Harris Tax Polices

You know someone that likes to be that hands on is someone I think I can really get behind.
Wow, good luck with your personal safety!
No he doesn't. He doesn't even book football stadiums, much less fill them. What alternative universe do you live in?
Bettrer than the democratic one you live in...

You're supporting a woman whos entire speech was packed with lies, fabrication, and disingenuous statements.

Democrats have controlled congress for 12 of the past 16 years---yet the mess we are in, is DJT's fault....I mean, wut?

Her policies are idiotic---and you know this.

Threat to democracy---You mean by hiding the health of a sitting POTUS---then replacing him on the ticket, w/o an election?

Border issue is DJT's fault? OK..

You have a speaker say. "My parents were suspicious of those who took more than they needed"---All the while having three lavish homes worth millions, a private jet---helicopter and giving said speach in a $4,000 outfit? And then adding,

They understood that it wasn't enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning."

Really. Michelle? You're worth $70M dollars, have three homes worth millions, etc....----And you say THIS?

Or having two women who are worth $70M and $3B, telling you NOT TO TRUST "rcih people"? Harping on economic inequality?

Opra talking about income equality, yet being worth $4B dollars.....

****ing really?

And yet you support this....You probably gave them(both) a standing ovation---ignoring the hyprocisy, and the irony.

We have been told over and over and over---"everything is great"---So why is your party telling us, "they ate gonna fix everything"? And if someting needs fixed, ummmm, who's been in charge the past 3.5 years----and 12 of the past 16?

I know---Trump is a felon---he is mean....blah and balh. Here is what I know:

Under Trump there were no border issues....people could afford groceries and gas---and in the same week. Economy was very good. There was peace around the globe....That, I know----as do you. But somehow, he's now a threat to our democracy----My goodness. Dems cried for 4 years over his election---Blamed Russia---and still do.

Yet people like you applud this. You applaud a candidate that was put in this position w/o an election. Who helped hide an ailing POTUS...Who has flipped flopped every policy she has stood aside for her entire political career...WHos "stolen" policy ideas, etc...

But please tell us how bad Trump is....Nevermind the FACT Biden has been found guilty of using the office for self interest---abusing the powers of the office , for financial gain....Who was found "guilty" of misplacing calssified documents---but since he was old, and had a bad memory, it was overlooked. Joe Biden and his family are as crooked as they come. His son....Yikes.

Kamala will win---and then we shall see. GOod part is, when she does, as least no one from the Repubiclan party promised to, "do whatever it takes to remove her as POTUS---even if it means creating civil war like conditions..."

Talk about a threat to democracy.
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You guys are truly panicking. Fun to watch.
What will be fun to watch is when ya'll elect in a made for TV POTUS---A media driven POTUS. And she wrecks this country even more so that what it is, already...

WOnt actually be fun. But sometimes ya gotta let your kid touch that hot stove----just so they know.

You'll see. She has no platform....Another puppet. A PTOUS candidate that didnt receive a single vote. Just another puppet.
What will be fun to watch is when ya'll elect in a made for TV POTUS---A media driven POTUS. And she wrecks this country even more so that what it is, already...

WOnt actually be fun. But sometimes ya gotta let your kid touch that hot stove----just so they know.

You'll see. She has no platform....Another puppet. A PTOUS candidate that didnt receive a single vote. Just another puppet.

Does anyone see the irony with his first sentence?
I know you like to throw that boogeyman around, and you might even find a clip of someone actually saying those words, but in reality, no policy is going to be introduced, much less passed that will ensure 'equitable outcomes' for every US citizen.
Of course there won't be but they sure can screw a lot of normal people trying. There's none of those politicians in Washington that have the intelligence to even think about writing a bill that would accomplish equitable outcomes and none have the intelligence to realize what would happen if they tried.
Absolutely. There is no definition. Which makes it easy for politicians of all stripes to pontificate on "making The Rich pay their fair share" without anyone really knowing who that will be. Everyone assumes it is someone better off than them. But often, it's them.
Yeah, I often get a kick out of people clapping at a political rally when a politician says something about making the rich pay their fair share (whatever that is....normally just means makiing them pay more). I am sitting there thinking that those clapping are a bunch of morons because that politician is talking about raising their taxes but they're too ignorant to see it.
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And there is absolutely zero question in my mind that defined contribution pensions are superior to defined benefit pensions. In fact, I feel sorry for the DB trustees I interact with there (and I know a lot of them -- including a longtime trustee of the notorious Central States Fund). Most of them are wading in varying depths of shit without any solutions I'd call "good." They're usually either hoping for more bailouts or that they'll be long gone when the crunch sets in.
Isn't there funding rules that are supposed to be followed? One of those rules that the government doesn't enforce.... just a rule they passed to make people think they were doing something good.
$90k a year goes a long way when you don't have house and car payments.

You focus too much on the income and not enough on the outgo.
A lot of that depends on your age. Suppose you're age 55 and not working.... I'd be health insurance for you and your wife would take at least 1/4 of your 90K.
A lot of that depends on your age. Suppose you're age 55 and not working.... I'd be health insurance for you and your wife would take at least 1/4 of your 90K.
We're talking about retirement, when Medicare is available.

Of course if you're 55 and think you can retire with that income and no health insurance, you're an idiot.
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More info coming out as people actually read the policies instead of just the headlines. Just as I expected. The unrealized gains one is still stupid and will never happen. Populist political speak. "Free soda and lunch time!".

AND capital gains tax of 44% is only on those who's yearly NET income is over 1 million per year or .3% of the country.

