Fife's firing was poorly handled and may not be forgotten

Wait a second -- above you posted at least twice that you were assuming what was said about Fife was true.

Now you're saying "a coach contemplating hiring Dane would call his previous coach and ask some tough questions." Why would the hirer do that when you said above we could just assume everything said about him was true?
My big toe doesn’t look like that. Although it does look a bit strange as I had a crush fracture as a result of a disagreement I had with a very large tree limb that I was chainsawing a few years back. I lost that fight to the tune of an ER visit.
This isn’t a watergate investigation. And the allegations were not vague. Telling recruits, AAU coaches that the head coach isn’t going to b around long and I’m taking over is not vague. Not returning critical calls such that the head coach has to b called and ask if Fife could return his calls. Bringing politics into the locker room and told to cease but saying he would do so anyway and continued. I would imagine the players brought that to Woodys attention because some may not like what he’s pushing. They r there to play bb. If Dane wants to impart his political views then he should teach a poly science course at the university. Again not vague. A story like this isn’t going to get police investigation like detail. I would suspect more will come out down the road. For now you will have to accept that the head coach made a coaching decision that he thought was best to get the program moving in the right direction. As boss that’s his call. And as had been said before. If this was anyone other than Dane Fife all anyone would have been asking is who’s his replacement and can he recruit?
Here's how to tell your allegations against Fife are vague just from reading your own posts

You posted above that Fife should just go to court and sue if he disagrees.

OK, then, just exactly whom should Fife call a liar and just exactly whom should Fife claim is not lying but still is mistaken, wrong, erroneous etc.? Your posts don't identify any of them.

Above all, what the hell were you thinking when you posted in your Post No. 179 above that Fife had commited any act comparable to that coworker of yours that you claim committed a crime??
Maybe they should call fatjohns who is throwing out all these allegations some are taking as gospel. I guess there is no need for proof anymore just throw out anything and watch it stick. I sill have yet to see hard proof of any of this other than from fatjohns. Like I said Dane will get a job and sooner rather than later.

I do not likje Rabjohns and never have. Most of the crap he says is bs for clicks or by the time he says something accurate it has already been stated by others and he is just repeating it. He just cherry picks info from others and uses it. I have never believed hardly anything he says why would I now. They probably went to him because they knew he would blab it no questions asked period. No sources needed, etc.
Not saying everything Rabjohns say is accurate. However, has Fife filed a lawsuit or threatened one for slander or defamation? He’s pretty mum on the whole thing. I’d b screaming as loud as I could if someone is destroying my replans my ability to get another job in my chosen profession.
My big toe doesn’t look like that. Although it does look a bit strange as I had a crush fracture as a result of a disagreement I had with a very large tree limb that I was chainsawing a few years back. I lost that fight to the tune of an ER visit.
Now, you're just playing dodgeball to avoid answering what I asked:

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Here's how to tell your allegations against Fife are vague just from reading your own posts

You posted above that Fife should just go to court and sue if he disagrees.

OK, then, just exactly whom should Fife call a liar and just exactly whom should Fife claim is not lying but still is mistaken, wrong, erroneous etc.? Your posts don't identify any of them.

Above all, what the hell were you thinking when you posted in your Post No. 179 above that Fife had commited any act comparable to that coworker of yours that you claim committed a crime??
Didn’t claim Fife committed a crime. Sorry to u if u thought I was implying that. I was just relating the full story of my personal dirtbag and that in the end I was correct in my assessment of said dirtbag. Yeah going to court is not vague but pretty specific. He can sue Rabjohns of course since he’s the one reporting it. Didn’t know u weren’t Davy enough to figure out that u sue the one who said it. My bad. Sarcasm.
Didn’t claim Fife committed a crime. Sorry to u if u thought I was implying that. I was just relating the full story of my personal dirtbag and that in the end I was correct in my assessment of said dirtbag. Yeah going to court is not vague but pretty specific. He can sue Rabjohns of course since he’s the one reporting it. Didn’t know u weren’t Davy enough to figure out that u sue the one who said it. My bad. Sarcasm.
This isn’t a watergate investigation. And the allegations were not vague. Telling recruits, AAU coaches that the head coach isn’t going to b around long and I’m taking over is not vague. Not returning critical calls such that the head coach has to b called and ask if Fife could return his calls. Bringing politics into the locker room and told to cease but saying he would do so anyway and continued. I would imagine the players brought that to Woodys attention because some may not like what he’s pushing. They r there to play bb. If Dane wants to impart his political views then he should teach a poly science course at the university. Again not vague. A story like this isn’t going to get police investigation like detail. I would suspect more will come out down the road. For now you will have to accept that the head coach made a coaching decision that he thought was best to get the program moving in the right direction. As boss that’s his call. And as had been said before. If this was anyone other than Dane Fife all anyone would have been asking is who’s his replacement and can he recruit?

