I Am Truly Saddened

If you're hearing from me in uncivil tones, check your recent posting history. I'm trying to tell you something.

I've taken incivility from every poster here who disagreed with me at anytime. But the worst was from you. While I don't claim angel status as a poster, I'm pretty sure I never said your problem was a personality defect because of a small penis. Your incivility is more often unprovoked than not.

At one time I considered you a friend.
Speaking of...


That is maybe the biggest thing I have a hard time wrapping my head around.

I don’t think many on here are racist. However, supporting a racist and a racist’s overtly racist actions enables racism to not only continue, but grow & thrive.

In short, there’s a few things you simply cannot stand by and watch happen. And racism is one of them.

It doesn’t just affect someone else. It affects all of us.

And I don’t want to hear about how Trump isn’t racist. It’s VERY clear that he is. He’s always been that way, dating back to the mid 1970’s. He just followed his father’s lead.

When the racists think you’re racist, you’re definitely racist.
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That is maybe the biggest thing I have a hard time wrapping my head around.

I don’t think many on here are racist. However, supporting a racist and a racist’s overtly racist actions enables racism to not only continue, but grow & thrive.

In short, there’s a few things you simply cannot stand by and watch happen. And racism is one of them.

It doesn’t just affect someone else. It affects all of us.

And I don’t want to hear about how Trump isn’t racist. It’s VERY clear that he is. He’s always been that way, dating back to the mid 1970’s. He just followed his father’s lead.

When the racists think you’re racist, you’re definitely racist.

My very first corporate sales training (I went into a buyer program, so I was on the other side of the table) was quick to point out that results Trump personality.

Meaning it's human nature to justify a bunch of shit if it gets the results that you want.

A greasy, douchie obnoxious salesman who gets results will always be more valuable than a honest, high character salesman that gets mediocre results.

That's why I've always said that Trump being an asshole is only annoying to me. Trump being a conspiracy laden, empty calorie spin doctor is why he's got to go ASAP because he's dangerous to the health of the country and the people of the country.
That is maybe the biggest thing I have a hard time wrapping my head around.

I don’t think many on here are racist. However, supporting a racist and a racist’s overtly racist actions enables racism to not only continue, but grow & thrive.

In short, there’s a few things you simply cannot stand by and watch happen. And racism is one of them.

It doesn’t just affect someone else. It affects all of us.

And I don’t want to hear about how Trump isn’t racist. It’s VERY clear that he is. He’s always been that way, dating back to the mid 1970’s. He just followed his father’s lead.

When the racists think you’re racist, you’re definitely racist.

This is an example of liberal privilege. Joe Biden bragged about being from a slave state, has called some racist senators his mentors, palled around with others, said racist things as he opposed bussing, said racist things as he supported more federal incarcerations, said racist things about 7-11 clerks, said racist things when Obama began his successful campaign, and made a racist comment about how Blacks are supposed to vote. Biden’s racism is well-documented. Yet he has a privilege Trump doesn’t have—Joe is a Democrat.
This is an example of liberal privilege. Joe Biden bragged about being from a slave state, has called some racist senators his mentors, palled around with others, said racist things as he opposed bussing, said racist things as he supported more federal incarcerations, said racist things about 7-11 clerks, said racist things when Obama began his successful campaign, and made a racist comment about how Blacks are supposed to vote. Biden’s racism is well-documented. Yet he has a privilege Trump doesn’t have—Joe is a Democrat.

And yet the Trump campaign says Biden is in the pocket of BLM, and several of your side here completely parrot that. Is he a racist, is he a race-baiting BLM tool, or are some just throwing all the mud they can pretend to see against the wall
You show more restraint than anyone on this board. It’s a quality.
Oh, please! I enjoy reading your posts, even if I don’t always agree, but your fondling of COH here is beyond the pale. His condescension and dismissive attitude as he claims “expert” status on every topic, followed by his crocodile tears when every thread ends up revolving around him, even though the bait he throws out there serves that exact purpose, is just another, albeit less profane version of a lack of civility.
If COH has ever posted the sentence, “You know, due to our conversation on here, I realize I was wrong. I have learned something from our interaction”, I will do something totally watch an entire soccer game, or match, or whatever it is called.
You show more restraint than anyone on this board. It’s a quality.

