It’s obvious that the Fox News commentators think Trump is an idiot.
Metformin was working well for me and then I got kidney cancer. They took me off it and it's been a struggle since.IMO…after Metformin they should go to a basal insulin for most type 2 diabetes. But…there is a stigma with a lot of people and, of course, some jobs don’t mesh
Don't believe snopes? That's a you problem.How does it not bother you to lie so blatantly? We all have Google. We all can look it up and find that Noodle is telling the truth. What do you possibly think you gain by making such an ass of yourself?
No, neither of us have Type 1.Good for you. You obviously do not have Type 1 diabetes, as you can’t keep that “under control.” T1Ds die without insulin. Right now I’m checking his blood glucose by finger prick while his new sensor warms up. You know, to make sure he doesn’t have a hypoglycemic incident. T1D yet his last A1C was 5.4. Can you beat that?
Did you read the link I posted that Biden fronze Trump's plan?It absolutely stayed in effect until 2023 when it was made mandatory for all Medicare recipients. Did you read the link I gave you? It lays it all out. Here’s another one that explains it for you.
VERIFYING the difference between $35 insulin caps under Biden and Trump
Both the Trump and Biden administrations enacted $35 insulin price caps for certain Medicare recipients. Trump’s was first, but Biden’s applies to more
Get your beauty sleep. God knows you need it.This better be good because I am exhausted and need to go to sleep.
He is an angry imbecile. If the Pubs had launched him 4 years ago they would be in position for a strong argument to retake the WH. They could still regroup, concede this election in theory, and come back strong in 4 years, but they won’t. They don’t have the character to do so.Trump on Fox News is going to increase her bounce. He sounds like an angry imbecile.
Almost makes you forget about the other 51 weeks of the year, doesn't it?The whole week has been very pro-America.
You're mixing up two different things. Biden froze ALL of Trump's new and pending regulations from going into effect so that they could review them. This is typical for a new administration. However, the insulin measure that was frozen for 60 days was not the voluntary $35 per month measure. Instead. what was frozen was an insulin cost reduction measure solely targeting federally qualified health centers. it was supposed to go into effect Jan. 22, 2021, and was delayed until March 22, 2021. The voluntary $35 program was not affected by this in any manner. It continued under Biden until his administration administered an across the board measure for all Medicare patients - a measure which the Republicans tried to block in the House. In fact, Kamala Harris had to break the tie in the House.Did you read the link I posted that Biden fronze Trump's plan?
He is an angry imbecile, as is anyone that supports him. If the Pubs had launched him 4 years ago they would be in position for a strong argument to retake the WH. They could still regroup, concede this election in theory, and come back strong in 4 years, but they won’t. They don’t have the character to do so.
The Republicans made a choice a few years ago to go with voter suppression and work for autocracy, as opposed to moderating their message to align with the public. They saw the changing demographics and chose an unfit doofus instead of competing as fellow Americans with competing ideas. Trump may still win, and that will be a chaotic ride for the country in the short time it lasts.
I could go through a laundry list of policies; what I agree with or disagree with on both sides, but I have no desire to bore people with my opinion, and mostly because my disgust with the Republican Party supersedes my desire to entertain drilling down on policy. To me, Republican policy in practice is tax cuts for the richThis theme has pretty much always been my core dissention from supporting conservative Republican platforms.
I should be an easy convert as a small town, business obsessed dude but the technique style hasn't really changed from what I remember during my lifetime.
In my corporate career the overwhelming best and most successful leaders were those that could develop the most effective and logistical complex problem solving solutions. First those stars also were masters at identifying and explaining the barriers we had to problem solve to succeed. As Clinton joked about in his speech in paraphrasing 'I am proud of being called and known as the Explainer in Chief'.
My quick response is I've never experienced a Republican message that effectively identified the real issues while also selling, convincing me on their proposed complex solutions, beliefs to these issues. Issues that impact every citizen.
The Dems, regardless of how extreme I felt their identified issues were, they better explained itself that I understood the concern but better yet, the solutions proposed were more creative. Most importantly for me, the belief that it will help and positively impact everyone.
That's brilliant problem solving that I'm looking for from Republican campaign messaging.
