Official DNC covention thread

I’d rather be a country that has legal immigration and allows in immigrants that benefits the country right now and long term. Opening the doors to 10s of millions of low skilled workers isn’t beneficial to the economy when you have the size of the federal government that we have. Venezuelans aren’t becoming doctors, teachers, nurses anytime in the near future. Economies grow when there are productivity gains. Not just extra humans.

Also, a lot of the social issues go away if we have a controlled immigration policy instead of f#cking over low skilled Americans when they have to compete against millions of more low skilled working immigrants.
What exactly are the social issues that go away? Your dislike of the other? Read the federal government data on who commits crimes in this country. Immigrants are by far more law abiding that native born Americans. They don’t want to go back from where they came from. So they behave themselves. However, there will be exceptions and they are politicized for obvious reasons. If an American commits the same crime no big deal because you can’t score political points off something that happens every day around the country.
These people aren’t taking away great jobs from Americans. They’re taking the low skill, low paying jobs Americans refused to do. Also, with the all out push by parents for their kids to get a college education, the low skill jobs have few people to man them. Don’t forget that everyone on this forum in one way or another benefits from that cheap immigrant labor. Corporations would raise prices on everything because they would have to pay higher wages to fill all kinds of positions. Same thing with people bitching about stuff coming from China. You want to have ever made in America but it would cost you way more. So you can’t have it both ways unless of course you’re a hypocrite. The real problem is that we are a mature economy while Mexico, China, Vietnam and others are still developing. Our costs of living, manufacturing cost etc are higher as a result. Notice how back in the 70’s and early 80’s the boogey man was Japan. Then in the 90’s it was Mexico and now China. As countries develop people demand more. Hence costs rise until a new developing country steps in that has cheaper labor costs. You are now seeing Vietnam becoming a product hub and they are taking business from China. This will go on and on long after we are all dead. Nature of the human beast. We want things cheap but bitch when we don’t make anything here.
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To be fair, it isn't just Democrats. The large $ donor class of the GOP also supports what basically amounts to open borders as well because the cheap labor is seen as great for Corporate America and they often have the benefit of being economically isolated from the consequences of said open border.
I don’t think anyone is in favor of what currently exists. But no way it gets solved unless both sides compromise. No one in life ever gets everything they want. Take little wins one at a time but always strive to get to the optimum end result that benefits everyone and everyone can live with.
I don’t think anyone is in favor of what currently exists. But no way it gets solved unless both sides compromise. No one in life ever gets everything they want. Take little wins one at a time but always strive to get to the optimum end result that benefits everyone and everyone can live with.
Compromise never seems to get my side anything vlose to what we want....and the side that wants an open border already ignores the enforcement rules, I don't believe they would follow through anyways.
I don’t think anyone is in favor of what currently exists. But no way it gets solved unless both sides compromise. No one in life ever gets everything they want. Take little wins one at a time but always strive to get to the optimum end result that benefits everyone and everyone can live with.
How can you compromise when the two sides have 180 degree different goals?

One party wants a porous border, one wants a secure border. There’s no compromise to be made.
Stop being a dick.

You don't let several million economic migrants walk across your border and then adjudicate all of those cases after the fact, knowing for a fact that 90%+ of them are economic migrants. You can go find all sorts of people doing reporting asking the people as soon as they cross, "Why are you coming here?" and getting the answer "For jobs." You are also ignoring concepts like the first safe country that would preclude many of these folks from having a claim even if they were legitimate asylum seekers.

I'm not stupid and neither are you, so stop acting like you have some higher understanding of a process we are all aware of.

If someone claims they are here 'for jobs' they aren't getting an asylum claim in front of a judge, they are removed.

Biden had big political issues with this and instituted an EO that will likely be struck down in courts. Just as Trump was. Because it's a legal problem. Not an enforcement one.

'Mr. Biden's executive action is also at risk of being struck down in federal court. The American Civil Liberties Union and other immigrant rights groups have said in a lawsuit that the rule violates U.S. asylum law, arguing it mirrors a Trump-era policy that courts declared illegal.'
How can you compromise when the two sides have 180 degree different goals?

One party wants a porous border, one wants a secure border. There’s no compromise to be made.

