Did I miss someone posting something about the Lichtman prediction?


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2002
It actually surprised me. I thought I remembered Dbm referencing Lichtman likely picking Trump? Maybe that was when he was facing Biden.

He's not often wrong...some would say he's never been wrong. I guess we'll see. Probably getting more and more difficult for him to quantify why people are voting how they are these days.
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It actually surprised me. I thought I remembered Dbm referencing Lichtman likely picking Trump? Maybe that was when he was facing Biden.

He's not often wrong...some would say he's never been wrong. I guess we'll see. Probably getting more and more difficult for him to quantify why people are voting how they are these days.
I think Lichtman hinted at a Biden victory when he was still in the race. Something like it would be really hard for Trump to win.

So he was leaning toward a Trump loss even then.
I think Lichtman hinted at a Biden victory when he was still in the race. Something like it would be really hard for Trump to win.

So he was leaning toward a Trump loss even then.
This is correct. He also said it was a mistake to replace Biden because it took away one of his keys. This election could have been the proof that his system doesn't always work, if the Repubs weren't so stupid they nominated you-know-who again.
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This is correct. He also said it was a mistake to replace Biden because it took away one of his keys. This election could have been the proof that his system doesn't always work, if the Repubs weren't so stupid they nominated you-know-who again.
"You-know-who," you say?

It actually surprised me. I thought I remembered Dbm referencing Lichtman likely picking Trump? Maybe that was when he was facing Biden.

He's not often wrong...some would say he's never been wrong. I guess we'll see. Probably getting more and more difficult for him to quantify why people are voting how they are these days.
No. He's a total fraud. His keys are simply his ridiculous opinion and not a model. He said before Biden was pushed out that if the Dem nominee was anyone but Biden that Trump would win. Then immediately flip flopped. He's like Aloha on steroids. Trump should easily have 9 or 10 of his keys.
No. He's a total fraud. His keys are simply his ridiculous opinion and not a model. He said before Biden was pushed out that if the Dem nominee was anyone but Biden that Trump would win. Then immediately flip flopped. He's like Aloha on steroids. Trump should easily have 9 or 10 of his keys.
How do you get everything so wrong? The guy has a track record you can see for yourself.
No. He's a total fraud. His keys are simply his ridiculous opinion and not a model. He said before Biden was pushed out that if the Dem nominee was anyone but Biden that Trump would win. Then immediately flip flopped. He's like Aloha on steroids. Trump should easily have 9 or 10 of his keys.
I don't even think his system is all that great, but you're a goddamn idiot.
He claims “October surprises” don’t actually change enough minds to sway elections. Man, I gotta think the e-mail reports did in 16??

I think most of the races he’s called were probably not all that surprising. Kinda like picking UConn to beat Purdue. But the Trump call in 16, before the emails scandal, has to bring him some street cred.
No. He's a total fraud. His keys are simply his ridiculous opinion and not a model. He said before Biden was pushed out that if the Dem nominee was anyone but Biden that Trump would win. Then immediately flip flopped. He's like Aloha on steroids. Trump should easily have 9 or 10 of his keys.
It’s a short sample size and most elections are easy to predict. 7 or 8 out of the last 10 elections have been easy to predict the winner.
Seriously, how many of the "keys" would you give Kamala?

Your Trumpster Twitter Twit is lying about what Lichtman has been saying. I know because I’ve heard him more than once on POTUS. You, as usual, don’t know anything. You’re told what to “know” and think. You would be embarrassed if you had any self awareness and common sense.
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Your Trumpster Twitter Twit is lying about what Lichtman has been saying. I know because I’ve heard him more than once on POTUS. You, as usual, don’t know anything. You’re told what to “know” and think. You would be embarrassed if you had any self awareness and common sense.
I don’t know about Baris but I’m pretty sure Lichtman was at one point saying that the Dems would be in trouble if they replaced Biden.
I don’t know about Baris but I’m pretty sure Lichtman was at one point saying that the Dems would be in trouble if they replaced Biden.
Yes, he said that took away the incumbent key and they would only have probably a two or three key lead at that time and those weren’t certainties. He said he’d have to wait until after Labor Day to make the prediction. It’s not a lock, of course, but he has a proven track record.
No. He's a total fraud. His keys are simply his ridiculous opinion and not a model. He said before Biden was pushed out that if the Dem nominee was anyone but Biden that Trump would win. Then immediately flip flopped. He's like Aloha on steroids. Trump should easily have 9 or 10 of his keys.
As Lichtman often says, you're free to make your own predicitons, establish and define your own standards, and he encourages you to do so. But the keys that he uses are based on studying every US Presidentail election back to 1860, and determine which apply to the White House party when they win or lose the next election. So if you want to use his system you have to adhere to his keys and how he defined them in 1980, and then used them in 1982, to predict that Reagan would be re-elected.

At that point in time the US was in a depression, Reagan trailed in the polls and was hugely unpopular. Like Biden, the general consensous was that Reagan was too old. Lichtman never predicted Biden to win in 2024, he just said that he would make a prediction following the end of both conventions. He did say it would be a mistake for the Dems to lose Biden AND then have a messy convention fight because that would mean the loss of two keys.

But Biden is aware of the keys, so he made the smart move of endorsing Kamala and thus avoiding the messy convention. Because of that the Dems only have 3-5 keys against them. Also nominating Harris resulted in RFK Jrs campaign collapsing which secured the "no significant 3rd party key".

