Durham probe

During my career I had to deal with the FDA, OSHA and DOL.

The FDA was the absolute worst. During an inspection by a smarmy, snarky, over-credentialed kid, my Chief Engineer and I had to waste three days explaining inventory control, specifically the accounting for samples and product shortages or overages. He just could not understand how the actual inventory on hand could ever deviate from that shown in the computers. Refused to believe in human error in quarterly inventory counts or mistakes in recording inventory items being received or shipped.

Univee, my son is an inventory manager for a large produce warehouse. He constantly has to deal with upper management who cannot understand why the computers can differ from actual counts.

You don't have to be a green kid from the FDA to have blind faith in computers and computer programs. Trust this doesn't surprise you.
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As I thought. Check mate. You can go now.
Thanks for not ordering me to leave. Lol. You're a piece of work.
Nope. Get out. Get the hell out of this thread right now. You’re not going to read the report, you’re not going to attempt to discuss in an informed manner.

You’re just going to barf tit for tat crap like the above. Get the hell out of here.
P.S. Take your own advice and read the report so you're better informed.
Dude. You're completely lost. You look dumber with every post.

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“According to Brennan’s handwritten notes and his recollections from the meeting, he briefed on relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, including the Clinton Plan intelligence,” Durham wrote. “Specifically, Director Brennan’s declassified handwritten notes reflect that he briefed the meeting’s participants regarding the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.'”

The dots were all there. They wi fully were not connected.
Univee, my son is an inventory manager for a large produce warehouse. He constantly has to deal with upper management who cannot understand why the computers can differ from actual counts.

You don't have to be a green kid from the FDA to have blind faith in computers and computer programs. Trust this doesn't surprise you.
If you remember, that was a major plot line in Centennial. The Venneford folks send someone to audit the ranch, and he simply cannot understand the concept of "book count," by which the ranch buys and sells cattle without actually counting them, and just keeps track on paper. Eventually he orders teams to go the entire length of the ranch and count every head of cattle by hand to compare it to the book count.
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“According to Brennan’s handwritten notes and his recollections from the meeting, he briefed on relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, including the Clinton Plan intelligence,” Durham wrote. “Specifically, Director Brennan’s declassified handwritten notes reflect that he briefed the meeting’s participants regarding the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.'”

The dots were all there. They wi fully were not connected.
That had nothing to do with Steele. I mean, it could have, if the Steele Dossier really was a secret Clinton operation, or it didn't, if the secret Clinton operation was Alfa, or perhaps there was no "Clinton Plan" at all, since Durham failed to demonstrate that the intelligence was even accurate. At any rate, during that meeting, Brennan would have had no way of drawing a line between the two. You said Brennan advised Obama that the Steele Dossier was a Clinton campaign op. That's not what was reported about the meeting you're referencing.
“According to Brennan’s handwritten notes and his recollections from the meeting, he briefed on relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, including the Clinton Plan intelligence,” Durham wrote. “Specifically, Director Brennan’s declassified handwritten notes reflect that he briefed the meeting’s participants regarding the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.'”

The dots were all there. They wi fully were not connected.

In the article below, Brennan specifically says the Clinton part was unverified as well though the article doesn't provide an exact quote:

He also stressed claims about Mrs. Clinton wanting to possible start a scandal involving Mr. Trump and Russia were unverified allegations that would not be unlawful or illegal even if true.​

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You guys are trolling at this point. This country is distraught over this report. Many of us knew it, but you cannot digest it yet which is madness. Even if people go to prison it won't be enough. There is ZERO trust. So the next time you pay tax on something remember it's going to the same government that betrayed you from the HIGHEST level. The ones who are supposed to defend you??? You all throw out victim card crap WE the people are victims here. The Trump part of this? I really have to wonder if he didn't spend half his time trying to defend himself over this madness how much more effective he may have been. Because of all this the media painted him into where he is today. It could have happened to anyone. People NEED to go to prison for this.
You probably have to be judged guilty of something before you send someone to prison.
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“the government possessed no verified intelligence reflecting that Trump or the Trump campaign was involved in a conspiracy or collaborative relationship with officials of the Russian government…neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation”
Uhhhhhhh.....are you forgetting Manafort? Michael Flynn? Papadopoulos? Manafort plead guilty for colluding with Russian officials. Trump's relationship with Russia's Alpha Bank?
Yes, "a win for our system" sounds great. It's a lovely platitude. Now let's talk about the real world. Every prosecutor prides himself or herself on their conviction rate. That's particularly true in federal court. Considerable time, effort and resources go into every case that's tried, and anything less than a conviction (with the exception of a hung jury which still provides hope for a conviction down the road) is deemed an abject failure by the entire prosecution team. If a criminal case results in an acquittal, it's devastating for the prosecution - - every time. It means either they had a weak case that should never have been tried or somebody on the prosecution team seriously messed up. I have absolutely no doubt that Durham was devastated by the two acquittals and certainly viewed the losses as a reflection on him.
Ok, dick beater. That was no platitude. It was the truth. Another truth….the federal courts are supposed to provide a check on the executive. They failed.

