Economic hellscape -- I wish everyone would read this

I really struggle to put myself in the shoes of a woman (much less a man) for whom abortion is their primary issue.

It would be like my chief issue being that Driving under the influence should be legalized.

It’s so avoidable, so easy to prevent with just a second of forethought.
Even afterthought now with the morning after pill. It’s just stupid & lazy in most cases…
Hoot, of course people should be able to make decisions based on their own conscience, but killing humans isn’t one of them. Abortion is dumb, immoral, and sho
There’s no basis in the law giving Congress the power to either enact a national abortion ban or to preclude states from regulating abortion as they see fit.

So many people seem to think that Congress has virtually unlimited powers. They do not. And I’m hopeful that the justices on the Roberts court will prove to be as deferential to that limitation as any court we’ve had since the New Deal.

Having such a court was pretty much the only reason I put on a hazmat suit and voted for Trump in 2016. The Interstate Commerce Clause isn’t a constitutional cheat code - but it’s been treated as such for nearly the past century.
uld be outlawed in any decent civilization.
Craze and SC, you both make compelling arguments.

Nevertheless, states rights and each state having its own laws on such a divided and personal issue as abortion doesn't make sense to me in a country with a mobile population.

My suggestion to reach a national consensus on this issue is to pass a Constitutional Amendment granting personhood to the unborn at say 15 weeks.
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Craze and SC, you both make compelling arguments.

Nevertheless, states rights and each state having its own laws on such a divided and personal issue such as abortion doesn't make sense to me in a country such as ours with a mobile population.

My suggestion to reach a national consensus on this issue is to pass a Constitutional Amendment granting personhood to the unborn at say 15 weeks.
Hoot, would you quit being so damned grown-up and sensible when we're trying to have pie fights? Who the hell do you think you are?

Craze and SC, you both make compelling arguments.

Nevertheless, states rights and each state having its own laws on such a divided and personal issue such as abortion doesn't make sense to me in a country such as ours with a mobile population.

My suggestion to reach a national consensus on this issue is to pass a Constitutional Amendment granting personhood to the unborn at say 15 weeks.
With a rider for gorillas whales and elephants
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I need to read period. But okay
Also, there was a good series by John Ringo called the Council Wars. First book is There Will be Dragons.
1000 years in the future where the human race is much smaller and everything is controlled by a large AI system that has 7 administrators. The problem is, those seven administrators end up going to war with each other and 99.9% of the AI resources suddenly are dedicated to those seven attacking each other and the rest of humanity is suddenly brought back to the stone age because nobody knows how to do anything to survive.
The main characters who help pick up society are Medieval Rennaissance reenactors.
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Also, there was a good series by John Ringo called the Council Wars. First book is There Will be Dragons.
1000 years in the future where the human race is much smaller and everything is controlled by a large AI system that has 7 administrators. The problem is, those seven administrators end up going to war with each other and 99.9% of the AI resources suddenly are dedicated to those seven attacking each other and the rest of humanity is suddenly brought back to the stone age because nobody knows how to do anything to survive.
The main characters who help pick up society are Medieval Rennaissance reenactors.
got it and thanks for the ref but honestly i'm not into sci fi and that genre at all.
Craze and SC, you both make compelling arguments.

Nevertheless, states rights and each state having its own laws on such a divided and personal issue such as abortion doesn't make sense to me in a country such as ours with a mobile population.

My suggestion to reach a national consensus on this issue is to pass a Constitutional Amendment granting personhood to the unborn at say 15 weeks.
I personally like leaving it up to the states. Also, I think the Constitutional amendment would have to be closer to 6-7 weeks to have a chance of passing. Based on when abortions happens an appropriate compromise would be around 7 weeks.
I personally like leaving it up to the states. Also, I think the Constitutional amendment would have to be closer to 6-7 weeks to have a chance of passing. Based on when abortions happens an appropriate compromise would be around 7 weeks.
SC, my 15 week suggestion was upon comments on all sides made on the subject here at The Cooler along with statistics on natural miscarriages which occur mostly in the first 12 weeks. With potential mothers not knowing they are pregnant early on and with so many of those going through a miscarriage in the first 12 weeks, the 15 week compromise seemed reasonable.

The article on miscarriages in part states,

Miscarriages, or the loss of a pregnancy before the fetus is developed enough to survive, usually happen during the first trimester of pregnancy, which is the first 12 weeks:

  • Early miscarriage: Most miscarriages happen before 10 weeks of gestation.

  • Late miscarriage: Miscarriages that happen between 12 and 24 weeks are considered late miscarriages.

