are businesses going to do that if they fear another outbreak is a couple weeks away?
I was thinking about this some. If we just open society back up, the healthy and the young will be interacting just as before. The virus will spread and we will share it amongst each other. Some of us will get sick. Some very sick. But what about the vulnerable population that is sheltering in the home? They will have to be basically 100% locked in. Because the the community spread that will occur, they cannot risk going out at all. How will we enforce this? How will we ensure that these people never leave their homes? The details here seem overwhelming.
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We are getting our 2nd Bump. And its much bigger than the 1st and the origins are very different.

It's not some end of movie and the conclusions are out. It will be one continuous battle throughout for the next year.
We are getting our 2nd Bump. And its much bigger than the 1st and the origins are very different.

It's not some end of movie and the conclusions are out. It will be one continuous battle throughout for the next year.

Can I ask where you live?
Does it not seem that for the economy to really get going again, we need the fear of Coronavirus in the rear view mirror? There is a cost to opening back up, are businesses going to do that if they fear another outbreak is a couple weeks away?

It just means the rate of deaths might slow down. But this is also assuming that we continued doing the social distancing and the minimum minimization of travel etc. that is currently going on. Taking the foot off the brakecould mean going back to the beginning and starting all over again. There is no vaccine there is no cure. At least not yet. The only thing we can do is hunker down and provide support for the people who have to be on the front line. That includes bus drivers and supermarket workers etc.
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It just means the rate of deaths might slow down. But this is also assuming that we continued doing the social distancing and the minimum minimization of travel etc. that is currently going on. Taking the foot off the brakecould mean going back to the beginning and starting all over again. There is no vaccine there is no cure. At least not yet. The only thing we can do is hunker down and provide support for the people who have to be on the front line. That includes bus drivers and supermarket workers etc.

I am sure we all saw stories of sneeze guards going up in front of supermarket workers this week. Why wasn't that a thing already? I suspect a lot of things was are doing will help in future flu seasons too.
I am sure we all saw stories of sneeze guards going up in front of supermarket workers this week. Why wasn't that a thing already? I suspect a lot of things was are doing will help in future flu seasons too.

and then in 40 years we will realize we've now killed our natural immunity abilities and will all die of a cold.

I kid. Hopefully.
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This is truly horrible. Ask not what your country can do for you
My only hope is that people start gravitating to true leadership - namely the governors who are doing what needs to be done - and the grown ups in the White House start minimizing his exposure and influence.

Maybe so but I can see Trump taking all the credit and tweeting this:

You know, we were hit harder than any other country, but here I am. I survived, and the doctors were like wow we’ve never seen anyone survive a plague like this, you must have the best genes. And maybe I do. Powerful genes.

My genius uncle, he had great stable genes, who was at MIT, he helped invent radiation and that’s how we defeated Covid 19, with you know the X rays. Have you heard of X Rays? Not many people have.

Doctors they tell me they all call the vaccine shot Trump 45 so I was like why not just name it that? So we did.’
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Maybe so but I can see Trump taking all the credit and tweeting this:

You know, we were hit harder than any other country, but here I am. I survived, and the doctors were like wow we’ve never seen anyone survive a plague like this, you must have the best genes. And maybe I do. Powerful genes.

My genius uncle, he had great stable genes, who was at MIT, he helped invent radiation and that’s how we defeated Covid 19, with you know the X rays. Have you heard of X Rays? Not many people have.

Doctors they tell me they all call the vaccine a shot Trump 45 so I was like why not just name it that? So we did.’

And.. “Hardly anybody knows this but I’ve heard that some people are saying the Trump vodka actually builds an immunity to coronavirus”
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Maybe so but I can see Trump taking all the credit and tweeting this:

You know, we were hit harder than any other country, but here I am. I survived, and the doctors were like wow we’ve never seen anyone survive a plague like this, you must have the best genes. And maybe I do. Powerful genes.

My genius uncle, he had great stable genes, who was at MIT, he helped invent radiation and that’s how we defeated Covid 19, with you know the X rays. Have you heard of X Rays? Not many people have.

Doctors they tell me they all call the vaccine shot Trump 45 so I was like why not just name it that? So we did.’
It looks like the TV networks are tired of his crap:

Trump implied that the limitations would continue for "a much shorter period of time than I've been hearing the news report," though Fauci had told the "Today" show on Friday that the measures would need to be in place for "several weeks."

At one point, Trump made Birx, the top health expert on the podium that day, part of a bit aimed at attacking journalists.

The major broadcast networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC — all cut away from Trump's briefing about 20 minutes in, The Associated Press reported. The cable news networks CNN and MSNBC followed suit after 7 p.m.​
And.. “Hardly anybody knows this but I’ve heard that some people are saying the Trump vodka actually builds an immunity to coronavirus”

Have you received "President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines for America" in the mail yet?


I recently received President Trump's W-2 tax form and President Trump's FEMA Flood Insurance Renewal form from the federal government as well.
Have you received "President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines for America" in the mail yet?


I recently received President Trump's W-2 tax form and President Trump's FEMA Flood Insurance Renewal form from the federal government as well.

The sad part is, they probably needed to do this. Most of his fans are still downplaying, and if they had received a "US GOVERNMENT Coronavirus Guidelines", it would have gone in the trash. Now it will be framed and revered. Remember when it was Obama who was the narcissist?
Something to think about: If deaths are expected to peak in three weeks realize that those people who are going to die are not sick yet.

I heard an epidemiologist say this week it takes about 3 weeks to die from covid. His point was that is why the US death rate looked lower than other countries (this was Monday). The deaths hadn't really started yet. We passed 1,000 today.
The problem is with how worst-case scenarios are reported in the media as predictions, which get people all worked up to the point of hoarding ramen noodles. The numbers are not clear, but certainly don't bear out the dire predictions which have most of you so scared.

Why is nobody reporting this?

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2
Because fear sells.
Does it not seem that for the economy to really get going again, we need the fear of Coronavirus in the rear view mirror? There is a cost to opening back up, are businesses going to do that if they fear another outbreak is a couple weeks away?
This point bears emphasis. Businesses have already shown they’re not listening to Trump. In both directions.

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