Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

This is horribly naive thinking that is prevalent and pervasive in the Trump base camp. He’s not a Bezos, or a Buffett, or a Gates. He’s a guy that was born rich and has increased his and his family’s wealth through a variety of channels and practices. We’re now finding out (with proof - while most of us suspected it all along) many of his closest business associates are dirty players and that he threatens mafia-style those that aren’t supremely “loyal” to him. That’s a problem, Crazy, and it’s extremely disappointing that an intelligent fellow like you can’t see it. It’s not the porn star stuff, it’s the decades of likely illegal activity and practices that disqualify him from office.

You can talk all you want about “the dirty elites” and “the swamp.” But Trump is the king of the NYC swamp and is quite possibly dirtier than all of them combined. It’s ludicrous to think that he has anybody but his own best interests in mind.

I do not disagree with any of that. I was not voting to "clean the swamp". I wanted to pump the breaks on some of Obama's stuff. I did not want Hillary Clinton picking a couple of Supreme Court justices (or any Democrat for that matter).

Also, I am of the opinion that the stuff swirling around Trump is the same stuff we would see if any deep dive was done on most of the people at the top end of our government. And I know the reaction to that but Paul Manafort is not new to the program. He goes back to the 1980's.

Yeah, Trump is involved in sleazy stuff but he was welcome at the table with all of those people when they felt they were in charge of him. You can find plenty of pictures of he, Bill, and Hillary hobknobbing together. I feel Hillary was every bit a part of the same swamp that Trump is. I am willing to bet that if we had a special prosecutor look into the Clinton Foundation, we would find all sorts of interesting things. Trump's biggest sin was not what he was doing, it was the idea that he was outside the regular "elite" group that runs this country. He was the drunken uncle with a big pocket book who crashed the party. And so he must be squashed.

The Democrats have been lurching more and more left. Trump is not a conservative, he is more of an old style Democrat. He would not be my normal choice in an election but none of my normal choices made it out of the primary because they cannibalized each other and were ineffective in their messaging. It also does not help when the establishment gets in power and never delivers on promises (see Rand Paul's Planned Parenthood amendment that was shot down because of Collins and Murkowski). My uber conservative religious parents were asking why they vote for these guys today, I told them to not vote for anyone if you want to send a message.

I am pissed at the GOP. Trump was my initial shot across the bow. At a certain point I just stop showing up and I leave them to the mercy of the Ocasio's of the world.
I do dislike all those failings in Trump.

In addition to Hillary and Bill's failings: I dislike their politics; I dislike the fact that the press does not tend to give them the same scrutiny as a guy like Trump and when they do get scrutiny it is generally buried; I increasingly disliked the idea that we were going to go Bush, Clinton, Bush, Change, Clinton, after almost 25 years I was keenly interested in shoving a stake through the heart of the Clintons in politics.

The Democrats made the mistake of running someone like her again. I am not alone in my distaste for Hillary, plenty of liberals got out the long knives on her when they finally felt they could too. She was rejected by Democrats in 2008. I do not think that Obama would say he was a big fan of her or Bill if you caught him in private and he felt he could speak freely.

Yeah, Donald Trump is a clown, but his clowning has not really been on the politics side for the better part of my life. He was the over the top rich guy that rappers wanted to be like.

If you dislike all those failings in Trump and the differentiator is that you dislike their politics, why don't you focus on their politics? What I see here is someone focusing on those failings in one case, but making excuses for those failings in another case. That's lame.
I'm a little confused, Crazy. It sounds like you have a severe dislike for the Clintons and it appears that it comes from moral shortcomings. What is it about the Clintons that you find so morally abhorrent that you don't find in President Trump?

It’s a level of hatred that can’t be explained outside of Newt pioneering the politics of personal destruction. He drove hatred and disrespect to never before seen heights.
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Hag is the equivalent of calling Trump a dick.
Come on. You don't see that calling Clinton a hag is not simply commenting on her as a person, but also attacking her looks? You don't see the sexism in that?