"Telling recruits, AAU coaches that the head coach isn’t going to b around long and I’m taking over is not vague. Not returning critical calls such that the head coach has to b called and ask if Fife could return his calls."

first i'm hearing of these specifics.

as for telling recruits Woody wouldn't be around long and Dane would be head coach relatively soon, (within said recruits 4 yrs of eligibility), whether that is appropriate, more so "obligatory", depends 100% on the accuracy of the statement.

as for "political views", that has a wide range of possibilities.

with the whole "politics" thing, are people dancing around the idea that DF was preaching to players/recruits that Trump actually won the election?

personally, i have zero problem with the discussion of politics between a coach and player, as long as said discussion is welcomed by the player.

if were talking Q level stuff, that's a different story.
Not saying everything Rabjohns say is accurate. However, has Fife filed a lawsuit or threatened one for slander or defamation? He’s pretty mum on the whole thing. I’d b screaming as loud as I could if someone is destroying my replans my ability to get another job in my chosen profession.
This literally just happened to you expect the lawsuit filed in less than a week? So you would just start screaming days after even though your lawyers would be telling you to keep quiet while they build a lawsuit. Good to know. I am no lawyer but I think it takes a bit more time than that especially if Fife wants to have witnesses you need to interview them for the lawsuit. I get some want Fife guilty as charged but the problem is too many people believe almost anything they hear on twitter these days fake news or real news. GIve it time you may see a lawsuit in the next few months and honestly would not make me sad so see rabjohns get sued. But I get it you seem to think Fife is guilty of all allegations so our conversation is kind of a waste of time.
Didn’t claim Fife committed a crime. Sorry to u if u thought I was implying that. I was just relating the full story of my personal dirtbag and that in the end I was correct in my assessment of said dirtbag. Yeah going to court is not vague but pretty specific. He can sue Rabjohns of course since he’s the one reporting it. Didn’t know u weren’t Davy enough to figure out that u sue the one who said it. My bad. Sarcasm.
You seem to think he did is my impression on you is guilty as charged until proven innocent
Didn’t claim Fife committed a crime. Sorry to u if u thought I was implying that. I was just relating the full story of my personal dirtbag and that in the end I was correct in my assessment of said dirtbag. Yeah going to court is not vague but pretty specific. He can sue Rabjohns of course since he’s the one reporting it. Didn’t know u weren’t Davy enough to figure out that u sue the one who said it. My bad. Sarcasm.
Actually, in your Post No. 179 above, you pretty much did that. In responding, you even admitted you implied that.

You foolishly said without any proof that Fife's situation was like your coworker you accused of committing a crime.

You really ought to edit or delete your Post No. 179. It doesn't matter that you don't understand why.
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Here's how to tell your allegations against Fife are vague just from reading your own posts

You posted above that Fife should just go to court and sue if he disagrees.

OK, then, just exactly whom should Fife call a liar and just exactly whom should Fife claim is not lying but still is mistaken, wrong, erroneous etc.? Your posts don't identify any of them.

Above all, what the hell were you thinking when you posted in your Post No. 179 above that Fife had commited any act comparable to that coworker of yours that you claim committed a crime??
He wants Fife to be guilty that is pretty obvious he clearly has something against him.
You seem to think he did is my impression on you is guilty as charged until proven innocent
Isn’t that the American system no matter what we proclaim? I just don’t think Woody fires a legacy unless something egregious occurred. U can disagree and I’ll respect that.
Actually, in your Post No. 179 above, you pretty much did that. In responding, you even admitted you implied that.