Ha. I've said often here that through 50 years of practicing law, I've been confronted and challenged by experts. Mutual respect was seldom if ever set aside. The people on the board are amateurs. Mutual respect is mostly absent.
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I may not agree with the decision, but I'm a lot less concerned about a decision to remove a statute of Lincoln after an orderly process like appears to have been the case at Univ of Wisconsin.
On the contrary - that is even scarier than a bunch of idiots vandalizing in the middle of the night. A bunch of asshole students deciding democratically that a statue of Lincoln should come down is exactly what’s created Trump and MAGA. You can either accept that and try to fix that side of liberalism or you can get more MAGA.
Ha. I've said often here that through 50 years of practicing law, I've been confronted and challenged by experts. Mutual respect was seldom if ever set aside. The people on the board are amateurs. Mutual respect is mostly absent.
Respect is earned.
On the contrary - that is even scarier than a bunch of idiots vandalizing in the middle of the night. A bunch of asshole students deciding democratically that a statue of Lincoln should come down is exactly what’s created Trump and MAGA. You can either accept that and try to fix that side of liberalism or you can get more MAGA.

Exactly. Crowds cajoled into stupid action by a few unthinking activists is easier to understand than stupidity coming out a calm deliberative process.
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Trump supporters are lost souls. It's a shame what he's done to them. Or maybe just exposed the ugly rot for all to see, that it's always party over country.

“It’s despicable and un-American but not surprising,” said one senior Senate GOP aide. “They have never had any respect for the institutions of democracy that don’t benefit them. The beauty of federalism is that we leave it to the states to make their own rules and the idea that a president would overturn a state official’s decision to benefit them in an election is just kind of the antithesis of what Republicans used to believe in.”

He added, “It’s just one final F.U. to what Republicans used to believe in.”

After this is all over, we will have to come to grips that over 60M citizens still voted for Trump in 2020. They got to see it all for 4 years and they liked it. Some loved it. How are reasonable normal people supposed to view these people? How are we to interact with them? I try to be even keel, but I’m judging them and can’t help myself.
After this is all over, we will have to come to grips that over 60M citizens still voted for Trump in 2020. They got to see it all for 4 years and they liked it. Some loved it. How are reasonable normal people supposed to view these people? How are we to interact with them? I try to be even keel, but I’m judging them and can’t help myself.
I've always wanted to think that the great majority of people are decent and moral. I don't know that I'll be able to do that.
Oh, please! I enjoy reading your posts, even if I don’t always agree, but your fondling of COH here is beyond the pale. His condescension and dismissive attitude as he claims “expert” status on every topic, followed by his crocodile tears when every thread ends up revolving around him, even though the bait he throws out there serves that exact purpose, is just another, albeit less profane version of a lack of civility.
If COH has ever posted the sentence, “You know, due to our conversation on here, I realize I was wrong. I have learned something from our interaction”, I will do something totally watch an entire soccer game, or match, or whatever it is called.
We’re very lucky to have COH. Now I’m going to have a delicious lunch with my stoker and head home to enjoy champions league. All the best.
This is an example of liberal privilege. Joe Biden bragged about being from a slave state, has called some racist senators his mentors, palled around with others, said racist things as he opposed bussing, said racist things as he supported more federal incarcerations, said racist things about 7-11 clerks, said racist things when Obama began his successful campaign, and made a racist comment about how Blacks are supposed to vote. Biden’s racism is well-documented. Yet he has a privilege Trump doesn’t have—Joe is a Democrat.
You’d be hard pressed to find a single black person to say Biden is a racist. That doesn’t mean every one is voting for him. But the large majority do not think he’s racist. The large majority think Trump is. And I don’t think it’s just the Republican/ Democrat label.
Joe Biden
Oh yes, those Biden rallies are rowdy and violent. What are you talking about? You think the looters from last summer are politically active and support Biden? Were they wearing Biden t-shirts while being destructive, so that’s how you know they’re his supporters? I think you’re stereotyping.

Meanwhile, rowdy red necks driving pick-ups and flying Trump flags were harassing a Biden bus on the highway, endangering the bus and everyone near by.
Biden 'rallies' are pure comedy.
Twelve losers sitting in folding chairs inside round circles drawn on the ground watching staffers wave the flies away from the corpse..err. ..
Scenes straight from Weekend at Bernies.
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After this is all over, we will have to come to grips that over 60M citizens still voted for Trump in 2020. They got to see it all for 4 years and they liked it. Some loved it. How are reasonable normal people supposed to view these people? How are we to interact with them? I try to be even keel, but I’m judging them and can’t help myself.
They should be viewed as people that place a premium on legislation over character, as only one will directly affect them as they see it. If you disagree with his policy, great, fire away, but your holier than thow assessment of people that vote for him is stupid. You feel he should be held to moral standards, great, I’m sure you were outraged at Bill Clinton & throwing rocks at everyone that voted for him too. The bottom line is, there are people that vote for policy over person, get over your childish tantrum throwing & move on. Our guy (yes, I voted for the idiot over the scumbag, for POLICY reasons) will win today. I can’t wait to see what’s next on your list of outrages...
You’d be hard pressed to find a single black person to say Biden is a racist. That doesn’t mean every one is voting for him. But the large majority do not think he’s racist. The large majority think Trump is. And I don’t think it’s just the Republican/ Democrat label.

