Official DNC covention thread

So who is the big surprise guest tonight? The three most mentioned seem to be Mike Pence, George Bush, or Taylor Swift. I think it will be Bush. Pence would be a big yawn, and I’m not sure Swift would do it.

LMAO... Bush would never show up at a DNC.
This is complete nonsense. Trump's voluntary $35 cap for SOME people on Medicare did not take effect until 2021. It REMAINED in effect until the Biden administration expanded it to everyone on Medicare in 2023.
I said it was course to be implemented and Joe killed it. When do you think Joe took office?

No, it did not remain in effect.
Not true. I was driving through eastern Tennessee and stopped to get gas and talked to a guy who had lived in Indianapolis. His $145k house is now worth over $400k because of all the 'damn people moving in from other states.

And if you've ever driving around Knoxville, it's getting to be more like Atlanta's traffic.

Too many people are still living with incorrect stereotypes.
I have two kids in Tennessee - Memphis and Knoxville. Knoxville? Meh. It’s still not that big and it’s still a southern town through and through.
Shapiro on CNN now. He is so much better, so much smarter, so much better spoken than Walz.

The influential anti semetic wing of the Dems was not having it.
Not true. I was driving through eastern Tennessee and stopped to get gas and talked to a guy who had lived in Indianapolis. His $145k house is now worth over $400k because of all the 'damn people moving in from other states.

And if you've ever driving around Knoxville, it's getting to be more like Atlanta's traffic.

Too many people are still living with incorrect stereotypes.
They’re going to wake up one day 20 years from now.

“Hey wait, since when does Texas have a larger GDP than California? Florida than New York? Tennessee than Illinois?”
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It's still the 'south' and the 'south' is doing pretty damn well, economically.

You haven't driven through Tennessee much, have you? They've got more ex-Californians and blue state move-ins than they want.

Yes have a lot. Was just in central part of the state for nearly a week this past month, driving through a lot of different small towns. It's like a place where time stood still.

Not talking about Nashville or Knoxville
Removing the combustible material and oxygen from the fire is exactly how firefighters put out fires, regardless whether they use water, blankets, CO2 foam or whatever.

It's like how removing Trump from politics by another humiliating defeat will make American politics less volatile.
Went over your head. If there is a house fire that is burning and someone is doing something that is effective and you say, "You're doing it wrong" and proceed to pour gasoline on it, causing a larger fire, you don't get to take credit for the fire dying down a bit just because you stopped adding an accelerant later on.
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I said it was course to be implemented and Joe killed it. When do you think Joe took office?

No, it did not remain in effect.
It absolutely remained in effect. Do you even know what insulin and other diabetes supplies cost for those not on Medicare? I just replaced my son’s CGM tonight (they last ten days). That CGM costs almost $150 retail. His diabetes supplies retail for over $1,000 per month.

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It absolutely remained in effect. Do you even know what insulin and other diabetes supplies cost for those not on Medicare? I just replaced my son’s CGM tonight (they last ten days). That CGM costs almost $150 retail. His diabetes supplies retail for over $1,000 per month.

I just posted a link to Goat - snopes, in fact - that showed Biden froze Trump's EO for 60 days. He never implemented it until he got his own plan in place.

How do I know? My sister was looking forward to only paying $35 for her insulin and she qualified for Trump's program. She didn't get that until Biden's plan was in place.
It absolutely remained in effect. Do you even know what insulin and other diabetes supplies cost for those not on Medicare? I just replaced my son’s CGM tonight (they last ten days). That CGM costs almost $150 retail. His diabetes supplies retail for over $1,000 per month.

And yes, I do know. Both my sister and I are diabetic, although I keep mine under control and don't use insulin.

I know what she pays for hers and she's not on Medicare.
And yes, I do know. Both my sister and I are diabetic, although I keep mine under control and don't use insulin.

I know what she pays for hers and she's not on Medicare.
How does it not bother you to lie so blatantly? We all have Google. We all can look it up and find that Noodle is telling the truth. What do you possibly think you gain by making such an ass of yourself?
And by the way, I think that link is whack. You think 48% of the children in Indiana are 'dependent' on the free lunch program? Gimme a break.
I agree it's whacked. The reason I posted it was to put context to the "It's happening more in the south" question. I doubt it's even a quarter of those percentages for those kids that are truly "dependent" on those lunches. The link was just to show which states are using it the most.
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I said it was course to be implemented and Joe killed it. When do you think Joe took office?

No, it did not remain in effect.
It absolutely stayed in effect until 2023 when it was made mandatory for all Medicare recipients. Did you read the link I gave you? It lays it all out. Here’s another one that explains it for you.

And yes, I do know. Both my sister and I are diabetic, although I keep mine under control and don't use insulin.

I know what she pays for hers and she's not on Medicare.
Good for you. You obviously do not have Type 1 diabetes, as you can’t keep that “under control.” T1Ds die without insulin. Right now I’m checking his blood glucose by finger prick while his new sensor warms up. You know, to make sure he doesn’t have a hypoglycemic incident. T1D yet his last A1C was 5.4. Can you beat that?
Good for you. You obviously do not have Type 1 diabetes, as you can’t keep that “under control.” T1Ds die without insulin. Right now I’m checking his blood glucose by finger prick while his new sensor warms up. You know, to make sure he doesn’t have a hypoglycemic incident. T1D yet his last A1C was 5.4. Can you beat that?
Is he using omnipod delivery device for his insulin?
Good for you. You obviously do not have Type 1 diabetes, as you can’t keep that “under control.” T1Ds die without insulin. Right now I’m checking his blood glucose by finger prick while his new sensor warms up. You know, to make sure he doesn’t have a hypoglycemic incident. T1D yet his last A1C was 5.4. Can you beat that?
DANC does seem more like an adult-onset kind of guy.
Not to get all dark on everybody, but does making insulin cheaper not just incentivize more fatties?

Some people have type 1. That’s tragic, no one knows what causes type 1. But there seems to be a correlation between fatty parents and type 1.
Good for you. You obviously do not have Type 1 diabetes, as you can’t keep that “under control.” T1Ds die without insulin. Right now I’m checking his blood glucose by finger prick while his new sensor warms up. You know, to make sure he doesn’t have a hypoglycemic incident. T1D yet his last A1C was 5.4. Can you beat that?
Please, for the love of God, do not turn this thread into a "my blood glucose management is better than yours" competition. :)
Yep. A Godsend. Didn’t have one initially, which was actually good training (giving 4-5 injections a day). But the pump gives him so much more freedom and control.
The advancements have been pretty good lately. Omnipods and CGMs…
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Trump supposedly made those comments in front of other people. I don't have to believe Trump - I can believe the other people who were there who said Trump never said it

I don't have to believe Trump - I can believe the other people who were there who said Trump never said it
I don't even knw what you're trying to say here.Who are these "other people"? You're taking the word of these mysterious "other people" over the statements from former Trump Admin officials which Kelly has confirmed? You think Kelly, Esper and the others all got together and plotted to make up stories to sully the reputation of Trump because he's an honorable man and they aren't?

"Kelly set the record straight with on-the-record confirmation of a number of damning stories about statements Trump made behind closed doors attacking US service members and veterans, listing a number of objectionable comments Kelly witnessed Trump make firsthand.

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials
. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France."

Look if you have no problem with the things Trump said, that's one thing. But don't pretend none of it never happened...