Durham probe

Who on any Presidential Cabinet is not a yes man/woman? Are we seriously going to discuss that as a reason not to re-elect Trump?

You can pick your poison. You can have a melt-down if Trump gets re-elected or watch the country slowly sink into the abyss.

Personally, I'd rather have it out now. And it won't matter if another Republican is elected - Democrats and the media will make whoever that is out to be worse than Trump.
I think there is the political fight and there is the personal fight. We need to have the political one but I think Trump is going to be more interested in the personal one. That isn't the focus I want. Too important to get things right over the next 4 years.

DeSantis is my pick. Has been for awhile. I think he would be more effective and I fully expect any Republican to get the "OMG they are Satan" treatment. That is nothing new.
Rock and hard place if it is he and Biden again. I think both of them are not what we need. I know I won't vote for Biden.

I can't disagree really. But this makes me ponder. Do we need a pres that gets behind us, or an us that gets behind a president? (there are a million variables here I know), lets discuss.
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I am convinced more than ever that a second Trump term would probably wreck the country and much of that is based on the things that are not coming out but being confirmed.

His whole personality would make Trump 2.0 a revenge tour and it is a tour he would feel vindicated to take. I don't think he will have people lining up to be advisors based on what happened to the last group so you are likely to get yes men in place. He has a whole host of supporters whose main interest in him is revenge as well. That may be deserved, it may be cathartic, but it would be destructive. Maybe that is where we are at?

I kept saying when norms were being overturned to get Trump that payback would probably be a bitch, I never expected Trump to get another shot. If he does, it will be payback on steroids and I don't think after having his house raided and his wife's panties ruffled through that he is going to give much of a flying fudge about established norms.

I don't think that is good. I think people should be made to pay for how government was weaponized but he can't be the one doing it.
I can't see how he would even fill out his cabinet.
Except the stolen election/election fraud claims of Trump and his sycophants were a complete fiction as determined by 62 courts and numerous election recounts and audits.

Russia, on the other hand, did interfere in 2016 in an effort to benefit Trump. That's indisputable. A bipartisan Senate panel concurred. And Team Trump was eager to accept the help.

Junior, when offered dirt about Clinton that he was told was part of a Russian government effort to help his father: "I love it!"

When Roger Stone was told that a Russian wanted to sell damaging information about Clinton, he took the meeting.

When WikiLeaks published documents that the Democratic National Committee said had been stolen by Russian operatives, Trump’s campaign quickly used the information to its advantage. Rather than condemn the Kremlin, Trump asked Russia to steal more.

Mueller never said there was "no collusion." He said they weren't looking for "collusion" because it's not a legal term. What he did find was that Russia interfered in an effort to help Trump, and Trump's team was more to happy to accept the help. Where Mueller fell short was amassing evidence that would've supported conspiracy charges.

Like I said, calm down.
But country is in fine shape right now.
Fine shape for who? My grandson that’s coming in a few days has a bleak future in this country with the clowns running it. Biden is incompetent and his family are corrupt.

You and the rest of the democrats don’t care as long as you keep power.

I know, You disagree. Don’t waste your time replying to me.
Fine shape for who? My grandson that’s coming in a few days has a bleak future in this country with the clowns running it. Biden is incompetent and his family are corrupt.

You and the rest of the democrats don’t care as long as you keep power.

I know, You disagree. Don’t waste your time replying to me.
Stoll don't communicate with lost, mentally ill people. He hangs on every word the msm, cornpop, and trixie repeat and regurgitate. Not one word tonight about the FBI whisteblowers on the msm. The one guy was stripped of everything. They blew the lid off Jan 6th which is something else Trump told us about. So now we have the Steel Dossier, the spying, Jan 6th set up, prolly the election. This country is in the hands of evil, evil, reprobate, authoritarian, democRATS and liberals. TRUMP WAS RIGHT!!!
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I think there is the political fight and there is the personal fight. We need to have the political one but I think Trump is going to be more interested in the personal one. That isn't the focus I want. Too important to get things right over the next 4 years.