Most of my lifetime the messaging has been heavy scapegoating and insecure victim identification (you obviously need the scapegoat to detest to think you're a victim).
Trump has heavily leaned into that simple messaging that I am literally bummed that a huge chunk of citizens are buying into his fear mongering and scapegoating while offering no unique problem solving options. More violence and hammering the identified scapegoats.
We're better than that. I'm still waiting for another Perot reaction that I got in the early 90's as he was nothing but problem solving options etc.
Perot is the closest I've come to being a Republican lean all because he effectively communicated his goals.
Lol I still have his 'Not for sale at any price' book that I loved and connected with, but again he identified issues and presented what I believed effective solutions to them m. Pre internet circa 1992.
That's my expectation and demand from either party to get my vote. I ly the Dems have done that in my voting life (my first Dem vote was Gore in 2000 as I voted Perot in 92 and 96).
Sorry to hear that….I wish you well with your treatment and outcomeMetformin was working well for me and then I got kidney cancer. They took me off it and it's been a struggle since.
It's cruel to give people money to buy healthy foods? Y'all are weird.When all Americans stop eating that stuff then you can bitch about SNAP. Let’s just stop free school lunches for the poor while you’re at it because we as Americans pay for that as well. Big heart you have there. Now come back with something crueler. When it comes to social issues I’m more of a bleeding heart. We have a gay son as well as an autistic one as well so we feel for the discriminated and disabled as well as the poor. It proves we have hearts unlike you and the current MAGA party who are heartless and just cruel with your attacks on the less advantaged. I’d be embarrassed if you were related to me.
Sorry, to hear that. I hope you get to feeling better.Metformin was working well for me and then I got kidney cancer. They took me off it and it's been a struggle since.
The constant thing that America is a shithole, that your life sucks, and that everything is awful everyday has a shelf life. The tone and tenor between the two campaigns and parties is striking. I get why people are getting energized by the Ds. They aren’t the one hammering us that we are miserable.He is an angry imbecile. If the Pubs had launched him 4 years ago they would be in position for a strong argument to retake the WH. They could still regroup, concede this election in theory, and come back strong in 4 years, but they won’t. They don’t have the character to do so.
The Republicans made a choice a few years ago to go with voter suppression and work for autocracy, as opposed to moderating their message to align with the public. They saw the changing demographics and chose an unfit doofus instead of competing as fellow Americans with competing ideas. Trump may still win, and that will be a chaotic ride for the country in the short time it lasts.
Yeah I’m sure you care about school children and the poor as long as they aren’t dems and they see the world as you do. With your posts it laughable that you care about the less fortunate.I actually care for the schoolchildren and the poor because I don’t want them shoveling poisonous processed crap into the bodies, or the government subsidizing it.
Maybe you think you’re being empathetic in some way. In the way that cities set up needle exchanges so at least your city can promote intravenous drug in a “safe” manner.
An overdose of misguided empathy explains a lot of what the Democratic Party is today.
Why should the poor be immune to the same advertising we are bombarded with that drives us to consume things that aren’t good for us. Why don’t you just ban every that’s not good for us? You know, junk food, booze, cigarettes, etc. since you seem to care about the people.It's cruel to give people money to buy healthy foods? Y'all are weird.
Trump on Fox News is going to increase her bounce. He sounds like an angry imbecile.
Well, let's think about this from a rational policy perspective. Those foods often lead to health problems and it doesn't make much sense to spend money to help feed people things that are likely to lead to increased Healthcare costs (also likely to be covered through some sort of "welfare" policy) later down the road.Why should the poor be immune to the same advertising we are bombarded with that drives us to consume things that aren’t good for us. Why don’t you just ban every that’s not good for us? You know, junk food, booze, cigarettes, etc. since you seem to care about the people.
I would have no issue requiring SNAP benefits be used for “real” food. I don’t see that position being controversial.Well, let's think about this from a rational policy perspective. Those foods often lead to health problems and it doesn't make much sense to spend money to help feed people things that are likely to lead to increased Healthcare costs (also likely to be covered through some sort of "welfare" policy) later down the road.