Miscarriages are fairly common, affecting about 10–20% of women who learn they are pregnant. However, the actual rate is likely higher because many miscarriages happen before a woman knows she is pregnant.
I personally like leaving it up to the states. Also, I think the Constitutional amendment would have to be closer to 6-7 weeks to have a chance of passing. Based on when abortions happens an appropriate compromise would be around 7 weeks.
7 weeks will never fly. Literally, most women don't even test to find out that they are pregnant till about 5 weeks.
SC, my 15 week suggestion was upon comments on all sides made on the subject here at The Cooler along with statistics on natural miscarriages which occur mostly in the first 12 weeks. With potential mothers not knowing they are pregnant early on and with so many of those going through a miscarriage in the first 12 weeks, the 15 week compromise seemed reasonable.

The article on miscarriages in part states,

Miscarriages, or the loss of a pregnancy before the fetus is developed enough to survive, usually happen during the first trimester of pregnancy, which is the first 12 weeks:

  • Early miscarriage: Most miscarriages happen before 10 weeks of gestation.
  • Late miscarriage: Miscarriages that happen between 12 and 24 weeks are considered late miscarriages.
Miscarriages are fairly common, affecting about 10–20% of women who learn they are pregnant. However, the actual rate is likely higher because many miscarriages happen before a woman knows she is pregnant.
You're only looking at it from your point of view. 93% of all abortions happen before week 13. Why would conservatives agree to a constitutional amendment that allows almost all abortions to still take place? They would gain nothing.
Hoot, of course people should be able to make decisions based on their own conscience, but killing humans isn’t one of them. Abortion is dumb, immoral, and should be outlawed in any decent civilization.
Like for any reason? Rape, incest, life of the mother?

Also what consequences do you propose for the men? Jail time for not providing for said baby? Forced vasectomy?
From everything I have ready around 50% of all abortions happen around 7-8 weeks or before.
I understand, but the point remains. There are women out there who wont discover that they are pregnant till 8 weeks.
"Overall, 36% of these pregnant people took their pregnancy test at 6 weeks gestation or more and 21% did so at 7 weeks or more."

Many forms of birth control are 90 to 97% effective, but as Hugh Grant so famously said in the movie Nine Months, "So 3% bloody ineffective, they should put that on the box!" So a woman could be on birth control, still get pregnant, have a light period the first month (yes, absolutely, you can still have a small period when you are pregnant. There is also something called "implantation blood" which can sometimes be mistaken for a period), then find out at 8 -9 weeks that she's pregnant.

Sorry about you luck sweety. Nothing you can do about it. Law says 7 weeks....
7 weeks will never fly. Literally, most women don't even test to find out that they are pregnant till about 5 weeks.
Shouldn’t part of this—maybe all—be based on the science? If we discover that a fetus feels pain and/or has some minimal consciousness at 6 or 7 weeks, then would it matter when the mother discovers she is pregnant?

Conversely, if we discover those things don’t happen until 25 weeks in, shouldn’t that be a very important consideration?
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Shouldn’t part of this—maybe all—be based on the science? If we discover that a fetus feels pain and/or has some minimal consciousness at 6 or 7 weeks, then would it matter when the mother discovers she is pregnant?

Conversely, if we discover those things don’t happen until 25 weeks in, shouldn’t that be a very important consideration?
Eh. Gotta be careful. We could discover that consciousness doesn't develop until 9-12 months after birth.
You're only looking at it from your point of view. 93% of all abortions happen before week 13. Why would conservatives agree to a constitutional amendment that allows almost all abortions to still take place? They would gain nothing.
SC, this poll shows almost half of Republican women support a law enshrining a national abortion right.

Granted a big majority of Republican men may not agree with almost half of the Republican women.

So, like it or not, the debate on abortion may have more to do with gender than being liberal or conservative in a good many cases.
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Eh. Gotta be careful. We could discover that consciousness doesn't develop until 9-12 months after birth.
here's one for ya. tx has a cap. $9,200. that's the max monthly net resources that can be used in the formula for determining the support amount. so musk could end up a trillionaire and still be capped at that for resources. so what maybe a max payment of like $2800
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Craze and SC, you both make compelling arguments.

Nevertheless, states rights and each state having its own laws on such a divided and personal issue such as abortion doesn't make sense to me in a country such as ours with a mobile population.

My suggestion to reach a national consensus on this issue is to pass a Constitutional Amendment granting personhood to the unborn at say 15 weeks.

There's zero chance there will ever be such a consensus.
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Rarely enforced? Easy to skate around? That’s not true at all. It ends when the kid is an adult
I've unfortunately known a lot of dead beats in my life. None of which saw prison time. Always paying just enough. Never being present in the kids life other than the occasional payment. And yes it ends when the kid turn 18. That's your idea of a man being supportive? I don't think it is so I'll give you pass for not knowing what I'm getting at.

