Nikki Haley is trending up!

Sorry, I didn't know there was a time limit regarding rape. Guess Bill's not POS anymore to you.
Clinton wouldn't stand a chance at winning the Dem nomination if he were running today. (And his history of sexual misconduct helped destroy his wife's chances in the 2016 general). But of course he's not running. He's irrelevant and has been for 20 years. Trump, on the other hand, despite his corrupt, criminal baggage, is the heavy favorite to win the Republican nomination for president. What the actual fvck.

And, in trying to advance your false equivalency, you're conveniently omitting other notable differences between the two men. Trump, not Clinton, is the head of a business organization that was convicted of 17 felonies including tax fraud and falsifying business records. The Trump Organization is currently the defendant in a civil case alleging fraud. Trump, not Clinton, has been charged with assaulting a bedrock function of American democracy - - our elections system. He's been indicted in four different jurisdictions with ninety-one (91) pending charges including conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding (the Constitutionally-mandated certification of the Electoral College votes), obstructing an official proceeding, wrongfully taking national security documents with him after leaving office, obstructing the efforts to retrieve those documents, and racketeering. I could go on, but you get the point. Then again, maybe you don't.
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FAIR share. And what's fair is never defined.
They want us to pay a fare to power their crazy train. But yes, it's never defined and most assuredly never capped. Just more to create 1) a divide and 2) make it sound bad to succeed because then the D's would lose their power.
Biden may have sexually assaulted his daughter.
No. His daughter said it's a bullshit, baseless claim intended to politically harm her father.

"I think it's human nature when anybody that you love dearly is attacked—wrong stuff is out there that is just complete BS. It does anger you. If my family weren't so close, it wouldn't be so hard, but we are. My family is my safe space. So that was the hardest thing: I couldn't understand how (a) things were said that were not true, and (b) how people could be so cruel just because of whether they liked my father or not."
No. His daughter said it's a bullshit, baseless claim intended to politically harm her father.

"I think it's human nature when anybody that you love dearly is attacked—wrong stuff is out there that is just complete BS. It does anger you. If my family weren't so close, it wouldn't be so hard, but we are. My family is my safe space. So that was the hardest thing: I couldn't understand how (a) things were said that were not true, and (b) how people could be so cruel just because of whether they liked my father or not."
She also said he took showers with her and it was probably inappropriate. And there are countless pictures of him touching children inappropriately. I wouldn’t let him within 100 yards of my children because he’s a f#cking creep. However, I really don’t care to hear your justification for his behavior or dmb’s justification for Trump’sbehavior. Start the who is the creepiest thread and have at it.
She also said he took showers with her and it was probably inappropriate. And there are countless pictures of him touching children inappropriately. I wouldn’t let him within 100 yards of my children because he’s a f#cking creep. However, I really don’t care to hear your justification for his behavior or dmb’s justification for Trump’sbehavior. Start the who is the creepiest thread and have at it.
Justifying his behavior? What the hell are you talking about? He's a strange dude. The hair-sniffing stuff is weird but not close to criminal, there's no credible evidence that he committed sexual assault, and it's pretty reckless to accuse him of that.
Justifying his behavior? What the hell are you talking about? He's a strange dude. The hair-sniffing stuff is weird but not close to criminal, there's no credible evidence that he committed sexual assault, and it's pretty reckless to accuse him of that.
Wrong thread. Downplaying sniffing little girls hair belongs in the who is the creepiest President thread (it might make Biden the leader in the clubhouse). This thread is about Haley. Get back on track.
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be thankful psu won. it's those random victories that buy these rotten coaches more time than they deserve. best that can happen to iu football is to just lose out now. get a new coach
What do you think of Carey?
She also said he took showers with her and it was probably inappropriate. And there are countless pictures of him touching children inappropriately. I wouldn’t let him within 100 yards of my children because he’s a f#cking creep. However, I really don’t care to hear your justification for his behavior or dmb’s justification for Trump’sbehavior. Start the who is the creepiest thread and have at it.
She did NOT say that. A diary was STOLEN from her in which there were allegedly things in there that she has denied.
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On Bill Maher's podcast a few weeks ago, James Carville said he believes that if the Democrats would run a good candidate in the 45-55 age range, they'd easily win 55% of the presidential vote in 2024. He mentioned Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro as guys who could be strong candidates. He mentioned a few others, but those are the two I sort of agreed with. He mentioned Gretchen Whitmer too.
Be careful about Beshear. I like him, and will probably vote for him, but he’s got a lot of “yokel“ to wash off before he is presidential timber. National media would eat him alive.
i don't know enough about college football play calling etc to know who is or isn't good. i just like hype men coaches. prime. bruce pearl. etc. that's where i'd play
Allen was a great hype man though. Remember how much national publicity we were getting during the Covid year, LEO, him turning over the trash cans after a win, high fiving all the fans, etc. You’ve got to match the hype with some wins. And sadly, he doesn’t appear able to do that. I was so hoping he was the guy.
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be thankful psu won. it's those random victories that buy these rotten coaches more time than they deserve. best that can happen to iu football is to just lose out now. get a new coach


