Meadows texts suggest the conspiracy was bigger than thought

quiz time, identify the speaker:

“So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment. Like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

or this gem: “I am no fan of Bill Cosby but never-the-less some free advice — if you are innocent, do not remain silent. You look guilty as hell!”

If someone was innocent, then they wouldn't mind defending themself under oath.

I don't get why that is difficult to grasp.

If I'm innocent and someone wants me to go under oath to clear things up, then I'm there regardless of whether or not i think the investigation is a witch hunt. It shows everyone you aren't afraid of the truth because lying under oath would put you in hot water (re Clinton).

If Trump wasn't afraid of the truth, then he wouldn't mind saying it under oath or people in his administration saying it under oath.
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quiz time, identify the speaker:

“So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment. Like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

or this gem: “I am no fan of Bill Cosby but never-the-less some free advice — if you are innocent, do not remain silent. You look guilty as hell!”

Someone who is not presiding over the committee?
So I just read Trump hating neocon rino Liz Cheaney is intending to run for President ( LOL). She is getting money form the PAC’s of fellow war mongers and neocon rino’s Jeb Bush and Romney. Also Trump and MAGA haters. This is beyond laughable but I guess she really thinks she can win. Remember when the left wanted to charge her dad with war crimes and now the left loves her. Too funny. My guess is if she was ever president she would start a war within a month. It will never happen because she would be lucky to get 1% in a primary but man she would just itch to start a war as quick as possible.

Though I do think shooter would vote for her!
Looks to me like the evidence for a “conspiracy” is all backward looking. This reminds me of how the JFK killing conspiracies were built. People pick a result, then pour over the history searching for tidbits that support their theory. This seldom produces reliable findings.
Looks to me like Republican members of Congress were actively discussing with the white house ways to overturn the election. I'm not even sure what your post is supposed to mean, although the sense is clearly, "Meh whatever total bullshit."
Of course CNN isn't above it. Have we forgotten the Cuomos. The media are bought shills. Don't people watch Succession....
Difference being dumbass Chris Cuomo did this on his own time. He certainly didn’t do it on air during his show.
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So I just read Trump hating neocon rino Liz Cheaney is intending to run for President ( LOL). She is getting money form the PAC’s of fellow war mongers and neocon rino’s Jeb Bush and Romney. Also Trump and MAGA haters. This is beyond laughable but I guess she really thinks she can win. Remember when the left wanted to charge her dad with war crimes and now the left loves her. Too funny. My guess is if she was ever president she would start a war within a month. It will never happen because she would be lucky to get 1% in a primary but man she would just itch to start a war as quick as possible.

Though I do think shooter would vote for her!

Trumpers are the real RINOs. Liz votes more conservative than any trumper politician. Grab 'em by the pussy Trump is nothing but a pied piper fraud that has dumb GOPers worshipping him.
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So I just read Trump hating neocon rino Liz Cheaney is intending to run for President ( LOL). She is getting money form the PAC’s of fellow war mongers and neocon rino’s Jeb Bush and Romney. Also Trump and MAGA haters. This is beyond laughable but I guess she really thinks she can win. Remember when the left wanted to charge her dad with war crimes and now the left loves her. Too funny. My guess is if she was ever president she would start a war within a month. It will never happen because she would be lucky to get 1% in a primary but man she would just itch to start a war as quick as possible.

Though I do think shooter would vote for her!
Do you really believe she is a RINO. Isn't your main issue is the fact she doesn't worship Trump? Are you really this lost? Trump sure has shown me how cults form.
Looks to me like Republican members of Congress were actively discussing with the white house ways to overturn the election. I'm not even sure what your post is supposed to mean, although the sense is clearly, "Meh whatever total bullshit."

If it happened in the past then there's no point in worrying it....because in CO's mind, history never repeats itself.

