Poor Loser Trump -- loses again

Like what?
Many, many things. Trump lost the election due to voter fraud is one. There is absolutely zero credible evidence for that, yet you believe it. Another thing is that Mueller’s investigation was a Democratic hit job. It’s dumb. Mueller was a Republican, he was appointed by a Republican, and he had Republicans on his team. That’s another thing - why does it matter? The FBI is probably majority Republican, but you think that they and Democratic members of the FBI are generally led around by their partisan noses? That’s dumb. They, like members of the military and other government agencies, are serving America and trying to do it objectively and in a apolitical way. You think that I served any differently under Democratic Presidents that I didn’t vote for than I served under Republican Presidents that I voted for? Of course, I didn’t. This partisan witch hunt bull crap from Trump and Trumpsters needs to stop. It’s ridiculous and unhealthy for our country. The country I happen to love and was proud to serve.
I don't know. I don't know anything about tech. If unskilled labor is replaced what fills that void?
1. Taxes on robots.

2. Leisure time, bread, circuses, gladiator contests (or at least extended playoff schedules for football and basketball).
You have to answer my questions about what was found by the investigation first.

By the way, the idea that the investigation was bogus and conducted by Democrats is all misinformation and lies from Trump and his cronies. It's not possible to count the number of Republicans Trump threw under the bus because they disagreed with him, noted lies as lies, or otherwise didn't show complete loyalty to him no matter what he said or did. That's what cults are like. You got into that cult and can't get out. I don't know what you'll do when Trump is no longer around, but I hope you come to your senses.
Remind him how many Democrat officeholders in Georgia had anything to do with administering the election that Trump lost.
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Many, many things. Trump lost the election due to voter fraud is one. There is absolutely zero credible evidence for that, yet you believe it. Another thing is that Mueller’s investigation was a Democratic hit job. It’s dumb. Mueller was a Republican, he was appointed by a Republican, and he had Republicans on his team. That’s another thing - why does it matter? The FBI is probably majority Republican, but you think that they and Democratic members of the FBI are generally led around by their partisan noses? That’s dumb. They, like members of the military and other government agencies, are serving America and trying to do it objectively and in a apolitical way. You think that I served any differently under Democratic Presidents that I didn’t vote for than I served under Republican Presidents that I voted for? Of course, I didn’t. This partisan witch hunt bull crap from Trump and Trumpsters needs to stop. It’s ridiculous and unhealthy for our country. The country I happen to love and was proud to serve.
I don't know whether the election was legit or not because there has been no investigation how millions of mail-in ballots could be counted between 2am, when they quit counting, to 6am or 7am the next day when Trump's lead of hundreds of thousands of votes disappeared. And there was no signature verification for those late arriving mail-in ballots.

If that doesn't even leave you curious, you're not serious about election fairness.

Mueller was an old guy who had no idea what his own report even said. His testimony before Congress was a clown show. He relied on his team of predominately Democrats to conduct the investigation. If you think that's not a Democrat hit job - or that the entire Russian Collusion Hoax wasn't started as a Democrat his job - you weren't paying attention. The Steele Dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign. Gee, I wonder why anyone would think that's a hit job?

You think James Comey was objective when he bragged about interviewing Flynn because he knew the White House was inexperienced in blocking the FBI from going on a fishing trip? You think the FBI didn't already know the answers to the questions they asked Flynn? Did you not read the texts by Peter Strjok and his girlfriend when she expressed fear Trump would be elected and he said not to worry - they had a plan?

Who claimed you of serving differently under different Presidents? Do you think, just because you wouldn't, that others might if they held much higher - and more authoratative jobs - than you? These people write books and get rich off government. Did you have that opportunity?

None of the questions will stop until Durham's investigation is complete and voting signatures are verified.
Remind him how many Democrat officeholders in Georgia had anything to do with administering the election that Trump lost.
Is Stacey Abrams still committing insurrection by claiming she won her election?
Just about everything you said is false. It's not that you don't know anything, it's just that so much of what you know is false.

You didn't answer any of my questions.
The Mueller investigation was the toilet paper I wiped my ass with. That's the biggest dem led, pos, flush down the toilet garbage, anyone ever produced and it pulled barr out of retirement. Shortly after 15 doj and fbi guys were fired because some truth came out. Do you live under a rock? And Barr said under oath spying did occur
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The Mueller investigation was the toilet paper I wiped my ass with. That's the biggest dem led, pos, flush down the toilet garbage, anyone ever produced and it pulled barr out of retirement. Shortly after 15 doj and fbi guys were fired because some truth came out. Do you live under a rock? And Barr said under oath spying did occur
He doesn't believe Barr - he's tainted by not being fired by Trump....
He doesn't believe Barr - he's tainted by not being fired by Trump....
He's duped...jus sayin...The left in conjunction with the media. What a team. You know what I'm sayin Dan. The Mueller shit was as bad as Schiff and his midnight closed door sessions where they role played on end with no results. DUMBASSES!