And since your brought up Amy Chozick as a reliable source:

It is clear Chozick admires Clinton and recognises the deep-rooted misogyny that greeted [Clinton's] political campaigns. Asked if she thinks Clinton was treated in more gendered terms in her first or second run for the presidency, Chozick described a group of hecklers at a campaign rally in New Hampshire in 2008 who, as Clinton spoke, shouted: “Iron my shirts!”

But sexism was equally impossible to ignore in the “lock her up” chants of 2016, she said, as it is now in the way in which Republicans are running against Clinton in the 2018 midterms.

There’s this visceral Hillary hatred that’s not really connected to anything in her record,” Chozick said.​

I'm not trying to suggest that misogyny is behind your hatred for Clinton; I'm sure you genuinely hate her. But there is a lot of misogyny out there in the animosity toward Clinton, and if you think that's wrong, give some thought as to how you criticize her.
I do not disagree with any of that. I was not voting to "clean the swamp". I wanted to pump the breaks on some of Obama's stuff. I did not want Hillary Clinton picking a couple of Supreme Court justices (or any Democrat for that matter).

Also, I am of the opinion that the stuff swirling around Trump is the same stuff we would see if any deep dive was done on most of the people at the top end of our government. And I know the reaction to that but Paul Manafort is not new to the program. He goes back to the 1980's.

Yeah, Trump is involved in sleazy stuff but he was welcome at the table with all of those people when they felt they were in charge of him. You can find plenty of pictures of he, Bill, and Hillary hobknobbing together. I feel Hillary was every bit a part of the same swamp that Trump is. I am willing to bet that if we had a special prosecutor look into the Clinton Foundation, we would find all sorts of interesting things. Trump's biggest sin was not what he was doing, it was the idea that he was outside the regular "elite" group that runs this country. He was the drunken uncle with a big pocket book who crashed the party. And so he must be squashed.

The Democrats have been lurching more and more left. Trump is not a conservative, he is more of an old style Democrat. He would not be my normal choice in an election but none of my normal choices made it out of the primary because they cannibalized each other and were ineffective in their messaging. It also does not help when the establishment gets in power and never delivers on promises (see Rand Paul's Planned Parenthood amendment that was shot down because of Collins and Murkowski). My uber conservative religious parents were asking why they vote for these guys today, I told them to not vote for anyone if you want to send a message.

I am pissed at the GOP. Trump was my initial shot across the bow. At a certain point I just stop showing up and I leave them to the mercy of the Ocasio's of the world.
If Clinton had been elected and the Justice Dept. found reason to investigate her and the Clinton Foundation, would you have believed that investigation would have been politically motivated to an extent that the investigation would have been illegitimate? Or would you have been invested in getting to the bottom of whatever shenanigans that Clinton may have been involved in?

Why are your only options Trump and the GOP? Are you unwilling to engage in any dialogue with Democrats, independents and disaffected Republicans to forge some compromises regarding issues that are important to you? Why are the rest of us either the enemy or nonentities - or both - to you?
I do not disagree with any of that. I was not voting to "clean the swamp". I wanted to pump the breaks on some of Obama's stuff. I did not want Hillary Clinton picking a couple of Supreme Court justices (or any Democrat for that matter).

Also, I am of the opinion that the stuff swirling around Trump is the same stuff we would see if any deep dive was done on most of the people at the top end of our government. And I know the reaction to that but Paul Manafort is not new to the program. He goes back to the 1980's.

Yeah, Trump is involved in sleazy stuff but he was welcome at the table with all of those people when they felt they were in charge of him. You can find plenty of pictures of he, Bill, and Hillary hobknobbing together. I feel Hillary was every bit a part of the same swamp that Trump is. I am willing to bet that if we had a special prosecutor look into the Clinton Foundation, we would find all sorts of interesting things. Trump's biggest sin was not what he was doing, it was the idea that he was outside the regular "elite" group that runs this country. He was the drunken uncle with a big pocket book who crashed the party. And so he must be squashed.

