Durham probe

I know you are but what am I LOL!!!!! It wasn't voluntary when if you didnt buy it you had to pay a charge on your taxes . So If I didn't like it and didn't sign up I was still charged a fee for it.

Obama was an absolute scourge on this country.

You calling someone an idiot is like you being a pile of sh*t and saying you don't smell. Intelligence is something you wouldn't know if it hit you in the face but that does make you a typical liberal partisan idiot.

No one misses you when you are gone . I know you think you carry some importance in the world. No one cares about you.
You actually only had to prove you had health insurance which met minimum requirements even if you didn’t get it through Obamacare. Fine is gone.

I’m only stating facts because I’ve not been a fan of Obamacare and spent a lot of time criticizing it here. Biggest issue for me was the shenanigans and magic accounting to make it look as if it was paid for. It was not, and can’t be now that the “luxury plan” tax never happened, as I predicted, and the tax fine was eliminated.
You actually only had to prove you had health insurance which met minimum requirements even if you didn’t get it through Obamacare. Fine is gone.

I’m only stating facts because I’ve not been a fan of Obamacare and spent a lot of time criticizing it here. Biggest issue for me was the shenanigans and magic accounting to make it look as if it was paid for. It was not, and can’t be now that the “luxury plan” tax never happened, as I predicted, and the tax fine was eliminated.
You still have a funny way of proving you’re a pube.
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Try and keep up. Who was president in 2018? It sure as hell wasn't Obama
I’m just saying the fine is gone. Democrats haven’t tried to reinstate it. Never tried to pass the luxury tax either because unions were against it. Obamacare isn’t paid for, just as I predicted.
You actually only had to prove you had health insurance which met minimum requirements even if you didn’t get it through Obamacare. Fine is gone.

I’m only stating facts because I’ve not been a fan of Obamacare and spent a lot of time criticizing it here. Biggest issue for me was the shenanigans and magic accounting to make it look as if it was paid for. It was not, and can’t be now that the “luxury plan” tax never happened, as I predicted, and the tax fine was eliminated.
My point is to the idiot engaging me. I am pretty sure your healthcare is part of being in service . Thank you I will say that.

I was the exact group that Obama F***ed. I kept same policy for 20 years+ my own self employed. I carried a high deductible , had it long enough that pre existing wasnt an issue. I didn't try and jump around to save 20 bucks on a new company every year. My company told me they loved people like me that took personal responsibility for little things on my own. I got by on grandfathered for the first few yrs. Problem was the company goes out of business after 100 yrs because of Obama. So then I get stuck . I'm sure it wasn't an issue for you. Obama is the absolute worst POS President in history rivaled only by Joe Biden who is really just a continued arm of Obama. Obama had it out for this country from the day people were stupid enough to elect the worthless SOB
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Coming to the defense of I can’t pay rent.
It was a mandated socialist tax, that a dim nazi pushed through, and you know it. Publicized and supported by the first US president ever that is a Keynion.
They just won't admit it or are just too stupid to understand what they voted for and the results. I always get in trouble but Liberals as a whole are the dumbest people on the face of the earth and they continue to prove it daily
Coming to the defense of I can’t pay rent.
It was a mandated socialist tax, that a dim nazi pushed through, and you know it. Publicized and supported by the first US president ever that is a Keynion.
Read my post. I didn't defend it. In fact, I was against Obamacare and I argued that what the Democrats claimed was a fine was actually a tax. The Supreme Court agreed with me that it was a tax when they upheld Obamacare. Then Congress repealed it, which I support. You need to quit being so reflexively defensive. Also, you need to live in the factual world. I was no Obama fan in any way, but he was an American born in Hawaii. That is a fact. These kinds of things make Trumpsters look stupid.
I have some dank ass super lemon haze to share.. I'll bring my bong and my djimbe too. We can form a drum circle, drink some lattes .. and get totally baked.
You will have to teach me. I’ve lived a shelter life.
Read my post. I didn't defend it. In fact, I was against Obamacare and I argued that what the Democrats claimed was a fine was actually a tax. The Supreme Court agreed with me that it was a tax when they upheld Obamacare. Then Congress repealed it, which I support. You need to quit being so reflexively defensive. Also, you need to live in the factual world. I was no Obama fan in any way, but he was an American born in Hawaii. That is a fact. These kinds of things make Trumpsters look stupid.
So those of us that were forced to pay should be getting money back right?
Read my post. I didn't defend it. In fact, I was against Obamacare and I argued that what the Democrats claimed was a fine was actually a tax. The Supreme Court agreed with me that it was a tax when they upheld Obamacare. Then Congress repealed it, which I support. You need to quit being so reflexively defensive. Also, you need to live in the factual world. I was no Obama fan in any way, but he was an American born in Hawaii. That is a fact. These kinds of things make Trumpsters look stupid.
Hawaii was a made up, falsified case of BS!
Also follow back that I voted for him the first time. Major disappointment, but considering who he was running against….. I’m not sure I would change my vote.
We needed a black president, just maybe not that one.
Hawaii was a made up, falsified case of BS!
Also follow back that I voted for him the first time. Major disappointment, but considering who he was running against….. I’m not sure I would change my vote.
We needed a black president, just maybe not that one.
He isnt really even black.
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Guess that’s why I tangle with him.
If this is how that's going to go, I'd appreciate if you stop. Stop responding to me, stop referencing me, stop it all. I tried to bring up a serious complaint about your treatment of me on this forum, and you've turned it into a childish game. So let's just quit. Pretend I don't exist. Please.