Pittsburgh shooting: Multiple people dead after gunman attacks synagogue

Who is the President? The President sets the tone for the nation. Louis Farakhan is a nut with a small following. If he was the President I would call for his removal. I expect the President to behave at a higher standard than Louis Farakhan. You don't?[/QUOT

Your thrill up your leg president sure didn't mind hanging with Farrakhan. They thought the very same things just one said them the other danced around them.
I have a girl from that synagogue, waiting to hear details. None of her family was there.
We barely discussed the Kroger shooting, where the guy killed two black people , but refrained from shooting the white guy saying whites don’t shoot whites.
We are so broken. We desperately need a uniter.
This morning I prayed for your daughter though I didn't know she was there at the time. I prayed for all those affected by the evil that was done. To say all Jews must die is rather silly. There are Jews spread across the world. You couldn't kill all of them even if you wanted to. This man is filled with evil irrational hatred. Yet he has hurt a lot of people in his wake. Please keep us informed on how your daughter and those precious people are doing.
The gunman shouted "all Jews must die".

I'll reserve judgement until we know exactly who the shooter is. My initial thought is that Donald Trump has unleashed a wave of violence in this country and continues to encourage it. He has opened a genie that will be hard to put back. I'd call for the 25th, but that will never happen.
That is the dumbest thing I have heard you say. It's also very irresponsible. Donald Trump is a friend of Israel. He supports them. What about that makes you think his words caused this terrible tragedy? This evil should not be used to make political points. Zeke has family there. It's a time to come together and grieve.
Donald Trump is a friend of Israel. He supports them. What about that makes you think his words caused this terrible tragedy?
The gunman shouted "all Jews must die".

I'll reserve judgement until we know exactly who the shooter is. My initial thought is that Donald Trump has unleashed a wave of violence in this country and continues to encourage it. He has opened a genie that will be hard to put back. I'd call for the 25th, but that will never happen.
These shootings have nothing to do with Trump unless he is angry at Trump's Jewish grandchildren and daughter.

There is one loud GOP person and many Dems and Dem supporters spewing crap. Why is it a single person's fault? It is everyone's fault. From those that listen to someone verbally attack people of a religion and say nothing to Trump, Holder, Watters, et. al, with political diarrhea of the mouth, there isn't a single source of hatred. I wouldn't let angry protesters off the hook either.

One thing is certain. Bad things can happen when evil, sickness, hate, and a means to kill converge. We can't always predict who will kill people and what will trigger an attack. We can only be prepared and assist law enforcement if we see something wrong.
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These shootings have nothing to do with Trump unless he is angry at Trump's Jewish grandchildren and daughter.

There is one loud GOP person and many Dems and Dem supporters spewing crap. Why is it a single person's fault? It is everyone's fault. From those that listen to someone verbally attack people of a religion and say nothing to Trump, Holder, Watters, et. al, with political diarrhea of the mouth, there isn't a single source of hatred. I wouldn't let angry protesters off the hook either.

One thing is certain. Bad things can happen when evil, sickness, hate, and a means to kill converge. We can't always predict who will kill people and what will trigger an attack. We can only be prepared and assist law enforcement if we see something wrong.
This morning I prayed for your daughter though I didn't know she was there at the time. I prayed for all those affected by the evil that was done. To say all Jews must die is rather silly. There are Jews spread across the world. You couldn't kill all of them even if you wanted to. This man is filled with evil irrational hatred. Yet he has hurt a lot of people in his wake. Please keep us informed on how your daughter and those precious people are doing.
Thank you. It’s not my daughter though, one of the girls at my sorority house. I call them all my girls. She’s a little shaken, but knew right away no family was there. She knew some of the deceased, but not close. Such a tragedy.
Well it’s been quite a weekend for my family. Yesterday was my daughters Bat Mitzvah. It pains me she had to share this day with the horrible news from Pittsburgh. I debated even telling my daughter but I knew she would want to know and all the adults were talking about it. I knew something was going on during our service. Several people who attended our service happen to work for the Jewish Federation of Indianapolis and almost simultaneously were reacting to some text messages and left the service to deal with something. Only afterwards during our luncheon did I receive word of what happened.

So our Rabbi, Benjamin Sendrow, who happens to be a supporter of Trump was asked after the shooting to say a prayer before Trumps speech at the FFA convention. I didn’t realize he was participating until several friends and family saw him on TV and in pictures. Not that it’s funny but he’s wearing the personalized kippah on his head that my daughter had designed. So a piece of my kids Bat Mitzvah was up there with Trump. Ironically my kid really dislikes Trump so she wasn’t pleased to see her Rabbi up there wearing one of her kippah’s.

