Fife's firing was poorly handled and may not be forgotten

Paranoid whack-job? I doubt it.


fwiw Liberals have nothing to do with basketball ...

The correct reply to his post is: "please keep your hillbilly conspiracy BS off the basketball board or STFU" ...

I swear to God it's the only thing the slack jawed whack jobs want to talk about. Every conversation their paranoid conspiracies and tribal affiliation just have to be mentioned.. F**king tired boring ass shit ..

And dumber, You sure love to post your opinions,yet you think others don't have a right to theirs . Nothing like the opinion of a slack jawed, dumba**, bigot telling others his opinion is that they don't have a right to theirs.
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How do you know Rabby is a HUGE liberal?? I’ve never heard him discuss politics at all.
Look at his twitter feed in the past
Especially around the blm anti cop stuff two years ago he took every possible left wing position possible. Posted all kinds of stuff dont recall if he came straight out ad anti cop but was pretty close. I dont make crap up.

He isnt the only one several other iu beat writers have done the same. Use their actual twitter feed to preach politics. You think they could get a seperate account for that.
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Look at his twitter feed in the past
Especially around the blm anti cop stuff two years ago he took every possible left wing position possible. Posted all kinds of stuff dont recall if he came straight out ad anti cop but was pretty close. I dont make crap up.
Yeah no one makes 💩 up.
Borderline legend? Lol! He’s not even smelling the top 50 players to ever play at IU. Man has this thread far exceeded the expire date.
You think the all time leader in steals for Indiana basketball isn't smelling the top 50 ever to play at IU?
that is probably the worst list I have ever seen!
I've shared two lists where he was top 50. I was responding to the suggestion that its silly and somehow indicative of the ignorance of the posters here, to suggest that Fife is borderline legend status. You can disagree with lists all you want (none are perfect) but they both appropriately put the all time Indiana leader for steals (Dane Fife) among the top players to ever play at IU.

And the silly thing is - you can acknowledge he was an all time great without saying anything about his firing from IU. It's ok.
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then take a look at the other one I posted from the IndyStar. Fife was 42nd.
I love Fife! I always thought he was way undervalued by fans, before he found his shooting stroke. During his time at IU, the team was better when he was on the floor whether he scored or not. Thankfully, he put it together as a senior and left no doubt.

I have no idea where Dane should rank, but he's among my all-time favorite players. So I'm right there with ya in defending his place among great IU players. That one list was fubar though!
You think the all time leader in steals for Indiana basketball isn't smelling the top 50 ever to play at IU?
Yes. If Zeek, Quinn or Wilkerson had played 4 years one of them probably would have had that one. Fife was a good player but please, let’s not exaggerate here. He’s not even among our 10 best guards, and not close.
Yes. If Zeek, Quinn or Wilkerson had played 4 years one of them probably would have had that one. Fife was a good player but please, let’s not exaggerate here. He’s not even among our 10 best guards, and not close.
I think this got started because you were rejecting the notion that Dane was an IU "Legend". I suppose it depends on how you define legendary status. I don't think AJ Moye would be in many Top 50's, but I would argue that he is an IU legend because of one game/play.

It may not be long lasting status, but people bring up Moye all the time. That 2002 team is kind of like IU Basketball's version of the Rose Bowl team. People love a Cinderella run in the tourney anyway and when you add in the context of the Knight firing, that 2002 run was one for the ages. In my opinion, Fife had legendary status whether one rates him in the Top 50 or not. The firing probably tarnishes it for some, but not for all.
I think this got started because you were rejecting the notion that Dane was an IU "Legend". I suppose it depends on how you define legendary status. I don't think AJ Moye would be in many Top 50's, but I would argue that he is an IU legend because of one game/play.

It may not be long lasting status, but people bring up Moye all the time. That 2002 team is kind of like IU Basketball's version of the Rose Bowl team. People love a Cinderella run in the tourney anyway and when you add in the context of the Knight firing, that 2002 run was one for the ages. In my opinion, Fife had legendary status whether one rates him in the Top 50 or not. The firing probably tarnishes it for some, but not for all.
This is a pretty cool take. Thanks. I don’t agree with some things, but respect it. Moye’s play was “legendary” in IU lore for sure. But personally I’ll reserve legendary status for much more significant stuff. (I know this discussion is basically ludicrous in the grander scheme of things, but still interesting.)
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Journalism is one step above prostitution” -Bob Knight (The Ohio State Legend)

Hmnmm Rabby does his slimy hit piece and suddenly he has access. I guess it is just random lol. Pretty obvious he will do anything access and he is the go to guy now for smears. I think he is a total slimeball. I am sure he is proud of himself though! We can just refer to him as the " hit man" from now on. Charity Golf Outing Set for May 20 at The Pfau Course with Mike Woodson as speaker​