We already don't allow them to use government funds to buy booze and cigarettes, maybe cutting back on the sugar and processed stuff would be a good idea too. When you have to go to the public to fund your lifestyle, you lose some choice. Sorry.
We would have to ask swman why it is.I would have no issue requiring SNAP benefits be used for “real” food. I don’t see that position being controversial.
Trump doesn’t talk to you, Fox News professionals, or anybody on this board. We all read and hear differently than the average voter who doesn’t hang out on political message boards.Trump on Fox News is going to increase her bounce. He sounds like an angry imbecile.
In an ideal world that would be great. However, SNAO benefits have never been enough to buy strictly healthy foods. So you at least buy something that puts food in a hungry child’s stomach.I would have no issue requiring SNAP benefits be used for “real” food. I don’t see that position being controversial.
So are you saying he dumbs it down for the dumb? The problem with his message is that it makes little sense. You know like windmills give you cancer, choice between being eaten by a shark or electrocuted by boat batteries or praising Hannibal Lecter. Does he know he’s a fictional character?Trump doesn’t talk to you, Fox News professionals, or anybody on this board. We all read and hear differently than the average voter who doesn’t hang out on political message boards.
Simple language and simple messages always engages readers and listeners more than complexity.
It’s tough not love us 😁I could go through a laundry list of policies; what I agree with or disagree with on both sides, but I have no desire to bore people with my opinion, and mostly because my disgust with the Republican Party supersedes my desire to entertain drilling down on policy. To me, Republican policy in practice is tax cuts for the rich
and blocking anything a Dem President wants to accomplish, even if it’s something they agree with. And continuing to prop up Trump is a complete deal breaker for me on many levels.
But I also tend to gravitate toward Republicans on a personal level and don’t enjoy arguing with people I like over politics. Hell, there’s people on this board that I only know through their online persona and who I disagree with vehemently on politics, but I refuse to get into an argument (unless I’ve had a few drinks 🤣) because I’m pretty sure I’d like them in the real world. I grew up when the saying, “Don’t talk politics or religion with friends or family” was the social norm. Now, that’s all everyone wants to talk about openly, and in fairness, it is what this board is for.
Let's keep the commentary on the convention and speeches this week here. Let's also try and keep it civil and out of the gutter. I'll be watching MSNBC so will know the lefty perspective and will keep you all informed.
Here's a decent article on what we will be seeing tonight with Joe's swan song.
In the past I could have cared less what party a candidate was from as long as they were willing to compromise for the good of the country. Tip O’Neal and Ronald Reagan couldn’t have been further apart in their political leanings. But they worked together well because they were willing to work together and give a little. The recent Border Security legislation is a perfect example of compromise on both sides. But Orange Jesus had it killed. So he and the house republicans care only about themselves. No compromise.It’s tough not love us 😁
Serious question for a moment. Would you choose a federal government comprised of all Republicans or all Democrats?
That border bill was good in the sense that it was an incremental improvement from the Biden/ Harris status quo.In the past I could have cared less what party a candidate was from as long as they were willing to compromise for the good of the country. Tip O’Neal and Ronald Reagan couldn’t have been further apart in their political leanings. But they worked together well because they were willing to work together and give a little. The recent Border Security legislation is a perfect example of compromise on both sides. But Orange Jesus had it killed. So he and the house republicans care only about themselves. No compromise.
Recently saw a segment on an unnamed congressional republican who said it would have had nearly unanimous support had he not intervened.
Would never want either party to be the only ones in power. If you only have like minded sycophants it not good for the country.
No. You are repeating media/dem spin. It was not an incremental improvement. The bill was a disaster because it codified Biden/Harris/Mayorkas administrative view of asylum seekers and tethered future administrations to their view.That border bill was good in the sense that it was an incremental improvement from the Biden/ Harris status quo.
Obviously as a long term immigration solution it was wholly inadequate.
In the sense that politics is the art of the possible, maybe Republicans should have passed it and tried to move the ball further later.
But don’t blow smoke up our ass that it was some kind of long term border solution.
You are right. I was trying to offer some grace, but Biden/ Harris/ Mayorkas do not deserve any.No. You are repeating media/dem spin. It was not an incremental improvement. The bill was a disaster because it codified Biden/Harris/Mayorkas administrative view of asylum seekers and tethered future administrations to their view.
