Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

Probably not. Sometimes VPs need to take heat off the prez. Doesn't help when you're then thrust into the spotlight, probably ahead of schedule.

I was listening to the Honestly (bari weiss) pod today and they had Dean Phillips on. He brought up a good point. THere's four weeks until the primary. Do a straw poll with teh DNC delegates, pick the top four, do four townhalls, floor vote at convention. That way, it's a pseudo demoractic process. Generates buzz for days (like a freaking March Madness for politics) and the Democratic convention would be BONKERS programming. And you basically vet the VP nominees. My God.


Craziest political season i've ever been a part of and I lived through 2008 and 2016.

The problem for Dems is that this looks like it was predetermined and is a petri dish for dark conspiracies. Put some light on it.
If the Democratic candidate should happen to beat Trump, it could be argued the Dems cheated again and the election was stolen. The Covid basically won it for Biden in 2020,this allowing him not to debate, plus Dems false claims of Russian collusion, no laptop, Hillary’s bought and paid for dossier, et al. This time, Trump looked destined to win until the Dems see the poles and use his mental (dementia) and physical (Covid, weak body) deficiencies to force him to step down against his wishes, giving them a last minute outside chance of defeating Trump once again through their shinnannigans.
If the Democratic candidate should happen to beat Trump, it could be argued the Dems cheated again and the election was stolen. The Covid basically won it for Biden in 2020,this allowing him not to debate, plus Dems false claims of Russian collusion, no laptop, Hillary’s bought and paid for dossier, et al. This time, Trump looked destined to win until the Dems see the poles and use his mental (dementia) and physical (Covid, weak body) deficiencies to force him to step down against his wishes, giving them a last minute outside chance of defeating Trump once again through their shinnannigans.
I'm curious if people are taking any of this seriously or if people realize this forum is totally gonzo.
It was clear as day Biden wouldn’t be the nominee for many months now. It’s even clearer Kamala will not be the nominee either. She’s a train wreck of a politician. She polls worse than Biden. The cheating dems will work their way around her. It may be Hillary again.
You’re an f###ing idiot. Dems will salivate at the thought of an experienced prosecutor debating a convicted felon.
Age is about the only thing she has going for her. Trump is a sleazeball, but hard to consider Harris much different. None of this fundraising for a leftist candidate is going to help with the moderate votes.
Yes, what are the moderate pubs and moderate independents going to do?

We elected trump in 2016 (without my vote) and elected Biden in 2020 (with my vote).

What happens now? Vote for Cookoo for Cocopuffs or stay home?

Give us Manchin...please
If the Democratic candidate should happen to beat Trump, it could be argued the Dems cheated again and the election was stolen. The Covid basically won it for Biden in 2020,this allowing him not to debate, plus Dems false claims of Russian collusion, no laptop, Hillary’s bought and paid for dossier, et al. This time, Trump looked destined to win until the Dems see the poles and use his mental (dementia) and physical (Covid, weak body) deficiencies to force him to step down against his wishes, giving them a last minute outside chance of defeating Trump once again through their shinnannigans.
Cheated again, eh? Argue whatever you want. Trump Cult can never believe more people detest him than worship him.
This was a big FU to the dems running the show for forcing him out. Biden didn’t do them any favors endorsing Kamala.
You are clueless. You really think those trying to force Biden out didn’t know he would endorse her? Come back when you’re smarter.
Are you high? She's 7 points less favorable than Trump and Trump's policies are a million x's more popular than hers.

There you go again dumbhoosier. Trumps crimes I mean policies are only a million times more popular to you in the cult. By the way. Just in case you didn’t know it his policies were voted on in 2020 and he lost by millions. Let me know where you live and I’ll try to find a substance abuse facility for you to get you off the koolaid.
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If the Democratic candidate should happen to beat Trump, it could be argued the Dems cheated again and the election was stolen. The Covid basically won it for Biden in 2020,this allowing him not to debate, plus Dems false claims of Russian collusion, no laptop, Hillary’s bought and paid for dossier, et al. This time, Trump looked destined to win until the Dems see the poles and use his mental (dementia) and physical (Covid, weak body) deficiencies to force him to step down against his wishes, giving them a last minute outside chance of defeating Trump once again through their shinnannigans.
There were two 2020 Presidential debates. There was a third one scheduled but Trump caught COVID and wouldn’t agree to do it remotely so it was canceled. Polls showed the the majority of Americans thought Biden beat Trump in both debates.
Trump donated to Harris's election campaigns for California AG.



Couldn’t have happened.
Don’t believe it!

