Meadows texts suggest the conspiracy was bigger than thought

Again, this is all speculative, but I can't imagine 'nothing' would have happened. At the absolute least, I'd think they would have held them hostage with zip ties to make their silly election overturning demands, which is definitely not nothing. Even if it was just for a short amount of time.
Yeah I don't see that happening. Have to agree to disagree
Nah. Had that been the goal they would have brought an arsenal of weapons. Lord knows they have them. Nothing would have happened

Mob mentality and rational mentality are different. Outside the mob they thought rationally and left their guns at home. Inside a mob people change.

We see it in sports riots all the time, once one act of stupidity happens (like flipping a police car) suddenly many want to do it. I doubt those people left home thinking "let's go flip some police cars to celebrate our championship".

That said, there are no guarantees. Maybe they would have shook his hand and thanked him for following the Constitution. I think we all suspect that is unlikely, but somewhere there is a multiverse where that happened.
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Yeah I don't see that happening. Have to agree to disagree
I guess we're talking about what's reasonable or likely, which is I'll grant is entirely speculative. Still, I don't get the point of view in thinking that there wasn't even the possibility of further violence had some of the Capitol rioters found the VP or Speaker.
Mob mentality and rational mentality are different. Outside the mob they thought rationally and left their guns at home. Inside a mob people change.

We see it in sports riots all the time, once one act of stupidity happens (like flipping a police car) suddenly many want to do it. I doubt those people left home thinking "let's go flip some police cars to celebrate our championship".

That said, there are no guarantees. Maybe they would have shook his hand and thanked him for following the Constitution. I think we all suspect that is unlikely, but somewhere there is a multiverse where that happened.
It'll probably never happen, but I'd love to hear what Pence actually thought about the events of that day. If he couldn't hear them, I'd imagine at some point he was told that people were chanting 'hang Mike Pence' and building gallows. I can't imagine his initial response was, ' big deal'.
I guess we're talking about what's reasonable or likely, which is I'll grant is entirely speculative. Still, I don't get the point of view in thinking that there wasn't even the possibility of further violence had some of the Capitol rioters found the VP or Speaker.
There's always a possibility - the likelihood is where we disagree. I understand mob mentality, but I disagree with Marv that it in this instance it would have increased the probability of something happening. I would have been more frightened of a rogue idiot doing something than the mob.

But at the end of the day there's not a lot of point in "I think they would have done something bad."
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I guess we're talking about what's reasonable or likely, which is I'll grant is entirely speculative. Still, I don't get the point of view in thinking that there wasn't even the possibility of further violence had some of the Capitol rioters found the VP or Speaker.
I have been trying to imagine what would have resulted if the riot was “successful.“ All I can imagine is the Capitol surrounded by military, with all but about a dozen sinister instigators begging to surrender and wondering how the hell they wound up in such a circumstance.

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I would have been more frightened of a rogue idiot doing something than the mob

If a rogue idiot took a swing I think others would have joined in. It is in the same things that happened to the protest riots, some went for hours very peacefully and then one rogue idiot breaks a window.
If a rogue idiot took a swing I think others would have joined in. It is in the same things that happened to the protest riots, some went for hours very peacefully and then one rogue idiot breaks a window.
I suspect the crowd at the Capitol had far fewer priors as a group than the rioters at the protests. I think yours is an assumption that doesn't relate.
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I have been trying to imagine what would have resulted if the riot was “successful.“ All I can imagine is the Capitol surrounded by military, with all but about a dozen sinister instigators begging to surrender and wondering how the hell they wound up in such a circumstance.

Good lord if the goal was really an insurrection these people would have brought weapons. Most people simply walked in but of course they will never show the tapes because this would kill the narrative for the left. Nobody cares but cheaney will soon have gig on CNN.
I have been trying to imagine what would have resulted if the riot was “successful.“ All I can imagine is the Capitol surrounded by military, with all but about a dozen sinister instigators begging to surrender and wondering how the hell they wound up in such a circumstance.

I think that's probably the most reasonable 'what if' situation. A large swath of people taking things too far after following a core of malicious actors. Instant regret wouldn't and shouldn't absolve someone from committing a crime though.
But at the end of the day there's not a lot of point in "I think they would have done something bad."
That's interesting. You seem to think there's a lot of point in "I don't think they would have done something bad."
Yes, it was two wrongs. Using a private network for official government business and mishandling classified information on an unclassified network are the two wrongs. Sorry, if I wasn’t clear about that, but I was very clear on that during the scandal.
Do you approve of Colin Powell's and Condoleeza Rice's use of their private servers for official government business, or are you just complaining about Hillary's (because you obviously don't like her) ?

Her handlers pretty much admit she did it to avoid FIOA. That would be wrong.

Using the private system for classified messages satisfies the scienter element of the crime she got a pass for.
Do you approve of Colin Powell's and Condoleeza Rice's use of their own private servers for official government communications?

Or are you just complaining about Hillary's because you don't like her?
Do you approve of Colin Powell's and Condoleeza Rice's use of their own private servers for official government communications?

