Follow the $cience...

That's fine. Your funeral.

Tell your wife to state you were known as "Uncle Mark" to many so I know when to pour out a 40.

Stay in touch with Craig. If he says business has gone to shit, it's probably because the lost their best driver.[/QUOTE]
Very creditable I'm sure. Just a reminder, nowhere does it say the vaccines didn't save millions of people's lives worldwide. SMH, another vaccine conspiracy.

I never implied that. But the fact is, the vaccine didn't stop the virus, as Biden claimed.
People 12 and older who received the updated booster were 14.9 times less likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated people.

People 12 and older who received the updated booster were 14.9 times less likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated people.

I wasn't talking odds. That's your backpedaling.

More people died under Biden, even though he promised the vaccine would stop the virus.

It's OK to admit facts.
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I wasn't talking odds. That's your backpedaling.

More people died under Biden, even though he promised the vaccine would stop the virus.

It's OK to admit facts.
Well, that settles it. You're illiterate. Or you didn't read the linked article,
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Well, that settles it. You're illiterate. Or you didn't read the linked article,
Keep backpedaling. I don't need to read your article to know that more people died under Biden than Trump, even though the virus was available.
You don’t really still believe this do you
It's a failure of CDC and the Biden Administration that people still question the fact the that the vaccines worked as advertised. They didn't achieve their potential to limit the spread due to resistance, but the data showing that vaccinated people had better outcomes are documented by every state health department.
It's a failure of CDC and the Biden Administration that people still question the fact the that the vaccines worked as advertised. They didn't achieve their potential to limit the spread due to resistance, but the data showing that vaccinated people had better outcomes are documented by every state health department.
Yeah, I guess you do 🙄
It's a failure of CDC and the Biden Administration that people still question the fact the that the vaccines worked as advertised. They didn't achieve their potential to limit the spread due to resistance, but the data showing that vaccinated people had better outcomes are documented by every state health department.

The misinformation campaign won out. It preyed on people's fears, innumeracy, biases, and resentments, on a massive scale. Tough to overcome.
Which is why they went whole hog on dismissing Ivermectin. Some studies showed Ivermectin helped. Some showed it didn't. That's immaterial.

What is indisputable is that Ivermectin is extremely safe and that some doctors were prescribing it during the pandemic. So when then FDA pumps out "You are not a horse" bullshit, that is parroted by every major news outlet.

Yes, that likely because Ivermectin is a generic and there is no money in it.
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That article says these payments were coming from insurance companies.

Wouldn’t insurance companies have a large financial incentive to see their patients be healthy and not suffer from long and costly hospital stays?

What am I missing here? Seems like the financial incentives actually support that the vaccines worked and were the safest option, on average.
The misinformation campaign won out. It preyed on people's fears, innumeracy, biases, and resentments, on a massive scale. Tough to overcome.
We'll pay the price in the future. I'd probably have vaccine awareness campaigns come from a new agency (hopefully created with bipartisan support) at this point rather than CDC.
We'll pay the price in the future. I'd probably have vaccine awareness campaigns come from a new agency (hopefully created with bipartisan support) at this point rather than CDC.
More reason Fauci should have been fired for his “noble” lie about masks.

He helped harm CDC trust and you’re right, that has the potential to be a huge cost down the line.
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More reason Fauci should have been fired for his “noble” lie about masks.

He helped harm CDC trust and you’re right, that has the potential to be a huge cost down the line.
as well as the piece the nyt did highlighting all of the negligence found at the cdc. dirty labs. antiquated test kits that didn't work. etc. i think bawlmer is right
More reason Fauci should have been fired for his “noble” lie about masks.

He helped harm CDC trust and you’re right, that has the potential to be a huge cost down the line.
Biden definitely should have replaced him. Aside from the intentionally misleading guidance that masks wouldn't help (which put me and my family at risk on a long flight), he was too controversial to lead a public health campaign. Much of it wasn't his fault, but a new face was needed.
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Biden definitely should have replaced him. Aside from the intentionally misleading guidance that masks wouldn't help (which put me and my family at risk on a long flight), he was too controversial to lead a public health campaign. Much of it wasn't his fault, but a new face was needed.
Trump should have replaced him and taken the heat from the Dems who would have tried to crucify him for it.

Paul was less than truthful about more than just masking:


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