The Democrats have been lurching more and more left. Trump is not a conservative, he is more of an old style Democrat. He would not be my normal choice in an election but none of my normal choices made it out of the primary because they cannibalized each other and were ineffective in their messaging. It also does not help when the establishment gets in power and never delivers on promises (see Rand Paul's Planned Parenthood amendment that was shot down because of Collins and Murkowski). My uber conservative religious parents were asking why they vote for these guys today, I told them to not vote for anyone if you want to send a message.

I am pissed at the GOP. Trump was my initial shot across the bow. At a certain point I just stop showing up and I leave them to the mercy of the Ocasio's of the world.
By wanting to "pump the breaks on some of Obama's stuff" you helped pump the brakes on the America stuff. We are no longer viewed as the global stalwart we once were, tariffs, NATO support, immigration outright hostilities toward our allies,... I'm assuming that the country will survive this band of cretins but it will take decades for the country to return to normal. And all this was done for some short term benefit and a promised return to an America that wasn't that great the first time around.
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Come on. You don't see that calling Clinton a hag is not simply commenting on her as a person, but also attacking her looks? You don't see the sexism in that?

And since your brought up Amy Chozick as a reliable source:

It is clear Chozick admires Clinton and recognises the deep-rooted misogyny that greeted [Clinton's] political campaigns. Asked if she thinks Clinton was treated in more gendered terms in her first or second run for the presidency, Chozick described a group of hecklers at a campaign rally in New Hampshire in 2008 who, as Clinton spoke, shouted: “Iron my shirts!”

But sexism was equally impossible to ignore in the “lock her up” chants of 2016, she said, as it is now in the way in which Republicans are running against Clinton in the 2018 midterms.

There’s this visceral Hillary hatred that’s not really connected to anything in her record,” Chozick said.​

I'm not trying to suggest that misogyny is behind your hatred for Clinton; I'm sure you genuinely hate her. But there is a lot of misogyny out there in the animosity toward Clinton, and if you think that's wrong, give some thought as to how you criticize her.
Crazy really showed his ass in this thread.
In the last 24 hours we’ve seen a thread filled with racist remarks and a thread filled with misogynistic remarks and all of the people involved are totally refusing to comprehend that this is not acceptable in polite society.
In the last 24 hours we’ve seen a thread filled with racist remarks and a thread filled with misogynistic remarks and all of the people involved are totally refusing to comprehend that this is not acceptable in polite society.
In the last 24 hours we’ve seen a thread filled with racist remarks and a thread filled with misogynistic remarks and all of the people involved are totally refusing to comprehend that this is not acceptable in polite society.
And people think the discourse in the country hasn’t changed. Really makes me sad and frightened for the future.
In the last 24 hours we’ve seen a thread filled with racist remarks and a thread filled with misogynistic remarks and all of the people involved are totally refusing to comprehend that this is not acceptable in polite society.
You think your side is polite?
You think your side is polite?
But as a rule, you aren’t going to be finding racist and misogynist comments from my side on this board. And all you have to do is peruse these threads to see an abundance of it on yours, which was what the discussion was about. Not politeness.
But as a rule, you aren’t going to be finding racist and misogynist comments from my side on this board. And all you have to do is peruse these threads to see an abundance of it on yours, which was what the discussion was about. Not politeness.

Look, it’s not the republican party’s fault they appeal to racists and misogynists. Although it kinda makes you wonder what a self labeled “reasonable republican” thinks about this. Maybe some should do some reflection about the party they call home if they aren’t a racist and/or misogynist.
Couple of things:

1. Hag was meant as a shot at Clinton's personality, not her looks. When you call a guy a dick you are not saying he looks like an actual penis. I have a visceral dislike for Hillary that has nothing to do with her gender. You all have a visceral dislike of Trump for some of the same things that I dislike Hillary for. Now imagine that he has been in national politics for 25+ years and you felt that he has never really paid a price for his behavior. That is how I view Hillary. As far as misogyny goes, in an era of "me too" we are talking about one of the most bulldoggish of attackers against her husband's accusers.