As to your asinine statement that "Trump should easily have 9 or 10 keys", you're talking about your keys not Lichtman's.Lichtman's are very clearly defined and are based on historical comparisons. Take for example the claim that Trump is "charismatic"...

Trump lost two elections by a combined 10 million popular votes- that is the very opposite of charismatic. He's never recieved over 48% (much less 50) of the vote share and compares negatively to actual charismatic figures like Reagan, FDR and Obama who each won multiple popular votes across party lines. Being the leader of a cult does not equate to being charismatic, at least by Lichtman's definition...

Btw for anyone making the ridiculous claim that Lichtman's picks are biased , he has picked nearly the same amount of Pubs as Dems. He predicted victories for Reagan, Bush,Bush Jr and even Trump. And for anyone crying crocodile tears claiming Harris never won a single Primary vote, that's also true of Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt and any other person elected POTUS prior to 1900,when the first Primaries were held.

And also regarding 1900, there have been ZERO White House parties that have retained the WH when the Incumbent POTUS was not the nominee and the Party engaged in a protracted Primary fight and convention brawl to choose his successor. So anyone who wants Trump to lose and possibly feel like Harris wasn't the best choice, history says the exact opposite.
Lichtman is a partisan hack and a moron. Harris is in huge trouble.

You truly are a bonehead. The guy is clearly not partisan. His model has correctly identified both Democrats and Republicans to win the Presidency. The model has no politics. Working models generally don’t. You, in the other hand, are a partisan hack for Trump. How can you not be embarrassed by your slavish devotion to another man? Is it a man love thing?
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You truly are a bonehead. The guy is clearly not partisan. His model has correctly identified both Democrats and Republicans to win the Presidency. The model has no politics. Working models generally don’t. You, in the other hand, are a partisan hack for Trump. How can you not be embarrassed by your slavish devotion to another man? Is it a man love thing?

Did you think him a hack when he got this one right?

Again it is not a model it is his opinion. Which of the 13 keys would you give to Harris and why? Be honest. He gives both related to the economy to Harris right? Despite Trump having a 15+ point lead on her in every poll on who would do better on the economy and according to CNBC 60% of Americans now believe we're in a recession. It's a joke people.
Again it is not a model it is his opinion. Which of the 13 keys would you give to Harris and why? Be honest. He gives both related to the economy to Harris right? Despite Trump having a 15+ point lead on her in every poll on who would do better on the economy and according to CNBC 60% of Americans now believe we're in a recession. It's a joke people.

Just off the top of my head... scandal.
Again it is not a model it is his opinion. Which of the 13 keys would you give to Harris and why? Be honest. He gives both related to the economy to Harris right? Despite Trump having a 15+ point lead on her in every poll on who would do better on the economy and according to CNBC 60% of Americans now believe we're in a recession. It's a joke people.
You’re a very desperate bonehead with the strongest man crush I’ve ever seen. You aren’t gay, are you?
Again it is not a model it is his opinion. Which of the 13 keys would you give to Harris and why? Be honest. He gives both related to the economy to Harris right? Despite Trump having a 15+ point lead on her in every poll on who would do better on the economy and according to CNBC 60% of Americans now believe we're in a recession. It's a joke people.
While countries around the world have struggled to recover from the economic setbacks brought on by the pandemic, one has emerged particularly strong.

Complete myth that America is doing bad economically under Biden. We beat the rest of the world following the pandemic.
Scandal you obviously have to give to Trump. She literally covered up the biggest Presidential scandal since Watergate. They've known Biden was completely senile and unfit for office for years and completely lied to the people about it.
Right DBM. That was the biggest scandal since Watergate. It couldn’t have been a riot at the Capitol brought about (and not immediately ended) by presidential rhetoric. Couldn’t be.
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Scandal you obviously have to give to Trump. She literally covered up the biggest Presidential scandal since Watergate. They've known Biden was completely senile and unfit for office for years and completely lied to the people about it.

Biggest scandal since Watergate?

You serious, Clark? This is part of the reason why nobody takes you seriously.
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Scandal you obviously have to give to Trump. She literally covered up the biggest Presidential scandal since Watergate. They've known Biden was completely senile and unfit for office for years and completely lied to the people about it.
Years? How did Trump lose two debates to Biden in 2016 (per 60+ percent of Americans)? Is it because he’s dumb or what?
Right DBM. That was the biggest scandal since Watergate. It couldn’t have been a riot at the Capitol brought about (and not immediately ended) by presidential rhetoric. Couldn’t be.
They claim that was a mostly peaceful protest and those that got a little rowdy were instigated by the deep state.
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Scandal you obviously have to give to Trump. She literally covered up the biggest Presidential scandal since Watergate. They've known Biden was completely senile and unfit for office for years and completely lied to the people about it.
Why do you so shamelessly embarrass yourself day after day?
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Yes one person dying in Washington DC due to Pelosi's negligence is really comparable to millions dying in Ukraine and Israel because Joe is too senile to do his job
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While countries around the world have struggled to recover from the economic setbacks brought on by the pandemic, one has emerged particularly strong.

Complete myth that America is doing bad economically under Biden. We beat the rest of the world following the pandemic.
Revisions to June and July combined show 86,000 fewer jobs created than previously reported