Durham probe

There’s no Republican that the media and democrats won’t demonize and try to destroy. So why does it matter whether it’s Trump or Jesus? Pompeo or DeSantis with Haley or Scott as VP would be my preference.
Who’s afraid of the media and Democrats demonizing our candidate? That always happens. Most of the times it’s easily defended and debunked. Not so much with Trump.
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Who’s afraid of the media and Democrats demonizing our candidate? That always happens. Most of the times it’s easily defended and debunked. Not so much with Trump.
I went to NBC news on Wednesday morning to see what coverage they had of the Durham report. A report on something that was far more damaging to this country than Jan 6 ever was. And Jan 6 got weeks of front page coverage.

They had nothing about it on their front page. Not a thing. I had to go to their politics section to find anything at all on it and then it was one story.

You wanna know what they HAD on their front page? A story about how Chasten Buttigieg is worried that his LGBTQIA children’s book would be banned in some states.

The media is a cancer on this country that needs to be cut out.
Who’s afraid of the media and Democrats demonizing our candidate? That always happens. Most of the times it’s easily defended and debunked. Not so much with Trump.
I think the media fusillade against Trump is now pretty normal. The media was trending in that direction for years. The media will not let up no matter who the GOP nominates, The so-called right-wing media will be permanently assigned to the role of dealing lies and misinformation.
I went to NBC news on Wednesday morning to see what coverage they had of the Durham report. A report on something that was far more damaging to this country than Jan 6 ever was. And Jan 6 got weeks of front page coverage.

They had nothing about it on their front page. Not a thing. I had to go to their politics section to find anything at all on it and then it was one story.

You wanna know what they HAD on their front page? A story about how Chasten Buttigieg is worried that his LGBTQIA children’s book would be banned in some states.

The media is a cancer on this country that needs to be cut out.
My guess is 90 percent of the country thinks it's absolutely nothing and I think they're right. Why would it be big news in the media when there's nothing shocking or revealing about it? It doesn't change anything found in the Mueller investigation. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election for Donald Trump and Trump obstructed justice during the investigation. The Senate agreed with that. Mueller is a Republican and wounded vet. He would normally be a Republican hero but investigating Trump isn't acceptable to Trumpers.

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I went to NBC news on Wednesday morning to see what coverage they had of the Durham report. A report on something that was far more damaging to this country than Jan 6 ever was. And Jan 6 got weeks of front page coverage.

They had nothing about it on their front page. Not a thing. I had to go to their politics section to find anything at all on it and then it was one story.

You wanna know what they HAD on their front page? A story about how Chasten Buttigieg is worried that his LGBTQIA children’s book would be banned in some states.

The media is a cancer on this country that needs to be cut out.
"The media" is a broad range of news reporting with various audiences.

Fox News and NBC have different audiences. Some audiences have a partisan political outlook as with Fox, and some may have no particular interest in politics as may be the case with NBC.

It would seem to me the January 6th insurrection would be more newsworthy to someone with no particular political bias than say the Mueller or Durham Report.

IMO the Mueller and Durham reports are more similar from a news standpoint than the January 6th incident. A political junkie would deem the reports very important news. In contrast, a person with no interest in politics would find these reports uninteresting.
My guess is 90 percent of the country thinks it's absolutely nothing and I think they're right. Why would it be big news in the media when there's nothing shocking or revealing about it? It doesn't change anything found in the Mueller investigation. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election for Donald Trump and Trump obstructed justice during the investigation. The Senate agreed with that. Mueller is a Republican and wounded vet. He would normally be a Republican hero but investigating Trump isn't acceptable to Trumpers.

Sadly I think you are correct.

"The media" is a broad range of news reporting with various audiences.

Fox News and NBC have different audiences. Some audiences have a partisan political outlook as with Fox, and some may have no particular interest in politics as may be the case with NBC.

It would seem to me the January 6th insurrection would be more newsworthy to someone with no particular political bias than say the Mueller or Durham Report.

IMO the Mueller and Durham reports are more similar from a news standpoint than the January 6th incident. A political junkie would deem the reports very important news. In contrast, a person with no interest in politics would find these reports uninteresting.
Ya gotta remember that what is “news” these days does not mean newsworthy. News is heavily influenced by the narrative to be advanced by the news organization.

As a side bar, what would be the over and under for the number of times we will hear some combination of “Fox news; lying; Dominion” this election season?
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My guess is 90 percent of the country thinks it's absolutely nothing and I think they're right.