ByMIKE PEGRAM Mar 24, 7:08 AM
This is a pretty cool take. Thanks. I don’t agree with some things, but respect it. Moye’s play was “legendary” in IU lore for sure. But personally I’ll reserve legendary status for much more significant stuff. (I know this discussion is basically ludicrous in the grander scheme of things, but still interesting.)
Ironically, Fife was nearly an all-time goat (the Bill Buckner kind not Tom Brady) for a singular play in the very same game.... sports
Journalism is one step above prostitution” -Bob Knight (The Ohio State Legend)

Hmnmm Rabby does his slimy hit piece and suddenly he has access. I guess it is just random lol. Pretty obvious he will do anything access and he is the go to guy now for smears. I think he is a total slimeball. I am sure he is proud of himself though! We can just refer to him as the " hit man" from now on. Charity Golf Outing Set for May 20 at The Pfau Course with Mike Woodson as speaker​

ByMIKE PEGRAM Mar 24, 7:08 AM
This event and the people involved including Rjohns was set months ago. See you there?
That is a fact the Fife haters will not want to see. He is enemy number one to them thanks to fatjohns.
Mrs. Fife, absolutely no one on here hates Fife. Quit inventing drama that simply isn't there.

Woodson has the right to decide his staff. You have already signaled you will be eagerly waiting for him to fail.

Maybe when Fife lands at a new school you can move to that forum.
People still overreacting to this is very funny.

First, it wasn't a harsh firing or statement. Fife gets a $375K severance and the statement was very mild and specifically stated Dane remained a member of the IU family. I honestly don't even get the idea that there was anything harsh about it. When a person is let go many times there is no statement at all or in the case for those that I've separated from the Navy they sure didn't get a nice going away statement like that to go with the discharge of whatever flavor we gave them. In my civilian life I once saw a guy get fired with this statement, "go home sumbitch, I don't need your ass no more" and that is almost an exact quote (it's been 35 years for that one). Now that we a little harsh. ;)

Second, there's no evidence of an orchestrated sliming of Dane by anyone, and certainly not by Woodson, his staff, or the university. A reporter reporting what he's heard around the program is only a reporter doing his job as he feels he should do it. Whether any of us like the reporter(s) or not is irrelevant.

Third, very few people consider Dane is "enemy number one" or anything of the sort. That group of people seems to be mostly a few people on this board. 90 percent or more, including me, still think of Dane as one of our favorite former players, appreciate his time as coach of last year's team and wish him well.

I don't know how much longer the whiners will whine about Coach Woodson letting Coach Fife go, but I'll leave you to it.
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People still overreacting to this is very funny.

First, it wasn't a harsh firing or statement. Fife gets a $375K severance and the statement was very mild and specifically stated Dane remained a member of the IU family. I honestly don't even get the idea that there was anything harsh about it. When a person is let go many times there is no statement at all or in the case for those that I've separated from the Navy they sure didn't get a nice going away statement like that to go with the discharge of whatever flavor we gave them. In my civilian life I once saw a guy get fired with this statement, "go home sumbitch, I don't need your ass no more" and that is almost an exact quote (it's been 35 years for that one). Now that we a little harsh. ;)

Second, there's no evidence of an orchestrated sliming of Dane by anyone, and certainly not by Woodson, his staff, or the university. A reporter reporting what he's heard around the program is only a reporter doing his job as he feels he should do it. Whether any of us like the reporter(s) or not is irrelevant.

Third, very few people consider Dane is "enemy number one" or anything of the sort. That group of people seems to be mostly a few people on this board. 90 percent or more, including me, still think of Dane as one of our favorite former players, appreciate his time as coach of last year's team and wish him well.