Let us face it, if you want to win an election convincing the American voters the other party wants a "porous border" is a good strategy.
Compromise never seems to get my side anything vlose to what we want....and the side that wants an open border already ignores the enforcement rules, I don't believe they would follow through anyways.
So what is it you want? You do realize that those immigrants add 1 trillion dollars to the GDP right? Deport all 10-11 million or whatever the number is and watch the economy crater. People just want what they want without thinking of the downstream consequences. Really simple to say just send them back. But again, who does those jobs that we won’t do? Maybe it doesn’t got solved because it is so difficult.
To say your side doesn’t get close to what they want is the same thing the fringe left will say as well. In a compromise no one gets everything they want. You win wars one battle at a time not all at once. What Langford and the dems negotiated was just one battle but it was a step forward and even senate republicans said it was the toughest border bill in decades. So take the win and keep working for more. And don’t forget that Ronald Reagan who I voted for granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. This will happen again or maybe a pathway to citizenship if any deal gets done. So get something you really want in return. But you have to face the fact that you will never stop illegal immigration. The border is just to massive. Build that fictional wall of 2000 miles? Who’s paying the hundreds of billions it would cost? Not Mexico. You willing to have your taxes raised to pay? Me neither. Give me the solution that fixes the problem. Again, I am not for open borders. I’m just realistic in that there is no simple snap of the fingers and it’s fixed solution.
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How can you compromise when the two sides have 180 degree different goals?

One party wants a porous border, one wants a secure border. There’s no compromise to be made.
So you know that all democrats want a completely open border how? That’s just a stupid far right talking point. No one want a completely open border. Enlighten us as to how you completely secure a 2000 plus mile border with mountains and private property that people will not turn over to the government or anyone else. Come on you seem to think you’re the smartest guy here. Tell us how you’d do it. Wait I know. Just shoot anyone coming across the border. Yeah that’s the ticket.
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Let us face it, if you want to win an election convincing the American voters the other party wants a "porous border" is a good strategy.
And you’re right. You want no compromise so as long as there are idiot right wingers like you in congress, nothing will get done and you can continue to blame the evil democrats. You can’t possibly be married since in your world there’s no compromise worth sacrificing any little sliver of your position.
So what is it you want? You do realize that those immigrants add 1 trillion dollars to the GDP right? Deport all 10-11 million or whatever the number is and watch the economy crater. People just want what they want without thinking of the downstream consequences. Really simple to say just send them back. But again, who does those jobs that we won’t do? Maybe it doesn’t got solved because it is so difficult.
To say your side doesn’t get close to what they want is the same thing the fringe left will say as well. In a compromise no one gets everything they want. You win wars one battle at a time not all at once. What Langford and the dems negotiated was just one battle but it was a step forward and even senate republicans said it was the toughest border bill in decades. So take the win and keep working for more. And don’t forget that Ronald Reagan who I voted for granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. This will happen again or maybe a pathway to citizenship if any deal gets done. So get something you really want in return. But you have to face the fact that you will never stop illegal immigration. The border is just to massive. Build that fictional wall of 2000 miles? Who’s paying the hundreds of billions it would cost? Not Mexico. You willing to have your taxes raised to pay? Me neither. Give me the solution that fixes the problem. Again, I am not for open borders. I’m just realistic in that there is no simple snap of the fingers and it’s fixed solution.
You all are never for open borders, you just don't have the will or the want to do anything constructive about it.
We tried passing a law negotiated with Republicans, they ended up wanting the issue more. All or nothing guarantees the problem stays.
No, it was a shit deal with people who want to "close the border" but whose "compromise" is to say we let 1.8 million people in a year to have their asylum claims heard knowing for sure that is going to overwhelm the courts. The "let em in" crowd has had things 100% their way since Reagan's amnesty all the while claiming we should "really do something about the border".

Just cut a deal with us where we get the status quo that has occurred for 40 years (almost 2 million people walking across the border a year) and your side gets to say we have a secure border that codifies the things you have been complaining about as now 100% legal.

Some ****ing deal.

And I don't care that the deal was negotiated by some Republicans. They ****ing suck on this issue too because the Chamber of Commerce likes their low skilled cheap labor that ends up costing us all anyways because the low wages places like Walmart pay lead to workers being subsidized by the taxpayer.

I remain unconvinced that any economic benefit that all this illegal labor provides isn't immediately offset by what they turn around and cost taxpayers in government assistance, increased education costs, etc. But hey, that stock market is humming. And yeah, that is a bit of a populist vent but there is a bit of reality in the idea that the very well off and the very not well off have been sucking the life out of the middle of the country.

I guess the middle gets better tacos out of the equation and moderately cheaper shitty fast food and trash products from China so all is good.
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You all are never for open borders, you just don't have the will or the want to do anything constructive about it.
You didn’t answer the question. What do you want. So we all are for open borders? And you’ve asked everyone on the other side of this debate? I believe you when you state your position. I expect the same. And your solution? Lay out your plan.
An asylum claim moots that. Go read the law.

This is all rooted in post WW2 international agreements regarding refugees. We've just been very lax at updating our laws.
No it doesn't. They can claim asylum going through entry points.

Go outside entry points and you're breaking a law, since you are so intent on following the law.
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Bigger issue... Why do so many of you have such a worry about immigration?

It's like you own a restaurant and it's too busy.