That’s not true and you know it, unless you think the FBI firing people, promising to change the way they do things and apologizing is a nothing burger. Has the FBI ever issued an apology before?
Why would it be big news in the media when there's nothing shocking or revealing about it? It doesn't change anything found in the Mueller investigation. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election for Donald Trump and Trump obstructed justice during the investigation. The Senate agreed with that. Mueller is a Republican and wounded vet. He would normally be a Republican hero but investigating Trump isn't acceptable to Trumpers.

I like how you worded that. Very carefully. Russia interfered and Trump obstructed the investigation. No one from trumps team ever colluded with ANYONE.

Hilary’s campaign actually paid a foreign national to dig up dirt on Trump, which the FBI knew about very early on and did nothing about. In fact, other than paying some fines, I don’t think Hilary has EVER answered for that.

I don’t and never did have a problem with Mueller. The only issue I have is that he should never have had a job to do in the first place, which we now know for sure and which was always dismissed as a conspiracy theory before.

You are probably right that most of the country believes this is nothing. We have the media to thank for that. Because it CERTAINLY is not nothing.
Ya gotta remember that what is “news” these days does not mean newsworthy. News is heavily influenced by the narrative to be advanced by the news organization.

As a side bar, what would be the over and under would be for the number of times we will hear some combination of “Fox news; lying; Dominion” this election season?

CoH, think we can agree, except maybe for the weather, people have different outlooks on what news is of interest and important to them.
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That’s not true and you know it, unless you think the FBI firing people, promising to change the way they do things and apologizing is a nothing burger. Has the FBI ever issued an apology before?

I like how you worded that. Very carefully. Russia interfered and Trump obstructed the investigation. No one from trumps team ever colluded with ANYONE.

Hilary’s campaign actually paid a foreign national to dig up dirt on Trump, which the FBI knew about very early on and did nothing about. In fact, other than paying some fines, I don’t think Hilary has EVER answered for that.

I don’t and never did have a problem with Mueller. The only issue I have is that he should never have had a job to do in the first place, which we now know for sure and which was always dismissed as a conspiracy theory before.

You are probably right that most of the country believes this is nothing. We have the media to thank for that. Because it CERTAINLY is not nothing.
I skimmed both reports. The Mueller report is a lot of something and the Durham report is a lot of nothing much. Sorry.
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I skimmed both reports. The Mueller report is a lot of something and the Durham report is a lot of nothing much. Sorry.
WRONG the Mueller report dismisses the Steele Dossier which started the entire thing AND most importantly the FISA warrants. Since the FBI made payments to Steele to fund the thing it shows how dirty and corrupt they are and that was completely confirmed yesterday by the FBI whistleblowers. THE FBI IS CORRUPT AND AN ARM OF THE LEFT. The whistleblowers were scared out of their lives to step forward, but did as they made an oath to the American people. Don't forget MLK and how the FBI destroyed him and because of that whistleblowers were encouraged. Yet, yesterday O'Boyle described the bureau as Orwellian. They destroyed his life. Sorries I'm done with this charade and it all needs stamped out and redone.
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Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. And it’s only democrats that do that. GTFO with your f*****g whiny horseshit. “Democrats aren’t nice to us, waaaaaaaaaaaa”
I apologize for my response to your post. I have deleted it.
CoH, think we can agree, except maybe for the weather, people have different outlooks on what news is of interest and important to them.
Of course we can agree to that. But That is my call (and yours). I don’t want media making the call for me, particularly when the don’t call them equally.
WRONG the Mueller report dismisses the Steele Dossier which started the entire thing AND most importantly the FISA warrants. Since the FBI made payments to Steele to fund the thing it shows how dirty and corrupt they are and that was completely confirmed yesterday by the FBI whistleblowers. THE FBI IS CORRUPT AND AN ARM OF THE LEFT. The whistleblowers who were scared out of their lives to step forward, but did as they made an oath to the American people. Don't forget MLK and how the FBI destroyed him and because of that whistleblowers were encouraged. Yet, yesterday O'Boyle described the bureau as Orwellian. They destroyed his life. Sorries I'm done with this charade and it all needs stamped out and redone.
Argue that it shouldn't have started so quickly if you want but there isn't a good argument that there shouldn't have been an investigation at all even if it shouldn't have started as quickly as it did. We all know that Russia was interfering with the 2016 election and wanted Trump to win and the investigation did find real crimes and real misbehavior and none of the proof was based on the Steele thing. The FBI isn't as corrupt as you think it is. That's all related to Trump claiming witch hunt. They investigated Hilary too and that wasn't a secret. The FBI kept the initial investigation of Trump secret so it definitely didn't influence the 2016 election and the Hilary investigation did. That probably kept her from winning the EC instead of just the popular vote. Trump got crushed in the 2020 election and that wasn't because of the FBI investigation. It was because most people don't like Trump and wanted him out.
We didn't demand birth records of any other President in my lifetime. There is zero evidence that Obama wasn't born in America. Why would you have questions about this?
For the same reasons the Dems were bringing stuff against Trump before he took office. I knew Obama was going to be a horrible president before he was elected. He was worse than I imagined. The question likely didn't come up before. Not sure how old you are but regardless of opinions on them politically I can't recall anyone that would bring the question up. It wasn't handled well to prove he is regardless of what you think.