FBI surveillance is a problem.
Investigative overreach is a problem.
Congress needs to look into this issue. It is not new.

Now go back to putting your head in the sand
My fault for being sloppy. I was on my phone.

I'm not trying to make the FBI look better. One of my very first comments was to the effect that this looked bad for the FBI. I'm just pushing back against the idea being floated that the report somehow exposes some huge deal that we should all be outraged about.

But, I do not agree that "a nonpartisan FBI" would have concluded it was all bullshit and no further investigation was warranted. As I said above in the discussion about comparing this to the Clinton thing, there were unique circumstances in this case which called for extra scrutiny:

1. The impetus of the inquiry were alleged statements made by an actual member of the Trump campaign.
2. Those statements were reported to us directly from a trusted ally whose agent was personally present.
3. Those statements were made in the context of actual real world events that happened shortly after they were made, which seemed to align closely with what the alleged statements predicted.
4. The foreign government involved in those events is decidedly an adversary of American interests.
5. There was other intelligence that indicated this adversary did in fact intend to attempt to meddle in our election.

Durham glosses over all that by stressing that P's original statements were unverified (not that he didn't say it, but that it wasn't verified that he was speaking the truth), and that the other contextual factors weren't included in the original documentation opening the investigation (while conceding nevertheless that they were discussed when the opening was being considered).

So, long story short, I think there was good reason for the FBI to look into this, even with a non-partisan lens.
A few things regarding your bullet points.
1. True, who was also drinking in a bar.
2. Not true, the statements were relayed to Australian intelligence by Australian diplomats who were at the meeting. There was no one from any intelligence community present.
3. Again, those comments were made by a man drinking in a bar. I’m not sure how much weight I’d assign to them.

There’s also that a full investigation was opened within days of receiving this information and without ever even talking to the aussies or Papadoupolos.

Oh, and the investigation was opened by Strozk, who was at the same time sending text messages to friends saying “Trump won’t be elected, I’ll stop it”.

The fbi looks horrible here for a thousand reasons.
A few things regarding your bullet points.
1. True, who was also drinking in a bar.
2. Not true, the statements were relayed to Australian intelligence by Australian diplomats who were at the meeting. There was no one from any intelligence community present.
3. Again, those comments were made by a man drinking in a bar. I’m not sure how much weight I’d assign to them.

There’s also that a full investigation was opened within days of receiving this information and without ever even talking to the aussies or Papadoupolos.

Oh, and the investigation was opened by Strozk, who was at the same time sending text messages to friends saying “Trump won’t be elected, I’ll stop it”.

The fbi looks horrible here for a thousand reasons.
A few things regarding your things.
1. I don't see how the involvement of alcohol is relevant to the fact that he was with the campaign.
2. I'll grant that correction. I meant an "agent of the government" generally, not an intelligence agent. Poor wording on my part. But I don't see the change as relevant to my point.
3. Again, the presence of alcohol doesn't change the fact that the alleged statements appeared to line up with the subsequent release of the WikiLeaks dump.
4. You ignored 4 and 5.
5. I have already agreed multiple times the FBI comes off poorly in this report.
6. Again, my argument here is simply that the whole context of the Australian report, surrounded by real world events, I think would justify even a non-partisan FBI to open an investigation.
From the testimony of the FBI’s assistant legal attaché in London on Strozks meeting with the Australian diplomats in London.

“UK ALAT-1 also recalled Strzok making a comment in the taxi on their way to the Australian High Commission to the effect that "there's nothing to this, but we have to run it to ground."

So this guy testified that Strozk himself said there was nothing to this.

“From his vantage point, UK ALAT-1 saw that FBI executive management was pushing the matter so hard that "there was no stopping the train," and he told the OIG that," I mean it was, this thing was coming. So my job was to grease the skids for it, and that's what I did."”

