Harris Tax Polices

Everyone knew Mexico wasn't paying for the wall. But there are plenty on the left that want, and are going to try at some point, to tax unrealized gains.

Re the constitutionality, if it's a Dem sweep, look for a real attempt to pack the courts.
Everyone knew? Come to rural Indiana occasionally. People here believed him. Still do.

Could be right though on unrealized. I don't think it will happen but maybe if all those things come into place. Lots of "ifs" on that. Personally I think that one goes away after the election and we don't hear about it again until maybe the next election.
Harris leaked a couple more economic policies. They of course suck. My question is why? All she has to do is say Trump is evil. Who is advising her to release these policies? She needs to fire her campaign manager.

As many have suggested, there are two possibilities for why she's articulating policies like this...

1. She's simply stupid and doesn't understand what she's proposing
2. She thinks that her voters are too stupid to understand what she's proposing

True, but the best future protection against this happening again would have been to let the firms that screwed up their risk assessment suffer from that screw up, right?

If the Govt--we, the taxpayers--are going to act as a backstop against insolvency and loss for those Big Banks, capping downside risk, why can't we ask them to cap their upside on loan %(here, to help the middle class because the upper class don't need it and the lower class probably can't afford that home anyway) or via increased default rates for the lower classes? Have better monitoring of those risky assets and the % of them being carried to avoid the same thing happening again.
Well, of course.

But you're never going to catch me advocating Uncle Sam acting as a backstop -- with any conditions placed on that. The fact that this was there, either explicitly or implicitly, absolutely encouraged greater risk-taking than ever would've existed without it. And, sure enough, most of the failed institutions were bailed out as they expected they would be -- the excuse being that to not have done so would've resulted in contagion and a general meltdown.

I've posted this on the WC before, many years ago. But it's worth putting it up again. The subprime crisis was predicted - 9 years before it happened -- in a 1999 New York Times story. The nature of the admonition was barriers to home lending being lowered at the behest of the federal government (in this case, by leaning on a wary Fannie Mae). The prediction came from Peter Wallison of the AEI.

In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.​
''From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,'' said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ''If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.''​
Is it any wonder this fell on deaf ears? It isn't to me -- because our policies are so driven by what sounds good, not by what is good.'s all populist speak.

The general idea of populism -- of either the left-wing or the right-wing variety -- is that government is the protector of the little guy from the ravages of the big guy. So the big guy is the target of my policies...but they'll directly benefit you, little guy. That's populism.

She's not proposing a 44.6% capital gains tax on everybody. She's proposing it on the big guy.
Did she propose 44.6% on everyone though? Or only the top 1% earners and/or short term gains?
This is, as usual, a great and thoughtful post/commentary. It's nice to have you and a few others here to balance out all the crap certain other posters sling against the wall.
The feeling's mutual. You're informed and reasonable. And you have a lot more patience than I do. I need to work on that.
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As many have suggested, there are two possibilities for why she's articulating policies like this...

1. She's simply stupid and doesn't understand what she's proposing
2. She thinks that her voters are too stupid to understand what she's proposing

Definitely both
Of course there will. Ensure is impossible. But progressive redistribution policies etc are aimed at such. It’s a philosophy that is incredibly damning from two political social workers with zero understanding of how shit works. Look at crazed post re Corp taxes, competition and inversion. You think the teaching pride of Chadon st contemplated same?
Maybe Trump should use that line ("two political social workers"). We'll see how far that gets him.

And, after a person's second or third job, nobody really gives a shit where they went to school except for maybe a fellow alum on the hiring committee.
Trump is fvcked. The fact that people are sick and tired of his tired old shtick is the main reason, but he's fvcked on most of the issues as well:

1) The economy. Real GDP growth has surpassed (in some cases far surpassed) all other G7 nations and most of the developed world since the pandemic. Inflation is back under control and interest rates will be coming down next month which will spur home-buying, car-buying and other purchases that involve lending.

2) Violent crime (defined as murder, rape, aggravated assault and robbery). It is approaching a 50 year low.

3) The border. There are fewer illegal monthly border crossings now than there were at the end of Trump's presidency. One of the most conservative senators drafted an impactful border security bill that had broad bipartisan support until, well, you know what happened. When Trump brings up the border a minute into next month's debate, Harris will be ready with something along the lines of: "We had a bipartisan border security bill ready to go. You killed it. I'll sign it."

