Meadows texts suggest the conspiracy was bigger than thought

It’s not just Fox News hosts. The media as a whole is not held accountable.
Cheney: “Republicans used to be unified on this point in terms of what happened on January 6”
“We all remember what Republican Leader McCarthy said on the floor of the House…’The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack by mob rioters.”
I bet she's a hell of a dominatrix.

The simmering rage with a smirk to cover it. She's waited a looooong time for this.
Why exactly can’t we agree they’re all partial? It shouldn’t be something to even argue about if your honest. I watch them all and most of the “personalities” as well as the supposed hard news people aren’t impartial.

I've lost track of how many times i've been ya-botted for pointing out that something occurs on both sides of the political spectrum. I think he is just having fun returning the ya-bot.
I just answered. See below. The FBI investigated. I’ll take their results over the political hacks in congress.

was that your attitude when fbi said hilary was fine regarding email server? or did you believe the political hacks in congress back then? Just wondering if there was consistency on which people you believe.
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was that your attitude when fbi said hilary was fine regarding email server? or did you believe the political hacks in congress back then? Just wondering if there was consistency on which people you believe.
I believe the FBI has turned political. I think if they had anything on Trump for Jan 6 they would have went after him with everything they had
(BTW, I don't see many of these people having the capacity to feel embarrassment.)
Trump should have been out front as soon as the protest went from protest to storming capital. He should have went to the capital stood on the steps and said stop.

He should have been a bigger man than the idiot Dems and Media who hounded him every day of his presidency. He didn’t and acted like a child.
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This is just an example. Browse around for others. But these are all pre 1/6, and they suggest the attempted coup was more than just a spontaneous party.

Looks to me like the evidence for a “conspiracy” is all backward looking. This reminds me of how the JFK killing conspiracies were built. People pick a result, then pour over the history searching for tidbits that support their theory. This seldom produces reliable findings.
Trump should have been out front as soon as the protest went from protest to storming capital. He should have went to the capital stood on the steps and said stop.

He should have been a bigger man than the idiot Dems and Media who hounded him every day of his presidency. He didn’t and acted like a child.
Shorter stoll

This is just an example. Browse around for others. But these are all pre 1/6, and they suggest the attempted coup was more than just a spontaneous party.

LOL he copies a CNN article. Yawn CNN the most left wing democrat loving station around. Nobody other than cnn, the swamp, and some hardcore liberals care. An attempted coup without guns? If that was a coup it was the worst attempt I have ever seen. LOL dude CNN has rotted your brain.
They were texting Meadows to stop the madness and then hours later going on their shows and yelling that the election was stolen. This goes beyond hypocrisy. It’s dangerous and they preyed upon the stupid.
Nobody cares. People care about inflation and biden destroying the economy.
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This is where I find myself disappointed with reasonable, rational conservatives. People in that camp who have consistently downplayed the events that culminated in January 6th are the problem. I understand the MAGA crowd. They would have been all for overthrowing the election as long at Trump won. But normal people who don’t admit what was going on and don’t find it deeply concerning and unAmerican I will never understand. The POTUS, several federally elected officials, and numerous state elected officials had a plan to overturn a free and fair election just because their guy lost. That should shake all of us to the core.
A lot of us understand that it's all horseshit. As did the FBI. Only the Leftists are getting off on this crap. 45 subs to their political opponents is a hell of a lot bigger threat to democracy, you moron. Wake up.
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I believe the FBI has turned political. I think if they had anything on Trump for Jan 6 they would have went after him with everything they had

so if the fbi is political, are saying they being controlled by dems but for some reason not going after trump or controlled by Pubs and that is the only reason they aren't going after trump?

Trump would be in a lot more trouble if the GOP wasn't protecting him and his minions weren't trying to avoid legitimate congressional subpeonas.
A lot of us understand that it's all horseshit. As did the FBI. Only the Leftists are getting off on this crap. 45 subs to their political opponents is a hell of a lot bigger threat to democracy, you moron. Wake up.
only trump sheep think it is horseshit.
Why was the discussion here shifted to the media rather than staying on the criminal and even seditious activity of soon-to-be-named (though we know who they probably are) sitting politicians?

