Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

Hey 'turd-

Stick it up your ass. I must admit even I'm pleasantly surprised by the crowds they drew this week, esp in AZ and NV where Trump supposedly had it all wrapped up...

Will be extremely interesting to see what the crowds are like in GA and NC, when they make up the rallies postponed due to Debby...With the blowback against Mark Robinson's crazy I expect Carolina will be popping...

Here's an added bonus for Minnesota if the good guys win the election. Not only would she be the first female Native American Governor, but she seems like someone who decided to get into govt and politics for all the right reasons. Another superb role model to inspire others...

She is extremely relatable in how she describes her own family's food insecurity. She never realzied that when her mother would skip meals and claim she wasn't hungry, she was really sacrifing her own meal to make sure the kids got fed. So it was fitting that when the feed the kids bill signing ceremony was held at a local school Peggy brought a pic of her recently deceased Mother, to insure she was a part of the celebration. If only in spirit...

Michael Steele's joke about the Bible is hilarious. Like that guy more and more the more often I hear from him...
I’m sure the Republicans will try to destroy her with lies. That’s their playbook because they don’t have answers for Americans except to ban books and push their authoritarian views down their throats.
Look at the phones in the second picture..

Tell me you aren't bonkers enough to believe this stuff. I mean those specific photos in those goobers Twitter posts may well be entirely fake... But they probably made them themselves.

Apparently Trump believes this stuff. But we all know he's mentally ill.

Here was a live stream of the Michigan rally in question.

Tell me you aren't bonkers enough to believe this stuff. I mean those specific photos in those goobers Twitter posts may well be entirely fake... But they probably made them themselves.

Apparently Trump believes this stuff. But we all know he's mentally ill.

Here was a live stream of the Michigan rally in question.

It is really amazing what they unquestionably believe.
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I said derangement from Kelly, as in someone who was insulted beyond belief by Trump now promoting him. It's not a single issue...

As to the video I actually linked the full video and as I pointed out Trump doesn't even mention Walz until he says something like "Tim Walz,I think he's on this call"...So to claim that earlier in the video Trump "criticized Walz" is a revision of history. Of course Trump would have prasied Walz had Walz issued the order to shoot citizens in the legs, which Trump suggested to his staff...

So Trump is insane, and the fact that he "praised Walz" is inconsequential to me. But my point, and what I care about is Trump hypocritically trying to revise history, and attacking Walz after the fact. Walz actually called in the NG before Trump even suggested it. Trump just wants to lie (nothing new) and try to take credit for the decision Walz had already put in place.
You may want to listen to the longest version we have which is from Kelley. Best we have and it debunkes the notion that trump only praises Walz. Just ain't true and if you want to have any credibility you must acknowledge truth wherever it lies...even when finding it is distasteful.
Who? Oh you mean Agent Orange. I’m not angry. Just anxious to see him in an orange jumpsuit to match his complexion. Again you don’t want to admit the truth about him but willing to tear down someone who actually served. Good luck with the what aboutism argument.
Feel free to correct or criticize anything that I post.

I only ask that you correct or criticize something I actually posted.

I was going to be nice and not mention that only weirdos like you are moved by the attacks from Corporal Bonespurs and (changed his name 3 times) JD Bowman on Tim Walz.. It didn't stop him from being elected for 6 straight terms to Congress from a Red district or twice as Governor because he got results. Free luches for kids, paid family leave, a budget surplus that he turned it to rebate checks for families earning $150,000/yr or less, Minnesota being ranked top 10 in both best states to live in and best states to raise kids in... no wonder weirdos hate him...

The challenge I made to Buffalo to provide evidence of anyhing worthwhile JD Vance has ever done, applies to you as well. Good luck...

Corporal Bonespurs has stood in the face of 100% more gunfire than Walz has in his life. Not to mention came out the other side looking like a bad ass.
Corporal Bonespurs has stood in the face of 100% more gunfire than Walz has in his life. Not to mention came out the other side looking like a bad ass.
Oh so now you’ve promoted Private Bone Spurs to corporal. Not to mention that Private Bone Spurs said that getting through the 80’s without contracting AIDS was his Vietnam. For the party the was formerly the alleged party of family values to have as their nominee, a serial sexual predator, convicted felon, found guilty of rape and fraud is truly rich. Just who you want to hold up as an example to young kids. And he’s not a bad ass just a cowardly pussy. Wait he could grab himself in that case.
Those aren't the "facts" as many of his friends in the unit see them. They had no firm and definitive orders for a deployment. This isn't unusual for the Guard. I have several Guard members working for me and one went on a 4-month deployment with less than a month's notice. The guy did 24 years. Most retire soon after 20. He put in his retirement notice most likely almost a year prior to his retirement. Has his Commanding Officer had a bad word to say about him? I don't think so.

