Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

The article speaks nothing of what you said other than the stimulus package in March of 2021.

It makes no mention of foreclosure stays or eviction delays. Broadly speaking, all of what was in that stimulus package ended in September of 2021.
Did you not read the take from the fed. I love how there are ten actions and you will pick one. You also routinely demonstrate no ability for independent thought. If you have all of your bills stayed, become flush with mailbox checks, and stay home and order shit what do you think that might do to prices?
It was clear as day Biden wouldn’t be the nominee for many months now. It’s even clearer Kamala will not be the nominee either. She’s a train wreck of a politician. She polls worse than Biden. The cheating dems will work their way around her. It may be Hillary again.
Lot of rumblings on X that the Dems are considering another switcheroo. I can't see it happening but their internals must be abysmal.

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It's all over the internet. You need links or do you think you can try something besides google (show you what they want you to see). I know that may be difficult for the programmed. I swear it's like teaching a kid to ride a bike WITH training wheels.

It's actually unbelievable to me that those types of ads are allowed. If I were one if those news sources I'd be asking my lawyers if Google is engaging in trademark infringement of some kind.
He wasn’t Walz’ Commanding Officer. This also tells us his CO transferred or retired prior to deployment. It happens. Politics sure brings out the worst in people too.
Do you think Walz policies while Governor of Minnesota would be good for this country?

Why do you defend Walz but not Vance?
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It's actually unbelievable to me that those types of ads are allowed. If I were one if those news sources I'd be asking my lawyers if Google is engaging in trademark infringement of some kind.
Ity reminds me of the early 00's when people clicked on what they thought was a result from a marked title tag and ended up accidentally on a porn site. Interesting tactic.
Do Walz’s political policies most match yours or Vance’s?
No, and it’s irrelevant question for me. I want Trump and the MAGA culture purged from the GOP. And Trump losing is the essential part of that. I don’t believe at all that a Trump loss would be any sort of a disaster. The GOP will likely narrowly win Congress and will not permit any egregious policies from becoming law. I’ll live through another 4 years of a Democratic President for the GOP to straighten up and help with the long-term health, security and prosperity of the country.
No, and it’s irrelevant question for me. I want Trump and the MAGA culture purged from the GOP. And Trump losing is the essential part of that. I don’t believe at all that a Trump loss would be any sort of a disaster. The GOP will likely narrowly win Congress and will not permit any egregious policies from becoming law. I’ll live through another 4 years of a Democratic President for the GOP to straighten up and help with the long-term health, security and prosperity of the country.
If you’re a small federal government, fiscal conservative….living through 4 years of a Harris presidency will not help with the long-term health, security and prosperity of the country.

Is there a better chance of less government with Harris or Trump?
Lot of rumblings on X that the Dems are considering another switcheroo. I can't see it happening but their internals must be abysmal.

Well this is certainly an idiotic take. The Dems, and more importantly the Trump Campaign wouldn't be injecting $$ Millions into states like NC and AZ if the Harris "internals" were abysmal...

Check out this break down of 7 key states and where the respective Campaigns have spent money from July 21 to now... If the entire video is too much, you can skip forward to the 5 min mark to see the spending per state.

You'll notice the only 3 (out of 7) key states where Trump has outspent Harris are GA,AZ and NC. States which Trump considered his and where the party was counting on not having to spend $$. Yet here they are, because the Dem internals are "abysmal"...LOL

If you’re a small federal government, fiscal conservative….living through 4 years of a Harris presidency will not help with the long-term health, security and prosperity of the country.

