Official Trump/Harris debate commentary thread

That's a ridiculously stupid take.
It really is embarrassingly stupid. This line/thought was among many that struck me as particularly moronic...

"Team Harris immediately calling for a second debate last night gives off the impression that they didn't get the performance from her that they needed to alter the course of the contest."

I would argue that not only did they get exactly what they wanted and more (Orban,Shokin), but that the series of ads they released in the last few days synced perfectly with the attacks she landed on him last night. And it's pretty amazing how often he exhibited exactly the type of ludicrous behavior the ads alluded to... She pointed out how easy it was to manipulate him and then gave a masterclass in doing exactly that...

Trump did poorly last night, with some help from the moderators.

The post-debate polls haven't moved and most recognize the bias of the moderators.

With some decent moderators, he would do much better, although he'd still give into his tendancies. But I don't think it would matter, either way. Most voters have made up their mind about Trump and it's Kamala's job to convince any undecideds to come to her side. I don't believe she did that, based on her performance last night. She 'won' the debate, but did she win anyone over? I guess that will be seen.

But right now, I'd say the risk on another debates would be all on Harris.
The main thing she was able to accomplish last night was to demonstrate she had the temperment to be POTUS. By doing so she gave double haters and people who despise Trump, but were going to vote for him out of a sense of deperation/uncertainty permission to vote for her instead. After last night a significant number of undecideds who were thinking they'd vote for the petulant child/ convicted felon won't.

It's all about the margins. That's why they did the bus tour in rural GA...
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You mean like in 2006 when ex Assistant DA Harris ran to oust her one time Boss? And was able to go from an initial vote share of 3% to forcing a run off and winning? After Nov she'll be like 9-0 in elections, and Walz will be 6-0. I'd say that qualifies as talent...
No it doesn’t.
Had Biden not been co-opted. Not gone crazy with free cheese, race-baiting, identity politics, border, energy and on and and just been the moderate he’d been most of his career, and a quiet bridge from the insanity of trump, we wouldn’t be looking at an 80 year old insane man vs two lightweight radical progressives who will say anything to win

Fcking Biden
Agreed- Biden was a selfish POS to run after telling all he was running for a single term. Had donkey had a true primary, Trump would be but an odd moment in our history
Agreed- Biden was a selfish POS to run after telling all he was running for a single term. Had donkey had a true primary, Trump would be but an odd moment in our history
Had Biden been a normal moderate Dem like he’d been most of his career and not a purple-haired social worker disguised as a cadaver we would have had a Shapiro as the Dem candidate. Had he announced he’s not running a second term instead of being a selfish pos Dems would have had primaries and we would have had a Shapiro as the Dem candidate

Always fck joe Biden.
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I’m going to have my 5-year-old nephew watch the debate and then tell him I heard my sister talking about having him aborted.
Had Biden been a normal moderate Dem like he’d been most of his career and not a purple-haired social worker disguised as a cadaver we would have had a Shapiro as the Dem candidate. Had he announced he’s not running a second term instead of being a selfish pos Dems would have had primaries and we would have had a Shapiro as the Dem candidate

Always fck joe Biden.
You have more faith in the Democratic voter than I do. I think if we had an open primary we would have ended up with Newsom.
Agreed- Biden was a selfish POS to run after telling all he was running for a single term. Had donkey had a true primary, Trump would be but an odd moment in our history

I don't recall Biden saying he would only serve a single term, BICBW. If he did, the reason he changed his mind was Trump running yet again. Biden had the notion that his mission in life was to beat Trump and keep him from ever setting foot in the Oval again. If Trump was going to run, ol' Joe was going to have to lace 'em up and beat him one more time. Of course, that's not how things have worked out.
I don't recall Biden saying he would only serve a single term, BICBW. If he did, the reason he changed his mind was Trump running yet again. Biden had the notion that his mission in life was to beat Trump and keep him from ever setting foot in the Oval again. If Trump was going to run, ol' Joe was going to have to lace 'em up and beat him one more time. Of course, that's not how things have worked out.
I don't think Biden publicly stated he'd be a one-term Prez, but he did publicly talk about being a "bridge" to a new generation of leaders, and it was widely reported that this language was understood in Democratic circles as an allusion to a one-term presidency.
I don't think Biden publicly stated he'd be a one-term Prez, but he did publicly talk about being a "bridge" to a new generation of leaders, and it was widely reported that this language was understood in Democratic circles as an allusion to a one-term presidency.

That sounds right. My point about him running against Trump a second time remains. Had Trump faded away, I suspect Joe would have chosen to pass the baton as well.
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That sounds right. My point about him running against Trump a second time remains. Had Trump faded away, I suspect Joe would have chosen to pass the baton as well.
I think that's right. I think Trump kept him in it. But I don't think it was a sudden thing. I think Trump made it pretty clear since his loss that he was going to try again, so Joe has pretty much been geared up for a reelection run the entire time.

I have a particular set of skills, I would snuff her gaslight like a hurricane on a match. She’s a moron and has demonstrated that over and over.
What an embarrassing display of self importance. The phone book has about 3/4 inch worth of pages of guys with your particular set of every single decent size town.
What an embarrassing display of self importance. The phone book has about 3/4 inch worth of pages of guys with your particular set of every single decent size town.
Exactly. I know many attorneys and others who are much smarter than her and would rip her.
And yet they aren't running against her. It is harris or Trump so she has a very low bar to be the smartest option

How smart you THINK the other lawyers are is immaterial.
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