Speaking of the left's Doj and FBI and the media. Notice how right before 2000 mules breaks...whooopsie theres a supreme court justice leak. The media....SHINY PENNY. Now that people have seen the whole movie they are making noise. Twitter is blowing up more and more. The people that debunk it are fools because they have not watched it, and the absolute corruption they caught on film. When I see the reply's on this board I LOL...unlearned fools! Everyone is calling for a full investigation. Some of my sources have been quiet and are now calling for action.

This charade has to end soon man its to stupid and obvious. They need to start arresting people. How can you not arrest someone who has been to a ballot box at least 5 times and as many as 100 with handfuls of ballots. AND they stand there and take pictures so they can get paid. AND they throw their gloves away because when this all began they busted someone with fingerprints so they all started wearing gloves. AND this all took place mainly between 1 and 4 a.m. at night...WTF
He's duped...jus sayin...The left in conjunction with the media. What a team. You know what I'm sayin Dan. The Mueller shit was as bad as Schiff and his midnight closed door sessions where they role played on end with no results. DUMBASSES!

Speaking of the left's Doj and FBI and the media. Notice how right before 2000 mules breaks...whooopsie theres a supreme court justice leak. The media....SHINY PENNY. Now that people have seen the whole movie they are making noise. Twitter is blowing up more and more. The people that debunk it are fools because they have not watched it, and the absolute corruption they caught on film. When I see the reply's on this board I LOL...unlearned fools! Everyone is calling for a full investigation. Some of my sources have been quiet and are now calling for action.

This charade has to end soon man its to stupid and obvious. They need to start arresting people. How can you not arrest someone who has been to a ballot box at least 5 times and as many as 100 with handfuls of ballots. AND they stand there and take pictures so they can get paid. AND they throw their gloves away because when this all began they busted someone with fingerprints so they all started wearing gloves. AND this all took place mainly between 1 and 4 a.m. at night...WTF
You could have James Carville stand in the middle of Times Square and admit Democrats stole the election and many of the people on this board wouldn't believe it.
I don't know whether the election was legit or not because there has been no investigation how millions of mail-in ballots could be counted between 2am, when they quit counting, to 6am or 7am the next day when Trump's lead of hundreds of thousands of votes disappeared. And there was no signature verification for those late arriving mail-in ballots.

If that doesn't even leave you curious, you're not serious about election fairness.

Mueller was an old guy who had no idea what his own report even said. His testimony before Congress was a clown show. He relied on his team of predominately Democrats to conduct the investigation. If you think that's not a Democrat hit job - or that the entire Russian Collusion Hoax wasn't started as a Democrat his job - you weren't paying attention. The Steele Dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign. Gee, I wonder why anyone would think that's a hit job?

You think James Comey was objective when he bragged about interviewing Flynn because he knew the White House was inexperienced in blocking the FBI from going on a fishing trip? You think the FBI didn't already know the answers to the questions they asked Flynn? Did you not read the texts by Peter Strjok and his girlfriend when she expressed fear Trump would be elected and he said not to worry - they had a plan?

Who claimed you of serving differently under different Presidents? Do you think, just because you wouldn't, that others might if they held much higher - and more authoratative jobs - than you? These people write books and get rich off government. Did you have that opportunity?

None of the questions will stop until Durham's investigation is complete and voting signatures are verified.
First paragraph is simple. In many states, mostly Republican ones, they weren’t allowed to count the mail in / absentee ballots until Election Day. Since Trump and his cronies were baselessly bad mouthing voting by mail for months it was inevitable that they’d be overwhelmingly for Biden. Anyone paying attention would know that if Trump’s in person lead was going to diminish or disappear after the mail in ballots were counted. Trump’s team knew this too and used it to dupe his Trumpsters into believing something nefarious happened when what was expected to happen happened. This is another Trump failure as well. Until this election the Republican candidates usually won the absentee and mail in voting. You can thank him for screwing that up too.

Second paragraph is simple as well - see my first paragraph. I expected what happened to happen too. It was obvious to all except the true believers desperate to believe Trump’s big lie.