But Crazy, is not Trump the same types of things? Yeah, but again, I figure I am dealing with Trump for 4 years, 8 tops. Hillary was a 2 decade adventure and I was ready for her to leave the stage for good. And on top of that, I am not a fan of her politics. I have voted against several men who hold her same views. If Bernie had run, I would have voted against him. I would pull the lever for Nikki Haley over any male that is currently considering running for the Democrats too.

2. In answer to Sope, I think we have basically a binary choice in each election. There are other options out there but I really did not like the option the Democrats were running. A protest vote in that instance was basically a vote for Hillary Clinton. You saw the same thing pop up on the left after Hillary lost, people were pissed that some of the Bernie Bros. voted third party or stayed home. I would love to have a viable third option, we currently do not.

3. Also in answer to Sope, I am willing to get together with moderate Republicans, Independents, and Moderate Democrats where our interests mostly align and we can find common ground. I am much more economically moderate than I am socially. The Democrats have not been making moderate noise w.r.t. to the economy lately though, they have tilted toward socialism (Trump actually ran on an economic platform that I would consider "moderate"). From a social bent, I find almost zero in the Democrats anymore. I used to think we had some agreement on the colorblind society ideal but that has been passed up for this ranking system of the aggrieved...I do not know what progressives want anymore w.r.t. race, other than I know white people, males in particular, are apparently the cause of all the world's ills. I also see a more authoritarian bent on that side of the aisle than I have a taste for. I think things that are mostly pushed by left leaning artists on TV, in music, and in movies have mostly been deleterious to our society. If the Democrats want my support it is their job to come to me. And I am completely understanding that sometimes that is not possible.
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I also see a more authoritarian bent on that side of the aisle than I have a taste for.

Really? And you don't see an authoritarian bent on the other side of the aisle?

You seriously confuse me, Crazy. If you'd stuck with #2, I could buy it, but the rest of your post screams of a guy trying desperately to justify something that his heart just isn't in.
Really? And you don't see an authoritarian bent on the other side of the aisle?

You seriously confuse me, Crazy. If you'd stuck with #2, I could buy it, but the rest of your post screams of a guy trying desperately to justify something that his heart just isn't in.

Sure there is some. I see more on the left side from where I sit. And frankly, much of what I see is not necessarily within the Democratic Party itself, but among a growing segment of its supporters.

Not 100% sure what you are getting at in the second paragraph. My heart is not 100% in on either the GOP or on Trump. I spent the last part of last week telling my boomer parents that if the GOP was not going to deliver on one of their hot button topics, to sit out an election.

If you are saying I am a misogynist because of my Hillary stuff and that I am just throwing up a defense, ok I guess. I do not know how to convince you otherwise, or even that I have to. I don't run around downing women on this board or in life. I downed Hillary with what I feel was a fair description of her personality and of her proclivity to hit the bottle (which was sourced by someone who is/was a true believer in Hillary, which made it all the more believable to me). When I disagree with Zeke, I do so in the same manner that I do with any of the males. I am not here to ride people down over their gender or color, I disagree with people based on what they say.
Sure there is some. I see more on the left side from where I sit. And frankly, much of what I see is not necessarily within the Democratic Party itself, but among a growing segment of its supporters.

Not 100% sure what you are getting at in the second paragraph. My heart is not 100% in on either the GOP or on Trump. I spent the last part of last week telling my boomer parents that if the GOP was not going to deliver on one of their hot button topics, to sit out an election.

If you are saying I am a misogynist because of my Hillary stuff and that I am just throwing up a defense, ok I guess. I do not know how to convince you otherwise, or even that I have to. I don't run around downing women on this board or in life. I downed Hillary with what I feel was a fair description of her personality and of her proclivity to hit the bottle (which was sourced by someone who is/was a true believer in Hillary, which made it all the more believable to me). When I disagree with Zeke, I do so in the same manner that I do with any of the males. I am not here to ride people down over their gender or color, I disagree with people based on what they say.