Of course it’s not a long term solution. It was a compromised start. Back in W’s presidency the gang of 8 had a border bill agreed to by the leaders of both house of congress. Hence the term the gang of 8. And once again who torpedoed it? Pretty sure you know. The republicans don’t really seem serious about solving the issue but rather they’d rather fund raise and demonize the other side. The far left and far right need to move to the center on this issue. The truth is that there aren’t enough in far left to kill a border bill. The same can not be said of the far right. As long as the MAGA cult is in charge instead of real republicans nothing will get done.That border bill was good in the sense that it was an incremental improvement from the Biden/ Harris status quo.
Obviously as a long term immigration solution it was wholly inadequate.
In the sense that politics is the art of the possible, maybe Republicans should have passed it and tried to move the ball further later.
But don’t blow smoke up our ass that it was some kind of long term border solution.
The Democratic Party seems intent on allowing a certain level of leakage and amnesty abuse.Of course it’s not a long term solution. It was a compromised start. Back in W’s presidency the gang of 8 had a border bill agreed to by the leaders of both house of congress. Hence the term the gang of 8. And once again who torpedoed it? Pretty sure you know. The republicans don’t really seem serious about solving the issue but rather they’d rather fund raise and demonize the other side. The far left and far right need to move to the center on this issue. The truth is that there aren’t enough in far left to kill a border bill. The same can not be said of the far right. As long as the MAGA cult is in charge instead of real republicans nothing will get done.
Depending where you live, there might not be a produce section/market nearby or on a convenient bus route so people can use those benefits the way you have decided how other people should use them.It's cruel to give people money to buy healthy foods? Y'all are weird.
Food is quite literally the basis of existence. If you’re not willing to go out of your way to ensure you eat quality food, then you deserve to die.Depending where you live, there might not be a produce section/market nearby or on a convenient bus route so people can use those benefits the way you have decided how other people should use them.
You gotta eat something.
Maybe it really is 70% and they’re just not telling us so as to keep taking the special privileges that have been bestowed on marginalized groups. Well, we do know that East Indians and Jamaicans are now “Black”. Evolution tells us there is safety in numbers, that is, more numbers mean more power to get your way.Ok, I’ll state the obvious. If an alien came here and watched the DNC they would assume the US is 70% black.
Just a bit of reality check for you. In any government program be it democratic or republican, there’s always leakage and abuse. It seems you want to totally ignore the facts as always. The republicans killed the last two efforts at reform. So niw who isn’t serious? You’re just being stupid in support of your far right agenda.The Democratic Party seems intent on allowing a certain level of leakage and amnesty abuse.
There’s one party who’s not serious about the border, and it’s not republicans.
You can buy canned vegetables on Amazon (and they are SNAP EBT eligible) I don't buy that.Depending where you live, there might not be a produce section/market nearby or on a convenient bus route so people can use those benefits the way you have decided how other people should use them.
You gotta eat
I hate this narrative. There is not a single family in America where the parents are so busy and so burnt out that they can’t make a trip to the grocery store once a week. Do it on a Sunday. Great day for it.You can buy canned vegetables on Amazon (and they are SNAP EBT eligible) I don't buy that.
If they need government money to buy food, the government should be able (and does) regulate what kind of food that money should be for.
Your AOL feed?!?!?Maybe it really is 70% and they’re just not telling us so as to keep taking the special privileges that have been bestowed on marginalized groups. Well, we do know that East Indians and Jamaicans are now “Black”. Evolution tells us there is safety in numbers, that is, more numbers mean more power to get your way.
Something just turned up on my AOL feed after turning on my laptop on for the first time in a month. In the upper right corner it popped up “Barack Obama Day was 19 days ago.” Yep, in the state of Illinois they have Aug 4 as a designated celebration. Their state legislature did defeat the initial bill that would have made it a paid holiday with no school, there is a county in Alabama has passed it as a designated holiday with official businesses closed. That Democratic Leftists at AOL would feed me this BS, along with noting Islamic holiday reminders, frosts my ass with its more conservative Midwestern values.