Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

Here's what a real CSM thought of his actions:


And here's what an 82nd Airborne veteran thinks of him:

And here's what a Naval Officer thinks of him:

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As soon as he realized he was going to be deployed to an Active On the Ground Combat Zone he bugged out... Those are the Facts as the guys he actually served with see it... Why you would dispute what the other NCO's who served with him are saying is simply hard to understand...
Those aren't the "facts" as many of his friends in the unit see them. They had no firm and definitive orders for a deployment. This isn't unusual for the Guard. I have several Guard members working for me and one went on a 4-month deployment with less than a month's notice. The guy did 24 years. Most retire soon after 20. He put in his retirement notice most likely almost a year prior to his retirement. Has his Commanding Officer had a bad word to say about him? I don't think so.
Those aren't the "facts" as many of his friends in the unit see them. They had no firm and definitive orders for a deployment. This isn't unusual for the Guard. I have several Guard members working for me and one went on a 4-month deployment with less than a month's notice. The guy did 24 years. Most retire soon after 20. He put in his retirement notice most likely almost a year prior to his retirement. Has his Commanding Officer had a bad word to say about him? I don't think so.

Have you read any of the articles that quoted his fellow NCO's??? He put in for retirement as soon as he got wind of a combat deployment, not before... I've already linked multiple articles on here (in other threads) that referenced that... If you're not going to bother to read them while insisting you alone know more than the NCO's who served with him I really don't know what to say at this point...
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Here's what a real CSM thought of his actions:


And here's what an 82nd Airborne veteran thinks of him:

And here's what a Naval Officer thinks of him:

It's unbelievable how unhinged politics has become. Cao should know better after having his own service unfairly attacked. I was a Navy Officer too, by the way. Didn't go to the trade school though, I went to IU. Darn Ring Knockers. ;)
Have you read any of the articles that quoted his fellow NCO's???
Of course I have and many of them are extremely positive of him. What we have here is a timeline that doesn't fit the negative attacks on him.
Of course I have and many of them are extremely positive of him. What we have here is a timeline that doesn't fit the negative attacks on him.

Here's one more article for you:

Here's one more article for you:

This is all very sad. This would have been nothing to anyone if the guy wasn't a politician. If he was a Republican, Democratic unit members would be attacking him. He's a Democrat so Republican members are attacking him. Besides noting that what is said about the timeline in that doesn't match what the fact checkers have said, I'm done with his extremely disturbing concerted denigration of a veteran's service. I continue to operate under the assumption that Democrats are just mostly wrong on policy, they're not evil and they're not enemies. I wish my fellow Republicans could do the same. Have at it and attack him at will. Believe what you want. I'm not voting for Harris-Walz, I'm writing in a real Republican when I figure out who deserves my vote.
You are a very strange person ....
Deliverance GIF
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Here's one more article for you:

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Of course I have and many of them are extremely positive of him. What we have here is a timeline that doesn't fit the negative attacks on him.
But it fits for the followers of the Dear Leader. We will never convince them otherwise. Notice I’ve posted multiple times in the last 24 hours about private bone spurs. Not one reply from the true believers. Strange isn’t it?
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But it fits for the followers of the Dear Leader. We will never convince them otherwise. Notice I’ve posted multiple times in the last 24 hours about private bone spurs. Not one reply from the true believers. Strange isn’t it?
That's different.
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Have you read any of the articles that quoted his fellow NCO's??? He put in for retirement as soon as he got wind of a combat deployment, not before... I've already linked multiple articles on here (in other threads) that referenced that... If you're not going to bother to read them while insisting you alone know more than the NCO's who served with him I really don't know what to say at this point...
Have you ever served? If not you might not want to argue with someone who has. Notice how none of these NCO’s said boo before Walz was the running mate. Me thinks they could be deep into the orange koolaid as are you.
That's different.
Whaaaat? That’s different? Wonder why old bones spurs hasn’t released his medical exam record. Seems to me that he demanded Obama’s birth certificate which he produced. Something smells fishy here.
Here's what a real CSM thought of his actions:


And here's what an 82nd Airborne veteran thinks of him:

And here's what a Naval Officer thinks of him:

