Indiana Primary - Who ya got?

Who are you voting for?

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@VanPastorMan : I think you are judging liberals. I'll refer you to Matthew 7:1 on that one.
You don't believe the Bible is God's Word do you? Do you think that you might want to do a little more study to realize what Jesus was talking about? Also I was calling out liberals who I have even seen on this forum who use the tactics I described. If you disagree with them you are stupid,racist etc. I see a lot more judging from the left than I do the right. It's the left who tries to shut down bakeries and pizza shops,not the right.
No, you're dumb because you don't know anything. You can be dumb and right or smart and wrong. TMP is a smart guy but he's still wrong sometimes. You, however, are an immoral fake Christian with the brains of a papaya. As such you are both dumb and usually wrong, too.
I don't know anything because I disagree with your liberal views. Did you vote for Bernie? Then this means you are a socialist supporter. Does that even bother you? How can you even know what a real Christian is? You are not one.
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No not all of them, most (like C$) are just too dumb to reason, in fact they are what's called VPM dumb. Which is a state of dumb below normal dumb.

But you without doubt are both dumb and a racist. Do you think, maybe, just maybe, liberals keep calling you stupid, and a racist because you're stupid and a racist? It's not a trick, it's called truth.
I think you seriously might have mental problems. Can you tell me exactly how you know I am racist? Is it because I am a conservative? Is it because I am a bible believing Christian? One last thing. I voted for Cruz. He is hispanic. Who did you vote for? It was probably an old white man. And I am a racist?
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That's because you're a terrible human being. If god exists, he is disappointed in your choice.

Hey now. I voted for Cruz too, at least in the poll for reasons I explained. I didn't actually vote for Cruz though. Or anyone.

That said I probably am a terrible human being, though Cruz has little to do with that. And there is no god anyway. At least not a VPM-style God.
Hey now. I voted for Cruz too, at least in the poll for reasons I explained. I didn't actually vote for Cruz though. Or anyone.

That said I probably am a terrible human being, though Cruz has little to do with that. And there is no god anyway. At least not a VPM-style God.
I don't care about the poll. Anyone who voted for Cruz in the actual election is a shitty human being.
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I see a lot more judging from the left than I do the right. It's the left who tries to shut down bakeries and pizza shops,not the right.

Seems like you're confused. The "left" just wants businesses to serve all customers without judgment, while the "right" would like to cast judgement on certain customers and refuse to serve them.
I think you seriously might have mental problems. Can you tell me exactly how you know I am racist? Is it because I am a conservative? Is it because I am a bible believing Christian? One last thing. I voted for Cruz. He is hispanic. Who did you vote for? It was probably an old white man. And I am a racist?

@VanPastorMan: I grew up with religion. I have read the Bible multiple times. Because I have studied it is WHY I don't believe it.

I will say to you what I have said before: there is NO WAY you can reconcile your political beliefs with the New Testament. None. You either do not understand what Yeshua was saying, or you somehow think you can follow Yeshua and your political beliefs. You don't even call Him by his correct name.
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I was specifically judgmental about Lucy (who has demonstrated stupidity over and over), and generalized it to the typical Trump supporter. Statistics support the assertion that the majority of Trump supporters are not highly educated. Sooo....maybe not every Trump supporter is a dumbass....but MOST are.

"But in the places where support for him [Trump] runs the strongest, the proportion of the white population that didn’t finish high school is relatively high. So is the proportion of working-age adults who neither have a job nor are looking for one. The third-strongest correlation among hundreds of variables tested: the preponderance of mobile homes."

The 10 Variables Most Closely Linked to a County’s Support for Donald Trump
A correlation of 1 means the variable is a perfect indicator of Trump support.*

White, no high school diploma. 0.61
“Americans” (Percent reporting ancestry as “American” on the census)
Mobile homes (Percent living in a mobile home). 0.54
“Old economy” jobs (Includes agriculture, construction, manufacturing, trade)
History of voting for segregationists (Support for George Wallace (1968))
Labor participation rate –0.43
Born in United States. 0.43
Evangelical Christians. 0.42
History of voting for liberal Republicans (Support for John B. Anderson (1980))
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (Whites with European non-Catholic ancestry)

* Measuring Trump support as Mr. Trump's percentage of the primary vote times the Republican share of the two-party vote in the 2012 presidential election.
Sources: 2016 election results from The Associated Press; the American Community Survey; Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections; the Equality of Opportunity Project.

"In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women. About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30. Over half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree. Slightly over a third of his supporters earn less than $50,000 per year, while 11 percent earn over $100,000 per year."

And for predictions for the general election....