Here's more on Walz:

And here's some informed commentary:

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Here's his CO's comments on Walz:

And here's some informed commentary:

He wasn’t Walz’ Commanding Officer. This also tells us his CO transferred or retired prior to deployment. It happens. Politics sure brings out the worst in people too.
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Here's his CO's comments on Walz:

And here's some informed commentary:

This will not move independents who are going to decide the race. It just makes you cultists feel better. And I’d bet these guys speaking out are supporters of Agent Orange. Funny how they were nowhere to be found until Walz joined the Harris ticket.
And how proud you must be the Proud Boys and the other white nationalist groups support Agent Orange. And he likes to dine with neo nazi leaders like Nick Fuentes too.
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He wasn’t Walz’ Commanding Officer. This also tells us his CO transferred or retired prior to deployment. It happens. Politics sure brings out the worst in people too.
Whoa. If his commanding officer retired prior to the deployment, shouldn’t the Pubs call him out too? Hmmm.
He wasn’t Walz’ Commanding Officer. This also tells us his CO transferred or retired prior to deployment. It happens. Politics sure brings out the worst in people too.

Yeah just saw that... I corrected the lead in...

My error... I was trying to respond to two texts, do some mental math, answer a question from my wife and add that post...

Should have just slowed down and taken one at a time... A multi-tasker I am not...
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It was clear as day Biden wouldn’t be the nominee for many months now. It’s even clearer Kamala will not be the nominee either. She’s a train wreck of a politician. She polls worse than Biden. The cheating dems will work their way around her. It may be Hillary again.
Swing and a miss…
Still waiting on Trump's infrastructure plan.

Still waiting on Trump's healthcare plan.

Still waiting on Mexico to pay for the Wall.

Can't wait for Trump to get those prisoners out of Russia.

If this guy is ever pResident, the things he will get done.
GD crickets are out again this time of year. They make a ton of noise until, they see me, and run like hell before I smash the living sh!t out of em.
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Still waiting on Trump's infrastructure plan.

Still waiting on Trump's healthcare plan.

Still waiting on Mexico to pay for the Wall.

Can't wait for Trump to get those prisoners out of Russia.

If this guy is ever pResident, the things he will get done.
Oh so you’re for equity of outcomes? Do you like expansion of the social safety net with enough free cheese to send prices soaring? Or do you like open borders? Reversing title 42. Asylum agreements. Remain in Mexico. Or do you like defunding and bail projects?

Lord knows you better vote for Harris and pray for equity of outcomes. An IQ as low as yours you’re who she has in mind

Stay in the slow lane. You’re not bright. Stop pretending. It’s transparent.
And you will believe anything that your whacked out right wing echo chamber says. Haven’t seen any of those news organizations verifying this. You are just plain stupid. No other explanation.
It's all over the internet. You need links or do you think you can try something besides google (show you what they want you to see). I know that may be difficult for the programmed. I swear it's like teaching a kid to ride a bike WITH training wheels.

Oh so you’re for equity of outcomes? Do you like expansion of the social safety net with enough free cheese to send prices soaring? Or do you like open borders? Reversing title 42. Asylum agreements. Remain in Mexico. Or do you like defunding and bail projects?

Lord knows you better vote for Harris and pray for equity of outcomes. An IQ as low as yours you’re who she has in mind

Stay in the slow lane. You’re not bright. Stop pretending. It’s transparent.
I don't fully agree with equity of outcomes, but when you deny one segment of the population equality for so long, they tend to ramp it up for equity.

I have no issues with equity at the academic level, so long as it doesn't hold anyone back in the process. However, that's equity of opportunity, which typically means being more available for students who need it.

I like open borders if they come for you.
We know you over pay for cheese and somehow magically made that your example for inflation. LOL (fun times)

I don't like open borders, but I have no issue with those who come looking for a path to citizenship. When it comes to survival some people won't have time to wait, and in desperation they'll do what they do to protect themselves and their children. You'd do the same. I would too.

