Durham probe

Everyone calm down. It's a tie game. Both sides tried to steal an election.
Dems with Russia collusion, they lost. Repubs with false electors/Jan6, they lost.
“Tie game?” Not sure what game you’re watching but The Dream Team is clearly winning. Per usual. I guess DANC got the date wrong
Everyone calm down. It's a tie game. Both sides tried to steal an election.
Dems with Russia collusion, they lost. Repubs with false electors/Jan6, they lost.
Except the stolen election/election fraud claims of Trump and his sycophants were a complete fiction as determined by 62 courts and numerous election recounts and audits.

Russia, on the other hand, did interfere in 2016 in an effort to benefit Trump. That's indisputable. A bipartisan Senate panel concurred. And Team Trump was eager to accept the help.

Junior, when offered dirt about Clinton that he was told was part of a Russian government effort to help his father: "I love it!"

When Roger Stone was told that a Russian wanted to sell damaging information about Clinton, he took the meeting.

When WikiLeaks published documents that the Democratic National Committee said had been stolen by Russian operatives, Trump’s campaign quickly used the information to its advantage. Rather than condemn the Kremlin, Trump asked Russia to steal more.

Mueller never said there was "no collusion." He said they weren't looking for "collusion" because it's not a legal term. What he did find was that Russia interfered in an effort to help Trump, and Trump's team was more to happy to accept the help. Where Mueller fell short was amassing evidence that would've supported conspiracy charges.

Except the stolen election/election fraud claims of Trump and his sycophants were a complete fiction as determined by 62 courts and numerous election recounts and audits.

Russia, on the other hand, did interfere in 2016 in an effort to benefit Trump. That's indisputable. A bipartisan Senate panel concurred. And Team Trump was eager to accept the help.

Junior, when offered dirt about Clinton that he was told was part of a Russian government effort to help his father: "I love it!"

When Roger Stone was told that a Russian wanted to sell damaging information about Clinton, he took the meeting.

When WikiLeaks published documents that the Democratic National Committee said had been stolen by Russian operatives, Trump’s campaign quickly used the information to its advantage. Rather than condemn the Kremlin, Trump asked Russia to steal more.

Mueller never said there was "no collusion." He said they weren't looking for "collusion" because it's not a legal term. What he did find was that Russia interfered in an effort to help Trump, and Trump's team was more to happy to accept the help. Where Mueller fell short was amassing evidence that would've supported conspiracy charges.

And here comes spotlight with the usual garbage.
Except the stolen election/election fraud claims of Trump and his sycophants were a complete fiction as determined by 62 courts and numerous election recounts and audits.

Russia, on the other hand, did interfere in 2016 in an effort to benefit Trump. That's indisputable. A bipartisan Senate panel concurred. And Team Trump was eager to accept the help.

Junior, when offered dirt about Clinton that he was told was part of a Russian government effort to help his father: "I love it!"

When Roger Stone was told that a Russian wanted to sell damaging information about Clinton, he took the meeting.

When WikiLeaks published documents that the Democratic National Committee said had been stolen by Russian operatives, Trump’s campaign quickly used the information to its advantage. Rather than condemn the Kremlin, Trump asked Russia to steal more.

Mueller never said there was "no collusion." He said they weren't looking for "collusion" because it's not a legal term. What he did find was that Russia interfered in an effort to help Trump, and Trump's team was more to happy to accept the help. Where Mueller fell short was amassing evidence that would've supported conspiracy charges.


Why don't you just admit it?

As to your post do you really think the outcome was going to come out any other way? The Democrats learned when they fixed it 2016 and still lost that there was no way it would be allowed to happen again. You should really call yourself a sheep instead of a goat and a bowl

Why don't you just admit it?

As to your post do you really think the outcome was going to come out any other way? The Democrats learned when they fixed it 2016 and still lost that there was no way it would be allowed to happen again. You should really call yourself a sheep instead of a goat and a bowl
cray took a wrong turn to instead of farmers only.. or maybe it wasn't a wrong turn...who are we to judge ;)

Why don't you just admit it?

As to your post do you really think the outcome was going to come out any other way? The Democrats learned when they fixed it 2016 and still lost that there was no way it would be allowed to happen again. You should really call yourself a sheep instead of a goat and a bowl
There was no way they could beat Trump without the pandemic! People died so they could beat Trump. If you lost a loved one thank a Democrat.

Why don't you just admit it?

As to your post do you really think the outcome was going to come out any other way? The Democrats learned when they fixed it 2016 and still lost that there was no way it would be allowed to happen again. You should really call yourself a sheep instead of a goat and a bowl
Don't forget the 51 "unintelligent agents"
Such a horrible health care plan that 20 million voluntarily sign up for it every year. " And you had no choice" There was 0 chance the Republicans would have helped pass the healthcare law and for no other reason than they had to block an Obama achievement. Hell, many Republicans are on record saying that.

Divided the country? Another ridiculous statement.

He was handed one of the worst economies in our nations history and by the end of his term our nations economy was back on track.

"But Obama was the worst Prez in our Nations history" another MAGA partisan idiot.
If you were subsidized, you'd sign up for it, too.
That’s what he found. This is who he says was responsible for starting the investigation.

