It appears I've discovered something akin to a Unicorn...

So you are okay with the policy positions he outlines?
I'm okay with his attempting to work thru the process as an intelligent adult rather than a petulant child (the "Squad" comes to mind)... then let the chips fall where they may...

I may need to reread the article but at a glance he seems to have policy positions where a reasonable compromise could be reached.

I disagree with his Jan.6th BS (in that I believe it was nothing more than a riot by an overwrought mob, most of whom believed They were doing the right thing (*I'm an anyone who's on camera attacking cops, stealing, or vandalizing stuff should be charged* and Fairly prosecuted [Not Politically Persecuted] kind of guy)...

Aside from that I don't recall him citing any topics where the two parties couldn't work together to reach a workable outcome...

I was a political Independent prior to about 2018... Today's version of the Democratic Party forced me to the Republicans...

I'm for whatever I may truly believe to be the best for my grandchildrens future and the country as a whole rather than the edicts of any one party... Right now the Only workable option I've been given is Trump and whoever he brings with him...

The reality these days (for me) is that the DNC and friends have gone so far left fringe that I simply can't vote for anyone they put forth as a candidate... I'm of the opinion that the DNC is full of not only Marxists, but Stalinists, and aren't to be trusted in any way, shape, or form.

I've said multiple times that I recognize that Trump is not a great guy by any stretch but I trust the administration he'll be bringing with him far more than any of the morons currently running things...

I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm concerned about our country simply surviving the next 7 months without being accidentally sucked into World War Three (or even being attacked directly due to our being perceived as weak) with the Biden Family in charge...
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I'm okay with his attempting to work thru the process as an intelligent adult rather than a petulant child (the "Squad" comes to mind)... then let the chips fall where they may...

I may need to reread the article but at a glance he seems to have policy positions where a reasonable compromise could be reached.

I disagree with his Jan.6th BS (in that I believe it was nothing more than a riot by an overwrought mob, most of whom believed They were doing the right thing (*I'm an anyone who's on camera attacking cops, stealing, or vandalizing stuff should be charged* and Fairly prosecuted [Not Politically Presecuted] kind of guy)...

Aside from that I don't recall him citing any topics where the two parties couldn't work together to reach a workable outcome...

I was a political Independent prior to about 2018... Today's version of the Democratic Party forced me to the Republicans...

I'm for whatever I may truly believe to be the best for my grandchildrens future and the country as a whole rather than the edicts of any one party... Right now the Only workable option I've been given is Trump and whoever he brings with him...

The reality these days (for me) is that the DNC and friends have gone so far left fringe that I simply can't vote for anyone they put forth as a candidate... I'm of the opinion that the DNC is full of not only Marxists, but Stalinists, and aren't to be trusted in any way, shape, or form.

I've said multiple times that I recognize that Trump is not a great guy by any stretch but I trust the administration he'll be bringing with him far more than any of the morons currently running things...

I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm concerned about our country simply surviving the next 7 months without being accidentally sucked into World War Three ( or even being attacked directly due to our being perceived as weak) with the Biden Family in charge...
I'm okay with his attempting to work thru the process as an intelligent adult rather than a petulant child (the "Squad" comes to mind)... then let the chips fall where they may...

I may need to reread the article but at a glance he seems to have policy positions where a reasonable compromise could be reached.

I disagree with his Jan.6th BS (in that I believe it was nothing more than a riot by an overwrought mob, most of whom believed They were doing the right thing (*I'm an anyone who's on camera attacking cops, stealing, or vandalizing stuff should be charged* and Fairly prosecuted [Not Politically Presecuted] kind of guy)...

Aside from that I don't recall him citing any topics where the two parties couldn't work together to reach a workable outcome...

I was a political Independent prior to about 2018... Today's version of the Democratic Party forced me to the Republicans...

I'm for whatever I may truly believe to be the best for my grandchildrens future and the country as a whole rather than the edicts of any one party... Right now the Only workable option I've been given is Trump and whoever he brings with him...

The reality these days (for me) is that the DNC and friends have gone so far left fringe that I simply can't vote for anyone they put forth as a candidate... I'm of the opinion that the DNC is full of not only Marxists, but Stalinists, and aren't to be trusted in any way, shape, or form.

I've said multiple times that I recognize that Trump is not a great guy by any stretch but I trust the administration he'll be bringing with him far more than any of the morons currently running things...

I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm concerned about our country simply surviving the next 7 months without being accidentally sucked into World War Three ( or even being attacked directly due to our being perceived as weak) with the Biden Family in charge...
Trump is the king of petulant children.
Trump is the king of petulant children.
Trump can be roasted for a Lot of negative behavior none of which precludes him from being a functioning executive...

As I thought I've made clear on multiple occasions, I don't think Trumps a great guy by any stretch of the imagination but based on his last Administration, the people he'll be bringing with him are so much better than the pathetic group that Biden has assembled to (theoretically) work for him (it may be the other way around) that a vote for anyone other than Trump is simply not an option for me...
... I don't think Trumps a great guy by any stretch of the imagination but based on his last Administration, the people he'll be bringing with him are so much better
Trump's made it crystal clear that his next administration is going to be very much unlike his last one. From day 1 it will be purged of anyone not 100% loyal to the max, devoid of anyone who would say no to anything he wants to do, while carrying out (HIS WORDS) his RETRIBUTION. And it's not just his next administration, the loyalty pledge and purge will be in all Federal agencies that the can affect. The NIH? The FDA? HHS? CDC? Out with the scientists, in with the Trump butt-kissers
Trump's made it crystal clear that his next administration is going to be very much unlike his last one. From day 1 it will be purged of anyone not 100% loyal to the max, devoid of anyone who would say no to anything he wants to do, while carrying out (HIS WORDS) his RETRIBUTION. And it's not just his next administration, the loyalty pledge and purge will be in all Federal agencies that the can affect. The NIH? The FDA? HHS? CDC? Out with the scientists, in with the Trump butt-kissers
We should all be thankful for this. I am not sure if you've been under a rock, but the last (almost) 8 yrs, the swamp has weaponized itself, with it's self appointed power, and this shtuff must be squashed NOW, not later RFN. There literally need to be public hangings.
This is not a "all dem's are evil and "my" opponents or thought. It's not even party, at all.
Like 76, I've posted multiple times that I have always been independent. R's run a shit policy candidate, I am against that candidate. D's run a shit policy candidate, I am against that candidate.
Having non elected autocratic government, that is on auto pilot, for the now powerful CRAZY one world order left, is a total non starter for me.
There is room for a WHOLE LOT of retribution, totally brought to you by the extreme left, the moderates that have allowed the extreme left to gain power and the legacy swamp elephants that have profited from this slow and steady over throw of the founding principles of this US of effing A.
There literally need to be public hangings.
Having non elected autocratic government, that is on auto pilot, for the now powerful CRAZY one world order left, is a total non starter for me.
The left feels that drill-baby drill Joe and (just lately) deport them all Joe is not their friend, let alone their puppet. As my daughter puts it, to a progressive he is "Trump lite"

Trump stocked the swamp with raw sewage Jan 2017- Jan 2021 and he thinks that he did too little stocking last time. Wants more turds this time. More loyal turds.

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