This also explains why the Rabbi skipped our party last night. I had a tough decision to make. I wanted to say something very brief about our thoughts and prayers with our brothers and sisters in Pittsburgh but I didn’t want to make the party seem somber. My kid worked her tail off and deserved to have the party we wanted to throw her. We asked our kid and she wanted me to say something so I did.

So despite the horrific events we weren’t going to let some anti-Semitic punk dictate our night.

I’m looking forward to reading this thread, I actually need to run as our congregation has called an emergency meeting to discuss security.

Peace to all. Regardless of my differences of opinion with any of you, I wish the best for everyone and will continue to find what we have in common and build a relationship upon that. I’m out.

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Well it’s been quite a weekend for my family. Yesterday was my daughters Bat Mitzvah. It pains me she had to share this day with the horrible news from Pittsburgh. I debated even telling my daughter but I knew she would want to know and all the adults were talking about it. I knew something was going on during our service. Several people who attended our service happen to work for the Jewish Federation of Indianapolis and almost simultaneously were reacting to some text messages and left the service to deal with something. Only afterwards during our luncheon did I receive word of what happened.

So our Rabbi, Benjamin Sendrow, who happens to be a supporter of Trump was asked after the shooting to say a prayer before Trumps speech at the FFA convention. I didn’t realize he was participating until several friends and family saw him on TV and in pictures. Not that it’s funny but he’s wearing the personalized kippah on his head that my daughter had designed. So a piece of my kids Bat Mitzvah was up there with Trump. Ironically my kid really dislikes Trump so she wasn’t pleased to see her Rabbi up there wearing one of her kippah’s.

This also explains why the Rabbi skipped our party last night. I had a tough decision to make. I wanted to say something very brief about our thoughts and prayers with our brothers and sisters in Pittsburgh but I didn’t want to make the party seem somber. My kid worked her tail off and deserved to have the party we wanted to throw her. We asked our kid and she wanted me to say something so I did.

So despite the horrific events we weren’t going to let some anti-Semitic punk dictate our night.

I’m looking forward to reading this thread, I actually need to run as our congregation has called an emergency meeting to discuss security.

Peace to all. Regardless of my differences of opinion with any of you, I wish the best for everyone and will continue to find what we have in common and build a relationship upon that. I’m out.


Congratulations to your daughter and all the best to your family.
Oh my. Do you think religious hate and killing is less in other parts of the world?

Yes, agree there is hate in other parts of the world but hearing the president state that the victims should have had security to combat a killer with a weapon, AR15, that should only belong to the military is indeed “only in America”. Name another leader of an industrial nation that would have said that. The answer is...NO ONE. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Yes, only in America. Maybe that happens in a place like Uganda but seeing you, and others, making it sound as this is “just the way it is” is disturbing. I cannot believe what people are “normalizing”. It is scary.
So, had our “emergency” board meeting and a lot of ideas were shared. We’re planning to go in lock down mode for awhile. It’s sad that during times of worship we feel we have to keep the front doors locked. Places of worship should have open doors inviting strangers should they want to join. At some point we will probably have An armed guard.

I’m not a big gun person, but I’m at a point where I want a guy with a machine gun like temples in Israel would have. It’s time to send a message not to **** with us.
The terrorists have won.
I hate it too, it it’s not just about these lunatics. My people have always been targeted and in Israel they handle things differently. Instead of living in fear maybe we need someone at the front door with a large automatic weapon to ward off anyone that would think of hurting us. Jews have to stick up for themselves with force. Maybe this is what it’s come too.
I hate it too, it it’s not just about these lunatics. My people have always been targeted and in Israel they handle things differently. Instead of living in fear maybe we need someone at the front door with a large automatic weapon to ward off anyone that would think of hurting us. Jews have to stick up for themselves with force. Maybe this is what it’s come too.

Admitting that a synagogue in Indianapolis is locking their doors and pondering armed guards is admitting that we have an antisemitic problem in this country. That's a problem that Americans need to confront...not just the Jewish ones among us.
These shootings have nothing to do with Trump unless he is angry at Trump's Jewish grandchildren and daughter.

If this article from The Atlantic is correct, the shooter was very upset about the caravan of migrants. He made angry comments about it, and blamed Jewish groups for it.

Now, who has been playing up this caravan far, far beyond it's real power? Listening to that person and his allies, one would think the caravan is somewhere around the speed of a German armored corps, with the ferocity of a Ghengis Khan horde, full of Islamic fundamentalists armed with weaponry from the year 2200.