Why would anyone investigate any crime? It's already happened so that is just backward looking by CO's standards.
True. CNN and Fox are partisan. Satisfied?
My point was that in a thread about something totally different, and that has nothing to do with CNN (which I don't watch, btw), and how the "personalities" were tweeting Meadows telling him to tell the dumbass in chief to do something, your only reply was:
"Yabbut, CNN!" WTF does that have to do with anything?
How about address the topic...or would that cause your head to explode?
Yabutts are the cornerstone of this board.
Trumpers are the real RINOs. Liz votes more conservative than any trumper politician. Grab 'em by the pussy Trump is nothing but a pied piper fraud that has dumb GOPers worshipping him.
Trump is a mainstream Democrat.
Not a progressive, not a conservative.
Looks to me like the evidence for a “conspiracy” is all backward looking. This reminds me of how the JFK killing conspiracies were built. People pick a result, then pour over the history searching for tidbits that support their theory. This seldom produces reliable findings.
Yep, I think they’re still sorting through text messages and PowerPoints from the JFK days.
If it happened in the past then there's no point in worrying it....because in CO's mind, history never repeats itself.

Why would anyone investigate any crime? It's already happened so that is just backward looking by CO's standards.
I'm not even talking about crimes here. There's nothing criminal about a state putting together a slate of electors contrary to the results of the popular election. However, it hasn't happened since 1960, and even then it only happened because the governor signed the first certificate before a recount changed the results. But to have lawmakers in the immediate aftermath of the election throw around ideas of ignoring the results of the vote and sending different electors based on the partisan lean of the legislature is extremely dangerous to American democracy, legal or not.
Trump is a mainstream Democrat.
Not a progressive, not a conservative.

I know he used to consider himself a democrat. Everything he did and said was solely to get elected (probably like most politicians) so hard to say where he really stands currently on the political spectrum. I wouldn't be shocked if he was still a democrat in his beliefs but has to carry on the charade because he knows where his base is at.
Looks to me like Republican members of Congress were actively discussing with the white house ways to overturn the election. I'm not even sure what your post is supposed to mean, although the sense is clearly, "Meh whatever total bullshit."
No. You need to read that civics book Santa will bring. There was nothing to overturn prior to January 6.

Edit: The real overturn effort was in 2017-19.
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I'm not even talking about crimes here. There's nothing criminal about a state putting together a slate of electors contrary to the results of the popular election. However, it hasn't happened since 1960, and even then it only happened because the governor signed the first certificate before a recount changed the results. But to have lawmakers in the immediate aftermath of the election throw around ideas of ignoring the results of the vote and sending different electors based on the partisan lean of the legislature is extremely dangerous to American democracy, legal or not.
In other words you have nothing and are talking out your ass.
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This is just an example. Browse around for others. But these are all pre 1/6, and they suggest the attempted coup was more than just a spontaneous party.

The NORC survey of some 1,000 Americans suggests 21 million of us support the kind of insurrection which occurred on 1/06.

Who knows the NORC sampling which projects to 8.1% of the population and 21 million might be close to correct. In my view it is safe to say we are deeply divided with a good many prepared to take action well beyond just voting.
Even Don Jr. was saying, "This is too much, we need to stop," while members of Congress were begging for more.
I find it amusing that FoxNews unleashed that powerhouse intellectual Bongino to defend Hannity after Rivera ripped Hannity.

Whooo-o-o-o-o. How scary! I bet Rivera hardly knew Bongino was talking. Doesn't FoxNews know Rivera took on David Duke and the Klan face-to-face?

Rivera is a self-publicist, of course, but I won't dog him for taking on the Klan (or a pretender like Bongino).
So I just read Trump hating neocon rino Liz Cheaney is intending to run for President ( LOL). She is getting money form the PAC’s of fellow war mongers and neocon rino’s Jeb Bush and Romney. Also Trump and MAGA haters. This is beyond laughable but I guess she really thinks she can win. Remember when the left wanted to charge her dad with war crimes and now the left loves her. Too funny. My guess is if she was ever president she would start a war within a month. It will never happen because she would be lucky to get 1% in a primary but man she would just itch to start a war as quick as possible.