I really don't get it. People want to come here. The best capital you can ever have as a country is human capital. Would you rather be a country that people are trying to get out of?

Is every one of you that insecure that you are going to be replaced by a Venezuelan that doesn't speak English?

I'm serious. What's your real concern... Not some hyperbole
An already overtaxed welfare system. Giving non-citizens the right to vote. Known criminals being freed to come here.

Do you not read the news?
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Stop being a dick.

You don't let several million economic migrants walk across your border and then adjudicate all of those cases after the fact, knowing for a fact that 90%+ of them are economic migrants. You can go find all sorts of people doing reporting asking the people as soon as they cross, "Why are you coming here?" and getting the answer "For jobs." You are also ignoring concepts like the first safe country that would preclude many of these folks from having a claim even if they were legitimate asylum seekers.

I'm not stupid and neither are you, so stop acting like you have some higher understanding of a process we are all aware of.
You sure he's not stupid?
the right went populist. just read about how conservatives used to speak about illegal immigration vs now. insane

the problems and opportunities re: immigration haven't changed but the rhetoric sure has.

populists gonna populist.
Inner city blacks are now right wing populists? You might want to think this through.
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the right went populist. just read about how conservatives used to speak about illegal immigration vs now. insane

the problems and opportunities re: immigration haven't changed but the rhetoric sure has.

populists gonna populist.
That's Aloha's Republican Party that liked cheap labor for business purposes, when illegals weren't coming across in 10s of millions.
So what is it you want? You do realize that those immigrants add 1 trillion dollars to the GDP right? Deport all 10-11 million or whatever the number is and watch the economy crater. People just want what they want without thinking of the downstream consequences. Really simple to say just send them back. But again, who does those jobs that we won’t do? Maybe it doesn’t got solved because it is so difficult.
To say your side doesn’t get close to what they want is the same thing the fringe left will say as well. In a compromise no one gets everything they want. You win wars one battle at a time not all at once. What Langford and the dems negotiated was just one battle but it was a step forward and even senate republicans said it was the toughest border bill in decades. So take the win and keep working for more. And don’t forget that Ronald Reagan who I voted for granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. This will happen again or maybe a pathway to citizenship if any deal gets done. So get something you really want in return. But you have to face the fact that you will never stop illegal immigration. The border is just to massive. Build that fictional wall of 2000 miles? Who’s paying the hundreds of billions it would cost? Not Mexico. You willing to have your taxes raised to pay? Me neither. Give me the solution that fixes the problem. Again, I am not for open borders. I’m just realistic in that there is no simple snap of the fingers and it’s fixed solution.
Oh well, hell, if immigrants add 1 trillion to the GDP, why don't we invite more in?

Youi're so full of shit.
We tried passing a law negotiated with Republicans, they ended up wanting the issue more. All or nothing guarantees the problem stays.
"Republicans" didn't negotiate it. The majority would have voted against it.

Why didn't Democrats bring up HR2 in the Senate?
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What exactly are the social issues that go away?
This is as far as I made it on your post. Use paragraphs. It’s a b#tch to read on my phone. The social issues I’m speaking of are economic related. Illegal immigration puts pressure on working class Americans wages and upwards pressure on housing, healthcare, and education that also disproportionally fall on working class Americans.

It’s why black Americans have been getting pissed off the past 18 months. They’re starting to feel the negative effects of it. @twenty02 doesn’t care because he is wealthy and insulated from it. He gets the cheap roof and Columbian (they’re hotter) housekeeper.
Your dislike of the other?
Scroll up. I already said I’m for legal immigration. I want educated immigrants coming into the country. America is a desirable place to migrate to. We should have a system that takes advantage of it. Allowing in 10s of million of low skilled illegal immigrants isn’t the best system. It’s dumb as f#ck.
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An already overtaxed welfare system. Giving non-citizens the right to vote. Known criminals being freed to come here.

Do you not read the news?
No we don’t get our news from Qanon. And what state gives non citizens the right to vote? And getting your news about this stuff doesn’t count either if you get it from Orange Jesus. Try using the brain God gave you.
Also, do a little research on who does and doesn’t use the welfare system. Try the Cari Institute for one. They are a Libertarian group not a left wing mouthpiece.
No we don’t get our news from Qanon. And what state gives non citizens the right to vote? And getting your news about this stuff doesn’t count either if you get it from Orange Jesus. Try using the brain God gave you.
Also, do a little research on who does and doesn’t use the welfare system. Try the Cari Institute for one. They are a Libertarian group not a left wing mouthpiece.
Read the link. I'm tired of trying to educate you morons.

No, it was a shit deal with people who want to "close the border" but whose "compromise" is to say we let 1.8 million people in a year to have their asylum claims heard knowing for sure that is going to overwhelm the courts. The "let em in" crowd has had things 100% their way since Reagan's amnesty all the while claiming we should "really do something about the border".