Is there a better chance of less government with Harris or Trump?
Look. Trump must go. He’s unfit to serve in the office. Period. I’ll never vote to put him in. Not a chance. If it makes those of you that think he’s the bee’s knees and want him to be President feel better, I live in Ohio and he’ll win Ohio. I’ll write in a vote for a Republican. Not sure who yet.
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Look. Trump must go. He’s unfit to serve the office. Period. I’ll never vote to put him in. Not a chance. If it makes those of you that think he’s the bee’s knees and want him to be President feel better, I live in Ohio and he’ll win Ohio. I’ll write in a vote for a Republican. Not sure who yet.
The “bee’s knees”…do better. We can discuss issues and see where we stand with the candidates. From where I sit….neither candidate is the preferred one. But….which one is closer to what we say we want? I’m not a progressive and will not vote for one that is… twenty said “Trump is left of Ryan on fiscal policy”, that is no doubt true. I can recognize that and still say his policies are drastically better than Harris’ policies
The “bee’s knees”…do better. We can discuss issues and see where we stand with the candidates. From where I sit….neither candidate is the preferred one. But….which one is closer to what we say we want? I’m not a progressive and will not vote for one that is… twenty said “Trump is left of Ryan on fiscal policy”, that is no doubt true. I can recognize that and still say his policies are drastically better than Harris’ policies
Neither one is likely to get very much accomplished in any domestic policy area, since that would require a non-dysfunctional Congress.
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The “bee’s knees”…do better. We can discuss issues and see where we stand with the candidates. From where I sit….neither candidate is the preferred one. But….which one is closer to what we say we want? I’m not a progressive and will not vote for one that is… twenty said “Trump is left of Ryan on fiscal policy”, that is no doubt true. I can recognize that and still say his policies are drastically better than Harris’ policies
You do you.
I mean they always eventually find a way to spend money. But you'll never see major changes in anything.
A little here and a little there. A regulation here and a regulation there. I guess….we either care or we don’t. In reality…I’m not sure what my care level is….but the discussion is healthy and it’s good to see perspective from folks who live in different areas.
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If you’re a small federal government, fiscal conservative….living through 4 years of a Harris presidency will not help with the long-term health, security and prosperity of the country.

Is there a better chance of less government with Harris or Trump?
Aloha is lost. He thinks when trump is gone we’re going back to “his gop.” Trump got 74 mil votes and tapped into a group (many anti establishment many old blue collar Dems) that want nothing to do with McCain bush etc. hell I’m a moderate and want nothing to do with the old dead gop. You think kids growing up today will? Please. The country is going left not to aloha’s dinosaurs. Who aloha would like in 28 would be the most anachronistic candidate you could imagine

I get Jan 6 but otherwise I’d vote trump or Shapiro. Be fine with either. Radical progressives. Never
Aloha is lost. He thinks when trump is gone we’re going back to “his gop.” Trump got 74 mil votes and tapped into a group (many anti establishment many old blue collar Dems) that want nothing to do with McCain bush etc. hell I’m a moderate and want nothing to do with the old dead gop. You think kids growing up today will? Please. The country is going left not to aloha’s dinosaurs. Who aloha would like in 28 would be the most anachronistic candidate you could imagine

I get Jan 6 but otherwise I’d vote trump or Shapiro. Be fine with either. Radical progressives. Never
Trump is left of Aloha and I’m right of Aloha….but Harris is drastically left of Trump.

The libertarian candidate is a loon ball.

I think I’ll vote for Trump…the other option is to leave the column blank
Trump is left of Aloha and I’m right of Aloha….but Harris is drastically left of Trump.

The libertarian candidate is a loon ball.

I think I’ll vote for Trump…the other option is to leave the column blank
Trump sucks but infinitely better than two whack job radical progressives. I’ll pass on bringing the failings of blue urban cities to the fed level
A little here and a little there. A regulation here and a regulation there. I guess….we either care or we don’t. In reality…I’m not sure what my care level is….but the discussion is healthy and it’s good to see perspective from folks who live in different areas.
I think the direction I'm leaning with all this is that if you believe, as I do, that neither president will usher in any major domestic policy changes, it becomes easier to vote based on other considerations. For me, it's foreign policy. For a guy like Ranger, apparently it's 1/6. For Aloha, it's a belief that Trump losing is for the long-term health of the party. I'm sure there are many other possible reasons.

Now, a lot of those reasons maybe seem far less compelling if you truly think this election will have major ramifications, if, for example, you think a Harris administration will result in a huge shift in policy toward "wokeness" or whatever. But I am not one who thinks that.
I think the direction I'm leaning with all this is that if you believe, as I do, that neither president will usher in any major domestic policy changes, it becomes easier to vote based on other considerations. For me, it's foreign policy. For a guy like Ranger, apparently it's 1/6. For Aloha, it's a belief that Trump losing is for the long-term health of the party. I'm sure there are many other possible reasons.

Now, a lot of those reasons maybe seem far less compelling if you truly think this election will have major ramifications, if, for example, you think a Harris administration will result in a huge shift in policy toward "wokeness" or whatever. But I am not one who thinks that.
I think it’s very dangerous to assume one party will win the house etc and buffer the president. We saw in 2020 what can happen - border, gas, inflation. Now if you support that more power but it’s not sound to just bank on winning whatever to offset. That’s risky. And with each passing election I’m losing more and more faith in polls. I don’t buy any of dbms. Red wave…. You better vote for the policy you want at every level. President down
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I think it’s very dangerous to assume one party will win the house etc and buffer the president. We saw in 2020 what can happen - border, gas, inflation. Now if you support that more power but it’s not sound to just bank on winning whatever to offset. That’s risky. And with each passing election I’m losing more and more faith in polls. I don’t buy any of dbms. Red wave…. You better vote for the policy you want at every level. President down
My day to day life has been mostly the same for the last several administrations. Whatever policies actually changed, they didn't affect me much at all. I don't see any reason to think 2024 will be any different.
My day to day life has been mostly the same for the last several administrations. Whatever policies actually changed, they didn't affect me much at all. I don't see any reason to think 2024 will be any different.
Your grocery bill hasn’t changed?
Are you in the market for a new car?
What about a new house? Price. Rates.
Do you buy gas? For a business?
Do you have rental properties?