Though I do think shooter would vote for her!
She is, in a word, deplorable.
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Doesn't FoxNews know Rivera took on David Duke and the Klan face-to-face?
Don't forget Al Capone

It looks like Treason if you ask me. Pence calling Quayle and asking him advice was very telling.
That means Pence (Mr. Morality, choke choke) was only an inch and a half from letting his sponsor, Trump, claim reelection regardless of the electors authorized by the individual states.

A strong Pence would not have needed backup from Quayle to be a, well, a strong Pence.
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You care about democracy but say nothing about the subpoena fishing expedition for the Dems' political enemies? Never done like this before in US history. Stop lying.
The only democracy a liberal like him cares about is one where they are in charge of it. If they tell you otherwise they are lyinig. Most CNN watchers still think Russis rigged the 2016 election and for four years fought tooth and nail to undermine democracy. But oh yes Russia rigged it and that is not a conspiracy. Democracy is a talking point they use to gain power and nothing more. They have zero problem weaponizing the DOJ just as long as it is their DOJ.

But for him to say he cares about democracy is just laughable.
Don't forget Al Capone

Wusses like Bongino could easily work up the balls to take on Capone -- Capone is dead for crying out loud.

David Duke and the Klan were dangerously alive and active when confronted by Rivera and still are.
I believe the FBI has turned political. I think if they had anything on Trump for Jan 6 they would have went after him with everything they had
"Would have went" you say?

Why doesn't clarity matter to you?
Wusses like Bongino could easily work up the balls to take on Capone -- Capone is dead for crying out loud.

David Duke and the Klan were dangerously alive and active when confronted by Rivera and still are.
I've got a soft spot for Geraldo Rivera after I found out he was still driving a 15 y/o Toyota p/u.
If someone was innocent, then they wouldn't mind defending themself under oath.

I don't get why that is difficult to grasp.

If I'm innocent and someone wants me to go under oath to clear things up, then I'm there regardless of whether or not i think the investigation is a witch hunt. It shows everyone you aren't afraid of the truth because lying under oath would put you in hot water (re Clinton).

If Trump wasn't afraid of the truth, then he wouldn't mind saying it under oath or people in his administration saying it under oath.
You don't understand because you're an idiot.

You don't go under oath and testify in front of grifters, liars, and thieves that only want to destroy you. Innocent's got nothing to do with it.
Trump should have been out front as soon as the protest went from protest to storming capital. He should have went to the capital stood on the steps and said stop.

He should have been a bigger man than the idiot Dems and Media who hounded him every day of his presidency. He didn’t and acted like a child.
Damn. Finally I agree with one of your posts.
The only democracy a liberal like him cares about is one where they are in charge of it. If they tell you otherwise they are lyinig. Most CNN watchers still think Russis rigged the 2016 election and for four years fought tooth and nail to undermine democracy. But oh yes Russia rigged it and that is not a conspiracy. Democracy is a talking point they use to gain power and nothing more. They have zero problem weaponizing the DOJ just as long as it is their DOJ.

But for him to say he cares about democracy is just laughable.
Imagine if you could subpeona Adam Schiff's emails and phone records concerning the Russian hoax. Or the emails and phone records of Hunter and Joe Biden's 50 closest business associates? Just because you want to....just looking. That's where this crap is leading if the Republicans get back in power.
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How in the world is Liz Cheney a "RINO"? She is consistently more conservative on every single issue than almost every person calling her a RINO. She is simply a GOP member not in the Trump cult.
And, she voted loyally with Trump a phenomenal percentage of times (until Trump became certifiably anti-democracy).
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You don't understand because you're an idiot.

You don't go under oath and testify in front of grifters, liars, and thieves that only want to destroy you. Innocent's got nothing to do with it.

Yes because trump was guilty as hell and didn't want to lie under oath.

Grifters, liars and thieves? Got proof or just going off the bull shit from right wing media?

I could say all GOP politicians are pedophile rabbit humpers. Doesn't make it true even if some GOPers are proven pedophiles.