Lets hire a new coach so we'll be right back in this spot again in 5-6 years.

Nothing will change until Indiana as a university decides to take football seriously.
Allen was a great hype man though. Remember how much national publicity we were getting during the Covid year, LEO, him turning over the trash cans after a win, high giving all the fans, etc. You’ve got to match the hype with some wins. And sadly, he doesn’t appear able to do that. I was so hoping he was the guy.

What I'm mad about is had Allen been able to win consistently here, I truly think he would have stayed and been loyal.

I'm not sure how many coaches we can say that with IU football.
Be careful about Beshear. I like him, and will probably vote for him, but he’s got a lot of “yokel“ to wash off before he is presidential timber. National media would eat him alive.
Didn't that clown refuse to promise to appoint a Republican to the Senate should something happen to Mitch even though the KY Constitution requires it? He's always seemed like a total fraud to me.
i don't know enough about college football play calling etc to know who is or isn't good. i just like hype men coaches. prime. bruce pearl. etc. that's where i'd play
I wanted Carey when he was HC at Northern Illinois, Bill Mallory came from Dekalb Illinois too…. I can see one tap dance that may be available to Dolson is to demote Allen to DC after the season, and make Carey the interim. Then just maybe Allen resigns for a negotiated buy out
Have to do something to show fans you care. Dump the AD with him

Won't matter.

AD has to answer to someone/some people. Those people are the ones that are stuck in the past.

Basketball is king and always will be here. Look how much talk the weight room gets. They're putting up a wall in the middle to divide it. Big whoop.

Does either basketball team lift at that weight room or do they have their own separate workout facility? Hint: it was built in 2010.
Didn't that clown refuse to promise to appoint a Republican to the Senate should something happen to Mitch even though the KY Constitution requires it? He's always seemed like a total fraud to me.
Possibly. Wasn’t paying attention.

Mitch ain’t dead yet, and the Democrats have yet to outsmart him on any single issue or event.

He eats them for breakfast, and picks his teeth with their whining.

Even with a brain addled by a fall, and multiple subsequent mini strokes, they couldn’t out-strategy him if he was in a coma.

He can recite the rules of the Senate in his sleep, backwards, upside down, and in all global languages.

Once the Trump/anti-Trump generations fall away and turn to dust, and the dust settles, McConnell will be remembered as perhaps the most effective senator in American history. Yes, he never had a 60 vote majority, and he compromised when he had to, but he prevented more harm from the Culture Warriors than we may ever understand.
Possibly. Wasn’t paying attention.

Mitch ain’t dead yet, and the Democrats have yet to outsmart him on any single issue or event.

He eats them for breakfast, and picks his teeth with their whining.

Even with a brain addled by a fall, and multiple subsequent mini strokes, they couldn’t out-strategy him if he was in a coma.

He can recite the rules of the Senate in his sleep, backwards, upside down, and in all global languages.

Once the Trump/anti-Trump generations fall away and turn to dust, and the dust settles, McConnell will be remembered as perhaps the most effective senator in American history. Yes, he never had a 60 vote majority, and he compromised when he had to, but he prevented more harm from the Culture Warriors than we may ever understand.
McConnell should write a book called “Art of the Deal”. He is good at that and really doesn’t let his critics rattle him.
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Possibly. Wasn’t paying attention.

Mitch ain’t dead yet, and the Democrats have yet to outsmart him on any single issue or event.

He eats them for breakfast, and picks his teeth with their whining.

Even with a brain addled by a fall, and multiple subsequent mini strokes, they couldn’t out-strategy him if he was in a coma.

He can recite the rules of the Senate in his sleep, backwards, upside down, and in all global languages.

