Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

It'd be a step down for him but he'd kill it.

I'll follow up on this: it's too bad we don't have a tradition in this country where every president appoints a past president to some cabinet post, to keep continuity in our government and provide presidents easy access to people who've already done the job and know the stresses, might give some pointers, etc.
Hey Brad. I won the bet but I'm not going to hold you to your penalty for losing - - 30 days off the Cooler beginning 8-23. Keep posting. You bring some value as murt's more sane alter ego. ;)
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It was clear as day Biden wouldn’t be the nominee for many months now. It’s even clearer Kamala will not be the nominee either. She’s a train wreck of a politician. She polls worse than Biden. The cheating dems will work their way around her. It may be Hillary again.
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She was banging a 60 plus year old at less than half his age. Successful lawyer? Lulz
Altho to her credit she took a career path while not recommended by career services is definitely faster. 1 of 96 assistant pa’s at $26k a year. That’s what flunking the damn bar gets me. I’d rather bang that old goat than try misdemeanors for ten years…. Maybe not book smart but street smart
What Vice President has had good approval ratings? Their job is to go to funerals… I know she had mixed reviews in CA ( some for being too tough of a prosecutor, so you all should like that). But she’s held elected office there since 2004, so people for the most part, most have approved of her.
She really didn't have very mixed reviews in California. She's been fairly popular in her time serving the state. Her closest elections were in San Francisco in running for DA and she still won around 57% of the vote. In her Senate election, she won around 62% of the vote after Barbara Boxer won the same seat with somewhere around 53% of the vote.

The idea that she is not intelligent and not accomplished is kind of silly.
She really didn't have very mixed reviews in California. She's been fairly popular in her time serving the state. Her closest elections were in San Francisco in running for DA and she still won around 57% of the vote. In her Senate election, she won around 62% of the vote after Barbara Boxer won the same seat with somewhere around 53% of the vote.

The idea that she is not intelligent and not accomplished is kind of silly.
She may have been popular then----not so much now. I could be mistaken, but she has the worst polling #'s of any VP in history. And shes not very well liked now----And it would not surprise me if shes trailing Trump come convention time, she gets the boot. Her own party doesn't show confidence in her. And many question her as a running mate, and as a VP.

I don't think she can beat Trump.
She may have been popular then----not so much now. I could be mistaken, but she has the worst polling #'s of any VP in history. And shes not very well liked now----And it would not surprise me if shes trailing Trump come convention time, she gets the boot. Her own party doesn't show confidence in her. And many question her as a running mate, and as a VP.

I don't think she can beat Trump.
The question was whether she was popular in California. She was then and she remains so now.

That, in and of itself, obviously won't win the election, but I would not be at all surprised to see Trump screw up his many advantages in this race.
Incumbents don't generally have competition in the primaries. I recall a few people put their names into the hat but didn't have the name recognition or donors to be a threat. Sure, it would have been nice to have had someone else win the primaries but that is historically unlikely with an incumbent.

The debate debacle seems to have created enough pressure to get Biden to change his mind. Part of that being donors drying up after the debate and not funding Biden's campaign any more. If Biden was even remotely decent at the debate, then I doubt we would be looking at a different nominee now
I seem to recall that mainstream media just weeks before the debate that Joe Biden was sharp and completely healthy and totally on top of his game. And that all of the gaffes were simply fakes. The democrats had to of known that he was unfit to continue. Why did they not try to get him out sooner or at least try to get others to run?
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Seriously? She’s a two time AG in a state bigger than a lot of countries, a former U.S. senator and a VP.

Her resume easily stacks up against those other candidates nicely.
I will be the first to tell you how much I hate Trump. However if there is one person I hate even more it is Joe Biden and a person I hate even more is Kamala Harris. I am sure she is smarter than some of her public appearances, but wow they are hard to get past. The Harris - Trump Debate could be really interesting. The one who comes out as least unlikable will be the winner. We may not have a winner.
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Trump all day. Take it to the bank. Unless we see some upgraded shenanigans that happen like another "covid" or assassination attempt. Can't wait to see the liberal tears and outrage lol. Dems have no answers. Skamala is just fish food.
And damned if Trump just can’t seem to pull it together enough to not piss off just slightly over half the damn country. I mean. He’s always in danger of just BARELY winning an election at the height of his popularity.

Why can’t Trump grow his base? The Dems probably can. I don’t know if Kamala is that person but she’s going up against an historically awful candidate.

Trump can not and will not grow his base. His base can only shrink. There are exactly zero people out there not already in Trump's bag who are going to be convinced to climb in. He's that polarizing, and that despicable.

The only question is whether Harris can be made palatable enough to get the rest of the country off their couches to vote for her. I'm going to say yes. Perception is reality in most things, and especially in politics. We're going to see a three month media blitz to glam Harris up into something we've never before imagined her to be. It'll never convince The Dream Team, but that's not the target. They just need enough of the disgusted who couldn't stomach Biden to feel OK about President Harris.
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It'd be a step down for him but he'd kill it.