4) Prices. This is all Trump should talk about from now until Election Day. But he's too stupid and undisciplined to stay on message. He'll keep questioning Harris' blackness and claiming that images of the crowds at her rallies are AI-generated. Idiot.
well let's see.
1) the economy. let's see where we are in another few months. as it stands lots of bs involved. 818,000 fewer jobs than reported just posted today

2) violent crime - let's remember that harris is associated with defunding. after her position was exposed as awful soros Da's and funding was resumed. that's a loss for her. we know her true colors on same. along with walz and portland. what's more many districts stopped reporting altogether.

3) The border. we can track the numbers. title 42. three asylum agreements. funding. remain in mexico. now we have 10 mil plus here. another loss.

4). prices yes still high.

And it’s worth remembering the bad all came when Biden Harris had control. Things improved after they lost ctrl. but trump does suck as a human so Harris will likely win. But it’s certainly not on the merits
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Trump is fvcked. The fact that people are sick and tired of his tired old shtick is the main reason, but he's fvcked on most of the issues as well:

1) The economy. Real GDP growth has surpassed (in some cases far surpassed) all other G7 nations and most of the developed world since the pandemic. Inflation is back under control and interest rates will be coming down next month which will spur home-buying, car-buying and other purchases that involve lending.

2) Violent crime (defined as murder, rape, aggravated assault and robbery). It is approaching a 50 year low.

3) The border. There are fewer illegal monthly border crossings now than there were at the end of Trump's presidency. One of the most conservative senators drafted an impactful border security bill that had broad bipartisan support until, well, you know what happened. When Trump brings up the border a minute into next month's debate, Harris will be ready with something along the lines of: "We had a bipartisan border security bill ready to go. You killed it. I'll sign it."

4) Prices. This is all Trump should talk about from now until Election Day. But he's too stupid and undisciplined to stay on message. He'll keep questioning Harris' blackness and claiming that images of the crowds at her rallies are AI-generated. Idiot.
RE point number 1.

Everyone knew Mexico wasn't paying for the wall...

That is not accurate at all. Some people did buy into it just like some people think everything Trump says is the gospel.

And is a lie ok as long as you think everyone knew it was a lie? Just because any halfway intelligent person should KNOW it was a lie doesn't really change anything.
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Maybe Trump should use that line ("two political social workers"). We'll see how far that gets him.

And, after a person's second or third job, nobody really gives a shit where they went to school except for maybe a fellow alum on the hiring committee.
I’m commenting on competency. Not winning an election or getting hired.
Yeah, those government stats are so reliable. Don't believe your own lying eyes - believe the government.
This board is simply too easy for us. I checked out Peegs civil discourse board for us. Says something about vip. I guess you have to subscribe first then learn only coh is there? Peegs being Peegs huh.
This is true. But, really, it's not the primary drawback of a higher corporate income tax.

The primary drawback is we're in a competitive global economy and increasingly fluid nature of trade and capital make for a bigger landscape for capital investment. It wasn't a cosmic accident that US-based multinationals were parking trillions of dollars of foreign-earnings offshore rather than repatriating them and subjecting them to the US corporate tax (minus a credit for foreign income taxes paid). They could avoid the second tax bite by leaving the funds overseas. And guess what they frequently chose to do.

We also have had a number of US corps engaging in foreign inversions -- where they'd officially relocate their HQ domicile to friendlier tax environs (Ireland has been common) and turn the US operations into a subsidiary.

Notably, in 2021 the most of the OECD countries agreed to a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15% -- the idea being to reduce tax competition between member states. The current difference between our rate and the GMCT is 6%. This proposal would take that to 13%.
All true. But on the campaign trail, Trump just needs to ask people the rhetorical question: what do you think corporations are going to do to prices when Harris taxes them more? Gee, I wonder what they would so?
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I’m commenting on competency. Not winning an election or getting hired.

