Funniest movie you recall seeing in the theatre?


All-Big Ten
Sep 9, 2009
I saw Something About Mary at the theatre in Florida with a friend when we were 15 or 16 and I about chit my pants laughing. I remember the entire place was cru BF laughing when he "got the beans over the frank".

I am sure there are others, but I always think of how packed that movie was and how everyone was belly laughing.
I saw Something About Mary at the theatre in Florida with a friend when we were 15 or 16 and I about chit my pants laughing. I remember the entire place was cru BF laughing when he "got the beans over the frank".

I am sure there are others, but I always think of how packed that movie was and how everyone was belly laughing.
I was going to say the same. The Frank's N beans scene and the rest area scene had the packed theatre rolling.
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Major League at a drive in.

'want me to take em outside, kick the shit out of em?'
I saw Something About Mary at the theatre in Florida with a friend when we were 15 or 16 and I about chit my pants laughing. I remember the entire place was cru BF laughing when he "got the beans over the frank".

I am sure there are others, but I always think of how packed that movie was and how everyone was belly laughing.

Maybe 'American Pie'?

Honestly have not seen many comedies in the theater.
Super Troopers. I remember seeing a preview and thinking "could be funny". Took this chic i was dating at the time who was really skeptical. Needless to say we both nearly pissed ourselves and told everyone we knew about it afterwards. I have watched that movie over a 100 times sinces.
Super Troopers. I remember seeing a preview and thinking "could be funny". Took this chic i was dating at the time who was really skeptical. Needless to say we both nearly pissed ourselves and told everyone we knew about it afterwards. I have watched that movie over a 100 times sinces.
Did you seal the deal?
Saw Animal House in the theater. Also Airplane!, which is very dated now but pretty funny at the time.
Hoops list is a good one.

I would add Monty Python's Holy Grail to it. First time I saw it at the old Eastwood Theater in Indy I almost pissed myself. Didn't hurt that I had ingested an ample serving of pot brownies before show time.


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About pissed my pants watching Christmas Vacation at the theatre. Bad Santa was also incredibly funny.
Borat - laughed my ass off.
But, have never rewatched it since that time.
Borat - laughed my ass off.
But, have never rewatched it since that time.
It's definitely in the team photo.

One thing I just remembered about it was that I saw it with a couple buddies who were IU fans. The same evening when we were waiting for the movie to start Derrek Rose was announcing his college choice, and we were one of the finalists. I was checking Peegs constantly while in the theater. We probably would have gotten the death penalty had we gotten him.
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I saw Something About Mary at the theatre in Florida with a friend when we were 15 or 16 and I about chit my pants laughing. I remember the entire place was cru BF laughing when he "got the beans over the frank".

I am sure there are others, but I always think of how packed that movie was and how everyone was belly laughing.
Something About Mary was great...def up there. Borat is probably my most recent one. Maybe Hangover was most recent, but def lauged and the theater was crazier for Borat.

The best experience was Old School. It had been out for a few weeks to little acclaim, and I was on a ski trip in Bozeman with my jackass buddy. We caught a matinee with his bum ass friends in between days on the mountain.

Grandparents straight out of central casting sat two rows in front of us. The movie was awkward right off the bat with the whole Frank's wife gangbang stuff and The awkwardness was sweating off of them. i was watching them more than the movie. I mean these people were upstanding people in this local community.

Then the Andy Dick blowjob trainer scene came on and I've never seen and I've never seen more flat out disgust on faces before in my life. Me and my jackass friend were laughing harder than we've ever laughed before at these poor old f.ckers while the 1/4th filled theater laughed at Andy Dick as they walked out of the theater.

Apologies upfront for the grammar mistakes and McNutty level of detail..I've had a few of Portland's finest IPAs tonight.
Man...some of you geezers are old.

I would say Something About Mary or American Pie. I was young enough at the time, although Something About Mary had some older folks in there too. I'm with C$: I rarely go see comedies in the theater.
In 9th grade went to the Indiana Theater in downtown Terre Haute for a double feature of Revenge of the Nerds and Bachelor Party. The best part was all the drunk ISU students that showed up. Quite the time for a 9th grader.

That old theater would have bats flying around during the show though the projector light. Rocky Horror Show was also a drunk fest there.
Man...some of you geezers are old.

I would say Something About Mary or American Pie. I was young enough at the time, although Something About Mary had some older folks in there too. I'm with C$: I rarely go see comedies in the theater.
The part where Jim is going to town on the pie and then his dad later in the movie said "of course I never made it with baked goods" was hilarious stuff.
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Tommy Boy. Chris Farley was brilliant. Before that Beverly Hills Cop and Golden Child. Eddie Murphy used to be very funny. I rarely go the movies to see comedies. They are rentals for me.
I saw Something About Mary at the theatre in Florida with a friend when we were 15 or 16 and I about chit my pants laughing. I remember the entire place was cru BF laughing when he "got the beans over the frank".

I am sure there are others, but I always think of how packed that movie was and how everyone was belly laughing.

Night Before... watched it in Kansas City.. some old ladies next to me got up in left... was laughing so hard at the church scene I couldn't breathe...
Hangover was probably the best I've seen in theater.

Can't say I've watched more than 5 comedies in theaters in my life. Maybe some cheesy PG stuff like Home Alone when I was a a kid.'s not a comedy but a funny story. The Passion of the Christ......Dad (who is a staunch Catholic) demanded all of us kids to go see it with him. Of course, I was brainwashed as a kid into believing but during college I discovered the truth about the fairy tale...but my Dad didn't know it yet. So, I basically went to keep the peace.....years later it came to a head on a family beach vacation on a semi crowded beach....but that's another story. Anyways....I looked around the audience during the bloody torture scene and people had their rosaries out, praying, balling their eyes out....some groups of people were huddled, hands clasped, head bowed in prayer. Well I started silent laughing trying to hold it in.....and my sister who pretty much was agnostic in her beliefs at the time kept shooting me dirty looks like "shut the fk up!!" It was more like a laughter from being so uncomfortable than enjoyment. I just couldn't help it. Dad never said anything....maybe he didn't notice.