I don't know how much longer the whiners will whine about Coach Woodson letting Coach Fife go, but I'll leave you to it.
I think there were a number of folks who had already, in their mind, penciled Fife in as the next coach after Woodson. Fife is let go and it was like a left hook to their cranium. I would have loved to have Fife around, but it obviously wasn’t working. It happens. I agree with you in that I didn’t see anything harsh about the released statement. I think a lot of feelings were hurt by those who had convinced themselves of what I stated above. But it is what it is. Fife will no doubt get another job and Walsh steps in to his spot. Hopefully it works out the best for all parties.
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I think there were a number of folks who had already, in their mind, penciled Fife in as the next coach after Woodson. Fife is let go and it was like a left hook to their cranium. I would have loved to have Fife around, but it obviously wasn’t working. It happens. I agree with you in that I didn’t see anything harsh about the released statement. I think a lot of feelings were hurt by those who had convinced themselves of what I stated above. But it is what it is. Fife will no doubt get another job and Walsh steps in to his spot. Hopefully it works out the best for all parties.
There was someboy on this board who was convinced Woodson was a place holder for FIfe and he would be taking over in a few years I remember. That being said most people were not mad about the firing per say they were mad about the rabjohns smear and hit job. Fife has both parents who are sick and will likley die soon I heard and just picked up his family and moved here. Instead of letting him leave with some dignity the hit was put out to just smear him on his way out. It is totally low class and the person who did it is a scumbag who only cares about access. Man hit the the guy when he is low why don't you. That is why people are mad. What comes around goes around in life I hope the smear merchant realizes that but I do not think he does.
There was someboy on this board who was convinced Woodson was a place holder for FIfe and he would be taking over in a few years I remember. That being said most people were not mad about the firing per say they were mad about the rabjohns smear and hit job. Fife has both parents who are sick and will likley die soon I heard and just picked up his family and moved here. Instead of letting him leave with some dignity the hit was put out to just smear him on his way out. It is totally low class and the person who did it is a scumbag who only cares about access. Man hit the the guy when he is low why don't you. That is why people are mad. What comes around goes around in life I hope the smear merchant realizes that but I do not think he does.
Are you trying to make the point that what is being said is not true? Or you just don’t like that it’s public?
Dane Fife's popularity amongst the fanbase is apparent from the threads below. I feel for Dane whose mother is dying of stage 4 cancer and he left a secure 10 year job to go to his alma mater and moved his family to Bloomington and now has to find a new job and move his family again in disgrace. I think the way it was handled was rotten and lacked a lot of integrity. For all of us under 45, we dont remember Mike Woodson but we will never forget Dane Fife and his run to the National championship. I thought the press release was really poorly worded and insulting for such a stand up person as Dane and he deserved better than that. A good severance package making it worth his while to have uprooted his family to a new place and then a year later have to leave and speaking good words about what he did well and just saying it was not a personality fit would more than suffice. It wasnt that they fired him. It was how they did it that does not sit well with me. When his firing was followed up by having RabJohns write a blog slamming him after he was fired, I think that is about as low as you can go. If Woodson says jump, Rabjohns will say how high and he is owned by Woodson and IU. If he does not do what they say, they will cut his access and he wont have any "inside" scoops to blog about. So, a phone call from the athletic department to Rabjohns, and bam Fife is now the bad guy and leaves with a tarnished reputation when he spent 10 successful years at Michigan State with a stellar program and reputation only to take a lateral position to go back to his alma mater, a place he loves, and help bring the program back. When he left Michigan State, he left with honor and with a great reputation and resume with nothing a manager who had nothing but great things to say about him after 10 years. Now, after 1 year, he leaves the College he loves with a stained reputation and it did not have to do down like that.