Bottom line though, not one single person in this thread has articulated a specific Trump policy (aside from building a wall (lolol)) that will "make America great again."
Don't have time to give a huge response, for I have to work (shocker, I know), but basic principles of Trump are 1) illegal immigration- I know that makes all of us who support some kind of system or process for people to become legal citizens of the US racists and bigots, but I for one don't feel very comfortable just having an "open border", able to sponge off of the American taxpayer, and place burdens on education, healthcare etc. This doesn't even begin to touch on the people who are hurt the most by illegal immigration; blue collar, lower income Americans, whose jobs are being swiped away by illegals. Those are just the people that I thought Dems cared for. maybe not. While I think Trump is full of bologna, regarding building a wall, I do think that he will be tough on illegal immigration. Legal immigration??? Bring it on...the more the merrier.
2) lower corporate tax rates- there are literally trillions of dollars sitting in overseas banks, earning a whopping .05% interest, that cannot, or will not, be brought back into this country for re-investment. They do not want to pay the 35% tax. He has spoken very clearly on this topic. There is much to discuss on this topic, but like I said, I am not going in to detail here.
3) Trade- Trump has spoken repeatedly on what happened with Carrier here in Indy. He wants to come down hard on those companies that re-locate their operations overseas. This is not a republican issue. This has Dem. written all over it. I would think that you would like it. What are the exact details are as to how to punish those companies that do so are? IDK, but in time I am sure to find out.

As to Bernie, why would I want him as my candidate? All he is going to do is to try to tax me substantially higher than I already am. If I believed for a second that those increased tax dollars were actually going to some that I believed in, then fine, tax me all you want. But they aren't. So I will stop there. As I said before, not one of Bernie's idea's would make it thru congress, I don't care if the Dems had substantial majorities or not. He is so out in left field with his ideas, and he and his ideas would do nothing but inspire apathy and dependency for all, all the while, discouraging risk taking that is a vital piece of our economy . No Thank You!! Sometimes the unknown option is better than known, and I believe that to be the case here.

Quite frankly, Bernie and Trump have support for many of the same reasons. They are the anti-establishment, although Trump had worked in the private sector his entire life, while Bernie has lived off of the government dole his entire life. You like Sanders. Fine. I don't, and think that he would be there worst thing we could have as Pres. And that says a lot after the last 8 years.

Oh well, that is all for now. I need to get back to work.
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I think you seriously might have mental problems. Can you tell me exactly how you know I am racist? Is it because I am a conservative? Is it because I am a bible believing Christian? One last thing. I voted for Cruz. He is hispanic. Who did you vote for? It was probably an old white man. And I am a racist?

So many face palms, so little time. Your logic on this has so many holes that I don't even know where to begin.
Liberals like you are what is wrong with this country. my friend. I am dumb because I disagree with you. I see how you are.
I know this is really tough for your pea brain to understand but you're dumb because you're dumb. Most likely a byproduct of inbreeding.
I think you seriously might have mental problems. Can you tell me exactly how you know I am racist? Is it because I am a conservative? Is it because I am a bible believing Christian? One last thing. I voted for Cruz. He is hispanic. Who did you vote for? It was probably an old white man. And I am a racist?
or its possible you're just retarded
Don't have time to give a huge response, for I have to work (shocker, I know), but basic principles of Trump are 1) illegal immigration- I know that makes all of us who support some kind of system or process for people to become legal citizens of the US racists and bigots, but I for one don't feel very comfortable just having an "open border", able to sponge off of the American taxpayer, and place burdens on education, healthcare etc. This doesn't even begin to touch on the people who are hurt the most by illegal immigration; blue collar, lower income Americans, whose jobs are being swiped away by illegals. Those are just the people that I thought Dems cared for. maybe not. While I think Trump is full of bologna, regarding building a wall, I do think that he will be tough on illegal immigration. Legal immigration??? Bring it on...the more the merrier.
2) lower corporate tax rates- there are literally trillions of dollars sitting in overseas banks, earning a whopping .05% interest, that cannot, or will not, be brought back into this country for re-investment. They do not want to pay the 35% tax. He has spoken very clearly on this topic. There is much to discuss on this topic, but like I said, I am not going in to detail here.
3) Trade- Trump has spoken repeatedly on what happened with Carrier here in Indy. He wants to come down hard on those companies that re-locate their operations overseas. This is not a republican issue. This has Dem. written all over it. I would think that you would like it. What are the exact details are as to how to punish those companies that do so are? IDK, but in time I am sure to find out.

