Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

Cohen allegedly said he violated campaign law at direction of candidate presumably Trump. If a client asks you, as his attorney, to do something illegal, and you comply with the client's request, is the client guilty of the crime? I don't know the answer. Unless a conspiracy can be established, I have my doubts. Ya have to wonder if Cohen even knew he committed a crime when he arranged payment for a non-disclosure agreement.

I don't see a Trump poblem with Manafort except for the optics that many people think are important.
. . . Cohen surrenders to the FBI and prepares to plead guilty in what apparently will be a plea deal. Popcorn is on the stove . . . .

"Just my rotten luck Giuliani prosecuted me when he still had a legal mind. I never could catch a break."

Signed Fake John Gotti

side story: My future brother in law had clerked for the judge in that case. My mum told me then, that she wondered how much longer long my sister would have him around!
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And most of that, IIRC, was in the form of loans. I wonder how much of his own donations have been paid back to him using other donors' money.

He spent/forgave loans for $66m....about $11m of was paid to Trump properties, use of planes, I guess net $55m. The total campaign spent about $325m.
I am going to jump form the end to the begining

Wouldn't the "campaign law" being broken be if Campaign money being spent to pay her off, NOT the act of paying her? I mean, if Trump used or didn't use Campaign funds to repay Cohen, Cohen wouldn't know that would he (or at least be able to shield himself from knowing)?

Yes. I don’t think that would be a legit expense.

However, Trump personally financed much of his campaign. His defense would obviously be sloppy bookkeeping. One has to wonder how his personal attorney was allowed to withdraw campaign funds. All of this is probably the result of Trump’s campaign not having experienced staff. There are better ways to wash the money if that was the intent.
Yes. I don’t think that would be a legit expense.

However, Trump personally financed much of his campaign. His defense would obviously be sloppy bookkeeping. One has to wonder how his personal attorney was allowed to withdraw campaign funds. All of this is probably the result of Trump’s campaign not having experienced staff. There are better ways to wash the money if that was the intent.

You are more loyal than Cohen.

The payment had nothing to do with the official campaign money. This was just a side deal as I understand it.
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I am going to jump form the end to the begining

Wouldn't the "campaign law" being broken be if Campaign money being spent to pay her off, NOT the act of paying her? I mean, if Trump used or didn't use Campaign funds to repay Cohen, Cohen wouldn't know that would he (or at least be able to shield himself from knowing)?
Not exactly. The government's theory is that Cohen made an illegal contribution by spending personal money beyond specified limits to help the campaign. Where Trump got the funds to pay him back is irrelevant to that crime (although it could represent a second, independent, crime, if he stole those funds from his own campaign).

For those who want to implicate Trump in Cohen's crime, the key is that Cohen did this at Trump's direction. Whether or not Trump knew that he was directing Cohen to commit a crime is irrelevant (ignorance of fact can be a defense; ignorance of law cannot be). I find it very unlikely that a federal grand jury will ever issue an indictment of Donald Trump for conspiracy to commit campaign finance violations on these apparent facts, but if you want to know how the legal dots connect, there it is.
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Lanny Davis on CNN now says that Cohen considers Trump a danger to the country.
Lanny Davis on CNN now says that Cohen considers Trump a danger to the country.

Lol. Lanny is posturing for his client. That’s what he is paid to do. Cohen is going to jail. How long depends on what Cohen says going forward about his former client.
I never watched a second if his show. I don’t know whether he was a star or not. It’s hard for me to understand why so many connect Trump with a TV show especially those whose politics now consist only of RESIST! People would have been better and smarter watching Fox News.

He leveraged his name recognition off a network (NBC) TV show (that was on for a decade+).

He is/was nothing but a creature of 100% celebrity culture. If you don't understand are a truly lost soul.

There are a shit ton of rich real estate developers. They don't end up President....or anywhere near it.

He's where he his because of his celebrity...that he's carefully created for decades.

You are just another viewer of his "show".

Maybe you don't care...that's ok, I guess.

But nobody other than DJT himself ever looked at that guy and told'd be a great President of the USA. Nobody.
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He leveraged his name recognition off a network (NBC) TV show (that was on for a decade+).

He is/was nothing but a creature of 100% celebrity culture. If you don't understand are a truly lost soul.

Maybe you don't care...that's ok, I guess.
Trump's book-readers, his "university" students, his TV viewers, his political supporters. They are all just victims of the same decades-long scam.
Not exactly. The government's theory is that Cohen made an illegal contribution by spending personal money beyond specified limits to help the campaign. Where Trump got the funds to pay him back is irrelevant to that crime (although it could represent a second, independent, crime, if he stole those funds from his own campaign).

For those who want to implicate Trump in Cohen's crime, the key is that Cohen did this at Trump's direction. Whether or not Trump knew that he was directing Cohen to commit a crime is irrelevant (ignorance of fact can be a defense; ignorance of law cannot be). I find it very unlikely that a federal grand jury will ever issue an indictment of Donald Trump for conspiracy to commit campaign finance violations on these apparent facts, but if you want to know how the legal dots connect, there it is.

Actually, the serious Cohen pleas are for income tax evasion and bank fraud—filing false statements to obtain loans. Neither have anything to do with Trump. The campaign violation has to do with being a moving cause of a corporate donation in excess of legal limits. Cohen is going to jail for failing to pay taxes and defrauding banks.

