Joe Biden is the WOAT

Very fair point on GWB
That is kind of a Trump point though isn't it? More MAGA than typical conservative viewpoint up to Trump.

Which honestly is what gets confusing because I think quite a few more people would be Trumpian if you took what he did and wrapped it around a guy like Mitch Daniels.
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That is kind of a Trump point though isn't it? More MAGA than typical conservative viewpoint up to Trump.

Which honestly is what gets confusing because I think quite a few more people would be Trumpian if you took what he did and wrapped it around a guy like Mitch Daniels.
believe me i'd take gwb over biden in a heartbeat. i'd take any random at target in a pin the tail on the next donkey over biden and harris. for me no duo compares to those two in the modern era for worthlessness. but yes it is definitely a maga viewpoint and reflects the intra division in the party. i'm far more trump than bush. how that gets reconciled in the party moving forward is lost on me
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I don't think you can lay that all at his feet though. 9/11 kind of forced his hand on quite a bit of that. I don't believe Bush was worse than Joe.
Our dead in Iraq approximates our dead in Afghanistan. And we went in with no end state in mind and no exit plan. It was abjectly terrible.

Good leaders know this ahead of time. Not fake Air National Guard pilots that fly around on the weekends while owning a baseball team.
Good leaders know this ahead of time. Not fake Air National Guard pilots that fly around on the weekends while owning a baseball team.
I know you probably have some personal issues with things but that is a pretty cheap shot.

ETA: We haven't had an exit strategy on anything since Desert Storm. The issues people are taking with Israel right now are exactly why. Nobody in the modern era is willing to accept the unequal death and destruction we are able to inflict on our enemies. So we would send you all out with one hand tied behind your back and the other strapped to your side at the elbow. And even at that we still could beat the tar out of our opponents.

For me, I am not interested in nation building anymore. The wars I would support would be Israel on steroids. We are here to eliminate those who attacked us (hypothetically) whatever is left when we get done is your problem. Short of that it isn't worth it.
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I know you probably have some personal issues with things but that is a pretty cheap shot.

ETA: We haven't had an exit strategy on anything since Desert Storm. The issues people are taking with Israel right now are exactly why. Nobody in the modern era is willing to accept the unequal death and destruction we are able to inflict on our enemies. So we would send you all out with one hand tied behind your back and the other strapped to your side at the elbow. And even at that we still could beat the tar out of our opponents.

For me, I am not interested in nation building anymore. The wars I would support would be Israel on steroids. We are here to eliminate those who attacked us (hypothetically) whatever is left when we get done is your problem. Short of that it isn't worth it.
It’s not a cheap shot. A colonel in any armed forces branch should know military strategy and not rush us into endless conflicts. Destroy Al Qaeda - get the **** out. Don’t invade Iraq and if you do don’t dismantle the military.

Mistake after mistake after mistake. It all stops with him. A colonel should know better - but he doesn’t because he was just a pretend colonel.
A little re pre pandemic
Maybe people expect credit card debt forgiveness. 🤣

Seriously, though, total dollars of anything over time doesn't tell much. Pct of household income in cc debt would be better measure. And I suspect it's rising.
Maybe people expect credit card debt forgiveness. 🤣

Seriously, though, total dollars of anything over time doesn't tell much. Pct of household income in cc debt would be better measure. And I suspect it's rising.
There has to be some way to fill the gap between old prices and new. Extra gig. Cut back. Deplete/reduce savings. Or cc
I think most moderates would agree with this. The problem is, is he so objectionable as a candidate/person that they won’t vote for him anyway?
Not sure. The libs keep telling me what a disgusting human being he is. Probably took naked showers with Ivanka when she was little. Oh wait.

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Maybe people expect credit card debt forgiveness. 🤣

Seriously, though, total dollars of anything over time doesn't tell much. Pct of household income in cc debt would be better measure. And I suspect it's rising.
Credit card debt forgiveness would actually be less regressive than student loan forgiveness.
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It’s not a cheap shot. A colonel in any armed forces branch should know military strategy and not rush us into endless conflicts. Destroy Al Qaeda - get the **** out. Don’t invade Iraq and if you do don’t dismantle the military.

Never should have made the Taliban the enemy. Tell them if they weren't going to cooperate, then just stay out of the way while we took care of business.
It’s not a cheap shot. A colonel in any armed forces branch should know military strategy and not rush us into endless conflicts. Destroy Al Qaeda - get the **** out. Don’t invade Iraq and if you do don’t dismantle the military.