Funny he’s a republican. Tell you anything smart guy? Or is that beyond your comprehension?
Isn’t it great that politics demand that you denigrate the military service of someone who volunteered at 17 and served for 24 years just because they belong to the political party that you hate.
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This is all very sad. This would have been nothing to anyone if the guy wasn't a politician. If he was a Republican, Democratic unit members would be attacking him. He's a Democrat so Republican members are attacking him. Besides noting that what is said about the timeline in that doesn't match what the fact checkers have said, I'm done with his extremely disturbing concerted denigration of a veteran's service. I continue to operate under the assumption that Democrats are just mostly wrong on policy, they're not evil and they're not enemies. I wish my fellow Republicans could do the same. Have at it and attack him at will. Believe what you want. I'm not voting for Harris-Walz, I'm writing in a real Republican when I figure out who deserves my vote.
I agree with most of what you said Aloha. But as a former Republican, there is currently no Republican I would vote for except John Kasich. I will not throw my vote away by writing someone in. I will vote for the Dems as the alternative is the horror show. There are things I agree with as well as disagree with on the Dems. In our family we have black, Asian, disabled and military members. Too few Republicans have had the spine nor moral compass to call out the horrible things said about each. Until that cancer is excised from the political arena I will not vote Republican.
Hey Stollpa he’s calling me names. Shouldn’t you say something to him?
You forgot to mention that private bone spurs has daddy pay a doctor to create bone spurs so he could completely avoid military service. Oh and when asked he couldn’t remember which foot they were in. And yet the cultists go after a guy who served his country honorably for 24 years. He retired 2 months before his former unit was notified they were being deployed. But of course he instinctively knew they were getting deployed so he abandoned them. I’d bet lots of the Orange Jesus worshippers on this site never served a day in the military. But they’ll sure denigrate a guy who did and conviently forget private bone spurs military avoidance.
You seem to be working quite hard to convince yourself
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No you posted more derangement from Megan Kelly who didn't even acknowledge that Trump was lying about the timeline. Doesn't matter, Trumpers are always going to believe Trump's lies...
Help us understand how Kelly’s report is “deranged” and why the shorter versions promoted by the other side here is better.
Look at the phones in the second picture..

I have no idea if it's fake or not, but when he uses one photo as AI and another thats not, and then the one he portrays as real gets community noted as being AI, it loses the luster it tries to make.
As soon as he realized he was going to be deployed to an Active On the Ground Combat Zone he bugged out... Those are the Facts as the guys he actually served with see it... Why you would dispute what the other NCO's who served with him are saying is simply hard to understand...
Amazing... You and the rest of MAGA world sure have a lot of nerve...

First off you completely dismiss what a significant portion of people actually hired by Trump for his cabinet/Admin have to say about Trump being totally unfit to hold the office of POTUS. Among those are the Sec of Defense, his own Chief of Staff and at least two general officers who have gone on the record exposing how Trump disparaged wounded veterans and fallen soldiers as "suckers".

All of America heard his attacks on McCain as well as the Kahn family, and more than one person has revealed that he even made disparaging remarks about Gen Kelly's own son who died in combat... In a single (and only) 4 yr term Trump singlehandedly had more of his appointees and one time followers denounce him than any other Admin in US History and it isn't even close...His actions on Jan 6 were despicable from inciting the riot to standing by idly cheering on his supporters and not taking any steps to quell the riot.

Trump is just hoping that the cover SCOTUS gave him prevents actual members of his Admin from testifying to his actions and mindset that day because only the most deluded of MAGA cult would not be horrified by his actions...All of these people have publicly castigated Trump for being a POS, and yet suddenly you think the rest of us should just swallow whole hog the opinions of some people who for the most part don't agree with Walz politically and may harbor personal grudges and jealousy due to possibly being passed over in favor of Walz?

You know why these lame attempts like labelling Walz a coward and calling him Tmpon Tim are losing issues designed to appeal to people like you and Farva, and other disgruntled culturw war types. Because Tim Walz has a record in both Congress and as Gov of Minnesota. This highlight video of his speeches in Congress contains his advocating for at least two or three veteran-centric bills. In one of them he talks about visiting a couple of his former soldiers who were recuperating at Walter Reed and why he felt so strongly about issues he champions.

