Official Trump/Harris debate commentary thread

From the moment she made the crack about his ridiculous rallies, he became totally unhinged. Donald has a new anal orifice. It was ripped open for him. Tomorrow he will pinch off BOTH a McMurt AND a Favra / ChicagoShitForBrains.
Trump looked old, acted angry. His not going to shake her hand probably turned off a lot of women voters right off the bat.

But does he convince more alt right to vote? It seems clear he thinks he can win without a single moderate or independent. I doubt it, but it might be possible.
In an election that Republicans should win going away, they nominated the one guy who can't do the one thing he needs to do - focus on making it about the opponent and not about yourself. There literally couldn't be a worse nominee for a specific election. All Harris had to do was throw some crowd size bait out and it was ovah.
So does this poor trump performance guarantee future debates from him?
2nd most lib this century. Defund. Border. Prices. On and on and she dodged all of it and came out the clear winner. Different mods could pin her down on her record, flip flops, concealing Biden, on and and. She’d be a fool to a risk another debate. This was a home run for her. Leave it
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In an election that Republicans should win going away, they nominated the one guy who can't do the one thing he needs to do - focus on making it about your opponent and not about yourself. There literally couldn't be a worse nominee for a specific election. All Harris had to do was throw some crowd size bait out and it was ovah.

Maybe if Trump hadn’t run at all. If Trump had lost the primary I think any Democrat would beat them.
You might be right but the speed with which they did it is like salt in the wound.
Agree. Probably not smart, but shows the lack of respect they have for Trump. The man is is simply not capable of talking at any depth. She really doesn't either, but at least she has speaking style.

They probably figure dominating him one more time will be the nail in the coffin.
IT's obvious that they had prepped kamalla very well for tonight. Still doesn't change that fact that the kamalla that was seen tonight, is 100% counter to the life history of the kamalla that has proven who she actually is.
IT's obvious that they had prepped kamalla very well for tonight. Still doesn't change that fact that the kamalla that was seen tonight, is 100% counter to the life history of the kamalla that has proven who she actually is.
That kind of post from you is probably the strongest evidence yet of just how badly Trump's bell got rung tonight.

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