This shooting is still the fault of a deranged individual. But unlike a lot of other similar shootings, this one crazy may have had his paranoia stroked by comments made by the far right specifically to heighten fear to boost turnout.
If this article from The Atlantic is correct, the shooter was very upset about the caravan of migrants. He made angry comments about it, and blamed Jewish groups for it.

Now, who has been playing up this caravan far, far beyond it's real power? Listening to that person and his allies, one would think the caravan is somewhere around the speed of a German armored corps, with the ferocity of a Ghengis Khan horde, full of Islamic fundamentalists armed with weaponry from the year 2200.

This shooting is still the fault of a deranged individual. But unlike a lot of other similar shootings, this one crazy may have had his paranoia stroked by comments made by the far right specifically to heighten fear to boost turnout.

And so it goes...

Utterly shameless.
I am not going to defend any anti-Semite. But in the past, presidents acted presidential. This president absolutely refuses to. It gets a modicum of disapproval from some Republicans.

So here, I will gladly say I condemn Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and will never, under any circumstance, will I vote for him
Good god quit trying to draw some type of equivalency between, well, any president and this idiot in chief. This clown openly attacks people in any ugly childish manner, courts and abets violence with his rhetoric, draws favorable comparisons between protesters and Nazi hate groups, ....quit being so aggressively stupid about what is in front of your eyes. The guy is a first class turd thriving on hatred and divisiveness in an unparalleled manner.
I am not going to defend any anti-Semite. But in the past, presidents acted presidential. This president absolutely refuses to. It gets a modicum of disapproval from some Republicans.

So here, I will gladly say I condemn Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and will never, under any circumstance, will I vote for him

Was it presidential for President Obama to be continuously photographed with Farrakhan, Sharpton and Wright? The rabbi in Pittsburgh says Trump has to condemn White Nationalists before coming. I have no problem with that. He should condemn them every time they cause a problem. My problem is why Presisent Obama never has condemned the anti semites and race baiters mentioned above. He and Clinton were just pictured on the same stage with them at Franklin’s funeral.
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Good god quit trying to draw some type of equivalency between, well, any president and this idiot in chief. This clown openly attacks people in any ugly childish manner, courts and abets violence with his rhetoric, draws favorable comparisons between protesters and Nazi hate groups, ....quit being so aggressively stupid about what is in front of your eyes. The guy is a first class turd thriving on hatred and divisiveness in an unparalleled manner.

Explain why Presudent Obama continuously as do other democrats share the stage with the scum I listed above? What does that project?

What would you say if a republican shared the stage with David Duke?

Edit: after further thought, forget responding. It’s a waste of time trying to talk to you guys and gals.
Explain why Presudent Obama continuously as do other democrats share the stage with the scum I listed above? What does that project?

What would you say if a republican shared the stage with David Duke?

Edit: after further thought, forget responding. It’s a waste of time trying to talk to you guys and gals.
Lol, as you support and defend a serial liar, sexual assaulter, con-man, race baiting fool. The problem lies in the fact the "what about Obama" makes no difference at this point, does it? I mean your boy is THE president and is all of the things described which you cannot plausibly deny or refute with any credibility. Your false equivalency has zero credibility because your boy has zero credibility and by extension neither do you...sorry, but those are cold hard facts. But but, Hillary, but but Obama, but but the in the past and throwing out smoke and mirrors...that's your boy & you.
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Was it presidential for President Obama to be continuously photographed with Farrakhan, Sharpton and Wright? The rabbi in Pittsburgh says Trump has to condemn White Nationalists before coming. I have no problem with that. He should condemn them every time they cause a problem. My problem is why Presisent Obama never has condemned the anti semites and race baiters mentioned above. He and Clinton were just pictured on the same stage with them at Franklin’s funeral.

Sharpton in particular was a problem for Obama, Obama brought him into the White House far too often. Sharpton deserved to be called out for comments, and should have been kept at distance from the White House until a full apology. I believe Obama only met with Farrakhan once, in 2005. I don't believe Wright ever visited the White House and after some comments by Wright, Obama said this (from the Wiki):

I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw yesterday... The person that I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago. His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church. They certainly don't portray accurately my values and beliefs. And if Reverend Wright thinks that that's political posturing, as he put it, then he doesn't know me very well. And based on his remarks yesterday, well, I may not know him as well as I thought either.... What became clear to me is that he was presenting a world view that contradicts who I am and what I stand for, and what I think particularly angered me was his suggestion somehow that my previous denunciation of his remarks were somehow political posturing. Anybody who knows me and anybody who knows what I'm about knows that I am about trying to bridge gaps and I see the commonality in all people. ...[A]fter seeing Reverend Wright's performance, I felt as if there was a complete disregard for what the American people are going through and the need for them to rally together to solve these problems. ...[W]hatever relationship I had with Reverend Wright has changed, as a consequence of this.
So of the people you listed, Sharpton presents the most credible comparison. Even at that, Sharpton was not a White House employee like a Miller is.