As to Bernie, why would I want him as my candidate? All he is going to do is to try to tax me substantially higher than I already am. If I believed for a second that those increased tax dollars were actually going to some that I believed in, then fine, tax me all you want. But they aren't. So I will stop there. As I said before, not one of Bernie's idea's would make it thru congress, I don't care if the Dems had substantial majorities or not. He is so out in left field with his ideas, and he and his ideas would do nothing but inspire apathy and dependency for all, all the while, discouraging risk taking that is a vital piece of our economy . No Thank You!! Sometimes the unknown option is better than known, and I believe that to be the case here.

Quite frankly, Bernie and Trump have support for many of the same reasons. They are the anti-establishment, although Trump had worked in the private sector his entire life, while Bernie has lived off of the government dole his entire life. You like Sanders. Fine. I don't, and think that he would be there worst thing we could have as Pres. And that says a lot after the last 8 years.

Oh well, that is all for now. I need to get back to work.
LOL. You highlight three things you like about Trump, one is a core plank of Bernie's platform, but you hate everything about Bernie.

You're just not very informed.
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LOL. You highlight three things you like about Trump, one is a core plank of Bernie's platform, but you hate everything about Bernie.

You're just not very informed.

Ignorant or racist? Today the Trumpers are attacking John Mccains son for being in an interracial marriage. Trump has brought racism to the mainstream.
Read his post again. Racist was only one of three types he mentioned. You clearly fall into the 'stupid' category based on this post. Your profession probably also makes you a 'blowhard.'

And you're probably racist.
Do you know what etc means? It means that I did not write all the rest. And you call me stupid? Well listen. I will not do that to you. But you are judgmental. You judge my profession and personhood and you don't even know me. What does that say about you?
Yea if a comedian or football player spewed the racist and sexist shit he has...

Trump is more dangerous than Cruz. Anything is possible with Trump. Won't be long before he is calling for muslims, blacks, and others to be "rounded up".
I was specifically judgmental about Lucy (who has demonstrated stupidity over and over), and generalized it to the typical Trump supporter. Statistics support the assertion that the majority of Trump supporters are not highly educated. Sooo....maybe not every Trump supporter is a dumbass....but MOST are.

"But in the places where support for him [Trump] runs the strongest, the proportion of the white population that didn’t finish high school is relatively high. So is the proportion of working-age adults who neither have a job nor are looking for one. The third-strongest correlation among hundreds of variables tested: the preponderance of mobile homes."

The 10 Variables Most Closely Linked to a County’s Support for Donald Trump
A correlation of 1 means the variable is a perfect indicator of Trump support.*

White, no high school diploma. 0.61
“Americans” (Percent reporting ancestry as “American” on the census)
Mobile homes (Percent living in a mobile home). 0.54
“Old economy” jobs (Includes agriculture, construction, manufacturing, trade)
History of voting for segregationists (Support for George Wallace (1968))
Labor participation rate –0.43
Born in United States. 0.43
Evangelical Christians. 0.42
History of voting for liberal Republicans (Support for John B. Anderson (1980))
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (Whites with European non-Catholic ancestry)

* Measuring Trump support as Mr. Trump's percentage of the primary vote times the Republican share of the two-party vote in the 2012 presidential election.
Sources: 2016 election results from The Associated Press; the American Community Survey; Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections; the Equality of Opportunity Project.

"In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women. About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30. Over half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree. Slightly over a third of his supporters earn less than $50,000 per year, while 11 percent earn over $100,000 per year."

And for predictions for the general election....

Bottom line though, not one single person in this thread has articulated a specific Trump policy (aside from building a wall (lolol)) that will "make America great again."
Excellent research Peach
Put a tariff on goods coming in, The unions get a bad rap for companies leaving the US. It's not Labors fault!
It's the Environmental Protection Agency's fault with all the rules and regulations!

You are absolutely amazing. Like a republican taking point machine. Never mind whether it makes sense, or God forbid is untrue.

Keep on keepin on man. It's amusing as hell if nothing else.

You do realize that Hillary is more to the right than Trump on many issues, and that Trump is more to the left than Hillary on many issues, right? I think it's really cute that you spew republican talking Points, yet profess a lot of love for Trump. Who is far from a republican. There's a reason the establishment is freaked out right now. You know, the same folks that wrote the talking points you continue to use.
@IUJIM: If you knew anything about Bernie, you would know your taxes would not go up under Bernie. Perhaps you should look at his tax plan on his website.

* I am assuming you are not in those very high income brackets. Apologies and congrats if you are.
Do you know what etc means? It means that I did not write all the rest. And you call me stupid? Well listen. I will not do that to you. But you are judgmental. You judge my profession and personhood and you don't even know me. What does that say about you?
profession? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
LOL. You highlight three things you like about Trump, one is a core plank of Bernie's platform, but you hate everything about Bernie.