I'll follow up on this: it's too bad we don't have a tradition in this country where every president appoints a past president to some cabinet post, to keep continuity in our government and provide presidents easy access to people who've already done the job and know the stresses, might give some pointers, etc.
“Apology tours aren’t as stressful as one might think and a cabinet position isn’t a requirement for free advice.” ~Barack Hussein Obama II
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And damned if Trump just can’t seem to pull it together enough to not piss off just slightly over half the damn country. I mean. He’s always in danger of just BARELY winning an election at the height of his popularity.

Why can’t Trump grow his base? The Dems probably can. I don’t know if Kamala is that person but she’s going up against an historically awful candidate.
Trump's basic base is pretty well defined. They are what they are. He lost a lot to Covid and clogged arteries, (and according to one clown here "respirators killed a lot of them) but there still are a ton of these gravy seals out there.
You are clueless. You really think those trying to force Biden out didn’t know he would endorse her? Come back when you’re smarter.
I’m old. Pretty sure I’m not getting any smarter. I am what I am at this point. And not going anywhere, thanks.
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Trump all day. Take it to the bank. Unless we see some upgraded shenanigans that happen like another "covid" or assassination attempt. Can't wait to see the liberal tears and outrage lol. Dems have no answers. Skamala is just fish food.
You are probably the worst poster on this board in terms of quality. You post like a Neanderthal. Do better.
Trump can not and will not grow his base. His base can only shrink. There are exactly zero people out there who are not already in Trump's bag who are going to be convinced to climb in. He's that polarizing, and that despicable.

The only question is whether Harris can be made palatable enough to get the rest of the country off their couches to vote for her. I'm going to say yes. Perception is reality in most things, and especially in politics. We're going to see a three month media blitz to glam Harris up into something we've never before imagined her to be. It'll never convince The Dream Team, but that's not the target. They just need enough of the disgusted who couldn't stomach Biden to feel OK about President Harris.
The base may not be in growth mode, but I think a certain number of voters are elastic...on both sides. People may cast an FU vote for a candidate if they're pissed off enough about what the other candidate has said/done/implied.
Trump all day. Take it to the bank. Unless we see some upgraded shenanigans that happen like another "covid" or assassination attempt. Can't wait to see the liberal tears and outrage lol. Dems have no answers. Skamala is just fish food.
She’s Trump chum!!!!

Nice post. And welcome over here
At least some Republicans refuse to give up on misogyny. Way to fly the flag proudly.
You knew it would take about 5 minutes. The same people who claim that Jill Biden is a stuck-up ho, that Michelle Obama is a male ape, that Hillary Clinton is a murderous lesbian tyrant, that Taylor Swift is an evil witch, and on and on. Any woman in a position of power or even just high visibility needs to be marginalized, in their minds.

It's a mindset that DRIVES violent misogyny in this country.

They need to keep it up, because that isn't winning over any independents, and I'm not just talking about women and minorities.
You knew it would take about 5 minutes. The same people who claim that Jill Biden is a stuck-up ho, that Michelle Obama is a male ape, that Hillary Clinton is a murderous lesbian tyrant, that Taylor Swift is an evil witch, and on and on. Any woman in a position of power or even just high visibility needs to be marginalized, in their minds.

It's a mindset that DRIVES violent misogyny in this country.

They need to keep it up, because that isn't winning over any independents, and I'm not just talking about women and minorities.
Says the guy who throws the term lesbian out as an insult to a teenage girl he's never met.

you have no power here GIF
Says the guy who throws the term lesbian out as an insult to a teenage girl he's never met.
LOL, stupid as usual, just you being you. It was an insult to the father, and inept buffoon whose behavior as a role model likely made his daughter decide to shun men.
This election isn't going to be decided by moderate voters. It's going to be decided by turnout. Dems have a larger base, but their base is often low engagement. Remains to be seen if Harris can get any momentum with the Dem base and get turnout up.
wrong, we will just see with Democracy on the line.
Those that love playing the victim card were already Harris supporters. You are exhibit A.
I am not a victim. I hate Project 2025. I do not want to go back to the thirties not like your racist gop buddies. I do not want my civil and voting rights taken. What do you believe , Do you believe in white nationalism where you had everything handed to you or are you a white supremacist?
In 2020 she couldn't sniff a vote in Iowa and now she is going to running for the most powerful position in the world. I'm confident our country will f this up again and put this babbling idiot in office. The Dems screwed themselves in 2020 by putting her as VP and trusting that Biden could ride out 2 terms.

Sad part is a ton of American's will vote left only because of Trump. I'm glad my family is well insulted from such idiocy.