Look over here, we've got PUPPIES!
Shotter the hardcore liberal chimes in grasping at straws. CNN has destroyed his brain and despite massive inflation and major issues he is praying that his CNN gods are not lying to him and Trump will get locked up instead. He has one really bad case of TDS. Just like the Russia hoax and hardcore leftist shooter fell for he is falling for this as well. Not a darn thing is going to happen and Desantis will win putting shooter into a deep depression. Well 80% of the nation will be voting on actual issues in 2022 shooter will be screaming about yelling about locking Trump up. Shooter do you even post about basketball or just spend all day trashing conservatives?
Riddle me this, why has Ray Epps not been arrested? And why won't Piglosi release the tapes? What is she hiding? Why is Bannon required to keep his discovery secret? Why? What are they so terrified of in it?
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A lot of us understand that it's all horseshit. As did the FBI. Only the Leftists are getting off on this crap. 45 subs to their political opponents is a hell of a lot bigger threat to democracy, you moron. Wake up.
Let them. When you watch CNN 24/17 you tend to believe all the nonsense far left wing CNN puts out as CNN has only one purpose and that is to trash Trump. . i hope the left and the shooters of the world continue down this path and especially down the path of being obsessed with Turmp. They went down that road in the Virginia election and it did not turn out to well for them. Pepole actually voted on issues not on the TDS that the dems pushed the whole elections. Let CNN lead them off a cliff as running the 2022 campaign trashing Trump in is a big loser but I hope the dems do it.
Trump should have been out front as soon as the protest went from protest to storming capital. He should have went to the capital stood on the steps and said stop.

He should have been a bigger man than the idiot Dems and Media who hounded him every day of his presidency. He didn’t and acted like a child.
Putting aside whether or not he was neck deep in any type of coup attempt, asking Trump to be the bigger man is asking way too much from him. Even when he did make a statement to try to stop the violence, it was half-hearted and insincere.

And besides, by January 8 or so, all the far right wingnuts got their stories straight and even hinting at any culpability on Trump's part was weeded out.
If that was a coup it was the worst attempt I have ever seen.
Well, there isn't a really high bar for the low-information, MAGA crowd to begin with. To be honest, actually making it to DC was probably a win for most of them.
Regarding the FBI not going after the kingpins, yet, I think we know that in any drug bust, as an example, you nab the low level dealers first. Then you leverage some of them to get to the drivers of the operation, very much later.

They had 500+ low-level insurrectionists to round up and put away for the easily-proveable issue of illegal tresspass.

They are now tweety birds for identifying the people giving them instructions, and some of them are very happy to sing.

As far as I am concerned CNN and the dems can keep talking about 01/06 and avoiding all real issues like inflation and the border. So far not working out so well for them!Let’s see how much people really care about 01/06 vs real issue on November 2022. My guess is the dems will get destroyed and why I hope they continue to be obsessed with Trump. And I think they will because they simply cannot let him go no matter what. I think shooter is in for a tough night next November and I predict Desantis wins by over 5 points minimum. You can quote me on that shooter.

A brutal poll from CNBC shows President Biden’s job approval rating at 41 percent and the GOP taking a commanding lead on the generic ballot test:
Republicans now sport a historic 10-point advantage when Americans are asked which party they prefer to control Congress, holding a 44%-34% margin over Democrats. That’s up from a 2-point Republican advantage in the October survey.

In the past 20 years, CNBC and NBC surveys have never registered a double-digit Republican advantage on congressional preference, with the largest lead ever being 4 pints for the GOP.
“If the election were tomorrow, it would be an absolute unmitigated disaster for the Democrats,″ said Jay Campbell, partner at Hart Research Associates and the Democratic pollster for the survey.
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Riddle me this, why has Ray Epps not been arrested? And why won't Piglosi release the tapes? What is she hiding? Why is Bannon required to keep his discovery secret? Why? What are they so terrified of in it?
The tapes where they waive everyone right on in! The tapes would destroy the whole CNN narrative but again nobody cares other than some left wingers and the dems in the swamp. A few liberals on a message board and twitter do not represent america.
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This is the Trump WH PowerPoint article I posted the other day that’s related to this discussion.