If it could have ben used to keep him out of office true or not I was all for it. See UncleMarks views on Trump before saying much to me about that.
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Argue that it shouldn't have started so quickly if you want but there isn't a good argument that there shouldn't have been an investigation at all even if it shouldn't have started as quickly as it did. We all know that Russia was interfering with the 2016 election and wanted Trump to win and the investigation did find real crimes and real misbehavior and none of the proof was based on the Steele thing. The FBI isn't as corrupt as you think it is. That's all related to Trump claiming witch hunt. They investigated Hilary too and that wasn't a secret. The FBI kept the initial investigation of Trump secret so it definitely didn't influence the 2016 election and the Hilary investigation did. That probably kept her from winning the EC instead of just the popular vote. Trump got crushed in the 2020 election and that wasn't because of the FBI investigation. It was because most people don't like Trump and wanted him out.

We all know Russians were meeting in Trump tower to discuss adopting Russian children. :rolleyes:
Trump got crushed in the 2020 election and that wasn't because of the FBI investigation. It was because most people don't like Trump and wanted him out.

Exactly why the Dem media complex wants Trump. They know a lot of Trump hate is permanently baked into the electorate.

Even though Biden has been woeful incompetent on inflation, energy policy & just about everything he has touched..... I know very few that still wouldn't vote for him again..... IF Trump is the alternative.
I'm shocked Biden is running. But country is in fine shape right now.
Which one of those 82 countries you toured are you talking about? The one in fine shape is likely a tiny one living off US tax money. Like the one we sent like 100 million to that was intended to help them promote tourism of their country with?
Argue that it shouldn't have started so quickly if you want but there isn't a good argument that there shouldn't have been an investigation at all even if it shouldn't have started as quickly as it did. We all know that Russia was interfering with the 2016 election and wanted Trump to win and the investigation did find real crimes and real misbehavior and none of the proof was based on the Steele thing. The FBI isn't as corrupt as you think it is. That's all related to Trump claiming witch hunt. They investigated Hilary too and that wasn't a secret. The FBI kept the initial investigation of Trump secret so it definitely didn't influence the 2016 election and the Hilary investigation did. That probably kept her from winning the EC instead of just the popular vote. Trump got crushed in the 2020 election and that wasn't because of the FBI investigation. It was because most people don't like Trump and wanted him out.
Sorry when an organization pays someone to create a false narrative your telling me thats not corrupt? When they lie and create false narratives to spy on a US citizen thats not corrupt? When they don't investigate a laptop that was full of crimes thats not corrupt? When they tie it to russia collusion and influence an election twice now thats not corrupt?

We have two different views. You are very mislead. Go listen to the whistleblowers sworn testimony yesterday and get back to me. Even if you don't, everything I have stated has been proven. Your wasting my time.
Argue that it shouldn't have started so quickly if you want but there isn't a good argument that there shouldn't have been an investigation at all even if it shouldn't have started as quickly as it did.
The whole thing was a Hillary op.

We all know that Russia was interfering with the 2016 election and wanted Trump to win
Big deal. Russia also fomented the anti-fracking hysteria. Russia has fooled around with this stuff since the 60’s. Russia 2016 interference was a drop in the bucket.

he FBI isn't as corrupt as you think it is.
It’s worse. Never in our history have so many FBI mucky-mucks been gone so swiftly at one time. The FISA court came down on it for stuff we will never know about. The FBI got caught altering a Trump-related court document. Do you think Clinesmith acted on his own? Do you think that was the only instance? The FBI general counsel was shacking up with her clients and talking about how to stop Trump. Horowitz found other improprieties. Comey violated the law, lied about it, and wrote a book saying what a wonderfully honest person he was. The FBI was a corrupt cesspool. Is getting Trump really worth destroying the FBI?