Third paragraph - I was paying close attention. You bought into the Trump team’s dishonest messaging about the investigation and the results. You’ve also decided not to believe what a Republican led Senate committee said about it because that also doesn’t support what you desperately want to believe about your cult leader.

Fourth paragraph - sorry, but Flynn doesn’t deserve any defense. Peter Stjork and his girlfriend don’t either, but their texts were ultimately used as distractions by Trumpsters when in reality they were hardly relevant at all.

Paragraph five - accusing rank and file FBI agents and other government officials of being hyper-partisan an unable to do their jobs objectively it’s no different than accusing those serving in the military of the same. In fact, Trumpsters do that whenever any military officer, current or former, says anything at all that is perceived as unsupportive of Trump himself even when it’s not necessarily about Trump. If Trump says he doesn’t like them or whatever they say, Trumpsters loyally pile on too. That’s disgusting cult behavior.

If the Durham investigation finds any illegal or unethical behavior by anyone I’ll note it as I always do. However, it’s not possible for it to vindicate Trump and Trumpsters are going to be sorely disappointed that it won’t.
I think all you have to do is look at his term as President to see why people like him. His policies were effective and he voiced the concerns of many Americans who were tired of the corruption in the media and in DC.

Supporting someone is not being in a cult, any more than you're in a cult for thinking George W. was a good President.

As long as you're convicting him without any evidence, why not accuse him of killing Jimmy Hoffa? Really, you are normally level-headed, but you just make shit up about Trump and I guess you need to do that to justify your hate for him.
Trump was a divisive, unconstitutional, horrible Prez. Scholars across the board have him ranked as the worse or one of the worse US Prez in our Nations history.
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Trump was a divisive, unconstitutional, horrible Prez. Scholars across the board have him ranked as the worse of one of the worse US Prez in our Nations history.
Scholars. Lmao. No one cares about scholars. Were we in wars. What was unemployment. How did the market do. How was inflation. What were gas prices. How did small business do.

Agreed he was divisive. So are the current folks trading in race baiting and shaming. At least gas was cheap and you could buy two containers of formula.

Trump also botched the pandemic. With the benefit of time passing I think it made little difference. I could be wrong.

Scholars - that alone is a disqualifying as out of it. I'd take trump over what we have now in a heartbeat.
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The Mueller investigation was the toilet paper I wiped my ass with. That's the biggest dem led, pos, flush down the toilet garbage, anyone ever produced and it pulled barr out of retirement. Shortly after 15 doj and fbi guys were fired because some truth came out. Do you live under a rock? And Barr said under oath spying did occur
Lord, I wished all the nuts were on the Democratic side. You're proof we have them too. Holy crap man - get hold of yourself.
He doesn't believe Barr - he's tainted by not being fired by Trump....
Which Barr? The Barr that said there was no evidence that there was any significant voter fraud in the 2020 election? You guys despise that guy.

And the next President that keeps Trump out will be better than Biden.

Biden would do the country/the Democrats a service by bowing out now. It's been done before.


If Biden bowed out, the rightwingers would have no one to falsely attack anymore.
1. The next one needs to be a hell of a lot better than Biden
2. We cannot have Kamala in the big chair. Disaster.
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You could have James Carville stand in the middle of Times Square and admit Democrats stole the election and many of the people on this board wouldn't believe it.

You could have video of Trump bragging about sexual assault and many GOPers on here wouldn't believe it... oh wait, that actually happened ;)
Lord, I wished all the nuts were on the Democratic side. You're proof we have them too. Holy crap man - get hold of yourself.
The Mueller report was garbage Aloha, 100% garbage. When I hear people even say the name Mueller and use it for a reference regarding Trump its a joke and they are delusional! The way I described it, like Schiffs basement meetings are dead on its a worthless waste of taxpayer money and you should be pissed about it, but here you are defending this scrap heap. Its worthless.
Scholars. Lmao. No one cares about scholars. Were we in wars. What was unemployment. How did the market do. How was inflation. What were gas prices. How did small business do.

Agreed he was divisive. So are the current folks trading in race baiting and shaming. At least gas was cheap and you could buy two containers of formula.

Trump also botched the pandemic. With the benefit of time passing I think it made little difference. I could be wrong.