Now.....funniest comedy in a theater? For me, probably either 40 year old virgin or Team America: World Police. My cousin and I went to see Team America in Btown I think.....and when the song about freedom costing a buck o' five came on we lost it......and the puppet sex scene......comedy gold.
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Reactions: mike41703's not a comedy but a funny story. The Passion of the Christ......Dad (who is a staunch Catholic) demanded all of us kids to go see it with him. Of course, I was brainwashed as a kid into believing but during college I discovered the truth about the fairy tale...but my Dad didn't know it yet. So, I basically went to keep the peace.....years later it came to a head on a family beach vacation on a semi crowded beach....but that's another story. Anyways....I looked around the audience during the bloody torture scene and people had their rosaries out, praying, balling their eyes out....some groups of people were huddled, hands clasped, head bowed in prayer. Well I started silent laughing trying to hold it in.....and my sister who pretty much was agnostic in her beliefs at the time kept shooting me dirty looks like "shut the fk up!!" It was more like a laughter from being so uncomfortable than enjoyment. I just couldn't help it. Dad never said anything....maybe he didn't notice.

Now.....funniest comedy in a theater? For me, probably either 40 year old virgin or Team America: World Police. My cousin and I went to see Team America in Btown I think.....and when the song about freedom costing a buck o' five came on we lost it......and the puppet sex scene......comedy gold.

You'e so smart and cool. That story is hilarious. Especially on Good Friday.

BTW..I imagine your Dad noticed. He probably has a lot more respect for you (and probably felt sorry for you) than the respect you showed others in the movie theater you deemed yourself better than.
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You'e so smart and cool. That story is hilarious. Especially on Good Friday.

BTW..I imagine your Dad noticed. He probably has a lot more respect for you (and probably felt sorry for you) than the respect you showed others in the movie theater you deemed yourself better than.

Thanks man! ;)

Praise be!

some good ones on the list. Seconded for: Tommy Boy, Animal House, Hangover, Beverly Hills Cop, Raising Arizona and Something About Mary. Chevy Chase back in the day was funny, how about Fletch? Also, for a forgettable movie, there were scenes from Funny Farm that had me belly laughing. Another one not mentioned: Sideways.
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Raising Arizona
I forgot about that one!'s not a comedy but a funny story. The Passion of the Christ......Dad (who is a staunch Catholic) demanded all of us kids to go see it with him. Of course, I was brainwashed as a kid into believing but during college I discovered the truth about the fairy tale...but my Dad didn't know it yet. So, I basically went to keep the peace.....years later it came to a head on a family beach vacation on a semi crowded beach....but that's another story. Anyways....I looked around the audience during the bloody torture scene and people had their rosaries out, praying, balling their eyes out....some groups of people were huddled, hands clasped, head bowed in prayer. Well I started silent laughing trying to hold it in.....and my sister who pretty much was agnostic in her beliefs at the time kept shooting me dirty looks like "shut the fk up!!" It was more like a laughter from being so uncomfortable than enjoyment. I just couldn't help it. Dad never said anything....maybe he didn't notice.

Now.....funniest comedy in a theater? For me, probably either 40 year old virgin or Team America: World Police. My cousin and I went to see Team America in Btown I think.....and when the song about freedom costing a buck o' five came on we lost it......and the puppet sex scene......comedy gold.
Dude, why? It's funny watching someone get tortured? If it was truly laughter because of being uncomfortable, then maybe you just needed to grow up. It's no more funny than laughing watching Sophie's Choice or Schindler's List.
We can agree to disagree on the "fairy tale". You have no more proof of your opinion than I have of mine, but you should always respect others beliefs and not ridicule them. I guess the exception is if they're not showing you the same respect. Lastly, it was your Dad. There are plenty of guys on here that can share stories of their own father's shortcomings. REAL issues. Things that would truly undermine your respect for your dad. Taking you to a movie about the crucifixion isn't one of them. I'd hope that you wouldn't still act like that now.
I forgot about that one!

Dude, why? It's funny watching someone get tortured? If it was truly laughter because of being uncomfortable, then maybe you just needed to grow up. It's no more funny than laughing watching Sophie's Choice or Schindler's List.
We can agree to disagree on the "fairy tale". You have no more proof of your opinion than I have of mine, but you should always respect others beliefs and not ridicule them. I guess the exception is if they're not showing you the same respect. Lastly, it was your Dad. There are plenty of guys on here that can share stories of their own father's shortcomings. REAL issues. Things that would truly undermine your respect for your dad. Taking you to a movie about the crucifixion isn't one of them. I'd hope that you wouldn't still act like that now.

Because I can....and I will....


My Dad and I have a great loving relationship......he used to try to convert me back endlessly, constant phone calls, emails.....and I NEVER did that to him. I let him got to a point and we had a we're good and he's never brought it back up.

Ridiculous beliefs deserve to be ridiculed......if the belief cannot withstand such scrutiny.....then it is false and needs to be discarded.

Anyway doug.....lets get back to funny movies! :)
Super Troopers. I remember seeing a preview and thinking "could be funny". Took this chic i was dating at the time who was really skeptical. Needless to say we both nearly pissed ourselves and told everyone we knew about it afterwards. I have watched that movie over a 100 times sinces.

This - the surprise of it made it extra funny. I was in high school and saw it with a bunch of buddies, so that's my number one. Something About Mary might have been one if I were a couple years older when I first saw it.