You foolishly said without any proof that Fife's situation was like your coworker you accused of committing a crime.

You really ought to edit or delete your Post No. 179. It doesn't matter that you don't understand why.
I’m not editing or deleting it so get over it. I just explained it to u. If you’re too dense to understand then just put me on ignore. I could care less.
If we assume and I repeat assume what has been written is true, do u really Fife is hirable at this stage? What coach is going to want an assistant who thinks he’d b a better head coach than the guy who hired him. And what coach at a high major wants an assistant who tells recruits that he doesn’t like NIL? NIL is exactly what the top players and their families r looking for. Again just assuming this is all true. As I have said in previous posts, if this is true and I say if, then Fife is radioactive and no one with half a brain wants to b exposed to radioactivity.
If it is true then Dane will need to explain a lot during his next interview. People learn and change.
If it is true then Dane will need to explain a lot during his next interview. People learn and change.
We can only hope so. I know I have made tons of mistakes and I’d like to think I’ve learned from most of them. But I’m a little stubborn so I do have a tendency to sometimes screw up again. As I’ve said in previous posts, if this stuff is true most big time coaches will have issues with hiring someone that displayed this type of behavior. I know most of us would b a bit hesitant if we were honest and put the partiality aside. If Woody gets this thing going in the right direction no one will think twice about this in the future. So let’s hope for that.
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He wants Fife to be guilty that is pretty obvious he clearly has something against him.
I’d like nothing better than for all of this to not b true. Have nothing against Fife. Wish him nothing but success as I did when I went to his first game coaching at IPFW. Again for the hundredth time. If it was anyone else on the staff no one would give a rats ass. And don’t pretend that it’s not so. With some folks it’s much like the Bob Knoght thing. No matter how bad his behavior was as long as he was winning he didn’t deserve to b fired. And Myles Brand was the devil incarnate.
Not saying everything Rabjohns say is accurate. However, has Fife filed a lawsuit or threatened one for slander or defamation? He’s pretty mum on the whole thing. I’d b screaming as loud as I could if someone is destroying my replans my ability to get another job in my chosen profession.
If Fife filed a lawsuit his future as a Power six coach would be over.
I dont think anyone here has an issue with Woodson not thinking Fife was a fit and then letting him go. It was the way he let him go. It could have been communicated much more professionally being that Fife is an Indiana legend.
If Fife is a legend, we must have about 200 of them. Don't read that wrong - I admired the hard work and effort he put into his senior year, but hardly a legend.
Agreed. And that’s why he didn’t act this way with Izzo.
I certainly didn't like the way Dakich handled it today. He said the fathers of current IU players and prospective IU players need to approach Mike Woodson and ask him whether he will throw their sons under the bus if they are not playing well. That's the last thing we need is for Dakich to publicly question Woodson's integrity.
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If Fife is a legend, we must have about 200 of them. Don't read that wrong - I admired the hard work and effort he put into his senior year, but hardly a legend.
He's borderline legend. Certainly one of the best defenders we've ever seen at IU
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I certainly didn't like the way Dakich handled it today. He said the fathers of current IU players and prospective IU players need to approach Mike Woodson and ask him whether he will throw their sons under the bus if they are not playing well. That's the last thing we need is for Dakich to publicly question Woodson's integrity.
Well isn’t that just like Dakich the turd. Did Woody ever throw any player under the bus this year when they weren’t playing well? I don’t remember it if he did. And there were plenty examples of guys playing like crap. So again Dakich just running his mouth. Why anyone listens to him is beyond me. He’s a grade ahole!
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If Fife is a legend, we must have about 200 of them. Don't read that wrong - I admired the hard work and effort he put into his senior year, but hardly a legend.
Agreed. Hard nosed and tough yes. But we’ve had a lot of those over the years.
"If", again.

I'd really like to see someone depose you about your allegations.