LOL yeah have bunch of unarmed americans take over the capital and then what? Yeah it was a massive conspiracy. It is clear you are headed down the Russia 2. 0 road so go for it. As I said most people do not care and dems will pay dearly in 2022 for ignoring real issues. I am cerain of one thing some of you like hickory and yourself will still be obsessed with Trump 10 years from now. It really is a mental illness.
Trump should have been out front as soon as the protest went from protest to storming capital. He should have went to the capital stood on the steps and said stop.

He should have been a bigger man than the idiot Dems and Media who hounded him every day of his presidency. He didn’t and acted like a child.

Grab em by the pussy trump was just a victim of those evil dems.

Here is a yabbut for you, how did the GOP treat Clinton after his affair with Monica? I guess Clinton was just a victim of those mean ol' GOPers that were singing from the rooftops about their moral superiority (will just forget that Gingrich was cheating on his wife at the same time). What happened to those morals when Trump showed up? poof
LOL yeah have bunch of unarmed americans take over the capital and then what? Yeah it was a massive conspiracy. It is clear you are headed down the Russia 2. 0 road so go for it. As I said most people do not care and dems will pay dearly in 2022 for ignoring real issues. I am cerain of one thing some of you like hickory and yourself will still be obsessed with Trump 10 years from now. It really is a mental illness.
I post one link. You make multiple posts defending them (Trump, Meadows, etc.).

Who obsessed who?
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This is where I find myself disappointed with reasonable, rational conservatives. People in that camp who have consistently downplayed the events that culminated in January 6th are the problem. I understand the MAGA crowd. They would have been all for overthrowing the election as long at Trump won. But normal people who don’t admit what was going on and don’t find it deeply concerning and unAmerican I will never understand. The POTUS, several federally elected officials, and numerous state elected officials had a plan to overturn a free and fair election just because their guy lost. That should shake all of us to the core.

Then run a fair committee hearing that is credible. Pelosi started by replacing McCarthy's picks. Then the committee won't release all the video footage. Then when someone wants to use their Constitutionally given rights, the world is told that the person is essentially admitting guilt. And FBI reports weren't good enough for Jan 6 or Russia collusion.

For many rational conservatives, the Dems are just going down another rabbit hole, just like Russia. Schiff to this day won't admit Russia was a hoax and he sits on the Jan 6 committee. What a joke!

And I think if the roles were reversed, the R's would do the same damn thing.
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This is the Trump WH PowerPoint article I posted the other day that’s related to this discussion.

At this point, the main objective should be shedding light on the actions inside the Trump WH to overturn the election and enact protections against such treachery in the future. And let history be the judge of what January 6 was all about.
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...when someone wants to use their Constitutionally given rights, the world is told that the person is essentially admitting guilt.
quiz time, identify the speaker:

“So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment. Like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

or this gem: “I am no fan of Bill Cosby but never-the-less some free advice — if you are innocent, do not remain silent. You look guilty as hell!”

I for one hope they continue with the obsession and it seems they will. It is a big time losing strategy but they just cannot help themselves with the obsession . I am pretty sure they will continue with it as what else do they have? High inflation? Border crisis? Massive crime? Afgan debacle? CRT? Wokeism? Defund the police? Yep continue with the obsession!
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I for one hope they continue with the obsession and it seems they will. It is a big time losing strategy but they just cannot help themselves with the obsession . I am pretty sure they will continue with it as what else do they have? High inflation? Border crisis? Massive crime? Afgan debacle? CRT? Wokeism? Defund the police? Yep continue with the obsession!
It's all they talked about for four years, and he got his ass kicked in a landslide.