Corporate tax going to 28% is still doable and not a big deal as it was 35% for decades. Honestly it should probably go back to 35% but 28% is a good compromise.
More info coming out as people actually read the policies instead of just the headlines. Just as I expected. The unrealized gains one is still stupid and will never happen. Populist political speak. "Free soda and lunch time!".

AND capital gains tax of 44% is only on those who's yearly NET income is over 1 million per year or .3% of the country.

Corporate tax going to 28% is still doable and not a big deal as it was 35% for decades. Honestly it should probably go back to 35% but 28% is a good compromise.
Raise capital gains tax to 44% and watch capital flow out our markets. There will be one big bump as people cash out before the increase in taxes and then a decline in capital gains taxes. It’s a really dumb policy.

I would be ok with the corporate tax moving from 21% to 28% if it was tied to government cuts to off set the lost growth from increasing taxes. I wouldn’t want it any higher, we have to be competitive against other nations.

Also, if they’re just raising the taxes to increase government spending, it’s a terrible ideas as well.
I’m guessing MAGA idiots haven’t read what top economists say Project 2025 will do to the economy. Nevermind the requirement that all federal employees must be Trump loyalists. If you don’t understand the ramifications of that IM me and I’ll do my best to help you understand it a bit.
That would put him to the left of Robert Byrd, whom Biden memorialized. (big word for you - look it up)
First of all, it wouldn’t put him left of Byrd. Secondly, the fact tha you consider memorialized a big word for anyone makes me question your academic pedigree.
First of all, it wouldn’t put him left of Byrd. Secondly, the fact tha you consider memorialized a big word for anyone makes me question your academic pedigree.
Just going by your posts. If you have an academic pedigree, it's time to show it.
All true. But on the campaign trail, Trump just needs to ask people the rhetorical question: what do you think corporations are going to do to prices when Harris taxes them more? Gee, I wonder what they would so?
Of.course they will break even or wven lose money out of the goodness of their hearts. Corporate taxes are a scam of the left as a get even with themism.
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Trump is many things but he’s never been a true conservative.

Much less right of the grand wizard, whatever that means.

Not a Reagan conservative. . But that’s not the Republican Party is now. So don’t call it conservative, call it whatever you want. You’re right, 99% of MAGA don’t have enough money to care about traditional conservative principles So whatever you call what Trump is now, he wasn’t anything near that 20 years ago. At least not publicly.
Harris is straight looney tunes. Thankfully Trump will win.

Now maybe you know why ultra left nutjob Cindy Simon Skjodt wouldn't allow Dolson to fire Woody and bring in BtownBruce. Our program has been run by left-wing nuts for 25 years. That's why we continually suck. They couldn't run a lemonade stand.

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Harris is straight looney tunes. Thankfully Trump will win.

Now maybe you know why ultra left nutjob Cindy Simon Skjodt wouldn't allow Dolson to fire Woody and bring in BtownBruce. Our program has been run by left-wing nuts for 25 years. That's why we continually suck. They couldn't run a lemonade stand.

That crying jag of yours will be epic! EPIC!
Thankfully Trump will win.

That crying jag of yours will be epic! EPIC!

A while back -- before Biden got out of the race...but I can't remember if it was before or after the debate -- I made a post here that Trump's supporters were way overconfident in their chances of winning the election. In their mind, it was already over.

I'd say the same thing today -- but I'd say it about supporters of Harris, not Trump (yes, @Aloha Hoosier, I know you're not a Harris supporter -- I'm saying this generally). It's been remarkable watching that shift happen.

Not that it's surprising. I'd maintained for a long time that Democrats would be wise to figure out how to get somebody else on the ticket...even if it was a flawed candidate like Kamala Harris. Biden's health issues were a huge lead weight around his ankles. And I still believe that: I believe that Harris has a better shot at winning than Biden did.

But Harris supporters strutting around like she's got it in the bag are no better than the Trump supporters who used to be strutting around like he had it in the bag.
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A while back -- before Biden got out of the race...but I can't remember if it was before or after the debate -- I made a post here that Trump's supporters were way overconfident in their chances of winning the election. In their mind, it was already over.

I'd say the same thing today -- but I'd say it about supporters of Harris, not Trump (yes, @Aloha Hoosier, I know you're not a Harris supporter -- I'm saying this generally). It's been remarkable watching that shift happen.

Not that it's surprising. I'd maintained for a long time that Democrats would be wise to figure out how to get somebody else on the ticket...even if it was a flawed candidate like Kamala Harris. Biden's health issues were a huge lead weight around his ankles. And I still believe that: I believe that Harris has a better shot at winning than Biden did.

But Harris supporters strutting around like she's got it in the bag are no better than the Trump supporters who used to be strutting around like he had it in the bag.

Craze, you bring up a good point about party people and their voters being overconfident resulting in losing elections.

As someone who worked at the grassroots level registering voters and getting the vote out I am sensitive to the importance of getting the vote out

Did notice a few speakers at the Democrat convention reminding delegates the hard work of winning was just ahead and far from a done deal.
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Craze, you bring up a good point about party people and their voters being overconfident resulting in losing elections.

As someone who worked at the grassroots level registering voters and getting the vote out I am sensitive to the importance of getting the vote out

Did notice a few speakers at the Democrat convention reminding delegates the hard work of winning was just ahead and far from a done deal.
Speaking of grassroots my neighborhood is incredibly politically active. Strong Dems. Signs in every third yard. There are still blm signs in yards. I see one Harris walz sign. Zero trump. I think turnout is going to be much lower and many aren’t enthusiastic about either option