The FBI kept the initial investigation of Trump secret
No it didn’t. The FBI (probably McCabe) leaked it. That was part of the plan.
Trump got crushed in the 2020 election and that wasn't because of the FBI investigation.
The FBI was part if the Hunter cover-up. According to polling data, that would have been important. We can never know the ultimate effect. But we do know the fix was in on the laptop story.
I skimmed both reports. The Mueller report is a lot of something and the Durham report is a lot of nothing much. Sorry.
Well then you disagree with Durham because he certainly didn’t think it was nothing. And he was very meticulous in providing the receipts as to why.

Interesting that you think Mueller was a big deal and Durham was not when you admit you haven’t read either one.
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CoH, think we can agree, except maybe for the weather, people have different outlooks on what news is of interest and important to them.
Paul Simon said it best . . . "I get all the news I need from the weather report."
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Argue that it shouldn't have started so quickly if you want but there isn't a good argument that there shouldn't have been an investigation at all even if it shouldn't have started as quickly as it did.
Actually, there is. Although Durham doesn’t say that and he does say that the FBI had an obligation to look into the intelligence the Aussies provided, he also pretty extensively shows how the FBI rushed the start of the investigation while skipping most or all of their own procedures in doing so. He also shows that they knew within days that there was nothing there and admitted it, yet continued the investigation.

And that’s not even addressing the rampant bias among the people running the investigation, including Strozk telling people he would stop Trump from being elected.

We all know that Russia was interfering with the 2016 election and wanted Trump to win and the investigation did find real crimes and real misbehavior and none of the proof was based on the Steele thing. The FBI isn't as corrupt as you think it is. That's all related to Trump claiming witch hunt. They investigated Hilary too and that wasn't a secret. The FBI kept the initial investigation of Trump secret so it definitely didn't influence the 2016 election and the Hilary investigation did. That probably kept her from winning the EC instead of just the popular vote. Trump got crushed in the 2020 election and that wasn't because of the FBI investigation. It was because most people don't like Trump and wanted him out.
Sorry, but Durham conclusively proved what folks like you have been saying for years was a conspiracy theory. You might not like it but it’s not nothing. It’s a far cry from that.
Well then you disagree with Durham because he certainly didn’t think it was nothing. And he was very meticulous in providing the receipts as to why.

Interesting that you think Mueller was a big deal and Durham was not when you admit you haven’t read either one.

Durham just took issue with the process. When you found guilty people, it's kind of hard to argue that there shouldn't have been an investigation at all.

Mueller on the other hand found a lot more smoke than Durham. But even if you want to dispute that fact, you'd also have to ignore the obstruction of justice during the Mueller investigation in order to pretend the 2 are even close to being comparable.
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Durham just took issue with the process. When you found guilty people, it's kind of hard to argue that there shouldn't have been an investigation at all.

Mueller found a lot more smoke than Durham. Even if you want to dispute those facts, you'd also have to ignore the obstruction of justice during the Mueller investigation in order to pretend the 2 are even close to being comparable.
Do you still think trump is “guilty” in the defamation matter? A CIVIL MATTER. Is he guilty hickory?
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Getting shot in the hand is better than in the stomach, but I wouldn't sign up for either of them if I didn't have to. And I don't necessarily disagree with you, I think Trump was the better choice in 2020 if even going solely on the fact that Biden isn't there (along with Feinstein and Fetterman), I think both of them have their own issues in 2024 and we are currently at a point where we can still avoid having one of them as a choice.
It's interesting Aloha liked your post, yet he voted for Biden.

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Yes, they are going to try and destroy whomever so that doesn't matter. So then you move to questions about effectiveness. Who ran up a $7 trillion debt in 4 years? Who turned the country over to Fauci for several years? Who put in charge of departments the very people who were undermining him? Who is going to have no team ready to go if he were to get elected again? Who is talking about building his own network to mirror what he believes the Democrats did to him? How likely is he to get that right given his lack of a network and how likely do you think it would be that network would actually leave traces of cheating?

The reason you have preferences other than Trump is because most of us know that Trump 2.0 is likely to end up in a revenge tour...and he isn't capable of doing that with a velvet glove. As pissed off as I am at the Democrats and as much as I want to see the Progressive viewpoint get smashed into a million pieces and the ashes of their intellectual beliefs scattered to the wind, I want to make sure we don't destroy everything else too. We need a surgeon and Trump is a butcher.
Regarding the debt, it had gone up $2.5 Trillion in Trump's first 3 years. It went up $5 Trillion in one year. I wonder what happened in 2020? Not exactly in Trump's budget.