The mother bares the literal physical scars and figurative mental scars of child birth for life. Even if they give the kid up for adoption they still are physically and emotionally different. They do not get a choice. It doesn't go away when the kid turns 18. So if talking about SCs hypothetical of zero abortion, the accountability of the father needs to be dramatically increased. Punishment should be severe from birth to death of father or kid. Whatever comes first.
I've unfortunately known a lot of dead beats in my life. None of which saw prison time. Always paying just enough. Never being present in the kids life other than the occasional payment. And yes it ends when the kid turn 18. That's your idea of a man being supportive? I don't think it is so I'll give you pass for not knowing what I'm getting at.

The mother bares the literal physical scars and figurative mental scars of child birth for life. Even if they give the kid up for adoption they still are physically and emotionally different. They do not get a choice. It doesn't go away when the kid turns 18. So if talking about SCs hypothetical of zero abortion, the accountability of the father needs to be dramatically increased. Punishment should be severe from birth to death of father or kid. Whatever comes first.
I don’t know your anecdotal deadbeats but I do know the law. I disagree. As for the imbalance of responsibility then a woman should take precautions. As I’ve said countless times an unwanted pregnancy is a product of extreme laziness. There are so many ways to prevent. It’s a topic today I just don’t have sympathy
I don’t know your anecdotal deadbeats but I do know the law. I disagree. As for the imbalance of responsibility then a woman should take precautions. As I’ve said countless times an unwanted pregnancy is a product of extreme laziness. There are so many ways to prevent. It’s a topic today I just don’t have sympathy
Then, respectfully, you know Jack shit. And it sounds like your jaded about something. I get that actually. But your situation is your situation.
Then, respectfully, you know Jack shit. And it sounds like your jaded about something. I get that actually. But your situation is your situation.
I’m not jaded at all. I can tell you it’s basically free money for my exes that they use on themselves. Bears no relation to what the kids actually cost. The process is predicated on misandry and the calculation is a fiction. But that’s just the process. I have my kids thur afternoon to Monday morning so I’m happy to pay whatever if nothing more than to ensure calm waters.

As for knowing Jack shit if you gave me the names of the wives of your deadbeat acquaintances I’d have them getting monthly checks in 30 days. That much I know. Jack
I’m not jaded at all. I can tell you it’s basically free money for my exes that they use on themselves. Bears no relation to what the kids actually cost. But that’s just the process. I have my kids thur afternoon to Monday morning so I’m happy to pay whatever if nothing more than to ensure calm waters.

As for knowing Jack shit if you gave me the names of the wives of your deadbeat acquaintances I’d have them getting monthly checks in 30 days. That much I know. Jack
You are a good dad. And that's awesome. You couldn't fathom being a bad father or not present. also awesome.

Fortunately, all the dead beats I knew were from a long time ago. But I'll repeat. Writing a check does not make you a good dad. And check writing ends at 18. Women carry it for life. Men should too. That's all. Seems fair to me.
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You are a good dad. And that's awesome. You couldn't fathom being a bad father or not present. also awesome.

Fortunately, all the dead beats I knew were from a long time ago. But I'll repeat. Writing a check does not make you a good dad. And check writing ends at 18. Women carry it for life. Men should too. That's all. Seems fair to me.
I don't think anyone has argued that being absent but writing a check--no matter how large--makes you a good dad.
You are a good dad. And that's awesome. You couldn't fathom being a bad father or not present. also awesome.

Fortunately, all the dead beats I knew were from a long time ago. But I'll repeat. Writing a check does not make you a good dad. And check writing ends at 18. Women carry it for life. Men should too. That's all. Seems fair to me.
Totally agree. My kids are my everything. In their company is the only place I ever want to be. All of us on the couch with treats and candles and Halloween movies is perfection.

But I’m old. I can appreciate what it must be like for some 20 yr old kid to knock a chick up and be stuck. Just brutal for everyone involved. They aren’t ready for all that and don’t want it yet. Has to be brutal
You are a good dad. And that's awesome. You couldn't fathom being a bad father or not present. also awesome.

Fortunately, all the dead beats I knew were from a long time ago. But I'll repeat. Writing a check does not make you a good dad. And check writing ends at 18. Women carry it for life. Men should too. That's all. Seems fair to me.
Sounding just like the V.

You are a good dad. And that's awesome. You couldn't fathom being a bad father or not present. also awesome.

Fortunately, all the dead beats I knew were from a long time ago. But I'll repeat. Writing a check does not make you a good dad. And check writing ends at 18. Women carry it for life. Men should too. That's all. Seems fair to me.
Here’s a rough one. A good buddy of mine’s daughter got knocked up before senior year of high school. They weren’t even seriously dating etc. she still went away to college. The boy went away to another college. And my buddy and his wife have the baby here