“In particular, at the direction of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok opened Crossfire Hurricane immediately. Strzok, at a minimum, had pronounced hostile feelings toward Trump. The matter was opened as a full investigation without ever having spoken to the persons who provided the information. Further, the FBI did so without (1) any significant review of its own intelligence databases, (2) collection and examination of any relevant intelligence from other U.S. intelligence entities, (3) interviews of witnesses essential to understand the raw information it had received or (4) using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence. Had it done so…the FBI would have learned that their own experienced Russia analysts had no information about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials, nor were others in sensitive positions at the CIA, the NSA, and the Department of State aware of such evidence concerning the subject. In addition, FBI records prepared by Strzok in February and March 2017 show that at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI had no information in its holdings indicating that at any time during the campaign anyone in the Trump campaign had been in contact with any Russian intelligence officials”
Started it, but who helped perpetuate it by not stopping it when it was clear it was all bogus? There's a long list.
You didn't miss much. The Durham report is just another wet fart. The guys in this thread making a huge deal about it sound a lot like the liberals who made a big deal about the Trump indictment.
One investigation found nothing to the charges. The other found lies and actions that supported a hoax.

Oh yeah, they're just alike.

You consider yourself a serious poster?
Yeah the FBI was too quick to open an investigation. Whoop dee f*cking doo. Like I said, wet fart.
And then didn't close the investigation after they knew there was nothing to it. Kept on for 2 1/2 years and $40 million for Mueller and his Merry Band.

Woop dee f*cking doo, indeed.

As a lawyer, you should be appalled at the abuse of the law, but...... hey, it was against Trump, so no biggie.
I'm not defending the FBI. It's poor practice on their part to be sure. But it's not remotely what the Trumpers wanted it to be, or are portraying it as in this thread.
I'm glad you're not defending the FBI. I'd hate to see what your defense of it would look like.
I think we’ve hit rock bottom with both parties. They’re both playing the same game. Sad. I read there is a movement for a third moderate party. I think they’ve raised a 100 mil. Not nearly enough but a recognition people are growing tired of the bs
Disagree. When have Republicans done anything remotely like this, and then spent so much time investigating when they knew it was false?
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Biopsy last week, found the melanoma, and then they injected me with some radioactive shit so the potentially affected lypmh nodes would light up. Then they removed those notes and cut out the rest of the melanoma (on my arm).

Get your full body scan, kids.
Keep us in the loop 🙏🙏
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I'll take that as a 'no'.
You said an indictment proved that there was nothing to the charges. How does that even make sense? And I didn't say they were the same thing. One's an indictment, the other is a special counsel investigation. What I said was you sound just like the libs. "Redemption!" and "We got him this time!" have eerily similar cadences to them.
Such a horrible health care plan that 20 million voluntarily sign up for it every year. " And you had no choice" There was 0 chance the Republicans would have helped pass the healthcare law and for no other reason than they had to block an Obama achievement. Hell, many Republicans are on record saying that.

Divided the country? Another ridiculous statement.

He was handed one of the worst economies in our nations history and by the end of his term our nations economy was back on track.

"But Obama was the worst Prez in our Nations history" another MAGA partisan idiot.
Wow just wow , and you call other people partisan idiots? Everyday it seems a race to be the dumbest post of the day and you started early! You got the jump on everybody else. Sure people that get it for free sign up for it. You want to tell me how I had a choice?

A law is passed requiring people to buy something, first cpl yrs my rates actually went down with a company I had been paying for years and never had a claim. Then they decided to just cease doing business . So I either had to buy Obamas bullshit or pay extra on my taxes. Are you able to follow along here?

Hell yes, he started dividing the country, Hell yes, He is one of the worst Presidents in US history. I am sure the thought of America when it was a much better place annoys the hell out of you doesn't it?

''And you had no choice" There was 0 chance the Republicans would have helped pass the healthcare law and for no other reason than they had to block an Obama achievement. Hell, many Republicans are on record saying that.''

Can you translate that in to English?I have absolutely no idea what that gibberish is supposed to mean but show how stupid you are.
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And then didn't close the investigation after they knew there was nothing to it. Kept on for 2 1/2 years and $40 million for Mueller and his Merry Band.

Woop dee f*cking doo, indeed.

As a lawyer, you should be appalled at the abuse of the law, but...... hey, it was against Trump, so no biggie.
Is he really a lawyer ? I mean a practicing one?
Wow just wow you and call other people partisan idiots? Everyday it seems a race to be the dumbest post of the day and you started early! You got the jump on everybody else. Sure people that get it for free sign up for it. You want to tell me how I had a choice?

A law is passed requiring people to buy something, first cpl yrs my rates actually went down with a company I had been paying for years and never had a claim. Then they decided to just cease doing business . So I either had to buy Obamas bullshit or pay extra on my taxes. Are you able to follow along here?

Hell yes, he started dividing the country, Hell yes, He is one of the worst Presidents in US history. I am sure the thought of America when it was a much better place annoys the hell out of you doesn't it?

''And you had no choice" There was 0 chance the Republicans would have helped pass the healthcare law and for no other reason than they had to block an Obama achievement. Hell, many Republicans are on record saying that.''

Can you translate that in to English?I have absolutely no idea what that gibberish is supposed to mean but show how stupid you are.
@mcmurtry66 your boy is begging for a yellow.
Well, I am sick of the bullshit. I believe exactly what I said. Goat believes he’s superior. Maybe he is. He damn intelligent.
What bullshit? What did I say that would make anyone think I was setting myself up as superior to CO.H in any way? You're that offended that I might actually form my own opinion about something?

But most importantly, Stoll, my dear friend, when I have a disagreement with you as a poster or a mod, I bring it up in the context of your posting and modding. But you have a problem with me - out of nowhere in this case - and your first instinct is to go personal. That's the shit that people should be sick of.