I'm not saying you are a misogynist (on edit: in fact, I have every reason to believe you are not one), but I think your "drunken hag" comment was very unfortunate, that you should have thought better of it, and that you should have reconsidered it when given the opportunity. And your heart just doesn't seem to be in the excuses and explanations that you are offering up as a voting differentiator. You obviously have a very visceral dislike for Hillary Clinton and her policies. You excuse an overwhelming amount of the same "issues" and beyond in President Trump, so the policy differences make sense but the personality "shortcomings" explaining your visceral hatred for the Clintons rings extremely hollow.
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I'm not saying you are a misogynist, but I think your "drunken hag" comment was very unfortunate, that you should have thought better of it, and that you should have reconsidered it when given the opportunity. And your heart just doesn't seem to be in the excuses and explanations that you are offering up as a voting differentiator. You obviously have a very visceral dislike for Hillary Clinton and her policies. You excuse an overwhelming amount of the same "issues" and beyond in President Trump, so the policy differences make sense but the personality "shortcomings" explaining your visceral hatred for the Clintons rings extremely hollow.

I’ve witnessed this a lot. So many people couldn’t vote for Clinton because “I just don’t trust her!” Yet they cast their vote for someone who lies at a pathological level. Everyday. About everything.

I’m with you, there is obviously much more to it then they let on.
I'm not saying you are a misogynist (on edit: in fact, I have every reason to believe you are not one), but I think your "drunken hag" comment was very unfortunate, that you should have thought better of it, and that you should have reconsidered it when given the opportunity. And your heart just doesn't seem to be in the excuses and explanations that you are offering up as a voting differentiator. You obviously have a very visceral dislike for Hillary Clinton and her policies. You excuse an overwhelming amount of the same "issues" and beyond in President Trump, so the policy differences make sense but the personality "shortcomings" explaining your visceral hatred for the Clintons rings extremely hollow.

Ok, so if you mix the 2 together (politics and personality) and then add in the 25 years on the political stage, that gets you to the point. It is a 3 legged stool that I do not think you have in almost any other politician on the left that I can think of.
Couple of things:

1. Hag was meant as a shot at Clinton's personality, not her looks. When you call a guy a dick you are not saying he looks like an actual penis. I have a visceral dislike for Hillary that has nothing to do with her gender. You all have a visceral dislike of Trump for some of the same things that I dislike Hillary for. Now imagine that he has been in national politics for 25+ years and you felt that he has never really paid a price for his behavior. That is how I view Hillary. As far as misogyny goes, in an era of "me too" we are talking about one of the most bulldoggish of attackers against her husband's accusers.

But Crazy, is not Trump the same types of things? Yeah, but again, I figure I am dealing with Trump for 4 years, 8 tops. Hillary was a 2 decade adventure and I was ready for her to leave the stage for good. And on top of that, I am not a fan of her politics. I have voted against several men who hold her same views. If Bernie had run, I would have voted against him. I would pull the lever for Nikki Haley over any male that is currently considering running for the Democrats too.

2. In answer to Sope, I think we have basically a binary choice in each election. There are other options out there but I really did not like the option the Democrats were running. A protest vote in that instance was basically a vote for Hillary Clinton. You saw the same thing pop up on the left after Hillary lost, people were pissed that some of the Bernie Bros. voted third party or stayed home. I would love to have a viable third option, we currently do not.

3. Also in answer to Sope, I am willing to get together with moderate Republicans, Independents, and Moderate Democrats where our interests mostly align and we can find common ground. I am much more economically moderate than I am socially. The Democrats have not been making moderate noise w.r.t. to the economy lately though, they have tilted toward socialism (Trump actually ran on an economic platform that I would consider "moderate"). From a social bent, I find almost zero in the Democrats anymore. I used to think we had some agreement on the colorblind society ideal but that has been passed up for this ranking system of the aggrieved...I do not know what progressives want anymore w.r.t. race, other than I know white people, males in particular, are apparently the cause of all the world's ills. I also see a more authoritarian bent on that side of the aisle than I have a taste for. I think things that are mostly pushed by left leaning artists on TV, in music, and in movies have mostly been deleterious to our society. If the Democrats want my support it is their job to come to me. And I am completely understanding that sometimes that is not possible.
Your comparison of Trump and Hillary is total invalid. Might I say, emotional. She’s been investigated for decades and they’ve found nothing. What exactly would you like her locked up for? The fact that you dislike her? Hillary has not been rude , vile, hateful, and a bully every single day of her life. Don’t compare her to Trump. That’s the worst insult you could say to someone.
Really? And you don't see an authoritarian bent on the other side of the aisle?

