Meadows texts suggest the conspiracy was bigger than thought

I didn’t see any outrage when BLM protesters shot an off duty elderly black policeman protecting a business.
That awful Facebook live video of Capt. Dorn dying on the sidewalk was played over and over all over the place. Such widespread and universal outrage.
Without looking I’d be comfortable saying her and Kinzinger both voted for close to 100% of what Trump wanted.

You are probably correct which only proves that those who claim TRUMPISM and the GOP are indistinguishable are full of it.

And yet the Trumpists are excommunicating Cheney and Kinzinger from the GOP.
I still want an accurate number of (a) folks intending to commit violence for the purpose of preventing election certification, versus (b) dummies incapable of controlling themselves and easily subjected to mob psychology and who did stupid shit because they’re stupid, versus (c) folks just exercising their rights to protest and bitch about government.

Most elected Democrats inaccurately and indefensibly and intentionally lump all 3 groups together for political gain, and should be impeached.
That’s not true. There was plenty of outrage.
Did Sharpton, Biden, Harris or any other democrat race pimps have a special funeral service broadcast over the nation? No those are reserved for criminals.
That awful Facebook live video of Capt. Dorn dying on the sidewalk was played over and over all over the place. Such widespread and universal outrage.
I have no idea what Facebook video you’re talking about. I am sure it wasn’t played over and over on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and other media.
Its laughable to watch war monger cheaney preach to us peasants. She knows she will lose in 2022 big and is simply pandering for her gig on cnn. Trust me she will be a star on cnn trashing republicans night in and out. Her war monger wing on the gop is now gone so she is out for blood. Her war criminal dad that dems hated is proud.
It was an election between the two worst Presidential candidates in my lifetime. Terrible choices.

I doubt passing TS (SAP) information via commercial email happens much at all. It actually takes willful effort because you can't even read TS (SAP) outside of a secure room. Whoever took that information and typed it into an email escaped prosecution. I expect it was one of her several close aides that were given immunity in exchange for talking to the FBI. The worst part about her case is that she signed a memo delivered to everyone at the State Department reiterating government policy not to use personal email to conduct official government business and it all had to be done over government email while at the same time she NEVER used her official government email account to conduct government business. That's a classic "Leadership 101" no-no, it's "do as I say, not as I do." She was no leader and should never have been nominated as a Presidential candidate. Trump was just in flawed. It was a nightmare election.
The problem is you are conflating two different things. Those government accounts were still not part of the secure network and not for use with any classified info. Whatever she did wrong, using a private server wasn't it. If classified info had passed through her State Dept. email, it would have been just as wrong as if it was through a private server.
I still want an accurate number of (a) folks intending to commit violence for the purpose of preventing election certification, versus (b) dummies incapable of controlling themselves and easily subjected to mob psychology and who did stupid shit because they’re stupid, versus (c) folks just exercising their rights to protest and bitch about government.

Most elected Democrats inaccurately and indefensibly and intentionally lump all 3 groups together for political gain, and should be impeached.
I’m much more more concerned with the actions of elected officials than the insurrectionist MAGAs.
The problem is you are conflating two different things. Those government accounts were still not part of the secure network and not for use with any classified info. Whatever she did wrong, using a private server wasn't it. If classified info had passed through her State Dept. email, it would have been just as wrong as if it was through a private server.
Yes, it was two wrongs. Using a private network for official government business and mishandling classified information on an unclassified network are the two wrongs. Sorry, if I wasn’t clear about that, but I was very clear on that during the scandal.
I still want an accurate number of (a) folks intending to commit violence for the purpose of preventing election certification, versus (b) dummies incapable of controlling themselves and easily subjected to mob psychology and who did stupid shit because they’re stupid, versus (c) folks just exercising their rights to protest and bitch about government.

Most elected Democrats inaccurately and indefensibly and intentionally lump all 3 groups together for political gain, and should be impeached
Michael Byrd fits easily under (b).
That’s not true. There was plenty of outrage.
Not close, Ranger. I don’t recall a single mention of him in congress. He does not have any legislation named in his honor. He didn’t have a congressional demonstration in his honor. He doesn’t have a public plaza named for him. From all reports he was a stand-up guy who made positive contributions to his profession and his community. George Floyd was a two-bit, sometimes violent, criminal who was addicted to mind altering drugs. His only accomplishment was being murdered by a white cop when he was high.

David Dorn’s family gets a gravestone to remember him by. George Floyd’s family got more that $20,000,000. What a country.
Not close, Ranger. I don’t recall a single mention of him in congress. He does not have any legislation named in his honor. He didn’t have a congressional demonstration in his honor. He doesn’t have a public plaza named for him. From all reports he was a stand-up guy who made positive contributions to his profession and his community. George Floyd was a two-bit, sometimes violent, criminal who was addicted to mind altering drugs. His only accomplishment was being murdered by a white cop when he was high.