Scholars - that alone is a disqualifying as out of it. I'd take trump over what we have now in a heartbeat.
What "pandemic"?
Oh he was terrible. Ultimately his downfall. That said Biden too has been terrible. It'll be over in July. Canceling tests. Blah blah
Speaking of the great "hoax", a new wave of "fake" infections is expected in the fall and winter, hopefully this edition will be even less deadly than the last.
Speaking of the great "hoax", a new wave of "fake" infections is expected in the fall and winter, hopefully this edition will be even less deadly than the last.
Or someone actually has a plan to deal with it. Maybe those tests we were promised? Seems there's never any planning with this admin. Just reactions and blame shifting. I suspect vaccinations are stale for most now
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Or someone actually has a plan to deal with it. Maybe those tests we were promised? Seems there's never any planning with this admin. Just reactions and blame shifting. I suspect vaccinations are stale for most now

Sounds like the last administration.... except that one went from 1 scandal to another
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Or someone actually has a plan to deal with it. Maybe those tests we were promised? Seems there's never any planning with this admin. Just reactions and blame shifting. I suspect vaccinations are stale for most now
I ordered tests on line twice and got each order within 7 days. I could order another set right now.

vax numbers will play a role in hospitalizations especially for those more at risk.

Legit studies are indicating a shorter protection window with second booster than the first and the level of Bubba’s “freedumb immunity” will be down as well.

Hopes and expectations are for a milder version this time around.
First paragraph is simple. In many states, mostly Republican ones, they weren’t allowed to count the mail in / absentee ballots until Election Day. Since Trump and his cronies were baselessly bad mouthing voting by mail for months it was inevitable that they’d be overwhelmingly for Biden. Anyone paying attention would know that if Trump’s in person lead was going to diminish or disappear after the mail in ballots were counted. Trump’s team knew this too and used it to dupe his Trumpsters into believing something nefarious happened when what was expected to happen happened. This is another Trump failure as well. Until this election the Republican candidates usually won the absentee and mail in voting. You can thank him for screwing that up too.

Second paragraph is simple as well - see my first paragraph. I expected what happened to happen too. It was obvious to all except the true believers desperate to believe Trump’s big lie.

Third paragraph - I was paying close attention. You bought into the Trump team’s dishonest messaging about the investigation and the results. You’ve also decided not to believe what a Republican led Senate committee said about it because that also doesn’t support what you desperately want to believe about your cult leader.

Fourth paragraph - sorry, but Flynn doesn’t deserve any defense. Peter Stjork and his girlfriend don’t either, but their texts were ultimately used as distractions by Trumpsters when in reality they were hardly relevant at all.

Paragraph five - accusing rank and file FBI agents and other government officials of being hyper-partisan an unable to do their jobs objectively it’s no different than accusing those serving in the military of the same. In fact, Trumpsters do that whenever any military officer, current or former, says anything at all that is perceived as unsupportive of Trump himself even when it’s not necessarily about Trump. If Trump says he doesn’t like them or whatever they say, Trumpsters loyally pile on too. That’s disgusting cult behavior.

If the Durham investigation finds any illegal or unethical behavior by anyone I’ll note it as I always do. However, it’s not possible for it to vindicate Trump and Trumpsters are going to be sorely disappointed that it won’t.
No, you missed my point entirely in the first paragraph. How do you count millions of votes when counting was supposedly stopped around 2am and then, at 6am, have a new vote count? You are either intellectually uncurious or consciously not addressing that issue.

The rest is just your political blather, repeating liberal media talking points. But I especially like the "Flynn doesn't deserve any defense" line and then the dismissal of Strojk - a major FBI player - saying they had a plan so that Trump wouldn't be elected. Hardly a distraction, but, again, you actually agree that any measures to keep Trump from being elected should be taken, so no biggie.

Trump's already been vindicated. The Durham investigation will just reveal the details.

EDIT: In the swing states where main-in ballots were counted as they came in, Trump won handily.
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Trump was a divisive, unconstitutional, horrible Prez. Scholars across the board have him ranked as the worse of one of the worse US Prez in our Nations history.
He was divisive - people who expose the corrupt status quo always are. Musk is divisive - so what?

Unconstitutional? What does that mean? How was he "unconstitutional'?

He's certainly not proved to be the worst President. Or even close. But, in any case, Biden has proved to be far worse.
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Which Barr? The Barr that said there was no evidence that there was any significant voter fraud in the 2020 election? You guys despise that guy.
I don't dispise him. He didn't have time between the election and inauguration day to perform a thorough investigation.

I'm sure the vote count was correct. What I and others are saying is that many of those votes were illegally cast. There couldn't have been time to verify signatures on ballots that came in after 2am and were reported before 6am.