DeSantis is my pick. Has been for awhile. I think he would be more effective and I fully expect any Republican to get the "OMG they are Satan" treatment. That is nothing new.
I think Desantis would be a good pick - but winning the Primary is going to be an uphill slog.
Fine shape for who? My grandson that’s coming in a few days has a bleak future in this country with the clowns running it. Biden is incompetent and his family are corrupt.

You and the rest of the democrats don’t care as long as you keep power.

I know, You disagree. Don’t waste your time replying to me.
Even he doesn't believe it. He's trolling. Don't feed the trolls.
Fine shape for who? My grandson that’s coming in a few days has a bleak future in this country with the clowns running it. Biden is incompetent and his family are corrupt.

You and the rest of the democrats don’t care as long as you keep power.

I know, You disagree. Don’t waste your time replying to me.
Unfortunately, you will have a much larger influence on your grandson than any US President.
Unfortunately, you will have a much larger influence on your grandson than any US President.
Not if the dems are in charge. They want to control everything, especially children. Sex change up to the kids, grooming them in grade school, controlling a woke criteria, taking control away from parents, promoting gay and lesbo agenda's in grade school, porn. Yea the Dems are such a warm fuzzy group, NOT, a satanic woke cult is more like it.
I don't use the racism word often but most but maybe not all of those that believe Obama wasn't born in America are motivated by racism IMO. My mother is black and came to this country with her parents when she was about 10 and has a slight accent. My father is white. I was born in Indiana and I've been accused of not being American by some other kids during my youth. No doubt in my mind those kids were racist and they learned it from their parents. My mother told me to stop fighting them and try to respond politely! LOL My experience causes me to believe this is probably the same situation with these birther people.
I'm with you. I know everyone hates the libs playing the R card too often, but it's really hard to view birtherism as anything else.
I can't disagree really. But this makes me ponder. Do we need a pres that gets behind us, or an us that gets behind a president? (there are a million variables here I know), lets discuss.
I think we need a President that actually does restore some norms. To me that means that there does need to be house cleaning in several executive branch entities (like the FBI for instance) and in the military as well. D.I.E. would go B.Y.E. The only color that should matter in the Army is green and reestablishing the "content of character and not color of skin" line of reasoning needs reinstituted across the government.

I think that Trump has some legitimate reasons to want revenge. I 100% believe he would take them. I also 100% believe that he would do so in a blunt way and that dirty tricks that were played against him would lead him to also play "tricks" that are more authoritarian then those employed against him. And I thoroughly believe that there is a segment of our "ruling class" that truly deserves that type of comeuppanace. However, and this is most important, that wrecks all of us. There is no coming back from that. I want someone who is going to fight for what I think is right and steer the car back onto the right path as opposed to someone who just says "f it, you made me do this" and hits the gas over the cliff.

I am not of the opinion we need some milquetoast GOP candidate either. A Mitt Romney isn't the guy for this either. It is going to be a fight to clean things up and being smart isn't the only attribute needed, whomever has the job is going to have to be able to take the inevitable demogoguing and articulate why we need to do things. The world will be more dangerous in 2024 than it was in 2020, we need someone awake at the wheel. Biden and Trump aren't those guys.
Trump was, and would be, a helluva lot better President than Biden. Are you kidding me?
Getting shot in the hand is better than in the stomach, but I wouldn't sign up for either of them if I didn't have to. And I don't necessarily disagree with you, I think Trump was the better choice in 2020 if even going solely on the fact that Biden isn't there (along with Feinstein and Fetterman), I think both of them have their own issues in 2024 and we are currently at a point where we can still avoid having one of them as a choice.
I think we need a President that actually does restore some norms. To me that means that there does need to be house cleaning in several executive branch entities (like the FBI for instance) and in the military as well. D.I.E. would go B.Y.E. The only color that should matter in the Army is green and reestablishing the "content of character and not color of skin" line of reasoning needs reinstituted across the government.