Actually, the serious Cohen pleas are for income tax evasion and bank fraud—filing false statements to obtain loans. Neither have anything to do with Trump. The campaign violation has to do with being a moving cause of a corporate donation in excess of legal limits. Cohen is going to jail for failing to pay taxes and defrauding banks.

Non-responsive to what Joe and I were actually discussing.
There are a shit ton of rich real estate developers. They don't end up President....or anywhere near it.

Maybe they should run.

He's where he his because of his celebrity...that he's carefully created for decades.

Maybe for some people. Not for me. I think there are millions like me.

But nobody other than DJT himself ever looked at that guy and told'd be a great President of the USA. Nobody.

There was no greatness in the running. I settled for what I expected; turn-around on judgeships, tax changes, immigration laws enforced as written instead of as the exec wants (you know, that old government of laws not men thing), regulatory reform, action instead of speeches in foreign affairs.
Maybe they should run.

Maybe for some people. Not for me. I think there are millions like me.

There was no greatness in the running. I settled for what I expected; turn-around on judgeships, tax changes, immigration laws enforced as written instead of as the exec wants (you know, that old government of laws not men thing), regulatory reform, action instead of speeches in foreign affairs.

I'll assume if Kanye West runs under the same platform you'll vote for him too?

Also..."quoting" only the sentence of your choosing is very intellectually weak. You should respond to the full comment.
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If you say so. The "government theory" as you described means exactly squat. Cohen pleaded guilty to participating in a corporate violation.
He also pleaded guilty to a campaign finance violation. That is the crime Joe asked about. There is no "if I say so" about it. We were talking about one thing and your response had nothing to do with that thing.
I never watched a second if his show. I don’t know whether he was a star or not. It’s hard for me to understand why so many connect Trump with a TV show especially those whose politics now consist only of RESIST! People would have been better and smarter watching Fox News.
He never would have been president without the recognition he got from his reality show. A lot of the kind of people that would vote for him thought it made him look smart and like a good business man.
Maybe they should run.

Maybe for some people. Not for me. I think there are millions like me.

There was no greatness in the running. I settled for what I expected; turn-around on judgeships, tax changes, immigration laws enforced as written instead of as the exec wants (you know, that old government of laws not men thing), regulatory reform, action instead of speeches in foreign affairs.
Then why in hell do you still support him? Sounds like you think you already got everything you wanted from him (except for "that old government of laws not men thing" which everybody knows Trump doesn't follow).
You’re missing the bigger point, and that is he believed Trump to be a good candidate without knowing he was a reality TV star. Anyone who honestly vetted Trump’s business career would not have voted for him.

I can forgive the yokels who voted for Trump based on his celebrity. The people who voted for him because he had an R next to his name are a different story.
Absolutely true. Trump was never a Republican. Party affiliation was only a means to an end.

By the way, the end for him will be that, in the name of ridding the country of this supposed witch hunt, he’ll fire some combination of Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions. When he does, nearly all of his political cover will evaporate.
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Absolutely true. Trump was never a Republican. Party affiliation was only a means to an end.

By the way, the end for him will be that, in the name of ridding the country of this supposed witch hunt, he’ll fire some combination of Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions. When he does, nearly all of his political cover will evaporate.
I disagree. I think the Republican Congress will stand with him no matter what outrage he conducts but he had better hurry to do so before November. He’s Teflon Don at the this moment.
I disagree. I think the Republican Congress will stand with him no matter what outrage he conducts but he had better hurry to do so before November. He’s Teflon Don at the this moment.
If / when he fires any of those guys for the purpose of ending the investigation, most of them will run for the hills. No way will they stand next to him when it gets to that point. It’s how Nixon was forced out and how Trump will become isolated from his most ardent defenders. What he’ll do then is anyone’s guess, but his political cover will largely disappear.
If / when he fires any of those guys for the purpose of ending the investigation, most of them will run for the hills. No way will they stand next to him when it gets to that point. It’s how Nixon was forced out and how Trump will become isolated from his most ardent defenders. What he’ll do then is anyone’s guess, but his political cover will largely disappear.
I hope you’re right but I’m not seeing much backbone in our congressmen. Who is a Republican that is standing up to Trump?
If / when he fires any of those guys for the purpose of ending the investigation, most of them will run for the hills. No way will they stand next to him when it gets to that point. It’s how Nixon was forced out and how Trump will become isolated from his most ardent defenders. What he’ll do then is anyone’s guess, but his political cover will largely disappear.

I hope you’re right but I am skeptical. To your point about Trump not being a Republican. He isn’t. But that has not stopped every person who still identifies themselves as a Republican from supporting, following and defending him. The only tepid opposition raised in either house is coming from lame duck legislators. And even then, tepid may be an overstatement.

If I was a power hungry GOP player, I’d want to be the one carrying the banner to bring trump to justice. Think about how that person would be remembered by history and how much leverage that person would have in the party from go. Is there a “hero” in this story?
I hope you’re right but I am skeptical. To your point about Trump not being a Republican. He isn’t. But that has not stopped every person who still identifies themselves as a Republican from supporting, following and defending him. The only tepid opposition raised in either house is coming from lame duck legislators. And even then, tepid may be an overstatement.

If I was a power hungry GOP player, I’d want to be the one carrying the banner to bring trump to justice. Think about how that person would be remembered by history and how much leverage that person would have in the party from go. Is there a “hero” in this story?
Establishing a legacy of intraparty opposition is immaterial to most professional politicians if they get voted out of office. Trust me, Trump’s support will largely evaporate if / when he moves on Mueller/ Rosenstein / Sessions, just like Nixon’s support largely disappeared.