I don't have a good handle on how to resolve the tension many blacks feel toward the Jewish community. The cause goes back to Rhode Island slave trading. I am certainly not defending anti-Semitism by a Sharpton or the others, just pointing out this is a longstanding issue. Obama did repudiate Wright, see above, and needed to do so more with Sharpton.
I don't have a good handle on how to resolve the tension many blacks feel toward the Jewish community. The cause goes back to Rhode Island slave trading. I am certainly not defending anti-Semitism by a Sharpton or the others, just pointing out this is a longstanding issue. Obama did repudiate Wright, see above, and needed to do so more with Sharpton.
I think the much more relevant points of disagreement between African Americans and the Jewish community are over Israel. In particular, the response by African countries to sever relations with Israel over the six-day war followed by the Israeli decision to become the South African apartheid regime's one western ally created great polarization between the two sides. A complicated history here.

Putting out the flame by calling them the enemy of the people.

I’m waiting for the “both sides” intellectually dishonest responses. We have a sitting POTUS calling the press the enemy of the people. Any facts he doesn’t like he labels “fake news”. This is unprecedented in our country and cannot be tolerated by anyone, regardless of your political leanings.
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I can’t believe some Trumpster sent a bomb to CNN... that’s so weird.

I can't get that connection.

It's not like Trump specifically asked people to do anything to CNN or even put a tender out for service providers to harm the fake news folks.

Just don't get it.
Must be the Democrats trying to get empathy votes.
I’m waiting for the “both sides” intellectually dishonest responses. We have a sitting POTUS calling the press the enemy of the people. Any facts he doesn’t like he labels “fake news”. This is unprecedented in our country and cannot be tolerated by anyone, regardless of your political leanings.

The sub-humanising is just so incredibly dangerous. From Nazi Germany to Rwanda... takes a few years before normalisation but eventually, shit will hit the fan.
I can't get that connection.

It's not like Trump specifically asked people to do anything to CNN or even put a tender out for service providers to harm the fake news folks.

Just don't get it.
Must be the Democrats trying to get empathy votes.

It’s pretty obvious that Al Sharpton needs to tone it down.
I think the much more relevant points of disagreement between African Americans and the Jewish community are over Israel. In particular, the response by African countries to sever relations with Israel over the six-day war followed by the Israeli decision to become the South African apartheid regime's one western ally created great polarization between the two sides. A complicated history here.

I think you are way off base there. There are significant stereotypes in the African American community about Jews, $, controlling the media, etc. Iirc, African Americans on the whole are the most anti-Semitic of all groups. I think it has virtually nothing to do with Israel and is solely about various stereotypes that have taken root. Black candidates are not exactly running on Palestinian rights. Andrew Gillum is so pro-Israel, I nearly mistook him for an Israeli. He's very proud of the fact that he will work to uphold anti-BDS legislation.
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I think the much more relevant points of disagreement between African Americans and the Jewish community are over Israel. In particular, the response by African countries to sever relations with Israel over the six-day war followed by the Israeli decision to become the South African apartheid regime's one western ally created great polarization between the two sides. A complicated history here.
Good point, I was just thinking of a book that came out a bit ago, maybe early 2000s, that blamed a Jewish family in Rhode Island for owning most of the ships involved in the slave trade. When the book came out, it was immediately picked up as a banner for many blacks involved in the reparations movement. It gained little traction in mainstream. I can't recall the name of it, but I do recall some heated discussions on news shows and internet forums.
I think you are way off base there. There are significant stereotypes in the African American community about Jews, $, controlling the media, etc. Iirc, African Americans on the whole are the most anti-Semitic of all groups. I think it has absolutely nothing to do with Israel and is solely about various stereotypes that have taken root.
The wikipedia article here has a great deal of interesting material. I think you and Marvin both have some interesting points supported by the article. The article mentions both a deeper history of conflict between the Jewish and Black communities (as per Marvin) as well as greater anti-semitism among African Americans.–Jewish_relations
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