David Dorn’s family gets a gravestone to remember him by. George Floyd’s famiky got more that $20,000,000. What a country.
The killer was a convicted felon...with a gun. Yet somehow in the wake Cori Bush gets elected....
Without looking I’d be comfortable saying her and Kinzinger both voted for close to 100% of what Trump wanted.
Perhaps she agreed with his policies? Rarely does anyone criticize his policies, they’re too enraged by his behavior to look at the truly important stuff. Your post shows your inability to separate his persona from his policy.
I’m much more more concerned with the actions of elected officials than the insurrectionist MAGAs.
Yes. Like this:

"On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all..." - Text from Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows, January 5, 2021.
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Look at the responses in this thread. This is the Trump wing of the GOP. They don’t want Cheney or Kinzinger. They don’t want Republicans like you. They want Trump and his sycophants.
LOL Cheany and Kinzinger are not republicans but nice try. They are both on audition for a CNN job and the only reason lefties like them now is they hate Trump. Cheaney is a neocon war monger but the dems should welcome her with open arms. It is interestiing the lefties do not seem to want manchin or sinema much they much prefer the swauad and the nuts so yeah there you go.
Nobody cares expect the leftists who infested this board and CNN. It appears even with Biden's bang up job on COVID and war monger Cheaney and her TDS rants biden continues to drop like a rock. People are not voting next year based on 01/016 and Cheaney throwing her little fits. They will vote based on real issues like you know inflation. Sorry lefties.

I guess the lefties could always run Harris in 2024 her number are even lower than biden. Come on man!!!

I know most of you on here are in that 40% but your boy is not popular outside of the coastal elite areas and twitter.

Presidential Tracking Poll, for Thursday shows that 40% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 48% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -28. (see trends)
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LOL Cheany and Kinzinger are not republicans but nice try. They are both on audition for a CNN job and the only reason lefties like them now is they hate Trump. Cheaney is a neocon war monger but the dems should welcome her with open arms. It is interestiing the lefties do not seem to want manchin or sinema much they much prefer the swauad and the nuts so yeah there you go.
Lol. You are nuts. Liz is more of a republican than just about anyone in the party.

Your problem is loyalty to Trump is YOUR standard for one to have the Republican label.
Nobody cares expect the leftists who infested this board and CNN. It appears even with Biden's bang up job on COVID and war monger Cheaney and her TDS rants biden continues to drop like a rock. People are not voting next year based on 01/016 and Cheaney throwing her little fits. They will vote based on real issues like you know inflation. Sorry lefties.

I guess the lefties could always run Harris in 2024 her number are even lower than biden. Come on man!!!

I know most of you on here are in that 40% but your boy is not popular outside of the coastal elite areas and twitter.

Presidential Tracking Poll, for Thursday shows that 40% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 48% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -28. (see trends)

Yes. Like this:

"On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all..." - Text from Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows, January 5, 2021.
I‘m assuming there are no provisions in the Constitution and laws establishing the Vice Presidency and/or electoral college that provides a VP that power.

Another example where those vague, unspecified, uncontrolled rights and powers not found in the Constitution or a statute, and just wanking around in the penumbras, can get scary.
I‘m assuming there are no provisions in the Constitution and laws establishing the Vice Presidency and/or electoral college that provides a VP that power.

Another example where those vague, unspecified, uncontrolled rights and powers not found in the Constitution or a statute, and just wanking around in the penumbras, can get scary.
According to the Electoral Count Act, it's up to the two houses to reject votes, not the VP. However, Nixon unilaterally counted Hawaii's votes for Kennedy and ignored the certificate that gave those votes to him, despite the Nixon certificate having a technically superior claim under that same act.
According to the Electoral Count Act, it's up to the two houses to reject votes, not the VP. However, Nixon unilaterally counted Hawaii's votes for Kennedy and ignored the certificate that gave those votes to him, despite the Nixon certificate having a technically superior claim under that same act.

Nixon the Moralist

I still like my government restrained, checked and balanced. You cannot reform a vote whore. Power corrupts.
LOL Cheany and Kinzinger are not republicans but nice try. They are both on audition for a CNN job and the only reason lefties like them now is they hate Trump. Cheaney is a neocon war monger but the dems should welcome her with open arms. It is interestiing the lefties do not seem to want manchin or sinema much they much prefer the swauad and the nuts so yeah there you go.
You are a more wordy, less intelligent Lucy.