Indiana Primary - Who ya got?

Who are you voting for?

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I see you are not versed in business, His three LLCs have indeed filed bankruptcy but not him personally and beside Trump the company is very strong financially. But if he wins president of the United States do you really think he will move in to subsidize housing?

It's you who is not well-versed. You set up corporations specifically to insulate your personal credit. It's called the corporate veil. No one wants their business to have to file for bankruptcy, that's 3 failures. Don't worry, if he were to bankrupt the country (and I'm aware we're well on our way), it still will not impact his personal credit, which is apparently what you care about.
Well, in some ways I guess IN did me proud yesterday: you at least pushed Cruz out. Now if Trump will just pick Palin as his Veep, I'll take a stroll through hell this weekend since it'll be frozen over. If we're going to have a circus, let's make it a 3 ringer! My slogan suggestion: Trump-Palin... too dumb to fail?
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Pretty judgemental there, Peachy. My guess, like the rest of you miserable libs, is that you know nothing about a typical Trump supporter. Just how many do you know? Look at the poll at the beginning of this thread. Yet, you rarely, if ever, see people openly pushing for Trump on this board. All you see are the fire breathers like yourself, that are all too quick to call people stupid, racist, ignorant, etc if they support Trump, yet foam at the mouth over Bernie, whose every idea would be an impossibility to implement. My suggestion to you would be to quit acting like Trump

She has accurately described the majority of the Trump supporters in my facebook feed and my extended family members that support Trump.
All the name calling and vitriol on this thread is reminding me of Thanksgiving at my grandma's house.

Hillary = Satan
Trump = Dark Helmet

We are doomed. Hillary will win, but she will be the final nail in the coffin for the middle class.

The Ultra-Rich in this country are parasites, and she works for them. Look for the locusts and carpetbaggers to move onto Qatar or the UAE when they are done draining the wealth out of this country.
You know, I have to hand it to Trump for keeping his word.

By winning the republican nomination he's done as much as he can to help make America great again... in uniting most of us in rejecting him.

As much as it is "over" for Bernie he still has a sliver(10%) of a chance. We don't know what is happening with the investigation. And if he could somehow manage to sweep the remaining primaries that isn't a great take for the nominee. She is a very very weak frontrunner and nominee without broad support.
All the name calling and vitriol on this thread is reminding me of Thanksgiving at my grandma's house.

Hillary = Satan
Trump = Dark Helmet

We are doomed. Hillary will win, but she will be the final nail in the coffin for the middle class.

The Ultra-Rich in this country are parasites, and she works for them. Look for the locusts and carpetbaggers to move onto Qatar or the UAE when they are done draining the wealth out of this country.

Funny, cause I thought the Qataris and Emiratis have been ****ing us over for awhile.
As much as it is "over" for Bernie he still has a sliver(10%) of a chance. We don't know what is happening with the investigation. And if he could somehow manage to sweep the remaining primaries that isn't a great take for the nominee. She is a very very weak frontrunner and nominee without broad support.

I think her support will be all the people who won't allow themselves to vote for Trump!
Are we making American grapes again already,
or do we have to keep waiting and only eating the Mooselum grapes we get from that Mooselum Obama?

we're gonna win
we're gonna win so much, we will be tired of winning

can't wait for merican grapes
they will be so tasty that I will toss some over the wall to those rapin' Mexicans
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Typical liberal trick. You demonize your opponent by calling them names. You really think all these people are racist etc?
Then tell us one specific, detailed plan/policy that Trump has. One. A legitimate reason to support the guy. Like people have been asking for for 2 pages now.

Otherwise, I have to assume that his supporters just really like xenophobic, racist nonsense.
Typical liberal trick. You demonize your opponent by calling them names. You really think all these people are racist etc?

Read his post again. Racist was only one of three types he mentioned. You clearly fall into the 'stupid' category based on this post. Your profession probably also makes you a 'blowhard.'

And you're probably racist.
Read his post again. Racist was only one of three types he mentioned. You clearly fall into the 'stupid' category based on this post. Your profession probably also makes you a 'blowhard.'

And you're probably racist.
A liberal famous last word racist better go back and finish your New York Times crossword puzzle!
A liberal famous last word racist better go back and finish your New York Times crossword puzzle!

Our political system is like Master Blaster from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

Democrats are Master.

Republicans are Blaster.



Plaster Caster.

A liberal famous last word racist better go back and finish your New York Times crossword puzzle!
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Pretty judgemental there, Peachy. My guess, like the rest of you miserable libs, is that you know nothing about a typical Trump supporter. Just how many do you know? Look at the poll at the beginning of this thread. Yet, you rarely, if ever, see people openly pushing for Trump on this board. All you see are the fire breathers like yourself, that are all too quick to call people stupid, racist, ignorant, etc if they support Trump, yet foam at the mouth over Bernie, whose every idea would be an impossibility to implement. My suggestion to you would be to quit acting like Trump

I was specifically judgmental about Lucy (who has demonstrated stupidity over and over), and generalized it to the typical Trump supporter. Statistics support the assertion that the majority of Trump supporters are not highly educated. Sooo....maybe not every Trump supporter is a dumbass....but MOST are.