Title 42 wasn't enacted by Trump until COVID restrictions started. Let's not pretend this was Trump's policies from the start. Let's not pretend he made it up. LOL

As we got well beyond COVID restrictions, Biden opted to no longer apply it. It would've been better to have something in place, but we know legislation is being blocked, and we know why. If you can't complain about brown people coming across the border, what purpose would you have?

Defunding what? LOL Please don't say police because that never happened on a broad scale.
Bail projects? I wouldn't extend them to violent criminals.
I don't fully agree with equity of outcomes, but when you deny one segment of the population equality for so long, they tend to ramp it up for equity.

I have no issues with equity at the academic level, so long as it doesn't hold anyone back in the process. However, that's equity of opportunity, which typically means being more available for students who need it.

I like open borders if they come for you.
We know you over pay for cheese and somehow magically made that your example for inflation. LOL (fun times)

I don't like open borders, but I have no issue with those who come looking for a path to citizenship. When it comes to survival some people won't have time to wait, and in desperation they'll do what they do to protect themselves and their children. You'd do the same. I would too.

Title 42 wasn't enacted by Trump until COVID restrictions started. Let's not pretend this was Trump's policies from the start. Let's not pretend he made it up. LOL

As we got well beyond COVID restrictions, Biden opted to no longer apply it. It would've been better to have something in place, but we know legislation is being blocked, and we know why. If you can't complain about brown people coming across the border, what purpose would you have?

Defunding what? LOL Please don't say police because that never happened on a broad scale.
Bail projects? I wouldn't extend them to violent criminals.
I’ve posted the actions Biden took in his first 100 days re the border from funding the wall to title 42 to ending remain in Mexico to the three asylum agreements. Look at the number of crossings thereafter

Free cheese is gov aid. From stimulus checks to converting child tax credits to monthly checks to extended unemployment to foreclosure stays to eviction stays the desire for cradle up grave benefits and social safety net expansion led to a spike in inflation.

Where funding was cut and allocated elsewhere has been posted countless times. You only read far left propaganda and it shows. Well and you can’t think for yourself. That limited bandwidth again.
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I’ve posted the actions Biden took in his first 100 days re the border from funding the wall to title 42 to ending remain in Mexico to the three asylum agreements. Look at the number of crossings thereafter

Free cheese is gov aid. From stimulus checks to converting child tax credits to monthly checks to extended unemployment to foreclosure stays to eviction stays the desire for cradle up grave benefits and social safety net expansion led to a spike in inflation.

Where funding was cut and allocated elsewhere has been posted countless times. You only read far left propaganda and it shows. Well and you can’t think for yourself. That limited bandwidth again.
You might not be so good at counting, but Biden didn't attempt to end title 42 until spring of 2022. It was discontinued in May of 2023.

Let me know if you need help on this.
You might not be so good at counting, but Biden didn't attempt to end title 42 until spring of 2022. It was discontinued in May of 2023.

Let me know if you need help on this.
Are you able to learn? Or just so dig in it’s impossible?

Free cheese is gov aid. From stimulus checks to converting child tax credits to monthly checks to extended unemployment to foreclosure stays to eviction stays the desire for cradle up grave benefits and social safety net expansion led to a spike in inflation.
All of that was during COVID, enacted of course, under Trump and extended with support of Biden by a GOP House.

Extended unemployment ended in the fall of 2021.

Foreclosure stays also ended in late 2021.

If you're going accuse someone of not having the acumen to discuss or debate a topic, you can at least have a grasp of the facts. Better yet, just quit making them up.
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All of that was during COVID, enacted of course, under Trump and extended with support of Biden by a GOP House.

Extended unemployment ended in the fall of 2021.

Foreclosure stays also ended in late 2021.

If you're going accuse someone of not having the acumen to discuss or debate a topic, you can at least have a grasp of the facts. Better yet, just quit making them up.
No it wasn’t. It was arp. Cori bush single handedly extended rent evictions with her rhetoric and Biden bent over. Arrogance and ignorance. That’s all you bring.

No it wasn’t. It was arp. Cori bush single handedly extended rent evictions with her rhetoric and Biden bent over. Arrogance and ignorance. That’s all you bring.

You know rent evictions and foreclosure stays aren't the same thing, right?

You know that article doesn't discuss either, right?
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And both were extended. And I actually know far more about both than you as well. You going to pretend to know the law again?
The article speaks nothing of what you said other than the stimulus package in March of 2021.

It makes no mention of foreclosure stays or eviction delays. Broadly speaking, all of what was in that stimulus package ended in September of 2021.
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