Durham probe

I think pushing the election nonsense is on par
When trust is the issue why wouldn't we be concerned. They had the actual audio footage today from when Trump was on 60 minutes and told Leslie Stahl that his campaign was spied on by Biden and Obama. She says..."This is 60 minutes Mr. President" as if to scold him like they are honest and then went on and said thats baseless. Guess he told her. He was telling the media this for years and they thought he was crazy. He was telling the truth.

As far as stealing...just note this. When 51 of Bidens stooges falsely declared and signed off on russian propaganda for a laptop which we now know is legit. AND AGAIN Trump was right. WTH. How many times was the guy trying to say I'm tellin ya and the media ignored and played a complete falsehood. It really truly now brings in the election. I don't doubt the guy.
When trust is the issue why wouldn't we be concerned. They had the actual audio footage today from when Trump was on 60 minutes and told Leslie Stahl that his campaign was spied on by Biden and Obama. She says..."This is 60 minutes Mr. President" as if to scold him like they are honest and then went on and said thats baseless. Guess he told her. He was telling the media this for years and they thought he was crazy. He was telling the truth.

As far as stealing...just note this. When 51 of Bidens stooges falsely declared and signed off on russian propaganda for a laptop which we now know is legit. AND AGAIN Trump was right. WTH. How many times was the guy trying to say I'm tellin ya and the media ignored and played a complete falsehood. It really truly now brings in the election. I don't doubt the guy.
Are you saying Trump has your vote now for sure? Game-changer!
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Clinesmith should have had his license suspended if not disbarred. Lying to a FISA court where there is deliberately no due process is intolerable. But as we know, the rules are different when Trump is the target.
He's still able to practice law! Unbelievable.
Agree. Based on the parts I read, I think Durham was quite restrained, probably in an effort to not be argumentative. Contrast this with Mueller’s report which was quite argumentative. Trump critics have pounced on this to argue that Durham didn’t find much. Not true.
I think the main criticism I've heard with Durham is that it's taken so long to produce.

I've heard - but have no idea if it's true - that the statute of limitations have run out for criminal prosecution on some of these actions by Clinton and her campaign and Stzok, Comey, and the whole FBI/Intelligence cabal.
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He's still able to practice law! Unbelievable.
He actually did have his license suspended. For two years, which is actually a lot in most states for a first offense. A lot of times it's six months, or even just a reprimand. So the bar obviously took his error quite seriously.

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I think the main criticism I've heard with Durham is that it's taken so long to produce.

I've heard - but have no idea if it's true - that the statute of limitations have run out for criminal prosecution on some of these actions by Clinton and her campaign and Stzok, Comey, and the whole FBI/Intelligence cabal.
Alternative (although admittedly biased) take: Durham took so long because he became obsessed with his ultimately fruitless pursuit of "the Clinton Plan," which is the section of the report that most highlights his departure from objectivity and was the source of my "wet fart" judgment.

Alternative (although admittedly biased) take: Durham took so long because he became obsessed with his ultimately fruitless pursuit of "the Clinton Plan," which is the section of the report that most highlights his departure from objectivity and was the source of my "wet fart" judgment.

Vox, really, you can't throw out a disclaimer and post that. Cmon
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What bullshit? What did I say that would make anyone think I was setting myself up as superior to CO.H in any way? You're that offended that I might actually form my own opinion about something?

But most importantly, Stoll, my dear friend, when I have a disagreement with you as a poster or a mod, I bring it up in the context of your posting and modding. But you have a problem with me - out of nowhere in this case - and your first instinct is to go personal. That's the shit that people should be sick of.
My dear friend, when you publicly call out your attack dog for personal attacks I might rethink mine.

Love ya Goat even when you’re a condescending prick towards me.
My fault for being sloppy. I was on my phone.

I'm not trying to make the FBI look better. One of my very first comments was to the effect that this looked bad for the FBI. I'm just pushing back against the idea being floated that the report somehow exposes some huge deal that we should all be outraged about.