I think that Trump has some legitimate reasons to want revenge. I 100% believe he would take them. I also 100% believe that he would do so in a blunt way and that dirty tricks that were played against him would lead him to also play "tricks" that are more authoritarian then those employed against him. And I thoroughly believe that there is a segment of our "ruling class" that truly deserves that type of comeuppanace. However, and this is most important, that wrecks all of us. There is no coming back from that. I want someone who is going to fight for what I think is right and steer the car back onto the right path as opposed to someone who just says "f it, you made me do this" and hits the gas over the cliff.

I am not of the opinion we need some milquetoast GOP candidate either. A Mitt Romney isn't the guy for this either. It is going to be a fight to clean things up and being smart isn't the only attribute needed, whomever has the job is going to have to be able to take the inevitable demogoguing and articulate why we need to do things. The world will be more dangerous in 2024 than it was in 2020, we need someone awake at the wheel. Biden and Trump aren't those guys.
There’s no Republican that the media and democrats won’t demonize and try to destroy. So why does it matter whether it’s Trump or Jesus? Pompeo or DeSantis with Haley or Scott as VP would be my preference.
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Yep, let the shooting start now instead of latter. If we want our kids to have a better future, we better neutralize every dim in DC, their leadership, their organization and the Aloha Romneys that are closet dim sheep. We owe that to our kids. They deserve a better America that what we are seeing right now.
Hell 12 whistle blowers bring forward DC corruption and The dims chastise them for outting their Nazi control mechanism.
Burn it all. A lesson has to be taught or else they’ll keep doing it.

There’s no Republican that the media and democrats won’t demonize and try to destroy. So why does it matter whether it’s Trump or Jesus? Pompeo or DeSantis with Haley or Scott as VP would be my preference.
Yes, they are going to try and destroy whomever so that doesn't matter. So then you move to questions about effectiveness. Who ran up a $7 trillion debt in 4 years? Who turned the country over to Fauci for several years? Who put in charge of departments the very people who were undermining him? Who is going to have no team ready to go if he were to get elected again? Who is talking about building his own network to mirror what he believes the Democrats did to him? How likely is he to get that right given his lack of a network and how likely do you think it would be that network would actually leave traces of cheating?

The reason you have preferences other than Trump is because most of us know that Trump 2.0 is likely to end up in a revenge tour...and he isn't capable of doing that with a velvet glove. As pissed off as I am at the Democrats and as much as I want to see the Progressive viewpoint get smashed into a million pieces and the ashes of their intellectual beliefs scattered to the wind, I want to make sure we don't destroy everything else too. We need a surgeon and Trump is a butcher.
There’s no Republican that the media and democrats won’t demonize and try to destroy. So why does it matter whether it’s Trump or Jesus? Pompeo or DeSantis with Haley or Scott as VP would be my preference.
Don't worry...Jesus wouldn't run as a republican ;)
There’s no Republican that the media and democrats won’t demonize and try to destroy. So why does it matter whether it’s Trump or Jesus? Pompeo or DeSantis with Haley or Scott as VP would be my preference.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. And it’s only democrats that do that. GTFO with your f*****g whiny horseshit. “Democrats aren’t nice to us, waaaaaaaaaaaa”
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Yes, they are going to try and destroy whomever so that doesn't matter. So then you move to questions about effectiveness. Who ran up a $7 trillion debt in 4 years? Who turned the country over to Fauci for several years? Who put in charge of departments the very people who were undermining him? Who is going to have no team ready to go if he were to get elected again? Who is talking about building his own network to mirror what he believes the Democrats did to him? How likely is he to get that right given his lack of a network and how likely do you think it would be that network would actually leave traces of cheating?

The reason you have preferences other than Trump is because most of us know that Trump 2.0 is likely to end up in a revenge tour...and he isn't capable of doing that with a velvet glove. As pissed off as I am at the Democrats and as much as I want to see the Progressive viewpoint get smashed into a million pieces and the ashes of their intellectual beliefs scattered to the wind, I want to make sure we don't destroy everything else too. We need a surgeon and Trump is a butcher.
Trump is the only R the Ds feel certain they can beat. So the media will & have been working overtime to make that happen.....but he is my last choice because of what you are saying.

Trump still would be infinitely better than any D that would be President......Biden administration is a testimony toward that.
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