Mistake after mistake after mistake. It all stops with him. A colonel should know better - but he doesn’t because he was just a pretend colonel.
That is still a cheap ass shot. There is a whole host of military people that were involved in the planning of that along with military men turned civilian advisors like Powell. Should he have known better? I suppose, but there are a metric ****-ton of people who made mistakes on what they supported or advised at that same time and a whole host of people who drew up those plans that they thought were great until they weren't.

Hind sight is 20/20.
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Never should have made the Taliban the enemy. Tell them if they weren't going to cooperate, then just stay out of the way while we took care of business.
We in effect did. We asked them to hand him over and they told us to f--- off because their culture demanded protecting a guest.

They were telling us to **** off the very day of the attack.
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We in effect did. We asked them to hand him over and they told us to f--- off because their culture demanded protecting a guest.

They were telling us to **** off the very day of the attack.
Doesn't matter. We should have just paid them no mind. They were not our enemy.
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Doesn't matter. We should have just paid them no mind. They were not our enemy.
Respectfully, you live in an alternate universe with magic weapons if you think it was going to be possible to invade Afghanistan and drop bombs on Al Qaeda and just pay the Taliban no mind. They had a bit of say in that too...not to mention that Al Qaeda was pretty much embedded with them in many cases as well.
It’s not a cheap shot. A colonel in any armed forces branch should know military strategy and not rush us into endless conflicts. Destroy Al Qaeda - get the **** out. Don’t invade Iraq and if you do don’t dismantle the military.

Mistake after mistake after mistake. It all stops with him. A colonel should know better - but he doesn’t because he was just a pretend colonel.
I don't think you have to be a colonel to know that. And he wasn't the only one. The whole wing of Bush's GOP wanted to go in, didn't they?

That said, given the cost and the benefit, it was the biggest blunder in US foreign policy since . . . Vietnam?
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I don't think you have to be a colonel to know that. And he wasn't the only one. The whole wing of Bush's GOP wanted to go in, didn't they?

That said, given the cost and the benefit, it was the biggest blunder in US foreign policy since . . . Vietnam?
Iraq was a mistake. Going into Afghanistan wasn't. The mistake there was not packing up and leaving those people the day after Bin Laden was sent to hell to get ****ed in the ass by 70 virgin goats.
Respectfully, you live in an alternate universe with magic weapons if you think it was going to be possible to invade Afghanistan and drop bombs on Al Qaeda and just pay the Taliban no mind. They had a bit of say in that too...not to mention that Al Qaeda was pretty much embedded with them in many cases as well.
Yeah, that doesn't make sense.
Iraq was a mistake. Going into Afghanistan wasn't. The mistake there was not packing up and leaving those people the day after Bin Laden was sent to hell to get ****ed in the ass by 70 virgin goats.
I agree.

I wonder, though: would colonialism have helped the Middle East?
I don't think you have to be a colonel to know that. And he wasn't the only one. The whole wing of Bush's GOP wanted to go in, didn't they?

That said, given the cost and the benefit, it was the biggest blunder in US foreign policy since . . . Vietnam?
Here's a question: on the list of biggest American foreign policy blunders, are any of them "Didn't go to war in X?"
I don't think you have to be a colonel to know that. And he wasn't the only one. The whole wing of Bush's GOP wanted to go in, didn't they?

That said, given the cost and the benefit, it was the biggest blunder in US foreign policy since . . . Vietnam?
I think it was worse to be honest. Vietnam’s cost, while tragic, was minimized to that country and sentiment at home. The damage we caused in the volatile-but-necessary Middle East is more costly.
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That is still a cheap ass shot. There is a whole host of military people that were involved in the planning of that along with military men turned civilian advisors like Powell. Should he have known better? I suppose, but there are a metric ****-ton of people who made mistakes on what they supported or advised at that same time and a whole host of people who drew up those plans that they thought were great until they weren't.

Hind sight is 20/20.
Bullshit. Where does the buck stop?

One can gyrate into giving one a pass if they don’t understand war and the costs of war. An Air Force colonel should understand the cost of war and he very much did not. He does now.
Iraq was a mistake. Going into Afghanistan wasn't. The mistake there was not packing up and leaving those people the day after Bin Laden was sent to hell to get ****ed in the ass by 70 virgin goats.
The mistake was not obliterating AQ and getting out. Being in Afghanistan forever and a day didn’t help find Bin Laden. That was done the old school way.
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Bullshit. Where does the buck stop?

One can gyrate into giving one a pass if they don’t understand war and the costs of war. An Air Force colonel should understand the cost of war and very much did not. He does now.
Nah, that is bullshit too.