But, I do not agree that "a nonpartisan FBI" would have concluded it was all bullshit and no further investigation was warranted. As I said above in the discussion about comparing this to the Clinton thing, there were unique circumstances in this case which called for extra scrutiny:

1. The impetus of the inquiry were alleged statements made by an actual member of the Trump campaign.
2. Those statements were reported to us directly from a trusted ally whose agent was personally present.
3. Those statements were made in the context of actual real world events that happened shortly after they were made, which seemed to align closely with what the alleged statements predicted.
4. The foreign government involved in those events is decidedly an adversary of American interests.
5. There was other intelligence that indicated this adversary did in fact intend to attempt to meddle in our election.

Durham glosses over all that by stressing that P's original statements were unverified (not that he didn't say it, but that it wasn't verified that he was speaking the truth), and that the other contextual factors weren't included in the original documentation opening the investigation (while conceding nevertheless that they were discussed when the opening was being considered).

So, long story short, I think there was good reason for the FBI to look into this, even with a non-partisan lens.
Well, you certainly know better than Durham.
My dear friend, when you publicly call out your attack dog for personal attacks I might rethink mine.

Love ya Goat even when you’re a condescending prick towards me.
WTF? You're making personal attacks against me because someone who isn't me is also making personal attacks? What kind of ridiculous reasoning is that? I don't even know who my "attack dog" is supposed to be in this scenario!
Wow just wow , and you call other people partisan idiots? Everyday it seems a race to be the dumbest post of the day and you started early! You got the jump on everybody else. Sure people that get it for free sign up for it. You want to tell me how I had a choice?

A law is passed requiring people to buy something, first cpl yrs my rates actually went down with a company I had been paying for years and never had a claim. Then they decided to just cease doing business . So I either had to buy Obamas bullshit or pay extra on my taxes. Are you able to follow along here?

Hell yes, he started dividing the country, Hell yes, He is one of the worst Presidents in US history. I am sure the thought of America when it was a much better place annoys the hell out of you doesn't it?

''And you had no choice" There was 0 chance the Republicans would have helped pass the healthcare law and for no other reason than they had to block an Obama achievement. Hell, many Republicans are on record saying that.''

Can you translate that in to English?I have absolutely no idea what that gibberish is supposed to mean but show how stupid you are.
Just another partisan ignorant response. So Obamacare is evil? It's a freakin' voluntary healthcare plan meant for people that make too much for Medicaid but not enough to afford insurance on the open market. It's for people that have preexisting conditions. It's for people that are not part of an employee healthcare plan. And again, it's voluntary you idiot. You don't like it then don't sign up.

I don't come in here much but there are a few posters that prove to be not that intelligent. Again, you seem to fit all the qualifications of a Partisan MAGA Idiot.
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FBI looks bad. Agents involved allowed their biases to affect their judgment. I'm good with that.

Mueller never should have happened. I'm sort of okay with this, as long as you add a "probably." As I said to Marvin, a competent Crossfire Hurricane might have wrapped up before Trump even took office. In that case, Mueller never happens.

"This was clearly orchestrated by evil Democrats who are ruining our country and they all need to be locked up!" which is a surprisingly (and sadly) fair paraphrase of at least one poster in this thread. I'm definitely not okay with that. The Durham report describes an incompetent and hostile FBI. It does not describe a vast conspiracy.
It was willfully allowed to effect 2020… but y’all are ok with that.
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Just another partisan ignorant response. So Obamacare is evil? It's a freakin' voluntary healthcare plan meant for people that make too much for Medicaid but not enough to afford insurance on the open market. It's for people that have preexisting conditions. It's for people that are not part of an employee healthcare plan. And again, it's voluntary you idiot. You don't like it then don't sign up.

I don't come in here much but there are a few posters that prove to be not that intelligent. Again, you seem to fit all the qualifications of a Partisan MAGA Idiot.
There are you few that do prove to be ignorant. If it was all rainbow flags and unicorns, why did I have to prove other coverage or pay a fine? You’re the kind I refuse to pay for!
Just another partisan ignorant response. So Obamacare is evil? It's a freakin' voluntary healthcare plan meant for people that make too much for Medicaid but not enough to afford insurance on the open market. It's for people that have preexisting conditions. It's for people that are not part of an employee healthcare plan. And again, it's voluntary you idiot. You don't like it then don't sign up.