Once the Trump/anti-Trump generations fall away and turn to dust, and the dust settles, McConnell will be remembered as perhaps the most effective senator in American history. Yes, he never had a 60 vote majority, and he compromised when he had to, but he prevented more harm from the Culture Warriors than we may ever understand.
Sounds a lot like Nancy Pelosi….
Possibly. Wasn’t paying attention.

Mitch ain’t dead yet, and the Democrats have yet to outsmart him on any single issue or event.

He eats them for breakfast, and picks his teeth with their whining.

Even with a brain addled by a fall, and multiple subsequent mini strokes, they couldn’t out-strategy him if he was in a coma.

He can recite the rules of the Senate in his sleep, backwards, upside down, and in all global languages.

Once the Trump/anti-Trump generations fall away and turn to dust, and the dust settles, McConnell will be remembered as perhaps the most effective senator in American history. Yes, he never had a 60 vote majority, and he compromised when he had to, but he prevented more harm from the Culture Warriors than we may ever understand.
And he's never done a damn thing the Republican voters want. He's literally the most unpopular politician in the entire country.

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Doesn't the right have a S.C. seat because of McConnell?

I'm fairly certain Republican voters wanted that one.
We have that seat because Trump pulled off the biggest upset in American history. Anyone could've delayed that vote. Biden himself is on record saying we shouldn't put anyone on SCOTUS during a Presidential election year.
Once the Trump/anti-Trump generations fall away and turn to dust, and the dust settles, McConnell will be remembered as perhaps the most effective senator in American history. Yes, he never had a 60 vote majority, and he compromised when he had to, but he prevented more harm from the Culture Warriors than we may ever understand.

His handling of the Scalia replacement broke the Senate. Most effective? Perhaps. But most ruthless... he wins that hands down.
Clinton wouldn't stand a chance at winning the Dem nomination if he were running today. (And his history of sexual misconduct helped destroy his wife's chances in the 2016 general). But of course he's not running. He's irrelevant and has been for 20 years. Trump, on the other hand, despite his corrupt, criminal baggage, is the heavy favorite to win the Republican nomination for president. What the actual fvck.

And, in trying to advance your false equivalency, you're conveniently omitting other notable differences between the two men. Trump, not Clinton, is the head of a business organization that was convicted of 17 felonies including tax fraud and falsifying business records. The Trump Organization is currently the defendant in a civil case alleging fraud. Trump, not Clinton, has been charged with assaulting a bedrock function of American democracy - - our elections system. He's been indicted in four different jurisdictions with ninety-one (91) pending charges including conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding (the Constitutionally-mandated certification of the Electoral College votes), obstructing an official proceeding, wrongfully taking national security documents with him after leaving office, obstructing the efforts to retrieve those documents, and racketeering. I could go on, but you get the point. Then again, maybe you don't.

Wow! Quite defensive of Billy. My point was not about who's better or worse. It was being a POS rapist didn't hurt Billy or Donnie in becoming president. That's it. No need for your cosmic-like novel.
Wow! Quite defensive of Billy. My point was not about who's better or worse. It was being a POS rapist didn't hurt Billy or Donnie in becoming president. That's it. No need for your cosmic-like novel.

I was in grade school when Clinton was president, but was it known that he was a frequent flier to Epstein Island when he was running for president?
Indiana will be an interesting case study next week. We have a crowded GOP primary field. Braun received Trumps endorsement yesterday. While I personally believed he would win the nomination regardless, I am interested to see if he gets a significant bump from that endorsement. In Indiana, I think it’s very possible.
I was in grade school when Clinton was president, but was it known that he was a frequent flier to Epstein Island when he was running for president?
No. But he was always known as a "charmer" and handsy with the ladies, even if he denied it. 60 minutes did a famous piece of him in '92.

One of Trump's many problems is that he bragged about it (Howard Stern show tapes, Billy Bush, etc) while Clinton denied, denied, denied. But they had some things in common, it appears.
No. But he was always known as a "charmer" and handsy with the ladies, even if he denied it. 60 minutes did a famous piece of him in '92.

One of Trump's many problems is that he bragged about it (Howard Stern show tapes, Billy Bush, etc) while Clinton denied, denied, denied. But they had some things in common, it appears.

I'll have to watch that 60 minutes piece, since I was 10 when it came out.

I think it comes down to both may and probably are POS, but Clinton's stuff really wasn't criminal until he was already in office and not up for re-election, or am I off base there?