Sounds like these guys who lost limbs didn't see him as a coward, but someone that advocated tirelessly for themselves and other veterans...That's likely why he got re-elected for 6 straight terms as a Dem in a rual Red district...That and the fact that he continuously advocated for the economic concerns of the middle class. And was himself middle class...

Feel free to link anything meaningful JD Vance has done while in Congress...One man has the expewrience (both Legislative and Executive) and a record of acheivement to be a potential POTUS, the other doesn't. This is a long compilation, but less than half way in to these speech excerpts you'll see why criticizng Walz is a losing proposition that will only excite people like you and farva...

Amazing... You and the rest of MAGA world sure have a lot of nerve...

First off you completely dismiss what a significant portion of people actually hired by Trump for his cabinet/Admin have to say about Trump being totally unfit to hold the office of POTUS. Among those are the Sec of Defense, his own Chief of Staff and at least two general officers who have gone on the record exposing how Trump disparaged wounded veterans and fallen soldiers as "suckers".

All of America heard his attacks on McCain as well as the Kahn family, and more than one person has revealed that he even made disparaging remarks about Gen Kelly's own son who died in combat... In a single (and only) 4 yr term Trump singlehandedly had more of his appointees and one time followers denounce him than any other Admin in US History and it isn't even close...His actions on Jan 6 were despicable from inciting the riot to standing by idly cheering on his supporters and not taking any steps to quell the riot.

Trump is just hoping that the cover SCOTUS gave him prevents actual members of his Admin from testifying to his actions and mindset that day because only the most deluded of MAGA cult would not be horrified by his actions...All of these people have publicly castigated Trump for being a POS, and yet suddenly you think the rest of us should just swallow whole hog the opinions of some people who for the most part don't agree with Walz politically and may harbor personal grudges and jealousy due to possibly being passed over in favor of Walz?

You know why these lame attempts like labelling Walz a coward and calling him Tmpon Tim are losing issues designed to appeal to people like you and Farva, and other disgruntled culturw war types. Because Tim Walz has a record in both Congress and as Gov of Minnesota. This highlight video of his speeches in Congress contains his advocating for at least two or three veteran-centric bills. In one of them he talks about visiting a couple of his former soldiers who were recuperating at Walter Reed and why he felt so strongly about issues he champions.

Sounds like these guys who lost limbs didn't see him as a coward, but someone that advocated tirelessly for themselves and other veterans...That's likely why he got re-elected for 6 straight terms as a Dem in a rual Red district...That and the fact that he continuously advocated for the economic concerns of the middle class. And was himself middle class...

Feel free to link anything meaningful JD Vance has done while in Congress...One man has the expewrience (both Legislative and Executive) and a record of acheivement to be a potential POTUS, the other doesn't. This is a long compilation, but less than half way in to these speech excerpts you'll see why criticizng Walz is a losing proposition that will only excite people like you and farva...

Sounds like someone is a little upset that the skeletons in Walz closet are much more significant than “weird” or “Couch”,
Sounds like someone is a little upset because the skeletons in Walz closet are much more significant than “weird” or “Couch”,
I was going to be nice and not mention that only weirdos like you are moved by the attacks from Corporal Bonespurs and (changed his name 3 times) JD Bowman on Tim Walz.. It didn't stop him from being elected for 6 straight terms to Congress from a Red district or twice as Governor because he got results. Free luches for kids, paid family leave, a budget surplus that he turned it to rebate checks for families earning $150,000/yr or less, Minnesota being ranked top 10 in both best states to live in and best states to raise kids in... no wonder weirdos hate him...

The challenge I made to Buffalo to provide evidence of anyhing worthwhile JD Vance has ever done, applies to you as well. Good luck...

You seem to be working quite hard to convince yourself
Come on. Can’t you see the elephant in the room? Private Bone Spurs. Why won’t you respond regarding his exemplary military service. Oh wait didn’t he say getting through the 80’s without contracting AIDS was his Vietnam? Such a brave soldier. Maybe he should get a medal 🏅 for that.
I don't even get what these turd poasts are trying to say, and that's after exploring the thread on twitter... First off The Trump camapign has been fake in it's claims of minority support from the very beginning. To deep fake AI where Trump ppears to be surronded on a stoop of admiring Black "supporters", and one of the folks in the vid has 3 arms.