Fair point. Calling people a racist is pretty much exclusively a Democrat thing.

Kamala implied Joe was racist and then dropped it like a hot potato. Kamala also said to believe all women about sexual assault until she believed Joe. liberal privilege.
On the contrary - that is even scarier than a bunch of idiots vandalizing in the middle of the night. A bunch of asshole students deciding democratically that a statue of Lincoln should come down is exactly what’s created Trump and MAGA. You can either accept that and try to fix that side of liberalism or you can get more MAGA.

This post is a bit ironic given the OP in this thread. Or does your post only apply when the democratic process brings down a statue, but not when the electorate chooses someone unworthy of the office?
The ability to disagree without also being rude, disrespectful or worse, is a social skill that most people don't now have. The sad part is they don't care to develop this skill. This isn't Trump's fault.

For all his faults, and with the exception of protecting Rockfish, Buzz at least kept this place mostly polite.

Once the "Gore won Florida" crowd took over - who had been educated by the leftover losers of the Woodstock Generation - this place became nothing but an insult farm where actual discussion was neither understood nor appreciated. Then it became a place where all dissent was labeled patiotism, then overnight racism, with nary the blink of a thought.

(Thank God I live in a state where the civil law already holds that the knowingly false accusation of another being in the Klan is considered defamation per se and is not protected speech. Race-baiting hate speech is one very deep root of our current social wars, and the fools who gleefully engage in it on this board should have been shut down years ago. The others who do it here are merely too stupid to do it knowingly - so we'll just have to put up with them I guess, and "bless their hearts" - if y'all know what that means.)
For all his faults, and with the exception of protecting Rockfish, Buzz at least kept this place mostly polite.

Once the "Gore won Florida" crowd took over - who had been educated by the leftover losers of the Woodstock Generation - this place became nothing but an insult farm where actual discussion was neither understood nor appreciated. Then it became a place where all dissent was labeled patiotism, then overnight racism, with nary the blink of a thought.

(Thank God I live in a state where the civil law already holds that the knowingly false accusation of another being in the Klan is considered defamation per se and is not protected speech. Race-baiting hate speech is one very deep root of our current social wars, and the fools who gleefully engage in it on this board should have been shut down years ago. The others who do it here are merely too stupid to do it knowingly - so we'll just have to put up with them I guess, and "bless their hearts" - if y'all know what that means.)
Irony, thy face is MTIOTF . . . .
Don't take this the wrong way:
I disagree.
How much of respect is trust?
Trust is earned
Huh? That post you've responded to . . . it ain't mine.

Looks like that post is from Marv, another graduate of the same high school . . . but much, much younger and better looking . . . .
that an election in the US now produces expectations of violence, and folks boarding up city buildings.

I used to love election days, even when I knew my guy was gonna lose.

It used to be a day the world looked up to us and our peaceful transitions of power.

Now we act like 1920’s Germany, with running street fights between thugs who think they’re better than everybody else.

Can’t wait for it to be over.


Let us hope these fears have been exaggerated. Elections can produce some false rhetoric which don't come to pass
Anti hate? The tide pod armies have an odd way of demonstrating this.

The Dems are well ahead of the Pubs in general but have a long way to go to meet your description here.

It is helpful to have a big tent to win an election, but it also pays to analyze if you want to be in the same tent with some of them.

Joe Biden is the nominee and his beliefs are the beliefs of hi proposed administration. Not every fringe group that will vote for him falls neatly in line, but he isn't defined by their fringe views. The last Dem candidate that the people that you call the tide pod armies wanted to win the Dem nomintion was Joe Biden.

Not all of the many fringe groups who ardently and openly support Trump are overtly welcomed into the GOP tent, though all of them seem very happy there (of many examples, the KKK, the skinheads, the Taliban, all Russian interests).
This post is a bit ironic given the OP in this thread. Or does your post only apply when the democratic process brings down a statue, but not when the electorate chooses someone unworthy of the office?
Have I presented to you as someone that is partisan and doesn’t confer judgment on both sides?

What you’re still missing is that Trump and the idiots at UW are all part of the same vicious circle of groupthink and kow-towing to their respective deities (Trump one side | the Woke movement on the other).

We didn’t start the fire...
Have I presented to you as someone that is partisan and doesn’t confer judgment on both sides?

What you’re still missing is that Trump and the idiots at UW are all part of the same vicious circle of groupthink and kow-towing to their respective deities (Trump one side | the Woke movement on the other).

We didn’t start the fire...
Billy Joel? Really?

I guess that song was the predecessor to The End of the World As We Know It.

Lenny Bruce is not afraid . . . .
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