Barr is not superman - investigations take time. He didn't have time.

You conveniently ignore the fact that Barr said he'd vote for Trump if he ran next time.
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Oh he was terrible. Ultimately his downfall. That said Biden too has been terrible. It'll be over in July. Canceling tests. Blah blah
There was no way Trump or anyone else could stop the virus, imo. Just look at how many have died under Biden and he had the vaccine ready and available.

Fauci said Trump did everything he recommended. I don't know what else he could have done. Him saying it might be over was probably meant more to stop panic because the whole country was going insane over a virus that, while deadly, was not as bad as the Spanich Flu in 1918 and, in any event, didn't affect anyone under 60 that much.
There was no way Trump or anyone else could stop the virus, imo. Just look at how many have died under Biden and he had the vaccine ready and available.

Fauci said Trump did everything he recommended. I don't know what else he could have done. Him saying it might be over was probably meant more to stop panic because the whole country was going insane over a virus that, while deadly, was not as bad as the Spanich Flu in 1918 and, in any event, didn't affect anyone under 60 that much.
I think he made a lot of mistakes but it's only an opinion. I think rolling fauci out everyday was a mistake. Fauci doesn't set policy. We didn't need him to be the face of anything.

He didn't unify us. No one really knew enough about masks to say yay or nay. He could have simply said masks are like livestrong bracelets. Slap one on to show we are in the fight together. Blah blah blah
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Scholars. Lmao. No one cares about scholars. Were we in wars. What was unemployment. How did the market do. How was inflation. What were gas prices. How did small business do.

Agreed he was divisive. So are the current folks trading in race baiting and shaming. At least gas was cheap and you could buy two containers of formula.

Trump also botched the pandemic. With the benefit of time passing I think it made little difference. I could be wrong.

Scholars - that alone is a disqualifying as out of it. I'd take trump over what we have now in a heartbeat.

We were in Afghanistan during the Trump years.

Don't forget that Trump wanted us out much sooner then when Biden got us out.
He's duped...jus sayin...The left in conjunction with the media. What a team. You know what I'm sayin Dan. The Mueller shit was as bad as Schiff and his midnight closed door sessions where they role played on end with no results. DUMBASSES!

Speaking of the left's Doj and FBI and the media. Notice how right before 2000 mules breaks...whooopsie theres a supreme court justice leak. The media....SHINY PENNY. Now that people have seen the whole movie they are making noise. Twitter is blowing up more and more. The people that debunk it are fools because they have not watched it, and the absolute corruption they caught on film. When I see the reply's on this board I LOL...unlearned fools! Everyone is calling for a full investigation. Some of my sources have been quiet and are now calling for action.

This charade has to end soon man its to stupid and obvious. They need to start arresting people. How can you not arrest someone who has been to a ballot box at least 5 times and as many as 100 with handfuls of ballots. AND they stand there and take pictures so they can get paid. AND they throw their gloves away because when this all began they busted someone with fingerprints so they all started wearing gloves. AND this all took place mainly between 1 and 4 a.m. at night...WTF
May is Mental Health month. I’d sure hope some of you take advantage of that.
I think he made a lot of mistakes but it's only an opinion. I think rolling fauci out everyday was a mistake. Fauci doesn't set policy. We didn't need him to be the face of anything.

He didn't unify us. No one really knew enough about masks to say yay or nay. He could have simply said masks are like livestrong bracelets. Slap one on to show we are in the fight together. Blah blah blah
I agree putting Fauci out as the face of the administration policy was bad, but if he hadn't, people would have accused Trump of not having enough experts, etc.

No, he didn't unify us, but what do you expect after 2 1/2 years of the country already being divided anyway by Russia Russia Russia? In my opinion, anything - anything - he would have done would have pissed off half the country

Yeah, he could have slapped on a mask - I think he did eventually - but, again, would it have made any difference? Particularly to the thousands who died from living in a nursing home?

There's no doubt it cost him the election, but I don't think there was anything he could do about it.
He was divisive - people who expose the corrupt status quo always are. Musk is divisive - so what?

Unconstitutional? What does that mean? How was he "unconstitutional'?

He's certainly not proved to be the worst President. Or even close. But, in any case, Biden has proved to be far worse.
I love when you think Trump exposed corruption instead of the fact that he, his administration and his entire family WAS the corruption.
Ohhh plenty of people pinched and did their sh!t back in the day. I would always find out after the fact to avoid a brawl. It is what it is.
If grabbing ass was a crime even 20 years ago, most of this board would be in jail right now.
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