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A few things regarding your things.
1. I don't see how the involvement of alcohol is relevant to the fact that he was with the campaign.
2. I'll grant that correction. I meant an "agent of the government" generally, not an intelligence agent. Poor wording on my part. But I don't see the change as relevant to my point.
3. Again, the presence of alcohol doesn't change the fact that the alleged statements appeared to line up with the subsequent release of the WikiLeaks dump.
4. You ignored 4 and 5.
5. I have already agreed multiple times the FBI comes off poorly in this report.
6. Again, my argument here is simply that the whole context of the Australian report, surrounded by real world events, I think would justify even a non-partisan FBI to open an investigation.
I believe your comments from earlier in this thread were “so the fbi didn’t properly start an investigation. Big whoop” and that this is all one big “wet fart”.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were just clowning around.
That had nothing to do with Steele. I mean, it could have, if the Steele Dossier really was a secret Clinton operation, or it didn't, if the secret Clinton operation was Alfa, or perhaps there was no "Clinton Plan" at all, since Durham failed to demonstrate that the intelligence was even accurate. At any rate, during that meeting, Brennan would have had no way of drawing a line between the two. You said Brennan advised Obama that the Steele Dossier was a Clinton campaign op. That's not what was reported about the meeting you're referencing.
He's conflating the "Clinton Plan" and the Steele dossier. I'm assuming the far-right media is doing the same. Tying themselves in knots trying to make this look like a bombshell report.
I believe your comments from earlier in this thread were “so the fbi didn’t properly start an investigation. Big whoop” and that this is all one big “wet fart”.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were just clowning around.
I mean I guess I was partially being ridiculous for effect, but I was also being serious. This report doesn't say what Trumpers want it to say, which is that the entire investigation was a Hillary/Deep State attack on Trump.
It seems that some here (cough goat cough) would dismiss their wife being pregnant with some other guys kid as...
"Well she had the best intentions, but then some guy slipped and bounced into her. repeatedly, over and over and over. It was just a strange set of events. The fact that she waited to tell me until the kid is 12, well I'll admit that it's a bad look for her".
I mean I guess I was partially being ridiculous for effect, but I was also being serious. This report doesn't say what Trumpers want it to say, which is that the entire investigation was a Hillary/Deep State attack on Trump.
You could plausibly make the argument that this was an attack on Trump by the deep state. And I’m a guy who thinks the deep State stuff is silly.

But this whole thing, from the opening of crossfire hurricane to the release of the Mueller report, could realistically be said to have been orchestrated and carried out by extremely biased individuals within the intelligence community. And that’s not even getting into the constant leaks.

It’s not a stretch at all to make that case, especially in light of the fact that no one from the Trump team was EVER found to have been colluding with the Russians or anyone else.

I wondered why the fbi apologized on the same day this report was released. Now I know why. They look absolutely AWFUL in this.

I’m not sure how they’ll ever recover.
Well that wasn't very nice!

The truth is that Durham came up short in this supposed "Crime of the Century!" investigation.
I stated earlier what the report concluded or the takeaways if you prefer that terminology. I didn’t say anything about “crime of the century”.
Things were done inappropriately. FBI agents were in the wrong but that could have been mitigated if the court did its job. It did not.
This issue needs fixed…I don’t care if it’s Trump or Biden or someone in Appalachia that is targeted
You could plausibly make the argument that this was an attack on Trump by the deep state. And I’m a guy who thinks the deep State stuff is silly.

But this whole thing, from the opening of crossfire hurricane to the release of the Mueller report, could realistically be said to have been orchestrated and carried out by extremely biased individuals within the intelligence community. And that’s not even getting into the constant leaks.

It’s not a stretch at all to make that case, especially in light of the fact that no one from the Trump team was EVER found to have been colluding with the Russians or anyone else.

I wondered why the fbi apologized on the same day this report was released. Now I know why. They look absolutely AWFUL in this.

I’m not sure how they’ll ever recover.
FBI looks bad. Agents involved allowed their biases to affect their judgment. I'm good with that.

Mueller never should have happened. I'm sort of okay with this, as long as you add a "probably." As I said to Marvin, a competent Crossfire Hurricane might have wrapped up before Trump even took office. In that case, Mueller never happens.

"This was clearly orchestrated by evil Democrats who are ruining our country and they all need to be locked up!" which is a surprisingly (and sadly) fair paraphrase of at least one poster in this thread. I'm definitely not okay with that. The Durham report describes an incompetent and hostile FBI. It does not describe a vast conspiracy.
I stated earlier what the report concluded or the takeaways if you prefer that terminology. I didn’t say anything about “crime of the century”.
Things were done inappropriately. FBI agents were in the wrong but that could have been mitigated if the court did its job. It did not.
This issue needs fixed…I don’t care if it’s Trump or Biden or someone in Appalachia that is targeted
You didn't read my earlier post. I said the FBI's conduct in 2016/early 2017 was indefensible.

But I've read much of the report and the findings are underwhelming. And in the place where Durham hoped to make the biggest splash - - the courtroom - - he was a big loser.