I don't come in here much but there are a few posters that prove to be not that intelligent. Again, you seem to fit all the qualifications of a Partisan MAGA Idiot.
I know you are but what am I LOL!!!!! It wasn't voluntary when if you didnt buy it you had to pay a charge on your taxes . So If I didn't like it and didn't sign up I was still charged a fee for it.

Obama was an absolute scourge on this country.

You calling someone an idiot is like you being a pile of sh*t and saying you don't smell. Intelligence is something you wouldn't know if it hit you in the face but that does make you a typical liberal partisan idiot.

No one misses you when you are gone . I know you think you carry some importance in the world. No one cares about you.
Why? HOW? It’s exactly the truth. They knew 20 minutes in it was BS , but lied multiple times to perpetuate it. Run dims ate it up… some are still at the trough we notice.
Well, for one, it's not remotely what the report says. And for two, no, it's not exactly the truth. Or at least, it's not known to be the truth, but since that kind of conspiracy is exactly what Durham was hoping to find, if it existed, don't you think he'd have included it in his report?
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Well, for one, it's not remotely what the report says. And for two, no, it's not exactly the truth. Or at least, it's not known to be the truth, but since that kind of conspiracy is exactly what Durham was hoping to find, if it existed, don't you think he'd have included it in his report?
It’s public knowledge they knew it was BS. Lied to the FISA. Let it …. No…. Forced it to continue.
The goats were grinding their own feed at will.
I know you are but what am I LOL!!!!! It wasn't voluntary when if you didnt buy it you had to pay a charge on your taxes . So If I didn't like it and didn't sign up I was still charged a fee for it.

Obama was an absolute scourge on this country.

You calling someone an idiot is like you being a pile of sh*t and saying you don't smell. Intelligence is something you wouldn't know if it hit you in the face but that does make you a typical liberal partisan idiot.

No one misses you when you are gone . I know you think you carry some importance in the world. No one cares about you.
Uhhhhhhhhhh......that penalty was taken away years ago. Again, you're not that bright. But I guess I am to blame for actually engaging with a MAGA Cult Member. "I could walk down 5th avenue and shoot someone and they would still vote for me". Even your cult leader thinks you're and idiot.
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Uhhhhhhhhhh......that penalty was taken away years ago. Again, you're not that bright. But I guess I am to blame for actually engaging with a MAGA Cult Member. "I could walk down 5th avenue and shoot someone and they would still vote for me". Even your cult leader thinks you're and idiot.
Years….. ago? Really
So you admit that it wasn’t voluntary under Obama then.
Your sheets are wet, you have adult bed wetting syndrome. Well, I assumed the adult part.
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So you have no defense or justification for your behavior, is that what you're saying? "Never mind, Goat, f*ck off." Is that pretty much it?

That’s not the case at all. I have relatives and a client in Ft Wayne. Next time I am up there we can have supper and a drink and talk about it. Maybe even invite tmp.
Uhhhhhhhhhh......that penalty was taken away years ago. Again, you're not that bright. But I guess I am to blame for actually engaging with a MAGA Cult Member. "I could walk down 5th avenue and shoot someone and they would still vote for me". Even your cult leader thinks you're and idiot.
It wasn't taken away when Obama was King. You just really take stupidity to levels rarely seen.

Cult? You are the one in the cult of being too GD stupid to actually understand anything on your own. JFC you are so incredibly stupid.
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There are you few that do prove to be ignorant. If it was all rainbow flags and unicorns, why did I have to prove other coverage or pay a fine? You’re the kind I refuse to pay for!
The fine was killed by Congress in 2018 and there has been no tax penalty since the 2019 tax year.
Uhhhhhhhhhh......that penalty was taken away years ago. Again, you're not that bright. But I guess I am to blame for actually engaging with a MAGA Cult Member. "I could walk down 5th avenue and shoot someone and they would still vote for me". Even your cult leader thinks you're and idiot.
It wasn't taken away when Obama was King. You just really take stupidity to levels rarely seen.

Cult? You are the one in the cult of being too GD stupid to actually understand anything on your own. JFC you are so incredibly stupid.
@mcmurtry66 we might have found our Probert. Any time we need enforcers, we can just let these two duke it out. It will really push this forum to the top of the Google results for "stupid," "idiot," and if I'm predicting correctly, "**** you."