All of the actions of our gov shouldn’t be discarded. Of course they impact us all. Greatly. The more inflation we have and the more things cost the better my businesses do. Why? Bc our customers have to be frugal. The businesses we service are the bottom feeders in our industry and we’re cheaper. So I personally would do better with shitty progressives. But it’s about all of us. Not just my life

Hell ask tort lawyers if gov matters
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Your grocery bill hasn’t changed?
Are you in the market for a new car?
What about a new house? Price. Rates.
Do you buy gas? For a business?
Do you have rental properties?

All of the actions of our gov shouldn’t be discarded. Of course they impact us all. Greatly. The more inflation we have and the more things cost the better my businesses do. Why? Bc our customers have to be frugal. The businesses we service are the bottom feeders in our industry and we’re cheaper. So I personally would do better with shitty progressives. But it’s about all of us. Not just my life

Hell ask tort lawyers if gov matters
Yes, stuff is more expensive, but it doesn't actually change my life much. Maybe I eat out a little less often and eat simple meals at home a little more often, but the broad strokes of my life remain the same.

I realize I'm not everyone. I long said Biden was on track for defeat precisely because of the cost of living crisis that our media and politicians seem to be unable to clearly see. I just don't think the choice we make for president is really going to have that big of an effect on this area, so it's not what I'm basing my vote on.
My day to day life has been mostly the same for the last several administrations. Whatever policies actually changed, they didn't affect me much at all. I don't see any reason to think 2024 will be any different.
Compare the cost of college from mid-90s to now….why has it changed? Was there policy involved? If so, what?
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We're thankful that she is.
Well Trump certainly isn't "thankful". He thought he had the election in the bag, and now he finds himself trailing and facing an energized group of anti-Trumpers. All he does is whine that it's not fair that he "wasted" $100,000,000. And it turns out that when you spent your entire wad on attacking your opponents (who is only 3 yrs older than you) as old,feeble,senile whatever, that once the old guy opts out YOU become the old guy.

Biden's gaffes gave Trump cover on his own many gaffes. With Biden gone, Trump is the doddering old fool, and oldest candidate to ever run on a major party ticket. All of the people who were boycotting the election because they felt like it was only a choice between 2 old white guys now have a different path they can choose. That spells problems for Trump...
Lot of rumblings on X that the Dems are considering another switcheroo. I can't see it happening but their internals must be abysmal.

You keep setting the bar higher up your ass, by reposting and endorsing Todd Starnes' garbage. Even FoxNews wouldn't put up with him:

"In October 2019, he was fired from Fox News and all affiliates after he endorsed the notion that American Democrats worship a pagan god, Moloch."

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Who do you mean when you say “we?” Definitely not the Trump campaign. They’re very worried about the election.
Wrong, as usual. Kamala is best case scenario for Republicans. She’s an absolute dumbass and wholly unlikable. This should be a blowout for Trump, barring anything nefarious happening (which is a long shot).
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No, and it’s irrelevant question for me. I want Trump and the MAGA culture purged from the GOP. And Trump losing is the essential part of that. I don’t believe at all that a Trump loss would be any sort of a disaster. The GOP will likely narrowly win Congress and will not permit any egregious policies from becoming law. I’ll live through another 4 years of a Democratic President for the GOP to straighten up and help with the long-term health, security and prosperity of the country.
You are most everything wrong with this country at the moment. Absolute pu$$y stance.
Look. Trump must go. He’s unfit to serve in the office. Period. I’ll never vote to put him in. Not a chance. If it makes those of you that think he’s the bee’s knees and want him to be President feel better, I live in Ohio and he’ll win Ohio. I’ll write in a vote for a Republican. Not sure who yet.
You’re a chick, right? Emotional midget.
Trump is left of Aloha and I’m right of Aloha….but Harris is drastically left of Trump.

The libertarian candidate is a loon ball.

I think I’ll vote for Trump…the other option is to leave the column blank
You don’t vote Trump and you are Aloha. Don’t be Aloha, he’s an emotional short guy or gal (likely gal).