Repeating the slander is just more slander. Right, mods?
You’re only liable if it’s proven that the allegations r false. Has Fife filed suit against anyone smart ass? Didn’t think so. Maybe u could volunteer to b his legal counsel. Love to have the town idiot depose me. And by the way, they aren’t my allegations. Rabby put them out there. And if there is the slightest bit of truth your suit goes out the window. Again as I have clearly stated they r allegations and I’m assuming that where there’s smoke there’s likely some fire as well. What will u say if the allegations r absolutely verified. Will u still b kissing Danes behind? I’d bet so. U seem to b a cult worshiper.
And I certainly don’t care what u think of me or my opinion. Just as I could care less about yours. As a famous comedian once said u can’t fix stupid. I’m done arguing with u on this.
No, not really.

First I’m not black nor am I filing suit against the NFL. I c the NFL responded by saying the allegations r merit less. Anyone from the Fife camp say the allegations reported r merit less? Didn’t think so. But keep trying. I’m calling a truce cause I’m sick of this pointless discussion. If u want to persist then u can just pretend to fight with me or find someone else who is slandering Fife. Try Rabjohns.
Well isn’t that just like Dakich the turd. Did Woody ever throw any player under the bus this year when they weren’t playing well? I don’t remember it if he did. And there were plenty examples of guys playing like crap. So again Dakich just running his mouth. Why anyone listens to him is beyond me. He’s a grade ahole!
Dakich is thin skinned, immature, and vindictive. He is never getting over how he perceives he was mistreated by IU.
The good news is that he totally blew his TV gigs. And those aren’t coming back. He has limited reach with no ability to grow it because he is toxic. To us, it seems like he has influence because we follow IU bball closely. He really doesn’t.
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Dakich is thin skinned, immature, and vindictive. He is never getting over how he perceives he was mistreated by IU.
The good news is that he totally blew his TV gigs. And those aren’t coming back. He has limited reach with no ability to grow it because he is toxic. To us, it seems like he has influence because we follow IU bball closely. He really doesn’t.
Six or seven years ago when I traveled weekly to the Indianapolis area I used to sometimes enjoy listening to him especially when he had interesting guests. Now all he seems to want to do is trash talk anything and everything IU.
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I certainly didn't like the way Dakich handled it today. He said the fathers of current IU players and prospective IU players need to approach Mike Woodson and ask him whether he will throw their sons under the bus if they are not playing well. That's the last thing we need is for Dakich to publicly question Woodson's integrity.
I certainly hope recruits and their families don’t pay any attention to Dakich. No one else does.
OMG! do you ever go back and read the crap you post? We aren't teachers but regardless we know you aren't fit to be one. Hey, do you rent yourself out as a clown on summer vacation? I have a party coming up and we were looking for one.
Like the clown that hides in the sewer waiting to pull some little kid into the filth?
Better to go with a funny clown rather than an angry clown. Look elsewhere.
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This literally just happened to you expect the lawsuit filed in less than a week? So you would just start screaming days after even though your lawyers would be telling you to keep quiet while they build a lawsuit. Good to know. I am no lawyer but I think it takes a bit more time than that especially if Fife wants to have witnesses you need to interview them for the lawsuit. I get some want Fife guilty as charged but the problem is too many people believe almost anything they hear on twitter these days fake news or real news. GIve it time you may see a lawsuit in the next few months and honestly would not make me sad so see rabjohns get sued. But I get it you seem to think Fife is guilty of all allegations so our conversation is kind of a waste of time.
doubtful there's any lawsuit if he is getting a severance. I don't think they were under any obligation to pay him, unless it was addressed in his hiring contract, so you can bet the severance agreement included wording that he had no legal claims against IU and wouldn't be part of any lawsuit undertaken, unless compelled by a court.
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Didn’t claim Fife committed a crime. Sorry to u if u thought I was implying that. I was just relating the full story of my personal dirtbag and that in the end I was correct in my assessment of said dirtbag. Yeah going to court is not vague but pretty specific. He can sue Rabjohns of course since he’s the one reporting it. Didn’t know u weren’t Davy enough to figure out that u sue the one who said it. My bad. Sarcasm.
He can sue yet has zero chance of winning even if everything was untrue.

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