You seriously confuse me, Crazy. If you'd stuck with #2, I could buy it, but the rest of your post screams of a guy trying desperately to justify something that his heart just isn't in.

Sure there is some. I see more on the left side from where I sit. And frankly, much of what I see is not necessarily within the Democratic Party itself, but among a growing segment of its supporters.

Not 100% sure what you are getting at in the second paragraph. My heart is not 100% in on either the GOP or on Trump. I spent the last part of last week telling my boomer parents that if the GOP was not going to deliver on one of their hot button topics, to sit out an election.

If you are saying I am a misogynist because of my Hillary stuff and that I am just throwing up a defense, ok I guess. I do not know how to convince you otherwise, or even that I have to. I don't run around downing women on this board or in life. I downed Hillary with what I feel was a fair description of her personality and of her proclivity to hit the bottle (which was sourced by someone who is/was a true believer in Hillary, which made it all the more believable to me). When I disagree with Zeke, I do so in the same manner that I do with any of the males. I am not here to ride people down over their gender or color, I disagree with people based on what they say.
No you don’t disagree with me the same way to do other people. Just as you refuse to recognize what some of your attacks on Hillary are. Please let me know when you told a male poster not to get their panties in a twist.
No you don’t disagree with me the same way to do other people. Just as you refuse to recognize what some of your attacks on Hillary are. Please let me know when you told a male poster not to get their panties in a twist.

I use that with both males and females. Honestly Zeke I pull punches with you more than I throw them.
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Your comparison of Trump and Hillary is total invalid. Might I say, emotional. She’s been investigated for decades and they’ve found nothing. What exactly would you like her locked up for? The fact that you dislike her? Hillary has not been rude , vile, hateful, and a bully every single day of her life. Don’t compare her to Trump. That’s the worst insult you could say to someone.

No, they have found plenty. She skated because she is Hillary Clinton. And nobody said anything about locking her up, I helped keep her from her dream job and from the honor of being the first female President. Someone far more deserving than her will get that honor, so I'm good.
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Ha. Might want to check out the rape claim from the 13 year old on Trump. She pulled back her lawsuit after multiple death threats. But wait.....since when does flying on a plane make on a documented pedophile? Lol. Get out of here with that nonsense.
Wait. Wasn't Trump accused of being a regular on the Lolita Express, too? (I assume that's what you're talking about here.)
Really? Let’s see it.

Really? Ok, prove you are a girl.

This website is not the sum total of our lives Zeke.

So prove you have all these friends that you always bring up whenever you want to make a point.

Prove you are female.

Prove you live in Indiana.

Go back and look over every post you have ever made on this board in the 10+ years it has existed and show that you have never said anything that would hold you in a bad light. And oh yeah, we need the dd4iu screen name too.

You made the accusation lady, you want to go and scroll through several thousand posts over a 10+ year posting history, have at it.
Meanwhile back on the farm...

I'm sure it was just a coincidence ;)

Russians cleaning house. You just knew that Vlad would get involved at some point.

The nerve....

Russian official with ties to lawyer in Trump Tower meeting dies in helicopter crash

A Russian deputy attorney general, who is thought to have directed Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya in her efforts abroad on behalf of Russia's government, reportedly died Wednesday night in a helicopter crash.
The Daily Beast reported that Saak Albertovich Karapetyan was aboard an unauthorized helicopter flight, which crashed near the village of Vonyshevo, outside of Moscow.
Karapetyan was reportedly behind Veselnitskaya's global efforts to lobby lawmakers to overturn anti-corruption acts such as the U.S. Magnitsky Act, which passed in 2012. The U.S. legislation is similar to others around the world which commemorate Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer who died while trying to expose a $230 million fraud scheme in Russia. The acts have reportedly incensed Russian President Vladimir Putin.