Or are you just complaining about Hillary's because you don't like her?
Well I don’t like Hillary, so you are right about that. When I was a government employee I also occasionally used my private email for public business but neither Powell, Rice, nor I set up a separate private system to avoid the government public records laws.
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Good. And one cannot deny that BLM protests occurring in cities is 100% correlated (I’m not saying caused - but IMO the writing is on the wall) with over $1Bn of commercial insurance claims last summer.
Seems like we'd hear more about coordination between left groups in various cities during those days, because it definitely happened.

I think the left coordination was shown after the Charlottesville riots.
Do you approve of Colin Powell's and Condoleeza Rice's use of their private servers for official government business, or are you just complaining about Hillary's (because you obviously don't like her) ?

I've covered this repeatedly. First, both of them had official government accounts, secret and unclassified, and used them, while HRC never even had a government account and NEVER used it. Second, private account usage was an exception for Powell and Rice and it was before the policy came out to use only government accounts for official business with rare exceptions, while the policy was in place before HRC took office and she reiterated that policy to the little people at State while she NEVER followed that policy. Third, there is no evidence that Powell or Rice ever received or transmitted any classified information whenever they used their private accounts, while HRC not only received and transmitted classified information over her private account, it was also stored on her private server and the classification of some of that information was at the very highest level. There is zero equivalency on this issue and no one on this site is more qualified to say that than I am as a former military officer, security manager, and holder of a Top Secret clearance. At the risk of being accused of arrogance, the rest of you, with a couple of exceptions, are almost entirely ignorant of the procedures and requirements for handling classified information or of the policies for using government email systems.
Well I don’t like Hillary, so you are right about that. When I was a government employee I also occasionally used my private email for public business but neither Powell, Rice, nor I set up a separate private system to avoid the government public records laws.
You really should read that Washington Post article I linked. Here's an excerpt showing Powell was also concerned about that: "“If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it [sic] government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law,” Powell wrote. He added later: “Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.”

Once someone has a private system and is using it for public business, it's may not be enough to just say it wasn't just to avoid the FOIA. Who can really tell what is in a man's heart?
Sometimes protesters do burn and loot things. Not all protests are peaceful. And of course sometimes they block streets. Not sure how that particular sin became a mortal one in conservative world.

What's irresponsible is assuming anyone who commits violence must have progressed to that point from protesting. My understanding is the criminals in question had nothing to do with the protests. They were simply criminals.
What gives a bunch of rioters the right to block streets? And yes I am calling the freaking protesters blocking streets rioters. If they don’t have a permit they should all be hauled to jail and if police do nothing cars should drive through them.
What gives a bunch of rioters the right to block streets? And yes I am calling the freaking protesters blocking streets rioters. If they don’t have a permit they should all be hauled to jail and if police do nothing cars should drive through them.
1. You are right...if the protestors block streets, they should be arrested. That's part of protesting. If you are not willing to be arrested for your stance, then are you really taking a stand?
2. I may be wrong, but purposely driving through a group of people in the street is a crime. Now, if that is the driver's way of taking a stand that he should be allowed unimpeded access to the road, regardless of human life, then he, too, should be willing to pay the consequences.
I'll bet the "protestor" in #2 will face stiffer penalties, though, and he should.
(BTW, in your advocacy of #2, did you consider the possibility that one of the protestors in the street could possibly be holding an infant? If you were the driver, and the child was hurt or killed, what would you say to the parent? "You shouldn't have been there! It was my right!" Somehow, I doubt it.)
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1. You are right...if the protestors block streets, they should be arrested. That's part of protesting. If you are not willing to be arrested for your stance, then are you really taking a stand?
2. I may be wrong, but purposely driving through a group of people in the street is a crime. Now, if that is the driver's way of taking a stand that he should be allowed unimpeded access to the road, regardless of human life, then he, too, should be willing to pay the consequences.
I'll bet the "protestor" in #2 will face stiffer penalties, though, and he should.
(BTW, in your advocacy of #2, did you consider the possibility that one of the protestors in the street could possibly be holding an infant? If you were the driver, and the child was hurt or killed, what would you say to the parent? "You shouldn't have been there! It was my right!" Somehow, I doubt it.)
If a protestor is protesting while blocking a street and holding an infant the state should take the infant away. That should never be something that happens. Listen to me, are we nearing a point where people believe it's okay to block streets and baristas are as elusive as Bigfoot? Is this Biden's America? Do I need to look into becoming an expat?
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If a protestor is protesting while blocking a street and holding an infant the state should take the infant away. That should never be something that happens. Listen to me, are we nearing a point where people believe it's okay to block streets and baristas are as elusive as Bigfoot? Is this Biden's America? Do I need to look into becoming an expat?