So, going forward, if Indiana loses, this will never be forgotten. This whole situation really stinks and it is not the decision to let Dane go that stinks but how IU disgraced a loyal alumni in their communication of letting him go that does not sit right with me. The only way Woodson gets past this is to win and win big. Firing a popular Hoosier icon in disgrace after only one season while his mother is on her death bed and then justifying it by calling out his hit wimpy bloggers to write a hit piece on how bad he was for the program, has caused me to lose a lot of respect for Woodson. I was in full support until this happened and now I really question his character. The only thing that gets Woodson past this is winning and winning big because that is all it will take to make a majority of the fanbase forget about this but anything short of a shot for Big Ten title and a sweet 16 or better run and I think this situation will be like pouring lighter fluid on an already fired up fanbase anytime he comes up short.
Why two paragraphs?
Who knows? Does it really matter?
From the perspective of those suggesting this was somehow an immoral, unnecessary, unjust and/or poorly handled termination, yeah it matters. If a former player/alumni/purported folk hero/assistant coach is given the opportunity to resign with a package but essentially says 'screw you, there's only one way I'm leaving' some might say he bears some responsibility for creating whatever bad shade is out there. Reasonable minds can differ.
From the perspective of those suggesting this was somehow an immoral, unnecessary, unjust and/or poorly handled termination, yeah it matters. If a former player/alumni/purported folk hero/assistant coach is given the opportunity to resign with a package but essentially says 'screw you, there's only one way I'm leaving' some might say he bears some responsibility for creating whatever bad shade is out there. Reasonable minds can differ.
They basically told Fife do not let the door hit you on the way out and oh by the way Fatjohns is going to put a hit piece out of you. One thing is clear to any future IU players looking to come here and that is nobody is safe and the old bring the family together and heal old wounds talk is all bs. And many IU fans will throw you under the bus as well in two seconds. Some who thought Fife was just great two months ago are now trashing him. I cannot imagine any former player other than Woodson's buddies ever wanting to come and coach at IU now. I think it is safe to say now our next coach will not be an IU guy.
They basically told Fife do not let the door hit you on the way out and oh by the way Fatjohns is going to put a hit piece out of you. One thing is clear to any future IU players looking to come here and that is nobody is safe and the old bring the family together and heal old wounds talk is all bs. And many IU fans will throw you under the bus as well in two seconds. Some who thought Fife was just great two months ago are now trashing him. I cannot imagine any former player other than Woodson's buddies ever wanting to come and coach at IU now. I think it is safe to say now our next coach will not be an IU guy.
I had to let employees go and a couple were friends of mine. One in particular ended up having a tumor the size of a softball discovered a few weeks later. Anyone who thinks u take pleasure it firing someone no matter the circumstances is delusional. I could not sleep the night before I had to terminate someone. Always ate me up even if I didn’t care for the employee. At a facility I was running we sometimes had to have the police in the parking lot because of possible problems. Many on here think I have something out for Dane and am glad he’s gone. Nothing is further from the truth. Was ecstatic when he was hired. None of us know what is and isn’t true but I do know it’s best if we just move on just as I think Dane probably feels the same. People can agree or disagree on how it was handled but again we don’t know what all went on so until we do it’s all just speculation. Trashing the university and the guy who reported it may make us feel good but isn’t productive. I’ve been guilty of speculating on the truth of the allegations and I’m done doing that. I’ll wait until the facts come out to make a final judgment. Hope we can all do the same and get back to hoping for bb success going forward.
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I had to let employees go and a couple were friends of mine. One in particular ended up having a tumor the size of a softball discovered a few weeks later. Anyone who thinks u take pleasure it firing someone no matter the circumstances is delusional. I could not sleep the night before I had to terminate someone. Always ate me up even if I didn’t care for the employee. At a facility I was running we sometimes had to have the police in the parking lot because of possible problems. Many on here think I have something out for Dane and am glad he’s gone. Nothing is further from the truth. Was ecstatic when he was hired. None of us know what is and isn’t true but I do know it’s best if we just move on just as I think Dane probably feels the same. People can agree or disagree on how it was handled but again we don’t know what all went on so until we do it’s all just speculation. Trashing the university and the guy who reported it may make us feel good but isn’t productive. I’ve been guilty of speculating on the truth of the allegations and I’m done doing that. I’ll wait until the facts come out to make a final judgment. Hope we can all do the same and get back to hoping for bb success going forward.
The people here trashing what IU did have clearly never worked in a large organization nor managed large numbers of people.
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They basically told Fife do not let the door hit you on the way out and oh by the way Fatjohns is going to put a hit piece out of you. One thing is clear to any future IU players looking to come here and that is nobody is safe and the old bring the family together and heal old wounds talk is all bs. And many IU fans will throw you under the bus as well in two seconds. Some who thought Fife was just great two months ago are now trashing him. I cannot imagine any former player other than Woodson's buddies ever wanting to come and coach at IU now. I think it is safe to say now our next coach will not be an IU guy.
"One thing is clear". The only thing clear to me is you don't have a clue. Please hire an editor before you post. Thanks
They basically told Fife do not let the door hit you on the way out and oh by the way Fatjohns is going to put a hit piece out of you. One thing is clear to any future IU players looking to come here and that is nobody is safe and the old bring the family together and heal old wounds talk is all bs. And many IU fans will throw you under the bus as well in two seconds. Some who thought Fife was just great two months ago are now trashing him. I cannot imagine any former player other than Woodson's buddies ever wanting to come and coach at IU now. I think it is safe to say now our next coach will not be an IU guy.
How many times are you going to post the same goddamn diatribe? I'm pretty sure everybody who reads this board knows your opinion. You're starting to become a less articulate version of Feepee and Ord. Let it go, already. You are at the point of either preaching to the choir (those who agree with you) or just annoying the shit out of the rest of us (those who have moved on and believe Mike Woodson has a right as a head coach to hire/fire whomever he pleases as assistants). I, for one, don't give a damn about Rabjohns and could not care less about your opinion of him - which you've made clear over and over and over and over. Move on, man.
"One thing is clear". The only thing clear to me is you don't have a clue. Please hire an editor before you post. Thanks
Bailey never lets not knowing something to prevent him from posting again and again....

I predict this thread will still be going in May.

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