Just cut a deal with us where we get the status quo that has occurred for 40 years (almost 2 million people walking across the border a year) and your side gets to say we have a secure border that codifies the things you have been complaining about as now 100% legal.

Some ****ing deal.

And I don't care that the deal was negotiated by some Republicans. They ****ing suck on this issue too because the Chamber of Commerce likes their low skilled cheap labor that ends up costing us all anyways because the low wages places like Walmart pay lead to workers being subsidized by the taxpayer.

I remain unconvinced that any economic benefit that all this illegal labor provides isn't immediately offset by what they turn around and cost taxpayers in government assistance, increased education costs, etc. But hey, that stock market is humming. And yeah, that is a bit of a populist vent but there is a bit of reality in the idea that the very well off and the very not well off have been sucking the life out of the middle of the country.

I guess the middle gets better tacos out of the equation and moderately cheaper shitty fast food and trash products from China so all is good.
You’re spot on. The underlining issue is the fiat system. People fall for the bullshit that more people equals better economy because GDP goes up. It’s not true, if productivity doesn’t increase as well. Bringing in too many low skilled labor isn’t a good thing for an economy. Especially, when you have the amount of welfare and government spending we have.
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"Republicans" didn't negotiate it. The majority would have voted against it.

Why didn't Democrats bring up HR2 in the Senate?
Let’s see because many of the fruits and vegetables they pick in the fields would rot. Read the bill. There’s a clause that mandates that all employers verify legal status. If they aren’t legal they can’t work the fields. Just look at the required reporting it places on the farm industry and individual farmers.
And you’re wrong as usual about republicans not supporting the bipartisan bill. An unnamed Republican senator recently said that without Orange Jesus ordering they kill it, most would have voted for it.
HR2 would basically deny nearly all immigration and deny almost all asylum applications. Try reading it.
That's Aloha's Republican Party that liked cheap labor for business purposes, when illegals weren't coming across in 10s of millions.

I get that. was asking why the rhetoric became so nativist and douchey. I think populism but am not committed to that idea. let's hear it from someone I'd consider a populist.
No, it was a shit deal with people who want to "close the border" but whose "compromise" is to say we let 1.8 million people in a year to have their asylum claims heard knowing for sure that is going to overwhelm the courts. The "let em in" crowd has had things 100% their way since Reagan's amnesty all the while claiming we should "really do something about the border".

Just cut a deal with us where we get the status quo that has occurred for 40 years (almost 2 million people walking across the border a year) and your side gets to say we have a secure border that codifies the things you have been complaining about as now 100% legal.

Some ****ing deal.

And I don't care that the deal was negotiated by some Republicans. They ****ing suck on this issue too because the Chamber of Commerce likes their low skilled cheap labor that ends up costing us all anyways because the low wages places like Walmart pay lead to workers being subsidized by the taxpayer.

I remain unconvinced that any economic benefit that all this illegal labor provides isn't immediately offset by what they turn around and cost taxpayers in government assistance, increased education costs, etc. But hey, that stock market is humming. And yeah, that is a bit of a populist vent but there is a bit of reality in the idea that the very well off and the very not well off have been sucking the life out of the middle of the country.

I guess the middle gets better tacos out of the equation and moderately cheaper shitty fast food and trash products from China so all is good.
We aren't getting to zero without summary executions.

They largely get income assistance because they are not eligible to work. How about this, come in, get a job, stay. Come in, need assistance, good bye?

We had a huge raid of chicken processing plants under Trump. No one that illegally hired was jailed or fined. Doesn't that show your side isn't serious?
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The constant thing that America is a shithole, that your life sucks, and that everything is awful everyday has a shelf life. The tone and tenor between the two campaigns and parties is striking. I get why people are getting energized by the Ds. They aren’t the one hammering us that we are miserable.

I’d of course prefer a competent GOP candidate with a positive message for our country, but here we are.
The GOP is embracing Bitcoin and hope. Democrats are embracing socialism and despair.
They could have had a border bill with HR2, but Dems played politics and wouldn't bring it up in the Senate.

If they say they had a strong border bill, they're lying.
Really sorry to hear about your cancer... But I've got to ask you, do you know what "compromise" means? Was this House bill you keep referencing developed on a Bi partisan basis? Because the bill Trump torpedoed was...
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An already overtaxed welfare system. Giving non-citizens the right to vote. Known criminals being freed to come here.

Do you not read the news?
"Known criminals being freed to come here."

You know I can think of at least two instances where Trump ranted/raved about "immigrant criminals" while appearing on stage with accused criminals. Among the charges, conspiracy to commit murder...I guess if you're a member of a gang that supports Trump that's ok?


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