Now look at what the debt has done in less than 2 1/2 years under Biden - $3 Trillion.

Do you think anyone is going to be able to control the debt? I don't.

Trump turned the country over to Fauci because he was the 'expert' - everyone thought that. Even if Trump would have gone with his instincts and told Fauci to get lost, every death after that would have been Trump's fault. Hell, he was still blamed, even though Fauci agree he'd done everything he recommended.

I think you're under the impression that, if we just put up someone REASONABLE, the country would just get back to normal. I think that's very naive. We're past that point, after the war waged on democracy since 2016 by the Democrats. The Democrats aren't going to let go of power in any way. The media will support them no matter what.

I'm not saying I would vote for Trump in the Primary - there's a lot of time left. But to write him off now is just caving in to the Democrat tantrum they've been throwing since he beat Hillary. And that's the lesson learned by Democrats - if we just make life unpleasant enough for the country, they'll get what they want.
Regarding the debt, it had gone up $2.5 Trillion in Trump's first 3 years. It went up $5 Trillion in one year. I wonder what happened in 2020? Not exactly in Trump's budget.

Now look at what the debt has done in less than 2 1/2 years under Biden - $3 Trillion.

Do you think anyone is going to be able to control the debt? I don't.

Trump turned the country over to Fauci because he was the 'expert' - everyone thought that. Even if Trump would have gone with his instincts and told Fauci to get lost, every death after that would have been Trump's fault. Hell, he was still blamed, even though Fauci agree he'd done everything he recommended.

I think you're under the impression that, if we just put up someone REASONABLE, the country would just get back to normal. I think that's very naive. We're past that point, after the war waged on democracy since 2016 by the Democrats. The Democrats aren't going to let go of power in any way. The media will support them no matter what.

I'm not saying I would vote for Trump in the Primary - there's a lot of time left. But to write him off now is just caving in to the Democrat tantrum they've been throwing since he beat Hillary. And that's the lesson learned by Democrats - if we just make life unpleasant enough for the country, they'll get what they want.
Let's face it, and I am sure I will hear from the libs , Covid was no accident nor was it a coincidence of when it occurred.
For the same reasons the Dems were bringing stuff against Trump before he took office. I knew Obama was going to be a horrible president before he was elected. He was worse than I imagined. The question likely didn't come up before. Not sure how old you are but regardless of opinions on them politically I can't recall anyone that would bring the question up. It wasn't handled well to prove he is regardless of what you think.

If it could have ben used to keep him out of office true or not I was all for it. See UncleMarks views on Trump before saying much to me about that.
I’m a couple weeks younger than Obama. My criticism of Obama surrounding this issue was his initial refusal to allow Hawaii to release his official birth certificate. I never doubted he was born in Hawaii and the birth announcement in the newspaper should have ended doubt for everyone.

I voted for McCain and Romney over Obama. I suspect many of the Trumpsters didn’t vote for either of them.
Nothing weird about it. I like IUCrazy because he argues in good faith and doesn’t turn into a jerk when we disagree. I also agree with him about avoiding nominating the same candidates for 2024 election.
You've never stopped being a jerk, even when we agree. You'd vote for Biden again.
Yep, I’d vote for Biden over Trump if I had to do it again. I sure didn’t enjoy doing it, but that’s how unfit Trump is. Let’s hope Republicans don’t make the mistake of nominating the loser again.

Makes little difference what face of the Ds or Rs we vote for. You get 80-90% the same policy with all Ds....& 80-90% of the same policies with all Rs.

Only easily manipulated suckers think that somehow the face, & mannerisms matter. Biden demonstrates this well. Half asleep @ the wheel, yet the D policies his "handlers" give him, roll on unimpeded.

Trump is a barbastic boob for sure, but policy wise he is within 80% of most Rs. But policy wise, 180° away from most Ds. So while he is the absolute last R that I would ever vote for, grudgingly I would vote for him over ANY D. And the results of the Biden Presidency show anyone why.....via their retirement accounts, inflation, taxes, and costs at the pump. Biden has cost me, and anyone that would admit the truth.....thousand$ would any future or past D does, that doesn't have divided Govt. At least for the next 2 years divided Govt might fix some of what I lost under Biden's first 2 years.
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