"But in the places where support for him [Trump] runs the strongest, the proportion of the white population that didn’t finish high school is relatively high. So is the proportion of working-age adults who neither have a job nor are looking for one. The third-strongest correlation among hundreds of variables tested: the preponderance of mobile homes."

The 10 Variables Most Closely Linked to a County’s Support for Donald Trump
A correlation of 1 means the variable is a perfect indicator of Trump support.*

White, no high school diploma. 0.61
“Americans” (Percent reporting ancestry as “American” on the census)
Mobile homes (Percent living in a mobile home). 0.54
“Old economy” jobs (Includes agriculture, construction, manufacturing, trade)
History of voting for segregationists (Support for George Wallace (1968))
Labor participation rate –0.43
Born in United States. 0.43
Evangelical Christians. 0.42
History of voting for liberal Republicans (Support for John B. Anderson (1980))
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (Whites with European non-Catholic ancestry)

* Measuring Trump support as Mr. Trump's percentage of the primary vote times the Republican share of the two-party vote in the 2012 presidential election.
Sources: 2016 election results from The Associated Press; the American Community Survey; Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections; the Equality of Opportunity Project.

"In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women. About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30. Over half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree. Slightly over a third of his supporters earn less than $50,000 per year, while 11 percent earn over $100,000 per year."

And for predictions for the general election....

Bottom line though, not one single person in this thread has articulated a specific Trump policy (aside from building a wall (lolol)) that will "make America great again."
Typical liberal trick. You demonize your opponent by calling them names. You really think all these people are racist etc?

No not all of them, most (like C$) are just too dumb to reason, in fact they are what's called VPM dumb. Which is a state of dumb below normal dumb.

But you without doubt are both dumb and a racist. Do you think, maybe, just maybe, liberals keep calling you stupid, and a racist because you're stupid and a racist? It's not a trick, it's called truth.
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Trump hasn't said what his policies are! So we have to put faith in all things Trump.

You're trolling.

He has discussed some of his policies in detail. For instance, he intends to intercept (steal) money wired from the US to Mexico to the tune of $12 B to pay for his wall, regardless of whether it's illegals' money or not.

That's going to be a swell look for us.
You're trolling.

He has discussed some of his policies in detail. For instance, he intends to intercept (steal) money wired from the US to Mexico to the tune of $12 B to pay for his wall, regardless of whether it's illegals' money or not.

That's going to be a swell look for us.
Yes I was called troll and a lot of names 6 months ago when I said Trump would win I am going on record and say Trump will be our next President
Yes I was called troll and a lot of names 6 months ago when I said Trump would win I am going on record and say Trump will be our next President

He might.

But 6 months ago his #s were buku. Been that way since summer.
Yes I was called troll and a lot of names 6 months ago when I said Trump would win I am going on record and say Trump will be our next President
You should be his official rep on this board. You fit the demographic perfectly.
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I have a question. Is that list $chrock provided seriously the results? I thought all polls were anonymous. How could he know who voted which way? And I figured he made it up until I saw my name under Trump. Because I did vote for him in that poll....just to f*ck with the poll. But if posters can figure out who voted how in these Peegs polls, people aren't going to be honest. Well, since I wasn't honest in this one...I guess it doesn't really matter anyway. :D
I have a question. Is that list $chrock provided seriously the results? I thought all polls were anonymous. How could he know who voted which way? And I figured he made it up until I saw my name under Trump. Because I did vote for him in that poll....just to f*ck with the poll. But if posters can figure out who voted how in these Peegs polls, people aren't going to be honest. Well, since I wasn't honest in this one...I guess it doesn't really matter anyway. :D
Whoever creates the poll decides whether or not results will be anonymous. Before you voted, there was tiny gray print that said "Your vote will be visible to the public" or something like that.
No not all of them, most (like C$) are just too dumb to reason, in fact they are what's called VPM dumb. Which is a state of dumb below normal dumb.

But you without doubt are both dumb and a racist. Do you think, maybe, just maybe, liberals keep calling you stupid, and a racist because you're stupid and a racist? It's not a trick, it's called truth.
Liberals like you are what is wrong with this country. my friend. I am dumb because I disagree with you. I see how you are.
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Liberals like you are what is wrong with this country. my friend. I am dumb because I disagree with you. I see how you are.
No, you're dumb because you don't know anything. You can be dumb and right or smart and wrong. TMP is a smart guy but he's still wrong sometimes. You, however, are an immoral fake Christian with the brains of a papaya. As such you are both dumb and usually wrong, too.

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