You're just not very informed.
Hey unemployed lawyer....why don't you go use your wisdom to on someone who needs it. I am informed just fine. Do you disagree with the 3 examples I used on Trump? If so, dispute it. If not? the STFU. Never did I say that Trump and Bernie are polar opposites. I am sure there are plenty of things they agree on. big whoopy doo. Maybe you are more informed than me. Congrats. How is that going for you in life?
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LOL. You highlight three things you like about Trump, one is a core plank of Bernie's platform, but you hate everything about Bernie.

You're just not very informed.
Hey unemployed lawyer....why don't you go use your wisdom to on someone who needs it. I am informed just fine. Do you disagree with the 3 examples I used on Trump? If so, dispute it. If not? the STFU. Never did I say that Trump and Bernie are polar opposites. I am sure there are plenty of things they agree on. big whoopy doo. Maybe you are more informed than me. Congrats. How is that going for you in life?
@IUJIM: If you knew anything about Bernie, you would know your taxes would not go up under Bernie. Perhaps you should look at his tax plan on his website.

* I am assuming you are not in those very high income brackets. Apologies and congrats if you are.
@IUJIM: If you knew anything about Bernie, you would know your taxes would not go up under Bernie. Perhaps you should look at his tax plan on his website.

* I am assuming you are not in those very high income brackets. Apologies and congrats if you are.
I am in 39.6% now. I know it will go up...period...if he gets it thru congress.
@VanPastorMan: I grew up with religion. I have read the Bible multiple times. Because I have studied it is WHY I don't believe it.

I will say to you what I have said before: there is NO WAY you can reconcile your political beliefs with the New Testament. None. You either do not understand what Yeshua was saying, or you somehow think you can follow Yeshua and your political beliefs. You don't even call Him by his correct name.
Jesus is the english word for Yeshua. Do you even know what my political beliefs are? I am for the constitution as the founders originally wrote it. I am for religious freedom,small government,and pro life. None of these are against what Jesus taught. If you really studied the Bible you would believe, because the Bible is a miraculous book. But it calls you to believe things about God, yourself, sin, and the way of salvation you obviously have rejected. For the life of me I can't understand how people can hate a suffering Savior who loves them. Why would you reject Him?
Trump is more dangerous than Cruz. Anything is possible with Trump. Won't be long before he is calling for muslims, blacks, and others to be "rounded up".

Jesus, get the hell off of that. There is no basis for this claim.

1. Trump is a clown, but has never suggested interning anyone. (Perhaps you're thinking about FDR here).
2. Trump is not more dangerous than Cruz. Dumber probably, but not more dangerous. Cruz is almost Satan-like
3. Trump isn't going to win anyway. It's virtually impossible. Relax.
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Trump is more dangerous than Cruz. Anything is possible with Trump. Won't be long before he is calling for muslims, blacks, and others to be "rounded up".
Hes trying to appease the dumbest of the dumb and its working. Theres a lot of dumb people.
Jesus is the english word for Yeshua. Do you even know what my political beliefs are? I am for the constitution as the founders originally wrote it. I am for religious freedom,small government,and pro life. None of these are against what Jesus taught. If you really studied the Bible you would believe, because the Bible is a miraculous book. But it calls you to believe things about God, yourself, sin, and the way of salvation you obviously have rejected. For the life of me I can't understand how people can hate a suffering Savior who loves them. Why would you reject Him?
VPM is the OTF word for dumb.
Jesus, get the hell off of that. There is no basis for this claim.

1. Trump is a clown, but has never suggested interning anyone. (Perhaps you're thinking about FDR here).
2. Trump is not more dangerous than Cruz. Dumber probably, but not more dangerous.
3. Trump isn't going to win anyway. It's virtually impossible. Relax.

There are mobs of Trumpers calling for internments. It's quite popular in the Trump mainstream. He won't ignore his base.
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Hes trying to appease the dumbest of the dumb and its working. Theres a lot of dumb people.

Well apparently if you like Bernie Sanders ideals and believe the system is rigged you are part of a "Bernie cult" according to one liberal elitist on here. Shows the level of brainwashing.
Hey unemployed lawyer....why don't you go use your wisdom to on someone who needs it. I am informed just fine. Do you disagree with the 3 examples I used on Trump? If so, dispute it. If not? the STFU. Never did I say that Trump and Bernie are polar opposites. I am sure there are plenty of things they agree on. big whoopy doo. Maybe you are more informed than me. Congrats. How is that going for you in life?

I am in 39.6% now. I know it will go up...period...if he gets it thru congress.
Youre backing a clown thst called mexicans mfs and rapists. Which means you are promoting racism. I always knew you were.

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