ahhh, the old they-wouldn’t-be-protesting-if-they-had-jobs trope. Lol. Not laughing at you but this was around for awhile and never really made any sense. People don’t have a button that can be switched from “protest” to “rob” like hippies didn’t have a “protest or eat acid & babies” switch.
1. You are right...if the protestors block streets, they should be arrested. That's part of protesting. If you are not willing to be arrested for your stance, then are you really taking a stand?
2. I may be wrong, but purposely driving through a group of people in the street is a crime. Now, if that is the driver's way of taking a stand that he should be allowed unimpeded access to the road, regardless of human life, then he, too, should be willing to pay the consequences.
I'll bet the "protestor" in #2 will face stiffer penalties, though, and he should.
(BTW, in your advocacy of #2, did you consider the possibility that one of the protestors in the street could possibly be holding an infant? If you were the driver, and the child was hurt or killed, what would you say to the parent? "You shouldn't have been there! It was my right!" Somehow, I doubt it.)
What if a car needing through has an infant with a medical emergency? We can play this game all day, but the fact of the matter is that the root cause of every scenario mentioned here is people blocking the road. Someone could spend 5 minutes on this board & identify which people have no problem solving abilities…
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ahhh, the old they-wouldn’t-be-protesting-if-they-had-jobs trope. Lol. Not laughing at you but this was around for awhile and never really made any sense. People don’t have a button that can be switched from “protest” to “rob” like hippies didn’t have a “protest or eat acid & babies” switch.
Some protesters work or are independently wealthy. I was in Monterey, CA attending Naval Postgraduate School during the first Gulf War (Desert Shield and then Desert Storm) and every Sunday around 2 PM, ladies and a few gentlemen would gather at a small park along the main drag along the bay and protest the war for about two hours. I always got a chuckle from seeing them when I drove by and saw their BMWs, Mercedes, Jaguars and other luxury vehicles that they drove to the protest. I don't think they ever rioted or looted after they protested . . .
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What gives a bunch of rioters the right to block streets? And yes I am calling the freaking protesters blocking streets rioters. If they don’t have a permit they should all be hauled to jail and if police do nothing cars should drive through them.

Was it okay when the Michigan protestors against lock downs organized a protest to the point that ambulances and health care workers couldn't get to hospitals? What should be done about all those people blocking the streets with their cars?

Was it okay when the Michigan protestors against lock downs organized a protest to the point that ambulances and health care workers couldn't get to hospitals? What should be done about all those people blocking the streets with their cars?

They should all go to jail if not run over first. Any more questions?
They should all go to jail if not run over first. Any more questions?

How are they going to arrest everyone blocking the roads that were on their cars? I'm going to ignore you encouraging vehicular homicide.

That's not practical.
I've covered this repeatedly. First, both of them had official government accounts, secret and unclassified, and used them, while HRC never even had a government account and NEVER used it. Second, private account usage was an exception for Powell and Rice and it was before the policy came out to use only government accounts for official business with rare exceptions, while the policy was in place before HRC took office and she reiterated that policy to the little people at State while she NEVER followed that policy. Third, there is no evidence that Powell or Rice ever received or transmitted any classified information whenever they used their private accounts, while HRC not only received and transmitted classified information over her private account, it was also stored on her private server and the classification of some of that information was at the very highest level. There is zero equivalency on this issue and no one on this site is more qualified to say that than I am as a former military officer, security manager, and holder of a Top Secret clearance. At the risk of being accused of arrogance, the rest of you, with a couple of exceptions, are almost entirely ignorant of the procedures and requirements for handling classified information or of the policies for using government email systems.
Your actual knowledge and expertise is refreshing on this troll board.
How are they going to arrest everyone blocking the roads that were on their cars? I'm going to ignore you encouraging vehicular homicide.

That's not practical.
OK. You win. Running over them out of fear is bad.

Let's just shoot them from rooftops after they refuse orders to clear the streets.


Then the ambulances can at least maneuver around the bodies.
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How are they going to arrest everyone blocking the roads that were on their cars? I'm going to ignore you encouraging vehicular homicide.

That's not practical.
Explain to me why mobs of people can block roads for hours with no consequences? A car try’s to creep through hurting no one. What gives them the right to ravage the car and try to pull the occupant out and mame them? At what point when they’re breaking windows and trying to get to the the driver does the driver have the right to speed through the mob? Or is it like the prosecutor in the a Rittenhouse case where you’re supposed to get the hell beat out of you before you can defend yourself?
Explain to me why mobs of people can block roads for hours with no consequences? A car try’s to creep through hurting no one. What gives them the right to ravage the car and try to pull the occupant out and mame them? At what point when they’re breaking windows and trying to get to the the driver does the driver have the right to speed through the mob? Or is it like the prosecutor in the a Rittenhouse case where you’re supposed to get the hell beat out of you before you can defend yourself?

You have gone off the deep end
Explain to me why mobs of people can block roads for hours with no consequences? A car try’s to creep through hurting no one. What gives them the right to ravage the car and try to pull the occupant out and mame them? At what point when they’re breaking windows and trying to get to the the driver does the driver have the right to speed through the mob? Or is it like the prosecutor in the a Rittenhouse case where you’re supposed to get the hell beat out of you before you can defend yourself?
That's still crazy but it's not what you said. You said they should be run over for blocking the road. You're promoting a criminal homicide.