Harris Tax Polices

Speaking of grassroots my neighborhood is incredibly politically active. Strong Dems. Signs in every third yard. There are still blm signs in yards. I see one Harris walz sign. Zero trump. I think turnout is going to be much lower and many aren’t enthusiastic about either option
Trump has an 80M vote floor. Bookmark this.
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Speaking of grassroots my neighborhood is incredibly politically active. Strong Dems. Signs in every third yard. There are still blm signs in yards. I see one Harris walz sign. Zero trump. I think turnout is going to be much lower and many aren’t enthusiastic about either option

My neighborhood is all about the neighborhood and whoever is elected as our councilman will be invited to our meetings and hear about our concerns.

Know most of my neighbors but know nothing about their politics. Only one lady put up a yard sign, but she no longer foes it.

Found out one of neighborhood board members lost his election as the Dem precinct committee person. I didn't know he was a Democrat until hearing about his loss. He may have overdone keeping his politics out of his neighborhood activities :).

P.S. Turnout in the swing states will decide who wins. The winner with the help of supporters will get the voters out. IMO the Trumpites are more determined so the Dems have a battle on their hands.
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My neighborhood is all about the neighborhood and whoever is elected as our councilman will be invited to our meetings and hear about our concerns.

Know most of my neighbors but know nothing about their politics. Only one lady put up a yard sign, but she no longer foes it.

Found out one of neighborhood board members lost his election as the Dem precinct committee person. I didn't know he was a Democrat until hearing about his loss. He may have overdone keeping his politics out of his neighborhood activities :).

P.S. Turnout in the swing states will decide who wins. The winner with the help of supporters will get the voters out. IMO the Trumpites are more determined so the Dems have a battle on their hands.
This discussion reminds me of the movie, "The Outlaw Josey Whales" where Josey makes the point to Ten Bears that governments don't live together. People live together. If we only thought more about our local areas and how policies from Washington affected our brothers and sisters of America. If Washington policies causes a factory to leave a town then what does that do to that town?
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Harris is straight looney tunes. Thankfully Trump will win.

Now maybe you know why ultra left nutjob Cindy Simon Skjodt wouldn't allow Dolson to fire Woody and bring in BtownBruce. Our program has been run by left-wing nuts for 25 years. That's why we continually suck. They couldn't run a lemonade stand.

I wonder what Cindy's political position is after 10/7?
But Harris supporters strutting around like she's got it in the bag are no better than the Trump supporters who used to be strutting around like he had it in the bag.

Don't confuse newfound enthusiasm and hope with overconfidence. Until Biden dropped out, I think many/most of us anyone-but-Trump people thought we were sunk.
Don't confuse newfound enthusiasm and hope with overconfidence. Until Biden dropped out, I think many/most of us anyone-but-Trump people thought we were sunk.

There is a difference, yes.

But there’s clearly an air of overconfidence - just as there was with Trump people a month or so ago.

I’m not saying that everybody who supports Harris feels this way. But I am saying that many do.
There is a difference, yes.

But there’s clearly an air of overconfidence - just as there was with Trump people a month or so ago.

I’m not saying that everybody who supports Harris feels this way. But I am saying that many do.
Shoot, Bowl says it’ll be a bigger landslide for Harris than it was for Joe in 2020. And that analysis of Kamala’s historic surge will go on for years.

I think that’s a little over the top.

I think Trump will lose but it’ll be close. It will come down to turnout.
What about a tranny? Do you think there are more maga people or trannies? Or kkk?

MAGA. I don’t know I’ve ever met a transexual person either. But I probably have. They don’t wear stupid red hats and carry confederate flags so hard to say.
MAGA. I don’t know I’ve ever met a transexual person either. But I probably have. They don’t wear stupid red hats and carry confederate flags so hard to say.
Well many have large implants. Like Steve O. So they’re noticeable. They carry flags and wear hats and do all sorts of attention garnering stuff too.

Didn’t you see them at the White House?
MAGA. I don’t know I’ve ever met a transexual person either. But I probably have. They don’t wear stupid red hats and carry confederate flags so hard to say.

See they’re very flamboyant.
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Well many have large implants. Like Steve O. So they’re noticeable. They carry flags and wear hats and do all sorts of attention garnering stuff too.

Didn’t you see them at the White House?

I guess I just don’t recognize tranny hats. I don’t really look for implants either.
I guess I just don’t recognize tranny hats. I don’t really look for implants either.
Here you should go to their march

Here you should go to their march

I didn’t go. Also, I don’t say I’ve never seen a trans person or MAGA person. I’ve seen both. My work takes me out in poor rural areas at times and I’ve seen the hats.
I didn’t go. Also, I don’t say I’ve never seen a trans person or MAGA person. I’ve seen both. My work takes me out in poor rural areas at times and I’ve seen the hats.
You should go this year and get a hat
You should go this year and get a hat

I’ve been to the gay pride parade a few times. It’s a major event and a blast. And no Im not gay. I’m guessing you think a gay pride parade is all gay people. Is mostly straight people.
Oh no I know it well. My buddy owned a gay club for years
I’ve been to the gay pride parade a few times. It’s a major event and a blast. And no Im not gay. I’m guessing you think a gay pride parade is all gay people. Is mostly straight people.
Some Dems in Congress are privately scoffing at Harris' price-gouging "idea". I'm glad they are. It's not a good idea for politicians to screw around with things that directly impact food supply.

But what does it say that we even need to have these kinds of charades? It reminds me of the clip of Milton Friedman I posted last week -- where he referenced the tea kettle analogy. And his point was that price controls are something that politicians like to use to divert scrutiny for the negative effects of their own policies -- which is worse than's exacerbatory.

Thing is: Harris can credibly lay a lot of the blame for inflation at Donald Trump's feet. Most of the monetary expansion happened while he was in office. The Biden Administration made it worse with their own subsequent spending sprees. But, still, why not just tell us the truth? We went through a bad inflationary phase (which is back closer to normal levels now BTW) because government spent more than it could raise in tax receipts or foreign the Fed had to expand the monetary base, which will necessarily have inflationary effect.

MAGA. I don’t know I’ve ever met a transexual person either. But I probably have. They don’t wear stupid red hats and carry confederate flags so hard to say.

If we're being honest here, instead of trying to keep up a ruse, it usually isn't all that difficult to tell.

One of the employees at my CVS is trans. It would take a special kind of fool not to notice. And that's fine. It has no bearing on me at all. They're friendly to me, I'm friendly to them.

But the whole thing about "I don't really know....are they or aren't they?" kind of reminds me of Chapelle's bit about Jim Carrey staying in character as Andy Kaufman on the set of "Man on the Moon."

I fear the collective musical taste of the Auburn group would not be a good match.

You can always hope for some Johnny Cash or Willie Nelson. They are about the only country music that is good. And they aren’t really country music.