You can understand all of that and weighed what you thought were positives and negatives at the time and still end up having made the wrong decision.
The mistake was not obliterating AQ and getting out. Being in Afghanistan forever and a day didn’t help find Bin Laden. That was done the old school way.
I can agree with some of that but you and I both know damn well that the only way you were "obliterating AQ" was going to end up with the type of video that gets people all out of sorts these days. (See Gaza) Those dudes looked like civilians and lived with their families in their little terror camps. We had people complaining about what we did do.

Disagree on what got Bin Laden as well. We got him by using information from Guantanamo detainees to identify and track his courier. We don't have that intelligence opportunity without being in country to pick them up. We then did an unsanctioned raid in an "ally" country that would have been much harder to pull off without people in the area.
I can agree with some of that but you and I both know damn well that the only way you were "obliterating AQ" was going to end up with the type of video that gets people all out of sorts these days. (See Gaza) Those dudes looked like civilians and lived with their families in their little terror camps. We had people complaining about what we did do.

Disagree on what got Bin Laden as well. We got him by using information from Guantanamo detainees to identify and track his courier. We don't have that intelligence opportunity without being in country to pick them up. We then did an unsanctioned raid in an "ally" country that would have been much harder to pull off without people in the area.
None of that is true. We didn’t need to have a huge force on the ground to piece together the case. Nothing that happened couldn’t have happened with targeted SF incursions into the fray.

Sorry, we’ll never agree on this. Bush was a catastrophe. He fell victim to the military industrial complex and his decisions will not be honored by history and will appear treasonous centuries from now. You’re tilting at windmills and refusing to see what’s obvious.
And of course Covid played a role but his progressive agenda was unrelated to Covid. The left’s absurdly draconian response to Covid exacerbated home prices etc with its impact on commercial real estate remote work etc but Biden is simply an unmitigated disaster. The thought of reelection is mind boggling
Hell, the way the government was handing out money and making sure employers paid workers, why did anyone have to go into debt? Inflation, ok, but CC debt shouldn't have gone up that much.

All that talk about loan forgiveness - people probably figured Joe would write off their debt.
None of that is true. We didn’t need to have a huge force on the ground to piece together the case. Nothing that happened couldn’t have happened with targeted SF incursions into the fray.

Sorry, we’ll never agree on this. Bush was a catastrophe. He fell victim to the military industrial complex and his decisions will not be honored by history and will appear treasonous centuries from now. You’re tilting at windmills and refusing to see what’s obvious.
Treasonous? Come on man. You are right though, we aren't going to agree on this.
I know you probably have some personal issues with things but that is a pretty cheap shot.

ETA: We haven't had an exit strategy on anything since Desert Storm. The issues people are taking with Israel right now are exactly why. Nobody in the modern era is willing to accept the unequal death and destruction we are able to inflict on our enemies. So we would send you all out with one hand tied behind your back and the other strapped to your side at the elbow. And even at that we still could beat the tar out of our opponents.

For me, I am not interested in nation building anymore. The wars I would support would be Israel on steroids. We are here to eliminate those who attacked us (hypothetically) whatever is left when we get done is your problem. Short of that it isn't worth it.
Nation building gets a bad name, but it worked pretty well for Japan and Western Europe after WWII.

I believe it would have worked in Afghanistan if we'd stayed there, with minimum forces, as long as we have in Japan and Europe. It takes generations to change and we stayed barely 1 generation in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As a nation, we are hot for action and then lose interest when the next thing comes along. And that's due to piss poor political leadership. We don't have leaders any more - we have opportunists.

After seeing how Trump, an outsider, is treated in DC, why would any successful outside person - a real leader - want an elected position today?
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Treasonous? Come on man. You are right though, we aren't going to agree on this.
I'm not sure how old either of you guys are, but the US was out for blood after 9/11 and Iraq was the perfect boogeyman. They had the evil Hitler-like leader and were bullying their neighbors. And Saddam tricked everyone into thinking he had WMDs because he didn't think anyone would invade if they thought he had them.

It was a perfect storm for military action and it's easy to second-guess today.

And our casualties in both Afghanistan and Iraq, while tragic, were nowhere near the scale of our past military forays.
Never should have made the Taliban the enemy. Tell them if they weren't going to cooperate, then just stay out of the way while we took care of business.
We tried that. Told them to turn over bin Laden and AQ and we wouldn't invade.

They refused. That's entirely on them. They knew they were harboring terrorists - mainly because they are terrorists themselves.
I think it was worse to be honest. Vietnam’s cost, while tragic, was minimized to that country and sentiment at home. The damage we caused in the volatile-but-necessary Middle East is more costly.
Explain that logic to the 58k KIA families.

Iraq and Afghanistan US casualties was minimal and did nothing to make our reputation in the ME any worse than it already was.

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