Willdog said Trump is a white supremacist racist. He’d never contribute!
I assume Harris has a completely average IQ. Maybe a tick above average? She attended Howard University (#115 in the nation; IU by comp is 73) followed by UC Hastings (#82 law school; IU is #42). She doesn't appear to have shined academically at either relatively low-level institution. She failed the bar.

Put that all together, along with her speaking engagements, and it's clear she's not going to be the most intelligent candidate we've ever seen. But we've had other candidates that probably weren't all that intellectually gifted (Ronald Reagan comes to mind) but who did fine in the job.
You forgot to mention Orange Jesus as not intellectually gifted. Not gifted would actually be a stretch for him. You must not have watched any senate hearings. She sounded pretty intelligent.
He'll never get the nomination. He couldn't even carry his own state.
news flash dumbhoosier, he’s the governor of Kentucky so he carried his own state.
You forgot to mention Orange Jesus as not intellectually gifted. Not gifted would actually be a stretch for him. You must not have watched any senate hearings. She sounded pretty intelligent.

news flash dumbhoosier, he’s the governor of Kentucky so he carried his own state.
Harris sucks. She’s not smart. Race-baiting bs. Dems have an opportunity with Biden out to set a new course with a competent president. Knock trump out etc. Harris forget it.
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If the Democratic candidate should happen to beat Trump, it could be argued the Dems cheated again and the election was stolen. The Covid basically won it for Biden in 2020,this allowing him not to debate, plus Dems false claims of Russian collusion, no laptop, Hillary’s bought and paid for dossier, et al. This time, Trump looked destined to win until the Dems see the poles and use his mental (dementia) and physical (Covid, weak body) deficiencies to force him to step down against his wishes, giving them a last minute outside chance of defeating Trump once again through their shinnannigans.
it could be argued you are a nut, wouldn't be a tough case to make.
There were two 2020 Presidential debates. There was a third one scheduled but Trump caught COVID and wouldn’t agree to do it remotely so it was canceled. Polls showed the the majority of Americans thought Biden beat Trump in both debates.
You lost me at “Polls show”. Polls are designed by pollers to show the outcome the person paying for the polls wishes to see. They’re inherently rigged, much like a lot of things in life.
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You lost me at “Polls show”. Polls are designed by pollers to show the outcome the person paying for the polls wishes to see. They’re inherently rigged, much like a lot of things in life.
Denying data because you don’t like it doesn’t make you smart, it makes you uninformed or misinformed.
I donated $1000 last night and I’m an older white guy and not a new donor. I don’t like to remind myself of that though, because I once donated $1000 to Marty O’Malley’s campaign thinking I was helping to save his candidacy. Dude dropped out the next day. 😂
My next door neighbor donated $500 yesterday.
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If the Democratic candidate should happen to beat Trump, it could be argued the Dems cheated again and the election was stolen. The Covid basically won it for Biden in 2020,this allowing him not to debate, plus Dems false claims of Russian collusion, no laptop, Hillary’s bought and paid for dossier, et al. This time, Trump looked destined to win until the Dems see the poles and use his mental (dementia) and physical (Covid, weak body) deficiencies to force him to step down against his wishes, giving them a last minute outside chance of defeating Trump once again through their shinnannigans.
And damned if Trump just can’t seem to pull it together enough to not piss off just slightly over half the damn country. I mean. He’s always in danger of just BARELY winning an election at the height of his popularity.

Why can’t Trump grow his base? The Dems probably can. I don’t know if Kamala is that person but she’s going up against an historically awful candidate.
Ok hear me out. If Harris wins, Buttigieg for press secretary.

Can absolutely speak extemporaneously and intelligently. Very smart.

@mcmurtry66 you're gonna have to deal with Pete in your feed everyday soon.
It'd be a step down for him but he'd kill it.

I'll follow up on this: it's too bad we don't have a tradition in this country where every president appoints a past president to some cabinet post, to keep continuity in our government and provide presidents easy access to people who've already done the job and know the stresses, might give some pointers, etc.
You’re really disgusting. What drug you over here with your perversions?
Once you turn your head on perversions, you might as well be dead. Dull is the pencil of dim-witted man writing he’s too good to dally in perversions of more wantonly ways. Perversions stir the imagination, muddying the boundary line between decorum and debauchery.

Take A Walk On The Wild Side
~ Neil…excuse me, Lou Reed, 1972
Are you as big a weirdo in person as you portray here? My guess is yes.
I imagine you to be more comfortable in the world of the mundane, where everything comes handed to you in a Manila folder-daily instructions on how to lead a life of boredom, one pigeon-toed step at a time.