Hey, can we still count on your immediate replies, irrespective of the day or hour, irrespective of the topic or thread, while you're hanging with the guys in South Beach? 🤞

Hey, can we still count on your immediate replies, irrespective of the day or hour, irrespective of the topic or thread, while you're hanging with the guys in South Beach? 🤞
Fort Lauderdale and boca. South beach is awful. But love how you go personal. That’s always your play after i drag your dumb ass. If you were even a hint smarter you would not reply to my posts but bc you do I have no choice but to bitch slap you. Dummy. Jv all the time. Terrible with data research and reading comp. Go play with hickory.
No, they’re not great either. Tax receipts will fall and capital will flow out of the U.S. It will also slow growth and productivity.
Historically speaking has this played out before like you are saying. Wasn't the corporate tax rate something like 35% for decades until Trump lowered to 21%. Pretty sure we had some pretty booming times before Trump. 28% is fair and won't cause any of the issues you state.

The capital gains one is interesting. I have to think it's only meant for the top of the top. Need more info.

Unrealized gains one is dumb.
Not that it matters, but the Top of the Top in proposals/promises has a pesky way of becoming Joe Middle in implementation. Some people are always surprised to find out that they're "rich."
I think what happens more often is the top of the top likes to convince Joe Middle that they will be effected by these higher tax rates on the top 1%. However history doesn't show that. Or least nothing that I can find shows that.
That is not accurate at all. Some people did buy into it just like some people think everything Trump says is the gospel.

And is a lie ok as long as you think everyone knew it was a lie? Just because any halfway intelligent person should KNOW it was a lie doesn't really change anything.

IMO what we commonly call a lie is about someone not knowing what they are talking about, and/or saying something which differs from your own opinions.

Then there is this, "People in the know about taxes are saying my tax plan proposal is the smartest thing they ever heard. It is unlike my opponent whose tax plan is so dumb as to be laughable" (This isn't a lie, just babble).
I think what happens more often is the top of the top likes to convince Joe Middle that they will be effected by these higher tax rates on the top 1%. However history doesn't show that. Or least nothing that I can find shows that.

Then why did I spend years being hit with AMT, which was presented as a way to target a small number of very high income taxpayers when enacted. I'm nowhere near the top 1%. It affected 5.2 million taxpayers by 2017.
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Then why did I spend years being hit with AMT, which was presented as a way to target a small number of very high income taxpayers when enacted. I'm nowhere near the top 1%. It affected 5.2 million taxpayers by 2017.
Not sure. That's income tax. From my understanding AMTs are only applied to certain high income earners or people who use a lot of deductions. I can tell you I've never even sniffed a tax minimum added.
Then why did I spend years being hit with AMT, which was presented as a way to target a small number of very high income taxpayers when enacted. I'm nowhere near the top 1%. It affected 5.2 million taxpayers by 2017.
Most of the leftists on here have never heard of the AMT. If they have, they think only 'the rich' pay it.
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Not sure. That's income tax. From my understanding AMTs are only applied to certain high income earners or people who use a lot of deductions. I can tell you I've never even sniffed a tax minimum added.

That's the point. Things that are claimed to affect only "the rich" have a nasty way of affecting Not The Rich. What politicians say, and the end result, are often not the same thing. So when Harris announces some punitive tax rate that, don't worry, will only affect a few wealthy folks, well I find myself understandably skeptical about what the final details might look like.

Shorter Reardon: Politicians lie and I don't believe them.
That's the point. Things that are claimed to affect only "the rich" have a nasty way of affecting Not The Rich. What politicians say, and the end result, are often not the same thing. So when Harris announces some punitive tax rate that, don't worry, will only affect a few wealthy folks, well I find myself understandably skeptical about what the final details might look like.

Shorter Reardon: Politicians lie and I don't believe them.
I don't know that your anecdotally case is evidence of anything. I don't know what your definition of "rich" is.

I don't necessarily disagree with what your trying to get at. I'm certain it happens all the time. These are laws that come in the form of 1000 page documents. Politicians have a few minutes to sum it all up in layman's term. But their so much missing info in your case vs. the Harris proposal.

Also their plenty of examples of the opposite. What about my example of never having to pay an AMT.
Most of the leftists on here have never heard of the AMT. If they have, they think only 'the rich' pay it.
Id wager 90% or more of the country has never heard of AMT. I didn't remember it as I haven't thought about it in over a decade probably.

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