Then there is the staged moment when a young Black girl appears to walk into a Chik Fil A in Atlanta and be overwhelmed with joy at seeing Trump. Of course it turns out she is a GOP operative who worked with Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk at Turning Point and mysteriously shows up at Trump events. Like his "Black rally" in Detroit where she was one of the few actual Black people in the church that day. She was also at some rally a few weeks back where Trump had her speak, and I guess tried to convince gullible folks that she just mystwriously showed up at the Chic in Atlanta and the fake Black summit in Detroit?

Not to mention the fake trip to the "neighborhood" Bordega in Brooklyn that was filled with young GOP activists posing as common people, inclduing a guy posing as a "voter" who was actually on George Santos's payroll. So to accuse Harris of enhancing her crowds seems ridiculously inept on two levels, typical MAGA projection and just typically stupid. On top of that all of those events were covered live by multiple national and local media and there are videos of events that were recorded live...

Crowd size is an unimportant metric to me, but it’s a huge thing to Trump and his devoted minions. Trump regularly wildly exaggerates the size of his rallies. It’s part of his standard rally speech to talk about the numbers of people at his past rallies and to denigrate (wildly minimize) the attendance at his political opponents’ rallies. He claims 107,000 attended his New Jersey rally at a venue that couldn’t hold even half that if jam packed, and it wasn’t. He claims 55,000 people were at the Butler rally where he was shot. We’ve all seen that video and 5,000 attendees would be a generous estimate. It’s just a gigantic dishonest thing for feeding his narcissistic eqo. Now that Harris-Walz are attracting 10s of thousands to rallies it has infuriated Trump. He’s been rage tweeting about how Harris-Walz crowd sizes are so small compared to his. I find it hilarious.
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Come on. Can’t you see the elephant in the room? Private Bone Spurs. Why won’t you respond regarding his exemplary military service. Oh wait didn’t he say getting through the 80’s without contracting AIDS was his Vietnam? Such a brave soldier. Maybe he should get a medal 🏅 for that.
I am not part of a discussion about trump. Yabutts are a sign of anger and weakness btw
I am not part of a discussion about trump. Yabutts are a sign of anger and weakness btw
Who? Oh you mean Agent Orange. I’m not angry. Just anxious to see him in an orange jumpsuit to match his complexion. Again you don’t want to admit the truth about him but willing to tear down someone who actually served. Good luck with the what aboutism argument.
Help us understand how Kelly’s report is “deranged” and why the shorter versions promoted by the other side here is better.
I said derangement from Kelly, as in someone who was insulted beyond belief by Trump now promoting him. It's not a single issue...

As to the video I actually linked the full video and as I pointed out Trump doesn't even mention Walz until he says something like "Tim Walz,I think he's on this call"...So to claim that earlier in the video Trump "criticized Walz" is a revision of history. Of course Trump would have prasied Walz had Walz issued the order to shoot citizens in the legs, which Trump suggested to his staff...

So Trump is insane, and the fact that he "praised Walz" is inconsequential to me. But my point, and what I care about is Trump hypocritically trying to revise history, and attacking Walz after the fact. Walz actually called in the NG before Trump even suggested it. Trump just wants to lie (nothing new) and try to take credit for the decision Walz had already put in place.
Here's an added bonus for Minnesota if the good guys win the election. Not only would she be the first female Native American Governor, but she seems like someone who decided to get into govt and politics for all the right reasons. Another superb role model to inspire others...

She is extremely relatable in how she describes her own family's food insecurity. She never realzied that when her mother would skip meals and claim she wasn't hungry, she was really sacrifing her own meal to make sure the kids got fed. So it was fitting that when the feed the kids bill signing ceremony was held at a local school Peggy brought a pic of her recently deceased Mother, to insure she was a part of the celebration. If only in spirit...

Michael Steele's joke about the Bible is hilarious. Like that guy more and more the more often I hear from him...
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