I can just see her in big situations, getting nervous and starting to cackle like a hyena.
This is where I again remind the Rs, we had a choice. We had a primary. There was a clear solution to avoid the “anyone but Trump” voter problem.
Only in America, she was a complete disaster in the 2020 primary. The democrats are good at picking puppets to throw out to the American public.
This stupid meme is repeatedly referenced by people who understand nothing about polittcs. Harris was an unknown running among 8 or 9 candidates in 2020.Someone with more namwe recognition (like Bernie, Liz Warren) already dominated the lane she tried to run in...

She really didn't have very mixed reviews in California. She's been fairly popular in her time serving the state. Her closest elections were in San Francisco in running for DA and she still won around 57% of the vote. In her Senate election, she won around 62% of the vote after Barbara Boxer won the same seat with somewhere around 53% of the vote.

The idea that she is not intelligent and not accomplished is kind of silly.
Which is exactly why it's being echoed by the MAGA cult.They claim she isn't popular or qualified and that they relish the oppty to run against her. But in the same breath they (esp Trump) whine about having to "unfairly" run against the candidate they supposedly can't wait to run against.
This stupid meme is repeatedly referenced by people who understand nothing about polittcs. Harris was an unknown running among 8 or 9 candidates in 2020.Someone with more namwe recognition (like Bernie, Liz Warren) already dominated the lane she tried to run in...

Which is exactly why it's being echoed by the MAGA cult.They claim she isn't popular or qualified and that they relish the oppty to run against her. But in the same breath they (esp Trump) whine about having to "unfairly" run against the candidate they supposedly can't wait to run against.
What lane is she running in?
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I seem to recall that mainstream media just weeks before the debate that Joe Biden was sharp and completely healthy and totally on top of his game. And that all of the gaffes were simply fakes. The democrats had to of known that he was unfit to continue. Why did they not try to get him out sooner or at least try to get others to run?
" The democrats had to of known that he was unfit to continue. Why did they not try to get him out sooner or at least try to get others to run?"

The Pubs had to know that Trump was a twice-impeached insurrectionist who two seperate juries and a Judge adjudicated was guilty of sexual assault. A third jury found he engaged in fraud and a fourth found that he is guilty of 34 felonies involving campaign finance violations and tax evasion...

The Pubs had to know that he was unfit to continue. Why did they not try to get him out sooner and at least try to get someone else to run?

And why is Team Trump scared to death of allowing the voters to hear testimony (mainly from Republicans) about the crimes DJT committed in Wash DC and Florida before those same US voters go to the polls?
In 2020 she couldn't sniff a vote in Iowa and now she is going to running for the most powerful position in the world. I'm confident our country will f this up again and put this babbling idiot in office. The Dems screwed themselves in 2020 by putting her as VP and trusting that Biden could ride out 2 terms.

Sad part is a ton of American's will vote left only because of Trump. I'm glad my family is well insulted from such idiocy.

I can just see her in big situations, getting nervous and starting to cackle like a hyena.
Way to parrot Fox News on her laugh. I just saw a clip where all their top personalities were hitting her on that. This is promising to me because going on the level of Obama tan suit territory tells me they don’t really have a plan of attack on her.
You knew it would take about 5 minutes. The same people who claim that Jill Biden is a stuck-up ho, that Michelle Obama is a male ape, that Hillary Clinton is a murderous lesbian tyrant, that Taylor Swift is an evil witch, and on and on. Any woman in a position of power or even just high visibility needs to be marginalized, in their minds.

It's a mindset that DRIVES violent misogyny in this country.

They need to keep it up, because that isn't winning over any independents, and I'm not just talking about women and minorities.
Weird coincidence that all the women who are attacked like that - and they are attacked - don’t align politically with the people doing the attacking. But Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Bobbert do.
" The democrats had to of known that he was unfit to continue. Why did they not try to get him out sooner or at least try to get others to run?"

The Pubs had to know that Trump was a twice-impeached insurrectionist who two seperate juries and a Judge adjudicated was guilty of sexual assault. A third jury found he engaged in fraud and a fourth found that he is guilty of 34 felonies involving campaign finance violations and tax evasion...

The Pubs had to know that he was unfit to continue. Why did they not try to get him out sooner and at least try to get someone else to run?

And why is Team Trump scared to death of allowing the voters to hear testimony (mainly from Republicans) about the crimes DJT committed in Wash DC and Florida before those same US voters go to the polls?
At this point I’m hoping against hope that Trump loses so he does have to face the music.
It was clear as day Biden wouldn’t be the nominee for many months now. It’s even clearer Kamala will not be the nominee either. She’s a train wreck of a politician. She polls worse than Biden. The cheating dems will work their way around her. It may be Hillary again.
I guess now we’ll get to see what can be, unburdened by what has been. If you know, you know. SMH
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I will be the first to tell you how much I hate Trump. However if there is one person I hate even more it is Joe Biden and a person I hate even more is Kamala Harris. I am sure she is smarter than some of her public appearances, but wow they are hard to get past. The Harris - Trump Debate could be really interesting. The one who comes out as least unlikable will be the winner. We may not have a winner.
So conservative propaganda has worked...all they have to do is get people to hate anyone that runs against trump